Saturday, January 15, 2022:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s readings you are seeing Saul called by Samuel to be king, and I called Levi to be Matthew the evangelist. I call all of My people to be My disciples and believers. Some people I call as prophets to share My words of instruction so people can have their souls saved to be with Me in heaven. You, My son, I have called for many years to prepare the people for the coming tribulation and the Warning. You have done well in your books, on your website on the internet, your Zoom calls, and your videos. Now, I am also calling you and others to be refuge builders to prepare safe havens where My angels will protect you and multiply your needs. You also are preparing My people for My victory over the evil ones as I will bring My people into My Era of Peace. This gives you all hope through all of this evil that I am truly the only true King of the earth to worship in your Masses and prayers.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been hearing about possible tsunami waves coming along the US Western shores from the underwater volcanic eruption in the Tongo Island area. It is not sure if this eruption is over, or if more could follow. Your weather people are warning you of heavy snows coming to the Northeast around your area. Heavy snow could be a problem to get things from your stores. These events are just the latest ones that you are seeing now. I told you that you would have a harsh winter with one storm after another. So be prepared for your winter weather. Call on Me to help you if you see some difficult problems.”
Friday, January 14, 2022:
Jesus said: “My people, you were reading how the prophet, Samuel, warned the people what they would suffer under a king. Now the people of America are suffering a punishment for their sins, and how fewer people are praying and coming to Sunday Mass. Because your people are following the gods and pleasures of this world, I am allowing your enemies to ravage you, just as I allowed Israel’s enemies to defeat them when they worshiped other gods. Since the evil ones stole your 2020 election for president, your country under Biden has gone downhill in every respect. Your fuels and groceries are costing more, and Biden’s reign has ruined your economy. You are seeing the ravages of the laboratory created Covid virus and the mandated poisonous shots that I warned you not to take. Now your shortages are causing empty shelves at your grocery stores, and other shortages of cars are because of fewer microchips that are not as available. Your companies relied on cheap parts in foreign countries. Now you are paying for such faulty thinking, as your shortages are from fewer workers (because of the vaccine mandates), inflation (from attacks on fossil fuels), and vaccine mandates which you did nothing about to stop. You are now suffering from the evil ones’ plans to take you over, and allow the Antichrist’s reign. Fear not because My angels will protect you at My refuges, and the non-believers will suffer much worse plagues and the eventual flames in hell. You will have a chance to reach out and help save your relatives and friends at the Warning. But if your relatives and friends fail to believe in Me, they could suffer forever in hell. Pray for these souls that they come to Me as believers, or they will be lost.”
Jesus said: “My people, there is a strong possibility that you could see an attempt by Russian troops to invade the Ukraine. There are military threats on both sides if the US threatens to stop such an invasion. This will be a major test for how Biden will react to such a threat. If both sides fire their missiles, you could see a major war in that area. If Biden backs down, you could see Russia take over the Ukraine like they took Crimea. Keep praying that a major war does not start over the Ukraine.”
Thursday, January 13, 2022: (St. Hilary)
Jesus said: “My people, the Israelites, who were defeated by the Philistines, did not always have full trust in My protection. I am always ready to help My people, but you must have faith in My power, and have spiritually clean souls. At times the Israelites worshiped other gods, and this is when they faced defeats. So you not only need to have full trust in Me, but you need to be spiritually clean as well. In many of My healing Scriptures, I healed a person’s soul first and then the body. I healed the leper as I took pity on him, and he sincerely believed that I could heal him. So come to Confession at least monthly so I can clean your soul and your body.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are well aware of the evil one world people where some of them actually worship the devil. These evil ones get their working orders straight from Satan. Satan hates man, and the demons are behind trying to force the poisonous Covid shots on the people with the intention to ruin your immune system with the graphene oxide. The more shots people take, the more severe the reactions could cause people to die. Pray over the vaccinated people with your Good Friday oil and the exorcism water. Try to avoid these shots if possible.”
Jesus said: “My people, Biden has been acting as a dictator in trying to force poisonous Covid shots on your workers. This is unconstitutional and a grab for power over your people. Biden even wants to punish people for not getting vaccinated. With the Supreme Court putting down your health edicts, now your employers are no longer mandated by OSHA to force workers to get vaccinated. If unvaccinated people are allowed to work, this could bring back employees who were quitting to avoid the shots. Pray that the vaccine mandates will be put down by all of your employers.”
Jesus said: “My people, this is the flu season, and it did not disappear, but many health officials are saying the flu cases are Covid cases. There are some people who are saying that people are getting sick from a mixture of the flu and the Covid virus. My people need to strengthen their immune systems with Vitamin C, D3 2000, Zinc, and Hawthorn. Pray to Me also if you are sick, and I will heal you in faith.”
Jesus said: “My people, be aware of reports of some people in China and Africa who are dying from a bleeding disease. This deadly virus will not be released until I can bring My people into the safety of My refuges. You will first see My Warning with your life review and a mini-judgment. Then you will have a conversion time over six weeks with no evil influence. This will be a time to make believers so people can enter My refuges when the angels will put crosses on their foreheads. After the conversion time, I will call My faithful to My refuges of protection. My angels will guide you to the nearest refuge with a flame, and you will have an invisible shield. Once you are at My refuges, you will see the deadly virus released, and a good number of people could die.”
Jesus said: “My people, you remember well how the Democrats used the Russia collusion to try and destroy President Trump’s plans, and it was all lies. Now the Democrats are pushing even more lies with a partisan committee to attack conservatives. They are trying to connect any people, who oppose them, with the attack on the Capitol. This will cause more division, and it is a smokescreen to cover up Biden’s bad handling of his office. Pray for peace among your people.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are still people who are setting up refuges of protection because they see the need for a place of protection from the evil ones, who are trying to kill My faithful. At the proper time, after the Warning, I will be calling My faithful to My refuges so you will have My angels protect you from the demons and the evil ones during the tribulation of the Antichrist. You will be thanking Me for My angel protection at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, the next mandate will be to force the mark of the beast on everyone, which will be the only means for buying and selling everything. The evil ones will have the men in black of the UN soldiers come door to door to force the mark of the beast on everyone. I will call you to My refuges before this time, so you are not captured. Those people, who are captured and do not take the computer chip in the body, will be martyred in the detention death camps. This is why it is important to leave your homes within twenty minutes for My refuges, when I call you, so you are not captured. My angels will protect you, so trust in Me to keep you from harm.”
Wednesday, January 12, 2022:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Mass intention was for the health workers in helping the sick. I have mentioned several times that if you are sick, you can call on Me to heal you in faith, and I will heal you. In the Gospel today I healed St. Peter’s mother-in-law from a fever. Then she got up and waited on us. In the first reading you read about the calling of Samuel to be a prophet for Me. You, My son, have also been called to prepare the people for the coming tribulation and the Warning. When I asked you to do a mission for Me, you accepted it immediately without knowing what I would ask of you. You faithfully traveled to your talks for over 25 years. I also asked you to do a second mission of preparing a refuge which you have done well. After the Warning and conversion time, I will be calling everyone to a safe haven, but only the believers with a cross on their forehead will be allowed to enter. I have called many refuge builders to prepare refuges for protection from the evil ones by My angels. I will separate My faithful from the evil ones at My refuges. So be ready to leave your homes for My refuges when I call you. I love all of you, and I will protect you.”
Jesus said: “My son, I have given you messages that the evil ones are planning to release a more deadly bleeding disease that could kill people, and cause the dead bodies on the ground that you are seeing in your vision. One of the reasons that the Democrats would release such a deadly virus could be to allow them to cancel the midterm elections and have more control over your people. I have warned you that you would be at My refuges when this deadly virus is released. You are hearing reports of some people in China and Africa who are dying from a new bleeding disease. People who go to the coming Olympics in China, could carry such a disease all over the world. If such a disease is to be released, I told you that I would bring My Warning and conversion time before I call you to My refuges. Only My believers will be allowed into My refuges. Be prepared for events that will lead up to the release of such a deadly bleeding disease.”
Note: Ebola victims die within 6-16 days from first symptoms, marburg victims die 8-9 days after start, small pox victims die 8-10 days after illness.
Tuesday, January 11, 2022:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing snakes of the evil one in your vision, and they were bitting your people with their lies and injecting their deadly poison of the Covid shots into them. Now more than ever you need to bless the vaccinated people with the Good Friday oil and the exorcism water. As people take more boosters, they will get worse effects from the graphene oxide in the shots. I keep stressing not to take the Covid shots because they will destroy your immune system, and you could die in time. Do not listen to the doctors with their lying forked tongues. Once you come to My refuges at the proper time, you can look on My luminous cross, and you will be healed of all of your infirmities. Trust in My healing power in faith, and you will be healed.”
David (my deceased son) said: “Mary (our miscarriage) and I are praying for all of our family and greater family that you will stay healthy, both in body and soul. We join your prayers for those family members who are falling away from Jesus, by not coming to Sunday Mass and not coming to Confession. Daily prayer and Sunday Mass are the bare minimum to keep your soul healthy and close to Jesus. Soon you will be seeing more people dying from the deadly Covid shots, but the doctors will blame the Covid variants, and not the shots themselves. Jesus has stressed not to take these shots, but the evil ones want to kill people with the Covid shots. There is no need to take them because your natural immunity is better. Events are moving closer to the Warning coming, so be prepared to accept people when the Lord calls you to His refuges. This is why He had you do your last refuge practice run. We love all of our family members: Jeanette, Donna, Catherine, and all of the grandchildren and their children. Thank you for remembering us.”
Jesus said: “My people, this latest wave of sickness appears to be a combination of the omicron Covid variant and the flu put together. The Covid variants are being caused by the mutations of Covid that have escaped the Covid vaccines. Then you have the flu at this time of year that kills many people from respiratory illness in your lungs. The two are causing a lot of sickness, even among vaccinated people. Continue to build up your immune system with your supplements, and you are seeing some relief at night in your own sickness using your ibuprofen. Pray to Me for your healing, and have faith in My healing power.”
Monday, January 10, 2022:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the demons attacking everyone, as there is evil showing its ugly face all around you. Do not be afraid, for My grace is sufficient to protect you. Do not do anything to invite the demons to have any control over you, as in addictions. If you feel you are being attacked by demons, or by sickness, then call on Me and I will have My angels protect you, and heal you because of your faith in Me. Trust in Me because My power is greater than the evil ones. You are seeing more sickness coming over your people, but the Covid vaccines and boosters will not help you. They will only reduce your immune system, and they could make you die. Trust in your supplements of vitamin C, D3 2000, elderberry extract, and Hawthorn. Your natural immunity is much stronger than the Pharmaceutical companies’ false vaccines. All the Covid vaccines are designed to kill people eventually, and produce the spike proteins that cause Covid to spread, especially with the omicron variant. Put your trust in My words against the demon’s lies and the evil people’s lies.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have been fortunate to miss several snow storms on the edge so you could avoid a heavy snowfall. Get used to many storms that will be tracking over the Great Lakes, as you will see one storm after another. You have had several years of low snowfall, but this year could be different. Trust in Me to protect My refuges from harm. I told you that you could see a harsh winter, and now you are seeing a deep cold (5 F) wave in single digits. Be prepared for more cold and snow that could raise your heating bill. Have your wood and kerosene burners ready in case you have a power outage, and you need heat in this frigid cold. You already see your cable and internet are out today. My people, in the North your climates will be tested by snow blizzards while the South is suffering from tornadoes. You will see one disaster after another.”
Sunday, January 9, 2022: (Holy Family Sunday, Latin Rite)
Jesus said: “My people, parents need to be good examples for their children by bringing them to Sunday Mass and monthly Confession. It is hard to find Catholic schools for your children’s religious instruction, so you may have to find parish CCD classes which are also hard to find. Otherwise, you will need to home school your children in the faith, like on a Sunday afternoon. Your children could also be trained to pray the rosary every day so they are well grounded in their faith. This means you need to teach your children the basic prayers of the rosary: the Our Father, the Hail Mary, the Glory Be, the Apostles’ Creed, and the Hail Holy Queen. Parents are responsible for their children’s Catholic upbringing in the faith, and they need to guide their souls on the right path to heaven. Every soul has to make a free will choice to love and obey Me, and follow My Commandments. You also need to confess your sins in monthly Confession. By being faithful to Me in life, you will be rewarded in heaven.”
Saturday, January 8, 2022: (Funeral Mass for Shirley Mannara)
Jesus said: “My people, your wife, Carol, and Shirley were together at Mt. Carmel House for the dying for at least 17 years. Shirley was caring for people most of her life, especially serving her sauce at dinner. Everything she did was with a special effort to use garden tomatoes and her way of preparing her pasta sauce. She is in purgatory and she needs a few Masses. She was fortunate to have a priest for a son. She loves her family so much, and she will be praying for them.”
Jesus said: “My people, you may not know what is in the chemtrails, but those people who analyzed it, came down with flu symptoms. Now that a lot of people have had two Covid virus shots and a booster, their immune systems are nearly defenseless. The flu causing chemicals in the chemtrails could make a lot of people sick and some will die. The doctors will not tell you that the vaccinated people are dying more than the unvaccinated people. Bless the vaccinated people with your Good Friday oil and your exorcism water. Trust in My healing power by calling on Me in faith to heal you, and you will be healed. I warned you not to take the boosters, the Covid shots, nor the flu shots because they will ruin your immune system. You can also come to My refuges at the proper time, and when you look on My luminous cross, you will be healed of all of your diseases.”
Friday, January 7, 2022: (St. Raymond of Penyfort)
Jesus said: “My son, I know your people are always asking when the Warning will come. It will come in God the Father’s time and only when He chooses to bring it. So do not concern yourself with this date of the Warning. It is not far off because the more messages you have on the Warning, the closer it will come. I also told you I would bring the Warning before the next deadly virus is released. Be prepared for a harsh cold winter that could bring one snow storm after another. I love all of you, and My angels and I will protect you from the harm of the evil ones.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have the capability of providing for forty people for about a year, but I will need to multiply your water, food, and fuels so you could survive longer. You will need to pray for leadership skills in assigning jobs for the people, and focusing on My daily Holy Communion. Let Me be the focus to lead you with My daily Adoration. Your people do not realize all of the planning you have done with My suggestions to provide a workable refuge. There will be even more planning needed to provide for the 5,000 people that St. Joseph will help you with in building his high rise place. I will see to your plans to provide bathrooms and food to feed all of these people. I will have My angels protect you from the evil ones with their invisible shields and their destructive power against any evil people who may try to harm you. Be grateful that I will be supporting all of your efforts to fight the Antichrist and his demons. My power is greater than all of the evil ones, so have no fear and trust in My protection and multiplication of your needs.”
Thursday, January 6, 2022: (St. Andre Bessete)
Jesus said: “My people, as you look at the monks in their monastery, you see how important prayer and fasting should be in your lives. During Lent you practice more what the monks do every day. I know people need to work for a living, and this takes up a good part of your day, but you can still come to Mass and pray as the monks do. You do some fasting during Lent, but you could make a practice of some fasting the year around. Try to do your Lenten practices all of the time, as you remember Me. You will see the monks way of life in prayer and fasting, will bring you closer to Me. You need to detach yourself from so many worldly things, because this world is passing away, but your eternal destination with Me will last forever. So focus your life around Me as the monks do, and you will be assured of a happy place in My love in heaven forever.”
Jesus said: “My people, right now you are hearing of more omicron cases that are causing more people to get sick. You have a combination of omicron and the flu that is sending people to the hospital with lung problems in their breathing. This latest wave of sickness could cause more school closures, more church closures, and more restrictions to restaurants and inside events. The holiday family meeting may be the reason for the spreading sickness. The vision you saw of a red sky is a sign of the next pandemic bleeding disease that could be like ebola or the hanta virus from China. I told you that I would send My Warning and a call to My refuges before the next deadly virus is released. So have your souls clean with frequent Confession so you can face Me at your mini-judgment in your coming life review. I love all of you and I will have My angels protect you from the coming deadly virus.”
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