Saturday, July 16, 2022

Saturday, July 16, 2022: (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel)

Jesus said: “My son, I gave you a message before that I love the Latin Mass because of the reverence  to Me in My Blessed Sacrament.  The Novus ordo Mass is accepted by My Church, but I love the Latin Mass more.  It is proper if you receive Me on the tongue for Holy Communion, but it is also acceptable to receive Me in the hand.  I am happy that you are giving your talks in front of the people again after your Covid shutdown.  You share My messages on your Zoom Conference, but it is more of a personal touch to speak in person.”

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel said: “My dear children, I encourage  my children to pray my full daily rosary which means all 15 decades.  I also want you to wear my brown scapular, as this is my mantle of protection every day.  If necessary, you can replace an old scapular that has gotten tattered.  Have all of your children pray my rosary and wear my scapular of love.”

Jesus said: “My people, those people, who are at My refuges, need to have faith that My angels will protect them from the evil ones.  When you desire to have a refuge, you can have a priest consecrate your land, or you could make a cross using blessed salt in front of your house.  I will help direct you in what is needed for your refuge.  Just call on Me in prayer to tell you what you need.  I have told you before that My angels are protecting My refuges even now.   I love My people and I want to protect you throughout the tribulation at My refuges.  Continue to have trust in My miracles and have faith in My multiplication of your food, water, and fuels.  On this property you have desired to have a refuge here, and I will honor your wish to help protect your people during the tribulation time.”

Friday, July 15, 2022

Friday, July 15, 2022:

Jesus said: “My people, the priest in His homily encouraged you to center your lives around Me.  In the vision you saw some loud speakers and My faithful are called to shout My Word from the rooftops that all of the people will hear My Word and obey My Commandments.  Repent of your sins and come to Me in Confession so you can have a clean soul that is worthy to receive Me without mortal sin.  I bless you My son and My daughter so you will have a safe trip in sharing My Word to everyone you meet.  Trust in Me and you will be saved.”

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Thursday, July 14, 2022: (St. Kateri Tekakwitha)

Jesus said: “My people, you have had new protections from abortion in the red states after your Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade.  The blue states have been passing unusual means to allow abortions, and even have been offering money to pay for out of state people to have abortions.  Your Biden government is also offering money to pay for abortions in states that forbid it.  You also are seeing your children being abused by some parents and other predators.  Pray for the protection of your children at all ages.  You also need to have parents provide the sacraments of Baptism, Penance, Holy Communion, and Confirmation for their children.  Some parents are even home schooling their children so they are not brainwashed with atheistic communism in the public schools and colleges.  Pray to protect your children and grandchildren’s souls because of all of the evil in your society.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My son, you have been to Auriesville, N.Y. and to Kateri Tekakwitha’s tomb up in Canada.  She was a brave saint who cared for the small pox victims, and she died from this same disease as well.  You originally gave this statue of Kateri to your daughter, Catherine, with the intention that Kateri would protect her soul.”  Kateri said: “My son, I have been praying for Catherine’s soul as you requested, and I will continue to pray for her and your family.”

  Jesus said: “My son, your inflation rate of 9.1% in June will cause your Federal Reserve to raise your borrowing rate another .75%.  All of your country’s overspending is the main cause of your inflation.  You are seeing your Social Security Administration will be raising your monthly payout with a cost of living of over 10%.  It is hard for people, who do not make much money, to keep up with your food and gas price increases when their pay raises are not as much.  Many people, are using food stamps and local food shelves in order to get enough food to eat.  Your people can call on Me in faith and I will multiply your food.  My people will eventually need to come to My refuges for food and protection.”

  Jesus said: “My people, your Democrat leaders are not accepting the Supreme Court decisions without a fight.  They are making more plans to take over your mid-term elections and cheat in the voting more than in 2020.  They want to stack the Supreme Court with three or more new Justices.  They also want to have the United Nations overrule your Supreme Court decisions.  The Democrats are trying to control your elections so they can stay in control of your country, even if their actions are unconstitutional.  Pray for fair elections, or you could see riots in your streets.  You may  need to come to My refuges for your food and protection.”

  Jesus said: “My people, this war between Russia and the Ukraine is interrupting the normal distribution of grain crops to the starving people in Africa.  Up to now Russia has been blockading these shipments.  Pray that this food can be sent to those countries who could be close to starvation.  Focus your prayers on Russia that they will allow this transfer of food to the needy countries.”

  Jesus said: “My people, Russia is using a scorched earth policy to drive out the Ukrainian people and their army by grinding away at taking territory.  They are using the brute strength of their tanks, artillery, and their air force to keep destroying more cities.  Such a brutal war of attrition is taking a toll in lives lost on both sides.  Keep praying that this war could be stopped.”

  Jesus said: “My son, pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer for your safety both coming and going.  Call on Me and I will send My angels to protect your car from any accidents.  Take enough stops to keep up your health, and be thankful for those people who will help you along the way.   I will be watching over you so you can return in time for your Zoom  Conference on Wednesday.  Continue your daily rosaries over these five days.”

  Jesus said: “My people, I have asked My believers to use their backpacks, tents, and sleeping bags on your way to My  refuges.  In your vision you could see many tents set up as the believers arrived slowly and they had to wait until they could find the places they could take during the coming tribulation.  Be thankful that My angels will protect you and multiply your food, water, and fuels.  Trust in Me that I can supply all of your needs, so you can survive the coming tribulation of the Antichrist.  I love all of you, so be ready to live a demanding refuge life as a Christian community.  Keep your focus on your daily Adoration hours to give you the physical and spiritual strength you will need to endure the tribulation.”

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Wednesday, July 13, 2022: (St. Henry)

Jesus said: “My people, you are in a struggle between the Green New Deal people and those people who favor using fossil fuels.  You recently have seen a government breakdown in Sri Lanka because the people do not have fuel for their cars, and the farms are not producing food as they should with the old farming methods that worked.  This country tried to implement the Green New Deal that has left them with little fuel and farms that cannot be maintained.  Wind and solar energy cannot provide enough energy to run your economy.  That is why this Green New Deal policy is a complete failure.  Those countries who are foolish enough to pursue this Green policy as in America, will see failure as well.  Biden is pursuing oil in countries who promote communism or terrorism, when he could produce your fuels in your own country.  You may need to change your leadership, or you will see famine and no fuels.  Famine will be gripping the world due to war and your failed policies in government which are trying to follow the Green New Deal.  If you do not want to be in the food lines, then have some stocked up food as I have been telling you.  You have irresponsible people running your country into a communist state.  Be prepared to come to My refuges for food, water, and fuels which I will multiply.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have warned you before that the evil axis of powers is ready to send missiles to destroy your sin cities and your electric grid.  This axis includes Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran where any one, or all of them could send missiles to defeat you.  You will see several sin cities destroyed as I told you, and your country would be taken down to make way for the Antichrist’s reign.  Before these missiles could kill people, I will bring My Warning to give people one last chance to repent of their sins and be converted to believe in Me.  Those people, who believe in Me, will be protected at My refuges.  After the six weeks of the Conversion time, I will call My believers to the safety of My refuges.  My angels will make you invisible, and My angels will put a shield over My refuges that will protect My people from bombs, viruses, and even comets.  Once you are safely in your refuges, then the evil ones will send their missiles to try and destroy your people.  I will protect you from the Antichrist and his demons, and I will destroy all of the evil ones and cast them into hell.  Then I will renew the earth, and I will bring My believers into My Era of Peace.  Trust in Me that I will carry out My justice on all of the evil ones.”

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Tuesday, July 12, 2022:

Jesus said: “My people, you read in the Gospel how I said Woe to the cities of Corizon, Bethsaida, and Capernam because I performed many miracles of healing in their midst.  Even with My healing miracles, they still refused to believe in Me, and they refused to repent.  As a result, these cities received their judgment.  Now I say Woe to America for all of your abortions and killing of the elderly.  As soon as your Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, the pro-death people pushed for more laws so they could kill their babies.  This is not repentance for killing My little ones.  The pro-death people were outraged that now the Red states  could stop abortion.  Biden is again showing his evil actions by offering taxpayer money for women to travel to abortion states to have their abortions.  He is like the evil kings of old that I brought My punishment down on them.  He also will face My judgment, as all of those people who promote abortion will face as well.  Listen to My Commandments, especially the Fifth Commandment that thou shall not kill anyone.  Do not kill the defenseless little babies in the womb.  Keep praying to stop abortion in all of your states.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that the only way for the Democrats to win, is to use their old tricks of cheating with the absentee ballots.  According to your Constitution it is up to your State Legislatures to determine the rules for your elections.  You are familiar with the Democrats disdain for following your Constitution.  The Democrats new tactic is to have the government or Democrat people run your elections so they can use all of their tricks to cheat.  The polls of what the people want does not win elections.  It is how many phony ballots they can fix that is what is counted.  Your people need to rise up in defense of your Constitution, or no Republican will even win an election.  You cannot trust the lying Democrats and the lying Biden to hold a fair election.  They cheated in 2020 to win and no court challenged the cheating.  You will see another court battle that may go to the Supreme Court to uphold your Constitution for state legislatures to control elections.  These lying, cheating Democrat leaders want to take over an unconstitutional control of your elections.  If justice is not done, and your leaders keep their illegal elections, you will have a civil war.  Pray for a fair election.  If not, you may have to come to My refuges for protection.”

N.B. Biden’s Executive Order 14019 is trying to usurp our Constitutional control of elections that should be controlled by the states.

Monday, July 11, 2022

Monday, July 11, 2022: (Funeral Mass for Deacon Robert Burke)

Jesus said: “My people, Robert served well in all of his missions as an attorney, a husband and father to his children, and a deacon of My Church.  He will be missed by his family and friends.  He loved his wife, Kathryn, and his children so much.  He will be praying for all of his family and friends.  He met his son in heaven.  Give thanks to Me for his wonderful life.”

Robert said: “Good-bye my Kathryn and my dear family.  I love all of you so much, and I am sorry I had to leave you.”


Jesus said: “My people, the war in the Ukraine is favoring Russia because they are destroying every building in the Ukrainian cities, leaving no place to hide and take cover.  Your country has been sending billions of dollars worth of weapons to the Ukraine.  This aid money is driving up your National Debt and weakening your own defenses.  Your inflation rate is continuing to increase, and more spending on weapons will only raise it more.  Your National Debt is getting worse when you have to pay higher interest rates for your debt.  Your Budget is spending much more than you are taking in with taxes.  At a certain point you will have difficulty even paying this interest on your debt.  Pray that you can start cutting your deficits and stopping your wars.”

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Sunday, July 10, 2022: (Good Samaritan)

Jesus said: “My people, there are many people who read My Commandments and know them, but they need to move this head knowledge down into their hearts.  It is by your actions and good deeds that I know you are putting your love of neighbor into fruitful actions.  I look into the heart to see the intentions of your actions, if you are doing things for the right motive.  Some people do things for show, or to make a profit for themselves at the expense of others.  So when you help someone, do things out of the kindness of your heart without looking for a reward.  In doing so, you will receive your reward in heaven.  Even when you pray your daily prayers, make good intentions for your family and friends.  When you do good things in secret, your heavenly Father will reward you in secret as well.  I love all of you so much, and I expect that you love Me and your neighbor as well.”

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Saturday, July 9, 2022:

Jesus said: “My son, I have told you that I only want you to pray for healing in My Name only.  In the Gospel I told you that all things in nature I have revealed to you with no secrets.  I do not want you to be deceived by the evil one.  You are well versed in how anything connected with New Age, is not from Me, but from the evil one.  You were acquainted with a machine that uses a photograph, but you also know this is connected to New Age power of the devil, and not My power.  Avoid having anything to do with such evil power because it is not from Me.  Your research should give proof to My Word that this is strictly New Age.  I am giving you these words of wisdom because you were deceived about such a healing power years ago.  Trust in Me to lead you on the right path away from the evil distractions of New Age powers.”


Jesus said: “My son, I told you that St. Joseph would be your contractor for expanding your refuge to hold a large number of people who will come slowly to your refuge.  You received a statue of St. Joseph and he thanks you for putting it up on your altar.  This new building of St. Joseph will be built in one day, and he will take care of the building with My angels.  He will supply you with My help for all of the food, water, and fuels that will be needed.  Yes, he will provide the elevators, the electricity, and even the latrines, so have no worries.  You will have a large church for Adoration and Mass for the thousands of people.  I will have some priests come to help you with Mass and Confessions.  This refuge space will be expanded to house the people and a new church.  This church will be named after St. Joseph.  Give praise and thanks to Me for I will multiply all that is needed for the people to survive who come here.  You will need a committee of twenty people to lead each group of one thousand people.  You will help with the planning and organizing of this refuge.  Trust in Me that I will have My angels carry out what is needed.”

Friday, July 8, 2022

Friday, July 8, 2022:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I cautioned My apostles that I was sending them out to some people who will be like wolves that will persecute them.  They did suffer and all but St. John were martyred for their faith in Me.  Today, you are seeing persecution for standing up against abortion, euthanasia, and taking the poisonous Covid shots that I told you not to take.  The latest Supreme Court decision against Roe v Wade has stirred up the pro-death people, and you are more divided in the red and blue states over the abortion issue.  A time is coming when the left people will persecute you for speaking out in My Name against abortion and other gender issues.  The communists are atheists and they will harass those people who proclaim My Word of truth.  They will try to make you into second class citizens, and if you refuse to take the mark of the beast, they will even try to kill you.  You, My son, will see even more severe threats when your website will be shut down and they will stop your books and movies.  Fear not because you will be protected by My angels at your refuge.  Trust in Me to multiply your food, water, and fuels for all of the people who I will send to your refuge.  Be ready for the evil ones who will want to kill My faithful, but My angels will not let them enter My refuges.”


Jesus said: “My son, you have read in the recent Gospels how I bestowed a gift of healing on My apostles through the power of the Holy Spirit.  My faithful have also been given a gift of healing from the Holy Spirit when you received My sacrament of Confirmation.  You have prayed over people with the Good Friday oil and the oil you received from Maureen M.  I told you in previous messages that healing can happen when the healing person has faith that I can heal someone, and the person  praying for a healing also has to believe that I can heal that person.  Trust in My power and the Holy Spirit to heal people.  Unless My Name is used in the healing, it will not be done.”

N.B. The healing of the Lord does not require a photograph.”

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Thursday, July 7, 2022:

Jesus said: “My people, when I sent My apostles out to spread My Word, they were to teach ‘The Kingdom of God is at hand.’  I gave them advice to pack no bag, take no money, and do not take an extra cloak.  For the worker is worth his keep.  It is difficult to travel so light, but I wanted them to live in faith that I would provide for their needs.  Even today, I will help all of My faithful missionaries who are spreading My Word.  My son, when you go out to give your talks, your host provides your travel money, food, and a place to stay.  I pray that more faithful would spread My Word, and you can pray for more vocations to the priesthood.  Missionaries have a special calling because they must have full trust in Me to carry on their work.  Continue to pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer for your protection in your travels.”


Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, you have witnessed the destruction of the Georgia Guidestones that had commandments of the new world order.  An explosion took down one stone pillar and the construction crew took down the rest of this monument.  You have quoted the first commandment that reads: ‘Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.  The one world people want to reduce the population, especially using a pandemic  virus and bad vaccines.  Pray that My faithful will be protected at My refuges.”


Jesus said: “My people, you are hearing your New York State governor has signed new laws about not being able to carry guns in any public space.  She also signed more abortion laws.  Both of these laws are in direct defiance of the Supreme Court decisions on abortion and on carrying guns.  It would take some time to reject these laws through the Supreme Court.  Pray that your Supreme Court will uphold their decisions and strike down these recent New York laws.”


Jesus said:  “My people, the governor in California has put a law on the books  that favored union truck drivers.  Now thousands of non-union truck drivers cannot deliver truckloads in California.  This could shut down many stores and businesses who do not have their own drivers and do not have union truck drivers.  Such unfair laws are more means that the one world people are using to create a nationwide  famine.  Pray that your people are able to get enough food to eat and enough gas to drive your car.”


Jesus said: “My people, your country and other countries are sending many more weapons into the Ukraine to help them in their fight against Russia.  With each shipment, the weapons have a longer range and are more powerful.  The Russians are slowly taking more cities in Eastern Ukraine.  If Russia takes over most of the Ukraine, this could embolden Russia to attack other NATO countries.  Pray that this war could be stopped.”


Jesus said: “My people, you have seen China sending many aircraft into Taiwan’s airspace.  Now China is using reconnaissance planes so they can take pictures of Taiwan’s defenses so they will know where to attack first.  It is just a matter of time when China will carry out their military attack on Taiwan.  It will be a hard time for your military to make any defense of Taiwan.  The trade repercussions could be a disaster to your country’s economy.  You receive billions of dollars of goods from China that could be stopped very suddenly.  This is why you should not be depending on China for so many imports that could be stopped.  America needs to start making more of your vital supplies in your own country, or you will have too many shortages to run your country.”


Jesus said: “My people, I keep reminding your people to avoid taking any computer chip in the body which is the mark of the beast.  Do not worship the Antichrist, and do not look at his eyes because he could cause you to worship him.  When the mark of the beast is mandated, I will call all of My faithful to My refuges so you can be protected from the Antichrist and his agents.  This will bring My Warning to protect you.  This is an important message because you will need to be at My refuges during the Antichrist’s tribulation.  My angels will make you invisible and  they will shield you from any bombs or viruses.  Trust in My protection for your needs.”


Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a planned world famine as you are seeing many fires at your food processing centers.  It is getting harder for your farmers to produce the food you need because the fertilizers, seeds, and farm machines are more expensive.  The farmers are subject to what the going price for crops are set which may not be enough money to make a profit.  If the farmers and truckers cannot stay in business, then your food will be scarce to find at any price.  Pray for your people that you can get enough food to eat, especially if your world famine is severe.”