Saturday, January 9, 2021

Saturday, January 9, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a ciborium of Hosts against empty pews in a church, is a sign of another coming virus shutdown. You have been hearing of a new variant mutation of the original virus that is more contagious. In several reports in your news the first cases did not have the virus from traveling. This would suggest the possibility that there are people spreading this disease in the chemtrails, much like they spread the flu in the same way. As more cases spread, you could see churches being closed, and you may even see your prayer group restricted, if there are police or troops checking for large meetings. You may have to go back to watching Mass on the internet without receiving My Hosts. Be prepared for some trying times, especially in the next few weeks. Trust in Me to protect My faithful at My refuges when I will call you.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a tire track covered up with mud, represents the deep state who are trying to cover up their cheating of votes in both the Presidential and the Georgia elections. You have heard how the Italian whistle blower has given testimony that he changed Trump votes into Biden votes using the Vatican rented satellites. He then sent this change of votes to America via an encrypted internet file. It appears the same tactics were used in Georgia. Your President may soon reveal this fraud as evidence to the American people. You could see some strong changes coming in the next few weeks.
You also are seeing what appears to be some hacking of the grid infrastructure in Pakistan and in Italy as they both had blackouts from the loss of their electricity. Someone may be sending a message to America that this could happen in your country also. It is a sign to America to make sure your grid system is well protected with fire walls against hacking. My refuges will be protected from such hacking that is trying to stop your electrical generation from your solar panels. My angels are protecting all of My refuges from harm.”
N.B. One article on the internet gave a story that the Pakistan blackout was done to stop a sale of General Electric to the Chinese.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Thursday, January 7, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some fake news from your media. A young woman was shot in the chest and was killed by the Capitol Police. She was unarmed, but this did not get reported by the fake news. There were riots over police shooting and killing African Americans, but there is no acknowledgment about the police killing an unarmed white Air Force veteran. Most of the Trump supporters were peaceful, but some radicals broke into the Capitol Building. The same fake news called Antifa a peaceful protest, but they set fires to buildings and killed some people. Yet the Democratic leaders did not call in the National Guard on the Antifa people. Now the D.C. mayor called up the National Guard against the Trump supporters. You can see the hypocrisy of the Democrats looking beyond the Antifa killing and damage, but they grossly exaggerated the protest at the Capitol, where the police were shooting at unarmed people. You have seen a lot of unjust cheating in your Presidential election where the courts do not want to hear any cases of rigged voting machines and illegal mail-in ballots. It was this injustice in the Presidential election that brought hundreds of thousands of demonstrators to Washington, D.C. to protest. My justice will come to all the cheaters and the media who covered up the truth. You will see My punishment come to the evil ones either before or after the tribulation. My faithful will be protected at My refuges.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, if the left is allowed to take over the White House and the Congress, they will quickly turn your country into a socialist or communist state. Many of My faithful have been doubling your prayers for your President to overturn this fraudulent Presidential election. There is some hope in the revelation of a new whistle blower who actually changed the Trump votes into Biden votes from Rome, Italy. This was then transferred to Germany, and then to America over the internet. When the election people stopped the voting machines, this is when they changed the votes through the internet. This whistle blower has first hand proof how Biden won the battleground states by cheating using foreign interference. If the Congress does not change the electoral vote, then your President could claim the Insurrection Act of foreign governments interfering with your election. This could trigger a civil war from the left. Pray for peace, but tensions could cause a war. If your lives are in danger, I will call My faithful to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President will present these treasonous acts to your people, and he will be vindicated in proving the cheating. The evil left know if the President changes the vote, that many of the left will go to jail for treason. If the courts do not change the votes, then expect chaos with a partial martial law. At some point the evil ones may try to make an all out attempt to kill him and impeach him. Pray for your country and for your President’s protection. Once you see a danger of war, I will bring My Warning, and you will be protected at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you witnessed some violence at the Capitol when protesters broke through the doors and windows. There were Antifa radicals involved in this break-in, as some people were recognized who were at other Antifa demonstrations. This gave a bad look for Trump’s people who were mostly peaceful. The media and the Congress people are blaming Trump for this attack, and they want to impeach him. You will see much chaos in the next few weeks, so be prepared to come to the safety of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a plan to try and force your people to take the current vaccines that are causing health problems, and they will permanently change your DNA that could cause death. Refuse to take the virus vaccine, and refuse the flu shot because they could ruin your immune system. If the leaders make vaccines and chips in the body mandatory, then you will need to come to the protection of My refuges. Trust in My angel protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, these virus shutdowns could ruin your economy and make it hard for people to get food. Your jobs could be shutdown and it would be hard to have money for your bills. Because of shutdowns and mandatory shots, you will be called to My refuges when your lives are in danger. I will call My faithful to My refuges to be healed by looking on My luminous cross and My angels will provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, this control of your people by viruses and vaccines has been a plan to take over your country. The evil ones are trying to use fear to scare people into taking the nano vaccines that will change your DNA. This will control people through the cloud of your 5G internet. So refuse to take such vaccines, even if they threaten to kill you. The shutdowns will also keep My people from coming to church. You will be back to watching Mass on your internet without Holy Communion. If you are kept at home, you can still make a spiritual Communion. I keep repeating that when your lives are in danger, I will bring My Warning, and My angels will protect you at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have been telling My people to have their backpacks or suitcases ready to leave their homes for My refuges. You can see the events leading up to a possible civil war. When you see My Warning, or hear My inner locution, you should be ready to come to My refuges, so you can have My angel protection throughout the tribulation of the Antichrist. I love all of My people, and I am having My refuge builders set up refuges for your protection. After the tribulation, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement to cast all of the evil ones into hell. I will have My faithful come into My Era of Peace.”

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Wednesday, January 6, 2021: (St. Andre Bessette)
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in previous messages that no matter who wins your Presidential election, you will eventually be taken over. You know that I will allow the Antichrist a brief time during the tribulation for control over the earth. It is just a matter of time for America’s fall to prepare for the tribulation. After My Warning, I will call My faithful to My refuges of protection with My inner locution. My faithful will be led by a flame with your guardian angel to the nearest refuge. Once you leave your homes within 20 minutes, your angel will put a shield of invisibility over you on your way to My refuge. My angels will protect you from the evil ones during the tribulation, and they will provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen plenty of proof of your fraudulent election with the Dominion machines and the cheating mail-in ballots. It is unfortunate that not one judge would hear a case to present the evidence of fraud, even though the cheating was obvious with plenty of evidence. The deep state planned this theft of your Presidential election, and they had the Democrats, the media, and your corrupt judges carry it out. They continued the cheating in your Georgia U.S. Senate race as well with the same Dominion machines and mail-in ballots. You have been frustrated that this cheating is not getting corrected. There are two means of changing this election. One of them is by your President claiming his 2018 Executive Order about an insurrection by foreign countries. This would be like a partial martial law that could precipitate a civil war from the deep state. The other means would be if I brought My Warning experience that could change some people to look into this fraudulent election. If your President does not invoke his Executive Order, then My Warning could change things. Keep in mind that once I bring My Warning, then you will have the tribulation of the Antichrist follow when I will call My faithful to My refuges. Prepare for a takeover of your country, if the Democrats will control the Presidency, the House of Representatives, and the Senate. This would allow the socialist communists to pass whatever laws they want to control your people. Trust in Me to protect My faithful from the evil ones when it will be necessary to come to My refuges for your safety.”

January 1 to 5, 2021

Vendredi, le 1er janvier, 2021
(S. Jean Neumann)

La Sainte Mère a dit : Mes chers enfants, vous venez de lire les comptes rendus de l’Écriture comment j’ai donné naissance à mon Fils, Jésus. Je fut honorée d’être la Mère de Dieu sur terre, alors qu’il est devenu Dieu homme par le pouvoir du Saint-Esprit. C’est le plan de Dieu le Père de conduire Son Fils sur la terre afin de devenir le Sauveur des âmes du monde entier. Vous commencez une nouvelle année, et vous devez vous résoudre à demeurer fidèles à Mon Fils en tout ce qu’Il vous demande. Il y aura un rachat de l’Amérique en punition pour vos avortements. C’est pourquoi les refuges de Mon Fils seront des endroits de protection pendant la tribulation. Tous les construteurs des refuges de Mon Fils sont prêts à recevoir les gens lorsque vos vies seront en danger. L’Avertissement viendra en premier et ensuite Mes enfants seront appelés à vos refuges. Fiez-vous à Mon Fils et à Ses anges de vous protéger. »

Jésus a dit : « Mon peuple d’Amérique, vous êtes en train de mettre fin à vos électeurs d’élection. Il pourrait y avoir des défis dans certains états décisifs. Continuez de prier pour votre Président. Cette Cloche de la Liberté est un signe que votre peuple veut vivre une vie libérée de tout contrôle communiste. Vous attendez toujours pour les conconrs au Sénat de Géorgie, et vous priez que cela ne vous sera pas volé comme lors des élections du 3 novembre. Continuez de prier pour votre liberté, et si vos vies sont menacées, Je vous appellerai à Mes refuges. »

Samedi, le 2 janvier, 2021
(S. Basile et S. Grégoire)

Jésus a dit : « Mon peuple, vous vivez dans un fossé de vipères qui tentent de vous empoisonner avec la tricherie, la corruption et même la fornication. Vous connaissez Mes Commandements d’amour, mais vous voyez les malins répandre les virus tout autour de vous, et bientôt ces malins tenteront de forcer en vous les vaccins. Refusez de prendre ce nouveau vaccin avec les puces nanos qui pourraient vous contrôler, et changer votre ADN, même s’ils menacent de vous tuer. Si les malins rendent des vaccins obligatoires, Je devrai vous appeler à Mes refuges de protection. Je vous montre cette échelle pour vous retirer de ce monde malin, et ceci représente Mon asile de protection à Mes refuges. Lorsque vous verrez qu’il y aura les vaccins obligatoires et les puces obligatoires dans le corps, J’apporterai Mon Avertissement, et un appel à venir à Mes refuges après l’Avertissement. Soyez prêts à quitter vos demeures pour aller à Mes refuges, où vous demeurerez pendant toute la tribulation de l’Antichrist. Ne craignez pas, car Mes anges vous protègeront, et Je pourvoirai à vos besoins physiques et spirituels. »

Jésus a dit : « Mon peuple, la Chine planifie en ce moment un rachat militaire de l’Amérique, et ceci pourrait commencer à partir du Canada et du Mexique. Votre Président rappelle au pays ses troupes des autres pays pour protéger votre patrie. Il dirige aussi plusieurs de vos portes-avions pour protéger vos côtes de l’Est et de l’Ouest. La Chine va d’abord tenter d’immobiliser votre pays en se servant d’une attaque de PEM contre votre réseau électrique. La Chine combattra unie à Antifa et aux groupes communistes contre votre militaire et vos patriotes. Mes fidèles pourraient être en danger, et c’est une autre raison pour laquelle Je les appellerai à la protection de Mes anges à Mes refuges. Mon pouvoir angélique sera plus puissant que toutes armes militaires, alors fiez-vous à Ma protection à Mes refuges. À la fin, Mon pouvoir triomphera sur tous les malins. »

Dimanche, le 3 janvier, 2021
(L’Épiphanie du Seigneur)

Jésus a dit : « Mon peuple, en ce jour vos célébrez Mon étoile qui a conduit les Rois Mages pour Me trouver à Bethléem. Je suis la Lumière qui brille dans l’obscurité du péché. Je suis venu en tant que votre Sauveur pour apporter Mes dons de Lumière et de vie en chacun de vous. Je vous appelle par le Baptême à avoir foi en Moi, et à Me suivre tout au long de votre vie. J’appelle tous Mes fidèles à apporter vos dons d’amour et votre âme vers Moi. Je vous enverrai aussi dans le monde pour aider à convertir des âmes à la foi. Lorsque vous viendrez à Moi lors de votre jugement, Je vous demanderai combien d’âmes vous avez conduites à Moi? Vous M’appelez Seigneur, Seigneur, mais si vous vous M’aimez vraiment, vous Me consacrerez toutes vos actions. Vous avez aussi mis votre foi en action en convertissant à la foi des âmes à Moi. Proclamez votre foi sur les toîts afin de proclamer Ma gloire en tant que vrai Roi et Sauveur de vous tous. »

Lundi, le 4 janvier, 2021
(Ste Élizabeth Anne Seton)

Jésus a dit : « Mon fils, Je t’ai auparavant montré plusieurs désastres naturels, mais aujourd’hui ces visions de tsunamis sur les côtes de l’Est et de l’Ouest, seront le résultat de très grands tremblements de terre. Ces événements sont d’autres signes de la fin des temps que vous avez dans l’Évangile de S. Matthieu qui parlent de famines, de tremblements de terre, et de peste. Ne vous moquez pas de Mes prophéties car vous voyez les événements se dérouler, qui ne laissent aucun doute que ce sont des signes de la fin des temps. Mon fils, tu es un témoin des signes des temps, alors laisse les gens se repentir et venir à la Confession pour se préparer aux événements sérieux à la veille de se dérouler. Fiez-vous à Ma protection lorsque Je vous appellerai à Mes refuges de sûreté. »

Jésus a dit : « Mon peuple, il est difficile de voir des enfants qui souffrent de rossées, d’abus sexuel, et d’abus verbal de la part de leurs parents. Les enfants sont Mes dons de la création, et ils doivent être aimés et aidés lors de leurs devoirs scolaires, et ne pas être ignorés ou abusés. C’est encore plus malheureux lorsqu’un des parents abandonne ses enfants. C’est très difficile pour les mono parentaux de garder un emploi et de prendre soin de leurs enfants. Priez pour les parents qui supportent leurs familles avec de bas salaires, et priez que les parents puissent prendre du temps pour être avec leurs enfants. Priez que les enfants soient élevés dans un environnement Chrétien pour aider à sauver leurs âmes. C’est plus difficile pour les enfants en ce temps du virus alors qu’ils doivent avoir un apprentissage virtuel à domicile. Votre société doit être plus ouverte, car l’isolement cause plus de problèmes que le virus. Priez pour une guérison à cause des divisions dans votre société, et d’avoir des membres de la famille qui s’aiment. »

Mardi, le 5 janvier, 2021
(S. Jean Neumann)

Jésus a dit : « Mon peuple, vous voyez comment les chefs Démocrates ont malignement causé que les gens commettent des actes de trahison pour voler cette élection de votre Président. Si vos fonctionnaires ne changent pas leurs scrutins frauduleux par la poste et les machines Dominion trompeuses, vous n’aurez jamais une élection juste. Les juges, les employés d’élection, votre média, et vos corporations de haute technologie se sont tous unis dans l’élection la plus frauduleuse que votre pays ait jamais vue. Si votre élection en Géorgie continue cette fraude, vous aurez alors un gouvernement communiste de voleurs. Priez pour votre Président et cette élection en Géorgie, qu’ils soient résolus pour l’amour de votre peuple. Ce marais profond sent tellement mauvais, que c’est pourquoi ce mal est vidé dans la latrine de votre vision. C’est aussi un signe que ce mal sera éventuellement retiré. Après l’Avertissement et la tribulation, J’apporterai Mon jugement contre tous les malins qui seront châtiés en enfer. Mes fidèles doivent patienter, mais vous pourriez voir Mon intervention en tout ce mal avant Mon Avertissement. Fiez-vous à Moi de protéger Mes fidèles à Mes refuges, mais vous verrez Mes punitions se dérouler en désastres naturels et fléaux à cause de vos avortements et votre élection frauduleuse.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Friday, January 8, 2021:
At St. John the Evangelist after Holy Communion, I could see a new whistle blower who actually changed the Trump votes into Biden votes by hacking the Dominion machines over the internet from Rome, Italy. This is the biggest case of treason from foreign interference. Jesus said: “My son, you have seen a new whistle blower reveal the true source of how the Democrats used cheating to change Trump votes into Biden votes. This employee of a large company used military satellites to change the votes in Rome, and it was sent to Germany, and then to America over the internet. When the American Dominion machines were shut down, this is when the vote numbers were changed. This is foreign treason at the highest level. The deep state people are afraid of your President, and that is why they want to impeach him. They know if they cannot stop him, that the deep state people will go to jail for treason. Your President needs to release this red-handed evidence to the American people as soon as possible. If courts do not accept this new evidence, then you could see a partial martial law invoked by your President under the Insurrection Act to bring the Democrat leaders to jail for their treasonous crimes. This could trigger a civil war from the deep state. If your President does not act before January 20th, you will all be in a communist state. Be prepared for My coming Warning and the tribulation, because you will soon be called to My refuges of protection when your lives will be in danger.”
N.B. for an affidavit from the whistle blower go to: You can see this information on for as long as it is up: Maria Zack Italy did it (30 min)

Jesus said: “My son, in your own Northeast area you are seeing 2-3 inches of rain below normal, and you have only had 11 out of 30 inches of your normal snowfall. This is unusual since you live right next to the Great Lakes. It is hard to know the normal water levels out West, but they continue to have many fires, even if they are caused by arson. The fires are a sign of how dry the forests are, especially in the fall. Be thankful if you have sufficient water, because your summers have been hot and dry based on how much you had to water your lawn and your higher water bill. Last year is close to the hottest year ever, which is an indication of your changing weather. You had more named storms and land falling hurricanes than normal. Fresh water is needed for your crops and your home usage. Continue to pray for enough water for your needs.”

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Tuesday, January 5, 2021: (St. John Neumann)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how evil the Democrat leaders have been to cause their people to commit acts of treason to steal this election from your President. If your officials do not change their mail-in fraud ballots and the cheating Dominion machines, you will never have another fair election. The judges, the election people, your media, and your high tech corporations were all joined together in the worst fraudulent election that your country has ever seen. If your Georgia election continues this fraud, then you will have a communist government of thieves. Pray for your President and this Georgia election that they be resolved for the sake of your people. The deep swamp stinks to high heaven so much, that this is why this evil is being flushed down the latrine in your vision. This is also a sign that this evil will be removed at a certain point in time. After the Warning and the tribulation, I will bring My judgment down against all the evil ones who will be cast into hell. My faithful need to have patience, but you could see My intervention in all of this evil even before My Warning. Trust in Me to protect My faithful at My refuges, but you will see punishments come in natural disasters and plagues because of your abortions and your fraudulent election.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many people in your society who do not think fornication is a sin and something that offends Me. Without faith in Me, people are spiritually blind, and they are not open to obey and understand My Commandments. All sexual sins of fornication, adultery, masturbation, and homosexual acts all come under My Sixth Commandment. People who do not believe these acts are sins, will have less punishment, but they are still mortal sins. It is even more of a grave sin for those people who know these acts are mortal sins. Mortal sins are when it is a grievous sin against My creation act, the person knows it is a grievous sin, and when a person gives full consent of their will to this sin. It is important to have a conversion from a pagan lifestyle over to being a true Christian person that is given the eyes of faith to avoid these mortal sins. These are sins that affect other people and not just the individual. So pray for people to repent of their sins in Confession, so they can have pure souls and obey My Commandments of love.”

Monday, January 4, 2021

Monday, January 4, 2021: (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)
Jesus said: “My son, I have shown you many natural disasters in My visions before, but these visions of the tsunamis today on both the East and West coasts, will be the result of some large earthquakes. These events are more signs of the end times that you have in the Gospel of St. Matthew that speaks of famine, earthquakes, and pestilence. Do not mock My prophesies because when you see these events happening, there will be no doubt that they are signs of the end times. My son, you are a witness for the end time signs, so let the people repent and come to Confession to be prepared for the serious events that are about to unfold. Trust in My protection when I will call you to My refuges of safety.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is difficult to see children who are suffering beatings, sexual abuse, and verbal abuse from their parents. Children are My gifts of creation, and they need to be loved and helped in their school work, and not ignored or abused. It is even more unfortunate when one parent abandons their children. It is very difficult for single parents to keep a job and take care of their children. Pray for the parents who are struggling to support their families with low paying jobs, and pray that the parents make time to be with their children. Pray for the children so they can be brought up in a Christian environment to help save their souls. It is more difficult for the children in this virus time where they have to do virtual teaching at home. Your society needs to be more open, because isolation is causing more problems than the virus. Pray for a healing of your society’s divisions, and to have loving family members.”

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Sunday, January 3, 2021: (The Epiphany of the Lord)
Jesus said: “My people, this is the day you are celebrating My star that led the Wise Men to find Me in Bethlehem. I am the Light that shines in the darkness of sin. I came as your Savior to bring My gifts of Light and life to each of you. I call you through Baptism to have faith in Me, and follow Me throughout your whole life. I call all of My faithful to bring your gifts of love and your soul to Me. I also send you out into the world to help convert souls to the faith. When you come to Me at your judgment, I will ask you how many souls did you bring to Me? You call Me Lord, Lord, but if you truly love Me, you will consecrate all of your actions to Me. You will also put your faith into action by converting souls to faith in Me. Shout your faith from the rooftops to proclaim My glory as the true King and Savior of all of you.”

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Saturday, January 2, 2021: (St. Basil & St. Gregory)
Jesus said: “My people, you are living amidst a pit of vipers that are trying to poison you with cheating, corruption, and even fornication. You know My Commandments of love, but you see evil people spreading viruses around you, and soon the evil ones will try to force vaccines on you. Refuse to take this new vaccine with nano chips that could control you, and change your DNA, even if they threaten to kill you. If the evil ones make these vaccines mandatory, I will need to call you to My refuges of protection. I am showing you this ladder to pull you out of this evil world, and this represents My haven of protection at My refuges. When you see mandatory vaccines and mandatory chips in the body, I will bring My Warning, and a call to come to My refuges after the Warning. Be prepared to leave your homes for My refuges, where you will stay throughout the tribulation of the Antichrist. Fear not, because My angels will protect you, and provide for your physical and spiritual needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, China is actually planning a military takeover of America, and it could start from Canada and Mexico. Your President is bringing your troops home from other countries to protect your homeland. He is also directing several of your aircraft carriers to protect your East and West coasts. China will first try to immobilize your country using an EMP attack against your electric grid. The Chinese will fight in union with Antifa and communist groups against your military and your patriots. My faithful could be in danger, and that is another reason I will call them to the protection of My angels at My refuges. My angel power will be more powerful than any military weapons, so trust in My protection at My refuges. In the end My power will triumph all over the evil ones.”

Friday, January 1, 2021

Friday, January 1, 2021: (Solemnity of Mary)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you have been reading the accounts in Scripture how I gave birth to my Son, Jesus. I was honored to be God’s mother on earth, as He became a God-man through the power of the Holy Spirit. It was God the Father’s plan to bring His Son on to the earth so he could be the Savior of mankind’s souls. You are starting another year, and you need to be resolved to be faithful to my Son in all that He asks of you. There will be a takeover of America as a punishment for your abortions. This is why my Son’s refuges will be a place of protection during the tribulation. All of my Son’s refuge builders are ready to take people in when your lives will be in danger. The Warning will come first and then my children will be called to your refuges. Trust in my Son and His angels to protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, you are still finalizing your election electors. There could be some challenges in the swing states. Keep praying for your President. This Liberty Bell is a sign that your people want to live free of any communist control. You are still waiting for the Georgia Senate races, and you are praying that this will not be stolen like the Nov. 3rd election. Keep praying for your freedom, and if your lives are threatened, I will call you to My refuges.”