Saturday, November 13, 2021

Saturday, November 13, 2021: (St. Frances Xavier Cabrini)
Jesus said: “My people, the readings of November are always pointing to the end times of My return to the earth. But when I return, will I find any faith on the earth? I am confident that I will find My faithful remnant always praying their rosaries, and coming to Mass and Confession. Despite the viruses and vaccines of the evil ones, this vision of the waterfall stopping is just one of many signs that you will see before I come again. One of the biggest signs is how the people are becoming so weak in their faith in Me. Many are even ignoring My love and My gifts. I am calling on My faithful to help evangelize souls before it is too late and their souls could be lost in hell. After My Warning experience, I will give you a conversion time with no demon influence so My faithful can help souls believe in Me so My angels can place an invisible cross on their foreheads. This is so they can enter the safety of My refuges with the protection of My angels. Be prepared. My faithful ones, who believe that I can perform miracles of protection, and miracles of multiplying your food, water, and fuels, must have faith in Me that I can do this for this to happen. Remember when the people of My hometown in Nazareth did not have faith in Me, that I could heal them. So have faith in My miracles and I will perform them for you. Most of all work on helping Me to save souls from hell because I will soon bring the end of this era as I will bring My believers into My Era of Peace. For those, who are patient and trusting, I will bring My salvation of souls.”

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Thursday, November 11, 2021: (Veterans Day, St. Martin de Tours)
Jesus said: “My people, you are right in giving honor to all of your veterans who have fought many wars to preserve your freedoms. It is unfortunate that the one world people have been behind many of these wars, and their media people have covered up the real causes by their lies and calling this a conspiracy. You are seeing the American Marxists or communists who are trying to take over your country, and take away the freedoms that your veterans have bravely fought for. Your current vaccine mandates are more control with the secret, diabolical goal of trying to reduce your population. Refuse to take any Covid shots, booster shots, nor flu shots because they will kill you in time. A time is coming when people, who are against these vaccine mandates, will be considered terrorists, which are all lies. The one world people hate the truth and they try to silence anyone who opposes them. When My faithful people have their lives threatened, I will call you to the safety of My refuges. You will be seeing more control, as the evil ones are preparing the way for the Antichrist to take over. Trust in My protection and My graces.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you what it is like to live in Communist China where they exploit slave labor. My son, you went to Communist China some years ago and you saw the poverty and control when you had someone taping everything you said right in front of you. My people of America need to take heed of this lifestyle because you are seeing your leaders acting like the communist dictators. When they try to force Covid shots on all of your elderly, workers, and now your children, it is time to speak up against these poisonous shot mandates that could kill your people. Use your Good Friday oil and your exorcism water to heal the vaccinated people. I will call My people to My refuges after the Warning.”

Jesus said: “My son, I called you to set up a refuge for at least forty people. You were fortunate to build a chapel and a new kitchen to feed the people who will come to your refuge. I love all of you, and My angels will protect My believers at all of My refuges. You will see a luminous cross in the sky above all of My refuges. When you look on it, you will be healed of all of your afflictions. Trust in Me that I will multiply your food, water, fuels, and living places. You will have daily Holy Communion from a priest or My angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, do not be concerned about the timing of My Warning and conversion time, when I will call My believers to My refuges. My son, I have given you many messages to prepare the people for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. When My Warning comes, some people will die of fright when they see their life review, and how I will see all of their sins and good deeds. My believers will be called to the safety of My refuges. The non-believers, who refuse to repent of their sins, will suffer painful plagues on earth, and they will suffer the flames forever in hell. So do not mock My coming, or when I choose to start My Warning. This will all come in My time and not when man wants it. My believers will soon be with Me at My refuges and later in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, when I bring you to My refuges after My Warning, do not complain of any rustic conditions at My refuges. You will be fortunate to be protected by My angels from the evil ones. My angels will not allow any non-believers to enter My refuges, but only those people, who have a cross on their foreheads, will be allowed to enter. Those people with pure souls will enter, and you will have all that you need.”

Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming when those people, who oppose the new world order, will be taken by force by the men in black of the UN troops out of their homes to detention centers. Your communist leaders will not let Christians, or those who oppose the new world order to stay in their homes. They will confiscate your property and if they catch you, you will face a martyr’s death for love of Me. Be ready to leave your homes for My refuges when I will give you an inner locution to come. Those people, who delay too long, could face death in these death camps. Trust in My Word because this will soon come to pass.”

Jesus said: “My people, before you come to My refuges, you could see another time of empty shelves in your stores. You will see inflation and hard to find food and fresh water. If your food is about to be depleted, you can call on Me and with faith in Me, I will multiply what little food you have. When your lives are in danger, then you will be called to My refuges, and I will provide for all that you will need.”

Jesus said: “My people, today you have communication with your cell phones and your cell towers. At My refuges life will be a lot different where your cell phones will not work. My angels communicate using mind thoughts without using physical means. You can use your guardian angels to share their means of communication. Some of your members will travel by bi-location to communicate with other refuges. Trust in Me that you will be thankful for My refuge protection with My angels. You will be more thankful when I bring you into My Era of Peace where there will be no more evil influence from the demons. I love you so much, and I want you to stay close to Me throughout the tribulation in your daily Holy Communion. You will have great joy in this new heavens and new earth, and you will later see Me in heaven.”

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Wednesday, November 10, 2021: (St. Leo the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, there are many blessings that I bring on you every day that you are alive. You should be thanking Me every day for My healing and graces that I bestow upon you. Just as the leper returned to give Me thanks for his healing, so My people need to be thanking Me for the air you breath, the health of your body, the light of the sun, and the food you eat. Your country has also been blessed with freedom, but your communist leaders are trying to take away your freedoms. You need to fight these evil ones, who are mandating Covid shots that are poison and not needed. You should not be forced to endanger your health with these poisonous shots just to keep your job. This is against your laws, so do not accept this authority over your body. Stand up for your freedoms or you will lose them. Trust in Me to provide what you need, and I will protect you from the harm of the evil ones at My refuges.”

(Intention for John Grego) John said: “I thank you for having this Mass said for my soul. I thank Al, John, and Carol for visiting me at the Hildebrandt Hospice Care Center. I also thank those people who took care of me in my last few years. I love all of my family and friends, and I will be praying for all of you. You could have a good tribute for me if you bought one last pizza in my honor at your prayer group, since you called me the pizza man. I enjoyed being a part of your prayer group. I remember you all when I was with Tim Harris at the seminary in Italy. Pray for my soul and have Masses offered for me because I am in purgatory.”

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Tuesday, November 9, 2021:(Dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica)
Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you a glimpse of the Era of Peace that will come after My victory over the Antichrist of the tribulation. I will soon be calling My believers to My refuges where you will be healed of any diseases. I will have My angels shield you with a veil of invisibility, and I will multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival. So have no fear of the evil ones because I will protect My believers at My refuges. You can look forward to a time of no influence from the devil and the demons. When I defeat the evil ones, they will all be cast into hell, along with all the evil people, who will not repent of their sins. I love all of My people, and I will protect you and watch over you with all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a heart shaped mirror is a sign of how much I love all of you. You are a reflection of My love and I have made all of you in My image. As you see yourself in the mirror every day, you can see how you are growing older. Satan’s time is almost up after the tribulation. You will need to come to My refuges after the Warning and the conversion time. Be ready for your mini-judgment by coming to frequent Confession. You will be struggling to help save souls during the conversion time when there will not be any demonic influence. You will be protected at My refuges for the whole time of the tribulation. You will look forward to My victory over the evil ones in My Era of Peace. Trust in Me to protect My refuges with My angels who are standing side by side all around the perimeter of My refuges.”

Monday, November 8, 2021

Monday, November 8, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you need to forgive your neighbor for as many times as he asks for your forgiveness. Look how many times I have forgiven you of your sins in Confession over the years. Do not seek revenge, or how to get back at anyone for their faults. You need to love Me and your neighbor as yourself all of the time. You can show that love by helping your neighbor in their need both physically and spiritually in your prayers for them. Even when your friends or relatives die, you can pray a Divine Mercy Chaplet for them, and have Masses offered up for their souls. You will be rewarded for your donations for your friends and for the poor. You can give financial support to your local food shelf to feed the hungry. By thinking of how to help your neighbor, you will store up treasures in heaven toward your judgment.”

(Intention for Kay Vigilante) Kay said: “I thank you for having this Mass offered up for my soul. I also thank all of you for coming to this Mass. I must say that it was strange to see my body cremated. Our Hawaiian custom is to spread the ashes on the sea, but I do not know if this is accepted, or if it will be carried out. I love Dick so much and I thank him for helping us through all of the problems we had to endure for my cancer. I thank all of the prayer group for your prayers and Mass. I enjoyed being with you. I will be praying for Dick and our family. I love all of you. I suffered my purgatory on earth, and I will be going up to heaven after the funeral Mass.”

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Sunday, November 7, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you see Elijah and a widow with her son during a one year famine. Elijah blessed the flour and the oil and they did not run dry all year, just like a multiplication. This reminds you of how I asked My people to have three months of food stored for each member of your household in preparation for a coming food shortage. When there will be no food in the stores, you will need the food that you stored. If people have little or not enough food, you can call on Me in faith, and I will multiply the food that you have. When you come to My refuges, I will again multiply your food, water, and fuels as long as you believe that I can do this. In the Gospel reading you see another poor widow who donated to the Temple treasury only two copper coins, which was all that she had to live on. This is why I said she donated more than the rich people who made generous donations out of their surplus wealth. I call on everyone to support My Church and the poor with substantial donations, and not just a token amount. In the Bible it speaks of donating at least 10% of your income for charity. Your deacon also talked about ‘celebrity worship syndrome’, in his homily. This means some people have a tendency to favor the rich and famous people over poor people. You need to treat everyone fairly without discrimination, especially be ready to help people in need without being asked. By loving Me and loving your neighbor, you will be on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you more volcanoes going off, and they were sending out waves of lava and earthquakes. The more earthquakes that occur at the volcano sites, the more violent the eruptions and the higher the smoke will travel along with flowing lava. When the smoke rises high, it could blot out part of the sun’s light. If this happens long enough, it could reduce the earth’s temperature by as much as 15 degrees F. Such eruptions could diminish the growing season for your crops. I also told you that more demons would be coming out of the volcanoes to test mankind. Be prepared to come to My refuges when the weather gets colder from the volcanic action. I will shield My refuges from harmful ash and any cold temperatures. I told you that this could be a cold winter, and some of the coldness is coming from the volcanic eruptions. Trust in My protection from the cold at all of My refuges.”

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Saturday, November 6, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I told the people that they could only obey one master, either Me or mammon. You can only trust in Me to be your friend, because you cannot trust in your money. Your money can get lost, be stolen, or get devalued. There are three kinds of people in how they treat money. Some people are prudent in doing the right ways to spend and save their money. Others are constantly poor because they waste their money foolishly. Still others are greedy and they focus on making money their god, so they can have every sort of creature comfort. Do not let money, wealth, or worldly things control you, but only trust in Me to lead you through life as I provide for your needs. By putting your trust in Me, and following My ways, you will be happy with Me forever in heaven.”

Friday, November 5, 2021

Friday, November 5, 2021: (First Friday)
Jesus said: “My son, November is a time to think about praying for the poor souls in purgatory, and to prepare for your own death with frequent Confession. You usually have a book of remembrance for listing all of the people who died in the parish for the last year. It is always hard to see how many of your friends that have passed away in this year. You are happy for them that they are no longer suffering, and they will be in a better place. I love all of My faithful, and I am guiding you through life that is centered around Me. As you were praying before My Blessed Sacrament today, you are always comfortable spiritually to be in My Real Presence. It gives you time to unite yourself with Me in all that you do to help save souls from hell. Bringing My Word to the people is a gift that My people should be thankful to receive. Love one another as I love you, and keep praying for the poor souls in purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are beginning to see more signs of a coming famine from the food shortages that you are seeing in your stores. This is a created food shortage as I mentioned in a previous message. You can put together some pieces of this puzzle that can be seen by what you are seeing in the news, and from what people are telling you. One of the big problems is that there are not enough truck drivers to deliver the needed produce. Some of your food comes from China in containers. The ships with containers are stacking up in your harbors because the unions are controlling the speed of unloading these containers, and it is slowing down. Another rumor is that some middle people are receiving money to pay the farmers not to deliver their crops, but destroy them. All of these areas could easily be controlled by the one world people to cause food shortages. Just as you have a division created between the vaccinated and unvaccinated people, so the evil ones are trying to create another division. This division will be between those people who have stored food, and those who did not store food. When the stores go empty, there will be a fight between those with food and those without food. I warned people to have three months of food ready for the coming famine. The food cupboards will be the first to run out of food after the stores are empty. If people threaten your lives over your food storage, then I will call you to My refuges. Have no fear of starvation, because My angels will multiply your food, water, and fuels.”

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Thursday, November 4, 2021: (St. Charles Borromeo)
Jesus said: “My people, this Gospel was about the Good Shepherd who leaves the ninety-nine sheep in the desert and goes in search of the lost sheep. When I find the lost lamb, I put it over My shoulders, and all of heaven rejoices when even one sinner repents. I am also like the hound of heaven, as I search for all of the lost souls, and I work on drawing them to Me to be saved from the evil ones to avoid hell. I call on My faithful to also work on evangelizing souls so you can help save them from going to hell. Keep praying for your relatives and friends to be saved from hell. I showed you the tunnel of the Warning when all sinners will be drawn to Me in their life review and a mini-judgment. During the conversion time, you will have six weeks to help save your relatives from hell, by converting them to the faith so they can be believers at My refuges. I have many lost souls that need saving before it is too late, and they could be lost in hell. Pray for poor sinners so they can be saved at My Warning time.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your Covid shot mandates are meeting more resistance from your people. These shots should not be mandated, especially since they are designed to kill people over time. You are seeing over 15 state Attorney Generals suing the government to stop these mandates. In addition the evil ones are now mandating Covid shots for the children from 5-11 yrs. old, or they could not attend public schools. Pray to fight these mandates for the children to stop.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones behind these mandates will continue to force people to take booster shots that they say will be needed over time. Your people need to stop this madness because these shots will cause even more blood clots, and more Covid shot deaths. Already thousands of people have died from these shots, but the doctors will not link these deaths to the Covid shots. Keep fighting to stop these booster mandates.”

Jesus said: “My people, at all costs refuse to take the mark of the beast, or you could go to hell if you worship the Antichrist. There is no cure for the mark of the beast. So quit any job that will mandate it, and refuse to take your children to any school that mandates the mark of the beast. This mark will soon be used for all buying and selling. When the mark of the beast is mandated, I will call My faithful to My refuges where My angels will protect you and feed you. Trust in Me to provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, the socialist communists want to use all of their mandates as a means for controlling your people, and taking away your freedoms. It is time to stand up against the tyranny of Biden and his people. They are turning your country into a communist state that is taking your money, and causing you to take shots that will kill you in time. The Congress, the elites, and the illegal immigrants are all exempt from the Covid shot mandates. This discrimination is obvious, and these mandates are illegal and should not be followed. Trust in Me to provide for your needs at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Democrat leaders are allowing chaos at your Mexican border where fentanyl from China and other drugs are being brought into your country, and they are killing your young people. These illegal immigrants are being bussed and flown to all of your cities, and Biden wants to give each of them thousands of dollars. These disasters will bankrupt your country, and your taxes will be increased greatly to pay for this. Pray to get control over your borders where such illegal entry violates your laws.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see food shortages, electric grid failures, or the forced mark of the beast, I will bring My Warning and conversion time. After the Warning, I will call My believers to My refuges where they will be healed and protected from the evil ones by My angels. My angels will shield you with a veil of invisibility, and My angels will protect you from any harm from the evil ones. Trust in My miracles of multiplication to provide for your water, food, fuels, and all of your needs. You will have daily Holy Communion at My refuges from your priest or My angels. I will be with you in My Real Presence at every refuge.”

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Wednesday, November 3, 2021: (St. Martin de Porres)
Jesus said: “My son, you are weary from the many hours you spent as an election inspector at the polls, and you needed to sleep in to rest your legs from standing. You are helping the voters in receiving their ballots and recording them in your machines. This ability of your freedom to choose your officials is a blessing in a free country of America. It is unfortunate that liberal socialists are trying to control the ballot box by their policies at the border, and their vaccine mandates. Pray for your country to turn away from the evil cheating of controlling people by mandates and Executive Orders.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing definite destruction of the buildings of a city. It appeared to be just like the buildings that were destroyed in World War II with firebombs. This could come as a surprise attack on your country from bombs, or an EMP attack from atomic weapons exploded high in the sky. Your enemies will first try to take out your electric grid because most of your devices are run by electricity. Such an attack would shut down your banks, your cars, and your communications. This is why your refuges will be protected from such an EMP attack, so any electricity from your solar panels will keep running without requiring Faraday cages. My angels will shield your refuges from the evil ones’ devices that could interfere with any power generated. Trust in Me to protect you from any attacks of the evil ones.”