Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thursday, November 26, 2020: (Thanksgiving Day)
Jesus said: “My people, your governors are trying to limit the number of people you can have in your own home. You are seeing your governors dictate rules that are not laws, as you see the encroaching signs of socialism trying to control your travel and your activities. You are thankful for many of your freedoms, especially being free to come to Mass at church. You also are thankful for your families and all the things I have given you. Give thanks and praise to Me for all of My gifts. Now, your freedoms are at risk from the communist leaning Democrats. Continue to keep praying for your President to be vindicated from this fraudulent election. Be prepared to come to My refuges if a civil war breaks out. My angels will shield you from the evil ones at My refuges.”

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Wednesday, November 25, 2020: (St. Catherine of Alexandria)
Jesus said: “My people, do not forget that you are living in the pre-tribulation with China’s evil corona virus that has been spread all over the world. This current virus will get worse with a more deadlier virus. These are the first plagues of the end times that are being used to control people. Soon you will also see mandatory chips in the body which you will not take. You will also see mandatory virus vaccines which you will not take either. The vaccines will be worse than the disease because the nano technology will change your DNA. The chips will be the new currency for buying and selling, but they will control your mind. When these mandatory chips and vaccines are forced on you, the authorities will kill those people who do not obey. This is when you will be called to My refuges for your protection with My inner locution. You will call on Me and your guardian angels to lead you to My refuges with your backpacks. You will leave your home for the refuge within twenty minutes. Only My believers will be allowed into My refuges. You will see some people persecuted and even martyred, if they refuse to leave their homes. Trust in My angel protection, because My refuges will be your only safe havens during the tribulation of the Antichrist.”

Later, at the Eternal Father Chapel we were praying before our Adoration DVD. I could see Jesus suffering on the cross and He wants us to double our prayers for President Trump to win this election. Jesus said: “My people, I cannot stress enough how important it is to pray for your President to win this election. The demons and evil people have gone all out with every fraud possible to beat your President. There are not enough people praying for this intention. This is why I have to depend on My prayer warriors to step up and stand your ground, if you want to keep your freedoms. PLEASE DOUBLE YOUR PRAYERS FOR YOUR PRESIDENT TO WIN. If you pray three rosaries a day, then you need to pray six rosaries a day. You are dealing with cheating, crooked people, so you are in a spiritual battle. Your rosary is your best weapon against this evil, fraudulent election, so you need more prayers to allow the courts to overturn the illegal ballots. Give thanks for your freedoms, but keep doubling your prayer efforts until the Trump lawyers can secure a victory.”