Sunday, December 29, 2019

Sunday, December 29, 2019: (Holy Family Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, you have read in the Scriptures how Herod had asked the Magi to bring word back to him where they will find the new born King. King Herod did know that the Savior would be born in Bethlehem. The king did not want any other kings to threaten his throne. Once he realized that the Magi were not returning, he sent his troops to kill all the male babies under two years old in Bethlehem. This is why an angel was sent to St. Joseph in a dream that he had to take Me and My Blessed Mother, and flee to Egypt because Herod wanted to kill Me. It was an unfortunate event that all of these innocent babies had to die at the hands of Herod’s soldiers. You also are seeing your babies die in the womb, at the hands of your abortion doctors in making their blood money. Once the Holy Family arrived in Egypt, they stayed there until Herod died. Then an angel told St. Joseph in another dream to return to Israel. This was to fulfill the words of the prophet: (Matt. 2:15) ‘Out of Egypt I called My Son.’ The Antichrist will also rise out of Egypt as I gave you in a previous message: (8-23-2007) ‘I have given you a word that the Antichrist would go to Egypt to be anointed by the occult priests of these old gods. This ceremony will receive great acclaim among the one world people who are supporting the Antichrist, and they will bring him into power in the European Union.’ Have no fear of the Antichrist because I will bring My victory over the evil ones, and they will all be cast into hell.”

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Saturday, December 28, 2019: (Florence Francione Funeral Mass)
Florence said: “My dear family and friends, I thank all of you for being here at my funeral. Thank you Al and the rest of the family for helping me in my last years. I am with Evelyn and the other deceased members of the family in heaven. I did see Jesus coming for me, and it was a nice touch of closure to lower my body into the grave. I will be praying and watching out for all of my family.”

Jesus said: “My son, this asteroid did not hit the earth today as you know. These astronomers make calculations of orbits, but asteroids are hard to see, and even harder to estimate their orbits. I did show you a meteor from one of these collisions of asteroids that will hit the earth, but I did not give you a date. You will need to be watchful in the skies because these objects do not give you much warning.”

Friday, December 27, 2019

Friday, December 27, 2019: (St. John the apostle)
Jesus said: “My people, many people are content with the peace and joy of My birth, as you all are rushing around to get your presents for people. It usually is more joyful to give presents than to receive them. This is a regular family event as you are happy to visit your relatives, even from far away. I love all of My people as part of My human family, because I am with you in the flesh as a God-man. This is also a good time to appreciate the gift of your spouse and your close friends who make a difference in your lives. I give all of you the gift of life when I instill your soul into your body. You have many of My gifts in life, and you could thank Me with your prayers. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I do in your lives. I love all of you, and you can love Me as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the last election in 2016 the opposition party almost won by fixing the voting machines. These machines were rigged to change votes for their side, and if it were not for My angels changing the votes back, President Trump would not have won. You can be sure these evil ones will do more drastic fixes for their side to beat your President. They will even use hacking to try and control the voting machines. By the time an investigation would uncover the cheating, the results could prevent a recount of the bad machines. The cheating on votes will put this election in jeopardy for your President to win. Pray that the inspectors will be fair in counting the votes for each state.”

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Thursday, December 26, 2019: (St. Stephen)
Jesus said: “My people of America, I am showing you a large fish that is about to swallow up America, and this represents the communist socialists. As long as your current President is in power, he will keep the socialists from taking over. Once he leaves office by whatever means, the deep state socialists will take over, and you will become another communist state from within. Your President was put in under My protection, and he has upset the one world people’s timetable. It is their job to prepare the world for the Antichrist’s takeover and the tribulation. I will bring My Warning before they will complete America’s takeover. Be prepared after the Warning to help save the souls of your family during the six weeks of conversion. Those people, who still refuse to love Me and refuse to seek My forgiveness of their sins, are on the road to hell if they do not change. You are seeing the approaching tribulation, when I will call My faithful to My refuges for their protection. I will send you an inner locution to come, and you must leave your home with your guardian angel in twenty minutes. Only My believers will be allowed into My refuges. Be prepared because your events will speed up after the Warning.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are having unusually warm weather for winter, but this is the calm before the storm of more winter snow. You could see stronger winds than normal that could knock down power lines and cause power outages. Be prepared for any power outages with battery lanterns for light at night. You also should have one year’s supply of food because the stores could be closed for a while. You could also have an EMP attack at any time. Trust in Me to provide for your needs during any power outage.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am the Light of the world that overcomes the darkness of sin and evil in your world. So be not afraid, but trust in Me to provide for both your physical and spiritual needs. My gift of Myself in Bethlehem was the beginning of My gradual victory over the evil ones in this world. I am bringing a victory over sin and death. Trust in Me to guide you on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is always a pleasure to share gifts with your family and to share your meals together. It is proper that you put your families in your prayers, so they can return home safely without any accidents. Pray your St. Michael prayer and your 24 Glory Be prayers for safe travel. You remember how praying these prayers for travel home are just as important as your prayers for coming.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you talk to your families, you are identifying with each other’s problems that you have had to take care of. You had one piece of good news that one of your granddaughters, who is married, will be having a baby in August, 2020. This will be an opportunity to support them in what they may need. Several of your people had some coughing from bronchitis symptoms. Remember to offer up any pain or discomfort from your sickness for the benefit of your family members in their souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is about this time of year that you could start thinking of some New Year’s resolutions to improve your spiritual lives. Make your resolutions something that is doable, and something you could keep up the whole year. You also could work on your evangelization efforts to try and help other souls in their spiritual lives. Work on loving everyone, even those people who give you trouble.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have published many books of My messages, and you can sometimes get complacent with doing a good task over and over. Pray your 24 Glory Be prayers for My graces to make this another successful book to spread your evangelization efforts. Remember that saving souls is your most important task, and your books put My words into the hands of the people. You also need to call on the Holy Spirit to help you spread My words in your talks, especially in your upcoming trip to Puerto Rico.”

Jesus said: “My people, your priest friend in Canada recommended that each person should have read the whole Bible at least once or three times during that person’s lifetime. If you do not, then you will spend your purgatory time reading the Bible. So it is then that you could read the whole Bible for one of your New Year’s resolutions. You can even underline important passages so you could return to them in the future. Other people join Bible study groups so they can be helped in understanding the meanings in every passage. It is important to know My Word that I have given you in My words in the Gospel and those of My prophets.”

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Wednesday, December 25, 2019: (Christmas Day)
Jesus said: “My people, every year you set up your Nativity scene both inside and outside of your house. I thank you for honoring My feast day of My birth on Christmas. This is a great moment of peace and joy, and you can preserve this moment throughout the year by keeping a little Nativity scene in your prayer room. I love all of you so much, and everyone is joyful at the birth of a child, especially when I was born into this world. Give thanks to My Blessed Mother and St. Joseph for all they had to do to raise Me up to manhood. Rejoice in the spirit of the Christmas celebration.”

Jesus said: “My people, last year you had an unusual amount of water that kept your fields from drying out. Many farmers had to put their crops in late because they could not plow their wet fields. You are seeing signs of a warming trend, but it is being caused by a reduction in the strength of your magnetosphere which allows more radiation from the sun to get through. This is a larger effect than any increase in carbon dioxide. It is this warming trend that is giving you more violent weather and higher rainfalls. This will be causing more problems in the growing of your crops that could lead to a famine. This is why I have asked you to have a year’s supply of food on hand for when food will be in short supply.”

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Tuesday, December 24, 2019: (Vigil of Christmas 10:00 p.m. Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, this is a major feast when even the lukewarm Catholics come out to Mass to celebrate My birth at Christmas. Some families celebrate by exchanging gifts tonight. It is a great time for all families to join together from all over your country. You bring the gift of your souls to share with Me at Mass. All of heaven is rejoicing with you as you sing your Christmas hymns. I was incarnated as a God-man so I could die on the cross for the forgiveness of your sins. I am your Savior and your Redeemer who has been planned for many years. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I do for you.”

Monday, December 23, 2019

Monday, December 23, 2019: (St. John of Kanty)
Jesus said: “My people, I am warning you that your money system, as you know it, is about to crash. I have been telling you about the cashless society and the mark of the beast with chips in the body. You will soon see your coins and cash dollars coming to a close. Getting rid of the cash in your society will be the first step. After that, your credit and debit cards will be your only means of purchasing things. You also will be seeing only credit cards or ‘easy’ passes required for driving on your main highways. The next step will be mandatory chips in the body for all of your buying and selling. The one world people will soon outlaw gold and silver ownership because they want to control your lives as their servants. These chips will eventually control your minds and souls, so refuse to take any chips in the body. Once the governments require mandatory chips in the body, this will be one of your signs to come to the protection of My refuges. You will have My Warning for your souls before you are forced to come to My refuges. Be prepared with frequent Confession, and trust in Me to defeat your enemies.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Romans made it difficult for their subjects when the people of Israel had to register at their house of ancestry. For St. Joseph and the Blessed Mother, they had to register in Bethlehem which was the house of David. In the days of My birth, people used horses or donkeys to travel great distances, but it was hard for a pregnant woman to travel so far just to register. This was a means of counting the people, and seeing which people were of fighting age for the armies. Be thankful that you have cars and planes to travel, so your families can come together for your holidays. Enjoy each other’s company for the few days you are together. Keep praying for the souls of your family to remain faithful to Me.”

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Sunday, December 22, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I am reminding you again how I come to you every day at Mass, and when you visit Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. I came to you in the flesh at Bethlehem on Christmas, and I bring peace and joy to all the people on earth. This is such a happy time on earth, as well as in heaven. Put aside all of your worries, and enjoy a meal and the company of your family. Pray for all of the souls of your family that they can be saved through your prayers. As you pray for them every day, I will watch over them with My graces. As you bring your gifts to your family and friends, you can bring your prayers as gifts to Me in My crib. Rejoice in the celebration of My feast of Christmas.”

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Saturday, December 21, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you are all preparing to receive Me as you celebrate My birth in Bethlehem on Christmas day. You have many beautiful decorations and songs for My feast day. Just as you see My angels kneeling by My tabernacle, so you are receiving Me in My Real Presence every time you receive Me in Holy Communion at Mass. It is at that time that I am Present with you in your soul for a short time. In one sense you have a taste of Christmas and heaven every time you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. Give praise and glory to Me every time you enter a church when My Blessed Sacrament is in the tabernacle. When you genuflect, you are like My angels who are constantly in My Presence giving Me praise and glory. Be thankful that I have left you with My very Presence in My Eucharist.”

(Fourth Sunday of Advent 4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, you see this large church in the vision so I could welcome many people, but fewer are attending My weekend Masses. At one time you had three or four Masses on a weekend with full attendance. Now you are having less Masses and still the churches are fortunate to be half full. Take a look at who is attending Mass. At certain churches you have very few young children and even less adult children. You need to pray for your people to have more children and less abortions. Pray that your children will continue to come to Mass as they grow older.”

Friday, December 20, 2019

Friday, December 20, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, a Redeemer has been promised to mankind for many years, because of the original sin. I have performed a miracle so I could be incarnated as a man like all of you in every way except sin. This is why My Blessed Mother had to be born without original sin, so I could be carried in a sacred vessel. So now you know about the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity who was made visible to all the people of the world. I became a man for one purpose, which is to die on the cross to redeem everyone from their sins, who accepts Me and seeks My forgiveness. I have brought you salvation, and I have opened the gates of heaven for all those souls who are worthy to enter.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are going to see some unusual events that could shock people with the severity of the destruction. You have heard of a large meteor that fell in Russia and it wiped out many pine trees. This coming meteor will be on the same scale, and it will shock people with the amount of damage it will cause. Do some research on this event in Russia, because this is about to be repeated.”
Note: Tunguska explosion (June 30, 1908) knocked down 80 million trees over an area of 830 square miles. The shock wave from the blast would have measured 5.0 on the Richter magnitude scale. The fireball was 50 to 100 meters wide and it produced 185 times more energy than the Hiroshima atomic bomb.