Thursday, March 28, 2019

Thursday, March 28, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, every day you are battling the demons because they do not stop tempting you. You have your guardian angel and your deliverance prayer of St. Michael to help you against the demons. Even if you are tormented by the demons, you can call on Me, and I will send you a legion of My angels to protect you. Even at My refuges you will have a special angel to protect you. You, My son, have many angels protecting you in your mission when you go out to speak. You have recently encountered some problems speaking in the churches when the priests do not want to hear My messages. It is better not to go to churches where the priests are not open to your end time messages. Keep remembering to pray your long form St. Michael prayer on coming and leaving your talks. Do not be afraid of the demons or people who do not want to hear Me, but trust in My protection.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you have endured some trials for accepting My mission to prepare the people for the end times. Even though some people have tried to put you down, I have told you not to make a defense. You have been faithful to your mission, despite some criticism. I told you as the tribulation gets closer, there will be stronger persecutions that you will endure. Stay faithful to My Word and keep reaching out to save souls in this trying time.”

Jesus said: “My people, the devil knows his time is short to drag more souls down into hell. This is why you will be seeing more attacks against My priest sons and My prophets who are spreading My Good News. You can pray for My priests and prophets that they will be protected from the coming persecutions from the evil ones. All of My faithful believers will be under attack for your belief in Me. So pray to remain faithful to Me despite any attacks of the devil or those who worship the devil.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing constant attacks on some priests who were accused of being a pedophile with young children. There have been many articles putting down the Church, but this gives a bad name to all the innocent priests. There is also another attack by the devil in dividing My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. When the persecution of Christians comes, they will need to seek My protection at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a number of opposition candidates for President who are promoting socialism in their platforms and in their speaking. I have been warning you of the evils of socialist communism which starts with the threat of atheism or the preaching that I do not exist. You have seen how Christians are persecuted in communist and Muslim countries. You do not want America to go communist like China and Russia. Pray for your country, and work for your current President to overcome this new evil that wants to take over your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is no surprise that many students, who graduate from your colleges, are being brainwashed with socialist ideas. Some teachers who promote religion or a belief in God, are being expelled from your colleges. This is why your students are only hearing one side of the politics of your country. This is also why the opposition party wants to lower the voting age to sixteen, so they can get more votes for their socialist causes.”

Jesus said: “My people, this coming election is clear. On one side you have a President standing up for your Constitutional rights, and against abortion. On the other side you have candidates in favor of socialism and abortion. You need to vote against atheistic socialism that will be attacking My believers. Eventually, I will allow a takeover of your country as a punishment for your abortions and sexual sins. My faithful will need to come to My refuges for their protection from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see in the world how there is much division in your society. You are seeing fewer people praying, and fewer coming to Sunday Mass. Other countries are even less religious than America. You can see evil taking over in all parts of your society. My faithful need to be beacons of faith in your Creator. Even if others may criticize you, do not be afraid to speak out on your love for Me and your neighbors. Be a light of faith, and be good examples of being Christians. You will be losing your freedom of religion, and you may have to go into hiding when your lives are threatened. Keep the faith in Me no matter how much opposition you will suffer for your beliefs in Me.”

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Wednesday, March 27, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen in the Scriptures how you need to enter heaven through the narrow gate by following My Commandments. It is the broad road that leads to hell. It is obedience to My laws out of love, that puts you on the right path to heaven. I also call you to give your will over to My Will, so you will have allegiance to what I want you to do, rather than your own ways. When you follow the ways of the desires of the flesh and the world, you are quickly led astray from the right path to heaven. During Lent you need to orient your ways to following My ways, which are more perfect. Follow My Light to be with Me, rather than follow the devil into the darkness. Your spiritual life is the most important means of bringing your soul to heaven. When you focus your life on Me and heavenly things, then you will keep your eyes faced on your goal of heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, recently you have seen a measles outbreak among some children who were not vaccinated. Your medical people were quarantining people who were not vaccinated from the area of the outbreak. Many of your young children receive multiple vaccinations close together. There are some people who think such shots could be related to autism, but this has not been proven. Some think it is better to space the shots out instead of having them all at once. It may also be better to wait for the children to get a little older than infants. Most of the research on autism is conducted by the makers of the shots, but they are biased to not find any connection with the shots and autism. It would be better to have independent testing to have an unbiased answer. Pray for the children who develop autism after their shots.”

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Tuesday, March 26, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I told you a story of how one man was forgiven a huge debt because he begged for more time to pay it off. Then that same man would not forgive a smaller debt from a fellow servant. This man later had to pay off the whole debt because he did not treat his fellow servant with mercy as his master did. I also told My apostles that they need to forgive their neighbors seventy-seven times. My people come to Me many times to seek My forgiveness of their sins in Confession. So just as I forgive repentant sinners, My people need to forgive others as well. If someone seeks your forgiveness, then you should be willing to forgive them. So do not look for revenge, and do not be angry with people who do you wrong, but be willing to be more loving in granting your forgiveness. This is not easy for man, but I asked you to love everyone, even your enemies. During Lent, you need to work harder on your loving people, and forgiving people.”

Jesus said: “My son, when I gave you the instruction to have a third refuge practice run with your prayer group, I was suggesting that other prayer groups could do the same. You had a twenty-four hour drill that went from 7:00 p.m. of the first day to 7:00 p.m. of the second day. Remember to have around the clock Adoration in a prayer room, with people signed up for various hours. You will have to work out some bedding arrangements with cots, sleeping bags, or beds overnight. Then you could use well water and meal preparations for at least two meals for everyone. You could use your stored food to see how to prepare it. If you have alternate heating, you could replace your natural gas heater. If you have wind-up flashlights, you could bring them with you, and even bring one lantern to help with the lighting. You could use solar panels for power also during the day, or by batteries during the night. All of your projects have helped you to be prepared for your refuge. You can share your experiences to help other people who have refuges. Assign jobs so you all have something to do. When you are finished with your practice run, you could take notes on what needs improving, so your practice run can teach you how to make it better. I thank all of My refuge builders for all they are doing to help My faithful survive the coming tribulation.”

Monday, March 25, 2019

Monday, March 25, 2019: (Annunciation)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the hand of Satan in the attempted destruction of My Church, the U.S. government, and the family. The socialist communists are trying to take over the world by controlling the media and your education system. You can see the control of the television stations by socialist liberals where conservative voices are being removed. The newspapers, the radio, and the internet are also stifling any conservative voices as well. You can see your freedom of speech is being taken away. You have the same socialist liberals trying to take over My Church also. There will soon be a division between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. The attack on the family can be seen in divorces, homosexual marriages, fornication, adultery, and abortions. This destruction of your society has been carefully orchestrated by the devil using the one world people to prepare the world for a takeover by the Antichrist. I will allow a short tribulation in revolt against Me, but I will protect My faithful at My refuges. I will then bring My destruction upon all the evil ones, when they will be cast into hell. Then I will renew the earth with no evil, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. My faithful will be tried and tested in this purgatory on earth to see who are My true believers. Trust in My protection during the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My son, I was giving you a scene of a flooded church where the water was coming up to your waist. It is one thing to hear about floods, but when you experience it first hand, it gives you a hopeless feeling, and you want to escape to dry land. The flooding in the Midwest is devastating, and with more snow to melt, there could be more flooding with further rain showers. This scene is to give you a personal feeling for what these farmers are going through. Many farmers could lose their farms if they cannot plant their crops. The governors may have to declare an emergency to get some aid from the government to pay for the land and the crops that could not be planted. This could be a disaster for the farmers, and for the people who depend on this food to eat. There will be food shortages, and people may have to stock up on what food is available. Pray for your farmers and for your people to have enough food to eat.”

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Sunday, March 24, 2019:
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is here to speak to you about My encounter with Moses. I was Present in the burning bush, and I told Moses to come no further, because he was standing on holy ground, and he needed to remove his sandals. It is out of respect for My glorious Presence that he stopped, and removed his sandals. I proceeded to tell Moses that he would be the deliverer by My miracles to lead his people out of bondage by the Egyptians. Today, you have the holy ground of My Son, Jesus, wherever you see a tabernacle with His consecrated Hosts. This is why you give your respect to Us by kneeling in front of the tabernacle on arriving and leaving Our Real Presence. When you receive Holy Communion you need to bow or genuflect. You also need to be free of mortal sin in order to receive Us worthily. In every Holy Communion you receive all Three Persons in the Blessed Trinity: Myself, the Father, Jesus, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, because We are always One and undivided. Learn from your Lenten devotions to keep focused on Us and pray your prayers of thanksgiving to Us every day.”

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Saturday, March 23, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, the parable of the Prodigal Son is well known, but it is a sign of how much I am happy to receive any sinner who repents of their sins. I am truly merciful to forgive a repentant sinner. You have heard how heaven rejoices over even one sinner who repents and changes his or her ways. In this account the father was so happy to have his son back, that he gave a great feast to celebrate this joyous occasion. It was even hard for the faithful son to accept his father’s compassion. There is a great line when the father said: ‘This son of mine was lost, but now he is found.’ I wait anxiously for all sinners to come back to Me to seek My forgiveness. My grace and forgiveness await all sinners. It is in Confession that I am constantly forgiving you as many times as you return to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, Satan is behind the masons who want to make the United States into a socialist communist country, so you could be linked with other countries under the authority of the Antichrist. To bring this about, the evil ones need to control your government and eliminate your Constitution. They will crash your money and turn off your electricity to control you. They will then force mandatory chips in the body on you so you can only buy and sell with the mark of the beast. They will use your cell phones, cell towers, and satellites to control you like hypnotism. When you see your electricity turned off all over, martial law, or mandatory chips in the body, this will be your sign to come to My refuges to avoid being killed. You will be led by your guardian angels to the nearest refuge. I will provide and multiply your food, water, and fuels so you can survive at My refuges. Your country will be taken over by the evil ones, but do not be afraid because My angels will protect you. Those people, who believe in Me and love Me, will be saved at My refuges. I love all of you, but you must repent of your sins and seek My forgiveness, just as the Prodigal Son was forgiven.”

Friday, March 22, 2019

Friday, March 22, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, all of you are destined to die, and it is just a matter of time until you will be in a casket to get buried. You wonder where all the years went, until you realize, you are only here for a short time. It does not matter how rich or poor you are because you all will be in a grave. The important thing is where your soul will be judged. This is why you need to keep your soul clean from sin by frequent Confession, so you are always ready to meet Me at your particular judgment. If you love Me and your neighbor, and repent of your sins, you can be on the right path to heaven. Many souls need some time in purgatory to make reparation for their sins. Very few people go directly to heaven, only those who lived saintly lives, or those who suffered their purgatory on earth. Keep focused on Me and pray for sinners, and those souls still in purgatory, and I will one day welcome you into My heavenly kingdom.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see at different churches that Sunday Masses have fewer people, and the collections are down as well. There have been some articles in your newspapers about priests abusing young boys, but some of these charges happened years ago. Many of your people have stopped coming to Sunday Mass for various reasons. I keep reminding you about My Third Commandment, which says: ‘Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.’ This is a mortal sin to miss Sunday Mass on purpose, especially when you are not sick. If you truly love Me, you would come to Mass to receive Me in Holy Communion. If you believe in My Real Presence in Holy Communion, you would not want to miss a chance to receive My Body and Blood. Lent is a special time to pray and do good works for your neighbor. See the importance of attending Mass not only out of obligation, but because you want to be with your God who loves you.”

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Thursday, March 21, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you are just starting spring, but your farmers in the Midwest will not be able to plant their fields until the water dries up. This will set back their crops that will be late in planting, and it may cause a shortage in your food supply. You need to pray for your farmers so they could bear any losses from a late planting, if they can plant at all. This is the worst flooding you have seen there in many years. Such a food shortage will affect many of your exports, where other countries will need to search for food elsewhere. I have talked about a coming famine, and anything like floods can greatly affect your food supply. This is another reason to have a 1 year’s supply of food on hand for every member of your household. These floods are just another example of how natural disasters can affect your economy. See these events as a continuing punishment for your abortions and sexual sins.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, My young children are special to Me, and I do not want anyone to abuse them. In today’s workplace it is hard for some young parents to have good wages to provide a home, food, and clothes for their young children. In some cases there are divorces or separations so one parent has to bring up the children. This means that parent needs babysitting while that parent has to work for a living. It is hard for single parents to find time to be with their children, but they must bond with their children and show them love and attention. It is better to have both parents help bring up the children, but it is sometimes necessary for both to work to make a living. Pray for all parents and children, and pray they do not have an abortion.”

Jesus said: “My people, when your children are young, you can take them to Sunday Mass without much resistance. When the children get older, they are influenced by their peers and their teachers. They learn quickly that many teenagers do not come to Sunday Mass, especially if any family members do not come. Keep praying for your children and for all teenagers to come to Sunday Mass.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people, who live in Northern climates, are ready for spring warmth after a long hard winter. Many cannot wait to clean their yards, and plant some flowers. You, My son, enjoy taking pictures of the spring flowers. You were raking up your lawn debris on a warm day. Have patience because the cold temperatures will be warming soon. You have the four seasons, and every season has its joys and difficult weather. So enjoy the beginning of spring which brings everything alive again.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need a certain amount of rain to bring life to your crops, trees, and vegetation. But if you live close to a river, you could be risking floods with a heavy rainfall. You are fortunate to have dams and working levies to hold back the water. Pray for those people who have inundated homes in the Midwest. They have to find another dry place to live, and they could lose their homes.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who have had power outages from strong wind storms. This is difficult to heat your home if you do not have alternate heating, as wood in a fireplace, or kerosene in a kerosene burner. You also need light sources at night as generators or solar power to have working lights. These things are the same preparations needed at My refuges. Be willing to take people in during a power outage, if you have heat and lights. It is good to share with those people who do not have alternate sources of heating. You will need such preparations during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you need to be more focused on loving Me in your Lenten devotions. You need to pray and repent in Confession. You may come to services for the Stations of the Cross on Friday, and observe your fasting between meals, and no meat on Fridays. You could even attend a mission if your church offers one. You also need to remember whatever extra penance you were suffering for love of Me. You also could come to Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. This season is meant to help you love Me more and improve your spiritual life.”

Jesus said: “My people, another devotion for Lent is for almsgiving, or sharing your donations with the poor, or your food shelves. You could even take some food to your food shelves, or help distribute food to the poor. You may be asked to help people in need, so be quick to answer their needs without so many questions. I died for all of you to be saved, so you also can help evangelize souls to the faith. Reach out in love to help people when you see an opportunity to help them.”

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Wednesday, March 20, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel two apostles wanted to be on My right and on My left when I enter My Kingdom. I told them this was chosen by My heavenly Father. If someone wants to be first, they must be the servant of all. In this earthly life there are others who are striving to control the world. This all starts with Satan as he controls atheists as Karl Marx to take over the world with socialist communism. Look at Russia and China as they preach atheism, but many of these communist countries would not exist unless very wealthy people supported it. I first pointed you to the ‘Agenda’ movie of Curtis Bowers that exposed the plot of a communist takeover by 50 plans to take control of your schools & colleges, your media, destruction of your morals, the use of sex and drugs, destruction of the family, and religion. Many of their goals have been accomplished. Now, you have a new socialist movement by the Justice Democrats, who are trying to take over your government using ‘puppet’ Congress people supported by experts and wealthy Democrats. Their goal is the same to turn America into a socialist communist government as Russia. They are using expert campaigners to take over primaries to win seats in your government. Behind these same lies is Satan and those preaching atheism. This is a new smoke screen disguised to trick the people into favoring socialist ideas. The worst tactic is if they continue preaching these lies often enough, that people will believe it. This is why the liberal left continues to keep spreading the same lies every day. Refuse to accept this Godless philosophy of socialist communism, or your country will be another Russia or China.”
N.B. see on ‘The brains behind AOC’, Curtis Bowers’ ‘Agenda:Grinding Down America’, and ‘Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit’.

Jesus said: “My people, I know America is one of the last nations to stand up to Russia and China. Because these nations are building up their navies, and they are making new military hardware, your country is also in need of keeping up its military strength to defend against these countries. This is why your President has had to build up your Defense, and why he is protecting your steel and aluminum plants. He knows he cannot rely on foreign countries to make your sophisticated weapons. War is not what man needs, but a good deterrent can help prevent a war. Even amidst the military buildup among nations, you need to pray for peace among your nations.”