Saturday, September 19, 2020

Saturday, September 19, 2020: (Pat Dawes Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, Pat had beautiful ministries in her years of service to Right to Life and her other activities. She was brave to raise her adopted daughter, Mary, whom you met in church. She suffered from cancer, and she thanks those people who took care of her in her last days. She did her purgatory here on earth, and she is with Me now in heaven. She thanks all of the people who came to her funeral, and she will be praying for you and her family.”

Jesus said: “My son, it is a joy to see babies brought into the world, and you are happy to see these little faces of your great grandchildren as My creations. On the other side you have seen babies sucked out of the womb by abortion in the movie ‘Unplanned’. It is still hard to imagine that a mother could kill her own child. You have an election coming up, and the Democrat party stands up for being able to kill babies in the womb as part of their policy. I have told you in many messages that killing babies in abortion is the worst crime and mortal sin that could be committed. It is because of your abortions that you will suffer the punishment of losing your country to the atheistic communists. All Christians will be threatened with martyrdom to stand up against abortion and to love Me as your God and Redeemer. You will see some Christians martyred as you approach the tribulation. When your country is taken over after the Warning, your lives will be in danger, and I will call you to the safety of My refuges. Trust in Me to have My angels protect all of My refuges. Encourage your people to vote against the people who support abortion, and pray to stop abortions.”

Friday, September 18, 2020

Friday, September 18, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, back in My day they did not have the communications that you have today, so I had to travel from town to town to spread My Word. I would send My apostles out two by two to prepare the towns for My coming. Later, after My Resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit on My apostles, My apostles went to various lands to spread My Word to more distant lands beyond Israel. You, My son, have had the opportunity to spread My messages over the internet on your website. You have been limited by the virus restrictions in your own traveling, but you have been using your contacts to share My Word on various internet applications. During the tribulation I will enable you to share My Word with other refuges by bi-location. My other prophets will be doing likewise to keep the faith strong amidst the evil that will be going on in the world. Trust in Me when I will bring My victory over the Antichrist and the evil ones, when they will be sent to hell, and My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how desperate the left people are to get rid of your President, and they will make an attempt to even take over your government. This has been the goal of all of these violent protests. Your President may have to quickly organize the military to defend yourselves from a coming coup attempt. The left do not care who wins or loses in the Presidential election, because they are intent on a physical takeover. You need to pray that your National Guard can overcome the Antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs. You are in a fight for your freedom, and do not let the communists take over your country. When this chaos comes, I will call My faithful to My refuges after the Warning. Be prepared shortly because I will soon be sending a lot of people to all of My refuges where My angels will defend you from the evil ones. You will need to do some fast planning to organize how to feed and house the people who will come. I will slow down the arrival of people so you can adjust to a new way of life. Be prepared for a revolution and a possible civil war. Pray for peace, but be ready to come to the protection of My refuges.”

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Thursday, September 17. 2020: (St. Robert Bellarmine)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is a lesson in forgiveness, when this woman of sin came and washed My feet with her tears, she wiped them dry with her hair. She knew of My healing power, and she wanted her sins forgiven. I gave Simon a parable about how two people had their debts forgiven, and one was much larger than the other. I asked Simon which person would be more thankful, and he answered correctly about the one forgiven who had the greater debt. There also is a deeper love for Me when a sinner has a greater sin forgiven. I forgive people of their sins many times, but a new convert is even more thankful. There is another side to My graces when a person does not have as much sin to forgive as others. The more gifts and graces you are given, the more that will be expected of you. Since you have a strong faith, then you will be better able to evangelize souls, and even prepare refuges. When you reach out and show Me your love in your actions of sharing your faith, then you will receive a prophet’s reward. The more you do for Me, the more I will help you in your missions. When you evangelize people, I will enable you with healing gifts. When you prepare a refuge for this time, I will help you find the money for your work, and at the appointed time, I will multiply your water, food, and fuels. Trust in Me that those people who love Me more in their good deeds, I will be gracious to them in providing what is needed for their work.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your forefathers were led by Christian principles in setting up your government with your three branches of government with the Judicial, Executive, and Legislative parts. You are celebrating the anniversary of your Constitution today. Your President supports your Democratic Republic and he claims your country will not accept socialism or its cousin communism. He also was putting down the 1619 project which the left is pushing in your schools to rewrite your history books. Your country was founded on freedom and not slavery. You are blessed to have a free country that is not being controlled by communist leaders.”

Jesus said: “My son, you helped your Greece Ecumenical Food shelf for 25 years as a buyer and a distributor of units to poor and needy families. Because of your covid virus and people losing their jobs, some people are struggling to have money for food. In some cities there are long lines trying to get food for their families. With the fires and hurricanes destroying homes, these victims also need food. My faithful can help these people by giving donations to your local food shelf, or any aid groups helping the hurricane victims.”

Jesus said: “My son, I thank you for stocking up on some bulk food items. You will be making bread for the people, and this is why you bought three CampChef ovens that are heated with propane. You bought two more propane tanks and you ordered two more adaptors for connecting your ovens to your propane tanks. You also bought more 25 lb bags of flour to make your bread. Another bulk purchase was buying some 25 lb bags of rice. You are getting close to times when you may be quarantined to your homes without being able to get to your stores. As your weather, riots, and fires are testing your country, you will soon be called to My refuges for your protection and supplies to survive with My multiplication of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a struggle between freedom under your Constitution vs. those people who want socialism or communism. You are seeing both candidates preparing for the beginning debates. Many media outlets and social networks are backing the Democratic candidate. Your President, who puts America first and supports life against abortion, is your best hope to keep America free from socialism. Pray for him and that your election can continue without cheating at the voting poles. You also need to pray for your protection from any riots or attempted coups. Trust in My protection, when you will need to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need law and order in your streets in order to have a viable economy. The left is attempting a takeover in your Democrat cities by using mob rule that is burning your businesses. You do not even hear the Democrats talking about this street violence that is destroying their cities. The left leaders are supporting these violent mobs, and the people themselves are opposed to these arsonists. If your people do not stand up against this violence, then you truly will see communist leaders taking over your cities. Vote these radicals and their supporters out of office, if you want peace on your streets. Your people need to pray for peace and law and order.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country is suffering from the latest hurricanes of Sally and Laura. This has been a very active hurricane season, and you still could see even more destruction to come. You also have seen a lot of damage from your fires in the West. These events happen every year, but they are happening with more frequency and destruction than other years. I have told you that this fall you would be tested in ways you have not seen. One of these events is the violence displayed by the Antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs who are threatening to take over your country. You will again see more virus and flu attacks on your people, but refuse to take any virus vaccine or flu shots because they will harm your health more than these diseases. You could see another shutdown, or more violence from the mobs that could try to stop your election. The left threatens a coup after the election if your President wins. Pray for peace, but you may soon be called to My refuges to protect your lives from being killed by the violent mobs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that I would send My Warning at an appropriate time during a crisis or chaotic time in your country. Many of the events going on now are a punishment for all of your country’s abortions. My Warning or Illumination of conscience will give all people one last chance to be saved from their sins. Many will have a vision of hell for all of the evil things they did in their lives. This will be a wake-up call for many who will taste the flames of hell. Some will be converted, but still many will choose to defy My love. In your Warning experience, you will be told not to take the mark of the beast or a computer chip in the body. You will also be told not to worship the Antichrist, nor look at his eyes. You will be told to come to My refuge for your protection. Everyone will have six weeks to be converted to the faith, or refuse My love. If people do not change their lives to love Me, then they will face their mini-judgment that they received either in hell or purgatory. Strive to be with Me in heaven in My love, or you could be lost forever in the flames of hell.”

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Wednesday, September 16, 2020: (St. Cornelius & St. Cyprian)
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard various stories how campers or arsonists were setting fires in California and other Western states. Your suspicions of arsonists are true, as there are certain people who are using flamethrowers and lasers to purposely set fires in the dry forests of the West. This is part of the deep state’s attempt to cause more destruction and chaos in your country. There are so many fires that you are seeing a haze even on the sun in the Eastern sunsets. This is also a plan to try and scare people out of the forests, so the deep state could control the land. You are seeing attempts all over your country where mobs are being used to take control of America. These attacks will get worse as you approach your election time. Pray for peace, and I will let you know when it is time to come to the safety of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been preparing well because your time is short before you will be coming to My refuges. My refuge builders can still buy some bulk items like flour and rice. You could still use some large pans if they are available. You have your CampChef ovens for baking bread, so you may need more adaptors for your propane tanks. You could also get a couple more propane tanks for cooking and baking. You only have a short time for stocking up on your food needs. Have some bread pans in one place. By having all of your cooking needs available, you will be ready to receive the people at your refuge. You will need to assign committees for obtaining your food and how to prepare it and serve it. I will refill your fuel containers when they are empty. That is why it would be good to have more fuel containers. I will also multiply your water and prepared food. Being able to have sleeping quarters and food available will be needed. During the colder months you will need to assign people to operate your kerosene heaters and your fireplaces with the appropriate fuels. You will have water from your well, but you may need to use your blue barrels to store the water. You have some solar power and lights for the night, but you may have to remove the snow off of your solar panels in the winter. You have gone through your practice drills before, but soon you will be living in your refuge with many people all of the time. Assign hours for Adoration as well. Trust in Me to protect you and provide for your water, food, and fuels, which I will multiply for you.”

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Tuesday, September 15, 2020: (Our Lady of Sorrows)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, my biggest sorrow was watching my Son die on the cross for everyone’s sins. You remember my seven sorrows, and I know you all are faced with sorrows in your lives, which we all must suffer. I come to comfort you in all of your trials. You can pray your rosaries for all of the children in your lives. You can also ask me to put my mantle of protection over all of your children. It is a good moment to think about encouraging your new parents to have their children get baptized into the faith. When people are not making any effort to come to Sunday Mass, you need to remind your family of their spiritual responsibility for their children to have the sacraments. Keep praying your rosaries for saving the souls of your family.”

Jesus said: “My people, the left mobs as Antifa are much more violent than your police. There are more police shot by African Americans, than there are police shooting blacks. It is your media that is hyping these shootings, where in some cases the police are using self-defense. You have seen how the police are not supported by the Democrat mayors and governors. That is why these mobs are getting more violent in burning buildings and even killing people. When the killings become more frequent, you could see the beginning of a civil war. The left mobs are antagonizing people to try and start a civil unrest, so they can move closer to their goal of taking over America. As you get closer to the election, you will be seeing worse violence from Antifa and the Black Lives Matter mobs. If your President does not move the National Guard into action, you could see these mobs take over your Democratic cities. Pray for peace and less killings as your freedoms are at stake in your next election.”

Monday, September 14, 2020

Monday, September 14, 2020: (The Exaltation of the Holy Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are honoring My Exaltation of My Holy Cross, as I came into this world to die on the cross for your sins to be forgiven. You had a preview of My crucifixion when Moses raised up the bronze serpent on a pole, so the people could look on it, and be healed of their snakebite. Later, I would be lifted up on a cross for the salvation of all of mankind. I have given everyone a chance to be healed of their sins, if they would come to Me in Confession. I have asked all of My faithful to pick up their own cross, and carry it every day of your life through your trials. You had a vision of how you are on the brink of major destruction, as the evil ones are about to be given their brief hour of control over the earth. By the virus, the flu, fires, hurricanes, and an uprising of the anarchists in your streets, you will truly be tested. Trust in Me to send you My Warning, and call you to My protection at My refuges. When you come to a refuge, you can look on My luminous cross in the sky, and you will be healed of any ailments of the body. You will be working hard organizing the people in providing for their water, food, and fuels. I will multiply what you need, and My angels will provide your buildings and daily Holy Communion. Trust in Me for your protection and your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will soon be entering the tribulation time, once the Antichrist declares himself. I told you that I will speed up the time by increasing the speed that the earth goes around on its axis. You also are seeing another hot year where your magnetic shield is decreasing, which allows more solar wind to come through the atmosphere. There is another effect from the sun where there are fewer sunspots, which could cool the earth. Not only is your temperature rising, but the plan of the anarchists are raising fires and destruction. Be prepared for a possible revolution, especially if your President wins your election. The next few months will be with riots and your lives could be in danger. You will be seeing the Warning and a time when My angels will lead you to My refuges. Trust in My protection and My multiplication of your food, water, and fuels.”

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Sunday, September 13, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you need to bury or forget your hatred of others, and forget your vengeance for wrongs done to you or others. I have told you to love everyone as you love Me, even your enemies. You also need to be able to forgive others seventy times seven times, or all of the time. Remember how many times I have forgiven you in Confession. So as I forgive you, you also must forgive your neighbor. Do not be a hypocrite when you are forgiven, but you cannot forgive others. It is not easy to forgive people who have harmed you, but you still are called to love and forgive your persecutors. You may not like it when others are destroying property and calling you names, but still you need to love them. You are striving for perfection, and to imitate Me when I love and forgive everyone.”

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Saturday, September 12, 2020: (Most Holy Name of Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I told the people, it is not enough to cry out Lord, Lord. If you truly want Me to know you as a faithful person, you must show Me in your actions. If you come to Mass often, go to Confession frequently, pray to Me daily, and perform good works for your neighbor, then I will know you. Follow My Commandments in your actions, and you will be showing your love for Me and your neighbor. Those people, who show Me these things in their actions, are like those people who built their house on rock as a firm foundation. I even built My Church on the rock of St. Peter. Your foundation is in knowing the faith and reading the Bible and other spiritual reading. Those people, who only cry Lord, Lord, but do not show Me love in their actions, are the people who built their foundation on sand. Then when the flood comes, their houses will be washed away. Follow Me every day with your daily prayers and devotions of love, and you will have your reward with Me in heaven.”

(Funeral Mass for Connie Barilla) Jesus said: “My people, Connie had a full life as she cared for all of her children and grandchildren. She loves all of you as she was with you in the air above praying for all of your souls. She is in upper purgatory, and she was met by her husband when she died. Keep praying for her as this Mass helped her get closer to heaven.”

Friday, September 11, 2020

Friday, September 11, 2020: (Vincent Poche Mass intention)
Jesus said: “My people, I call many people to share their faith with others, and a few people I give special missions to share messages with My faithful. I have been sending messages of warning and preparation for a time of the coming tribulation. You have been seeing some difficulties with the corona virus and the communist mobs who are threatening to take over your government. Picture your life under more restrictions and even a possible threat to your life when your country is eventually taken over. I have given missions of having refuges to a few people, and you, My son, have been obedient to carrying out My suggestions for your refuge. Because the evil ones will have more influence on your lives, you will need My angels to protect you. You are remembering all the people who died in the Twin Towers plane crash on 9-11-01. This was a false flag destruction that was brought upon your people by the deep state. Now the deep state is using viruses and chemtrails to reduce the population as their goal. The sickness and plagues coming, will take even more lives. So be prepared to leave your homes for My refuges when I give you My inner locution. Do not take any vaccine or flu shots that could damage your immune system. Even avoid getting virus tests if you can postpone medical procedures. There are many false positive tests that could separate you from your loved ones with your quarantine controls. Pray for My help and protection during these next dangerous events.”

Vincent Poche: The Lord told me that he needs prayers and Masses for his soul in purgatory

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked My faithful to take advantage of this lull before the storm of future viruses that could cause a more severe shutdown. For now you have access to warehouse stores where you can buy bulk food in bags or cans. You were stocking up on your canned foods, since the dehydrated food would take too long in months to deliver. You also bought a large 38 qt. pot for serving large groups of people. You have stocked up your shelves close to capacity. You are seeing why I advised you to stock up on more pots and pans, as well as places to cook your food and bake your bread. Now you can use two fire pits that can use wood for fuel to cook your food. You also have a good supply of wood and kerosene for heating your home. You may not rely on having your natural gas lines working, if things get shutdown. As the weather gets colder, heating your home to keep warm, will be more of an issue. Because of your preparations, you will be ready to house the original forty people. You have water from your well and barrels, food from your storage, and fuels in your wood, barrels, propane tanks, and bedding from your bunk beds, cots, couches, and regular beds for most of your needs. You must trust in My angels to defend your refuges, and My angels will help build any needed high rise building for more people. My angels and I will also multiply your fuels, food, and water for the other 5,000 people I will send to you. A priest or My angels will also supply you with daily Holy Communion. You will have all of your physical and spiritual needs satisfied, so have no worries even for providing for the thousands of people who will come to your refuge.”

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Thursday, September 10, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you do not realize how this pandemic virus has changed your lives, because you have been brain-washed with the control of the deep state. The deep state has partnered with China in creating this virus that makes people sick both in the winter and in the summer. These are the people to blame for your unemployment and those who have died from this virus. The deep state and the Chinese scientists are working together to take over the world. This virus attack was meant to create fear and destroy your economy so China could be in control. This vision of being free of all of your virus restrictions is an example to show you how the deep state is conditioning your people for a communist takeover. This is just like the people who are controlled in communist China. You will see an attempt by the evil ones to take over America by force. When My faithful’s lives are in danger, I will call you to My refuges. When you come to My refuges after the Warning, you will be free of your virus restrictions. You will be healed of any ailments by looking on the luminous cross or drinking your spring water. You will be protected by My angels from the evil people, but you will be confined to the borders of your refuge throughout the tribulation. Trust in Me to provide for your needs.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, ever since I started to prepare you for taking care of five thousand people, I have been giving you some suggestions to have more cooking facilities. You now have three CampChefs with two burners on top and an oven to cook two loaves of bread in each oven. You bought two more 5 gallon propane tanks, so you have six now. You also bought two 16 quart pots for making soup, that your wife already used. You have eight bread pans and you bought a grinder to grind your cracked wheat to flour. You bought a new fire pit with a grill that uses wood. You also bought some grills for your large fire pit that uses wood. Now you have ordered two 8 qt cast iron dutch ovens, and you bought a 38 qt pot for soup. I will multiply your fuel and your food to feed all of the people who will come to your refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you see violent mobs trying to take over your government, you could see a reaction from patriots as both groups will have guns. I do not want to see such killings, but there will be a fight against the communist mobs. With such a danger to your lives, I will be calling My faithful to My refuges right after the Warning. My angels will make you invisible, and the angels will protect you at My refuges. You will have six weeks after the Warning to evangelize souls to believe in Me, and receive a cross on the forehead.”

Jesus said: “My people, after the six weeks of conversion after the Warning, I told you to get rid of your cell phones, TVs, and computers so you do not look at the eyes of the Antichrist. He will control all of your media, and if you look at his eyes, he could hypnotize you to worship him. This is why you need to put all of these devices out of your homes. None of these devices will work at My refuges. Your pre-tribulation will quickly change over to the tribulation once the Antichrist declares himself and he is allowed to take power over all of the continental unions. My faithful will be safe at My refuges, but some faithful will suffer martyrdom for My sake. These brave souls will be brought to life again in My Era of Peace. Trust in My protection at My refuges, since you will be brought into My Era of Peace, once I cleanse the evil ones off the earth into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, you must have faith in My power to subdue the evil ones as I will cast them into hell. Do not fear any virus because My angels will heal you and protect you from any illness. I have promised to keep you healthy during this tribulation, and your sharing of My messages. When you trust in My healing and My angel protection, you will have no fear, no worries, and no anxieties about the evil ones. So have faith in My miracles of protection and My miracles of multiplying what you will need.”

Jesus said: “My people, would I have you make My refuges, if they were going to be destroyed? You know that I am protecting all of My refuges from any harm, even now. You must have full trust in My power over the evil ones. Those people, who did not have faith, were not healed because I do not violate your free will. You all will be tested in this tribulation, but those people, who have faith in My power, will succeed in overcoming the evil ones. Once the evil ones are cleansed from the earth, then I will renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace as your reward.”

The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you are familiar with my seven sorrows feast, and I am coming to comfort all of your sorrows that you are going through now. You had another blessing of the Holy Spirit over Al and Colleen before your prayer group started. I am combining my blessing with that of the Holy Spirit on all of you here present tonight. Call on me in your rosary intentions, and I will take your requests to my son, Jesus.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you in an earlier message that you are about to see some events that you have never seen before. Your world of today will be changed dramatically, and you will not recognize it. You can see a battle forming between My angels and the good people against the demons and the evil ones at the Battle of Armageddon. My angels and I will win this battle for My faithful, so have no worries. The evil ones may appear to be taking over the world for a time, but this reign will be brief, and then I will cleanse the earth of all evil. Be patient because you will soon see My victory in your lifetime as I promised you. You will soon rejoice as I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”