Wednesday, February 27, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, in the vision you see Me leading you in My footsteps. I have led you all throughout your life, and you have been a faithful servant in following Me. You are about to embark on a perilous journey, when the evil ones will try to kill My faithful, and especially My prophets who are speaking out, as yourself. You know that the Antichrist will be coming to declare himself after the Warning and the six weeks of conversion. Once he declares himself, this will start the less than 3½ years of the evil tribulation. I will warn you when to stay at your refuge, when the evil ones will be searching to capture you, before martial law is declared. I told you before that those people on the red list will be picked up before martial law starts. Those people, who are captured, will face death at the detention centers. I will warn all the people on the red and blue lists when it is time to go into hiding at My refuges of protection. You remember in history how Hitler killed people in his gas chambers. This killing of My faithful will be as back in that time. This is why My faithful will be warned when to avoid being killed. Some of My people will be martyred for their faith, but they will become instant saints, and they will return to earth during My Era of Peace. My son, you will be traveling to various refuges in bilocation to help support My people. Follow in My footsteps as I will lead you through the tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen statues and pictures of My Sacred Heart. You usually have a large crucifix of Me on your altars. You also could see statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, and saints of a given church. Sometimes you may see statues of angels around the altar or the tabernacle. There truly are angels adoring and worshiping Me wherever My consecrated Hosts are stored, and during Mass. This is why I call My faithful to make visits to My tabernacle or My exposition in the monstrance, so you can adore Me in silence. You also see an image of Me in pictures of My Divine Mercy by St. Faustina. You can gain graces by praying before this image. When you pray in church, you can try and imitate the lives of the saints and Me. You may see icons of My Blessed Mother and the saints in Eastern Rite Churches. All of these images and statues add beauty and purpose to My churches in addition to My Presence, so be thankful they are in your churches.”
Tuesday, February 26, 2019;
Jesus said: “My people, My apostles were discussing who was the greatest among them. I told them, whoever wishes to be first, must be the servant of all. There are people who wish to be famous, but this is an earthly desire that will not last. Only desire to be first, if I call you to be a leader, like I called St. Peter. I took a little child in My arms and I said: (Mk 9:36)’Whoever receives one such little child for My sake, receives Me; and whoever receives Me, receives not Me, but Him who sent Me.’ The converse is also true. If you do not receive a little child, then you are against Me, and I will not witness you to My heavenly Father. You are seeing an ugly precedent being made by the pro-death people, that they now support infanticide. This is the killing of live born babies who were intended to be aborted. This is a slippery slope that could lead to killing anyone who is not desired. You saw in communist China how they were killing all girls because they wanted a male child for their one child. This could lead to killing malformed babies, old people in euthanasia, Christians, or those people who are not politically correct, as in communist Russia where they are sent to Siberia. Your nation is moving more to the devil’s ways than My ways, and all of these evil ones will be cast into hell. Pray to convert sinners, but those people who reject Me, will be rejected into hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have asked My faithful to prepare both large or small refuges, depending on the size of their property. It is not easy to plan for years of living in a confined space. Do not worry about running out of food, water, or fuels, because I will be multiplying what you need. Right after the Warning and the six weeks of conversion, there will be chaos leading up to My telling those people with crosses on their foreheads to come to My refuges. It is important to leave quickly with your backpacks and sleeping bags, or people could be captured by the men in black and killed. My angels will put a shield of invisibility over you as they will lead you to the nearest refuge. My refuge builders need to be ready to accept more people than they expected. If necessary, My angels will be finishing or building more buildings to accommodate all the faithful people who come. You will assign beds to sleep in and jobs for everyone. You may need counseling to calm down people who may be in a panic. Once you can set up a daily plan for eating, sleeping, and prayer times, your lives will be more ordered. Living with a lot of people in a confined space will require patience for everyone. My refuge builders need to have all the things they will be using, so they can help everyone with their needs. I am reviewing your refuge plans because it is difficult to know how to have everyone organized for this kind of living together. Trust in My help, since I will provide for all of your needs.”
Monday, February 25, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you know about people who are possessed by demons, and they have many appearances. This boy, whom I healed in the Gospel, was foaming at his mouth, and the demon threw him into fire and water. In other cases the demon talks through the person with a growling voice. Another case is when it is cold in the room. The father of the boy had great faith in My healing power, so I cast the mute spirit out of the boy. You may see demon effects when people have various addictions. This is why you need to call on Me with deliverance prayers to cast out the demons in order to stop an addiction. You need to pray for the souls as well, so a healed person does not revert back to their old addiction. The demons can control people through their addictions, and that is why it is hard to stop, unless the demonic influence is removed. Remember not to allow anything to control you, and you can prevent falling into an addiction. Daily prayer can protect you. Keep praying your St. Michael prayer in the long form to break any addiction in your family or friends.”
Jesus said: “My son, you just watched the Gosnell movie again, and you now realize that Gosnell went to jail for life in prison, because he killed three live babies after birth by cutting their necks with a scissors. It is bad enough to be killing My babies in the womb, but to kill babies who are born alive, is supporting infanticide. You just had a bill in the U.S. Senate that failed to stop infanticide. (53 to 44, 3 Democrats in favor, 3 Republicans did not vote; failed to reach 60 to break filibuster) There were only three Democrats that would vote to stop infanticide. This has become part of the sick Democrat platform. You can see that once the Democrats get control, your country will be going down the path of Venezuela to a communist dictatorship. Because you are not moving to stop your abortion laws, you are calling down My justice on America. My justice and punishment will be in the form of an increase in natural disasters, and a takeover of your country by the socialist communists and the Antichrist. When the persecution of Christians begins, you will need to come to My refuges to avoid being killed. After the short reign of the Antichrist, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement on the earth that will kill all of the evil ones, and their souls will be cast into hell. Only My believers will be protected at My refuges, and they will join Me in My Era of Peace.”
Sunday, February 24, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, when you are dealing with people, you should always take the high road of being nice to people, even if they think differently from what you believe. Do not criticize or judge people, because I am the only judge. Even if people are doing bad things, or persecuting you, you need to pray for them. It is not easy to love your enemies and pray for them, but you need to imitate My ways of love. Today’s Gospel had a lot of good ways to live, and you need to act on My words. You had the golden rule of do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Living a Christian life takes a lot of effort because My ways are much different than your earthly ways. You may be criticized for living a loving life of sharing, but you will gain praise from Me. Make an effort to follow My Gospel, and you will be on the right path to heaven.”
Saturday, February 23, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, the readings and the beautiful homily are all about love and faith, that is seen in all of the patriarchs and prophets. I have told you, My son, if you keep praying every day, you will keep your gifts. The day you stop praying, is the day you could lose your gifts. I know you love Me so much, and I love you even more than you know. My angels are guarding you in your ministry, and you are carrying out your missions as I have encouraged you. Continue to be a source of faith and confidence in Me for all the people that you meet. You had a gift of My Presence when you came to see Neville. It is this Presence of Mine that you bring to many people when you bring My Word. Keep spreading My Word and praying for the conversion of sinners. I will give you all the graces that you need to carry out the missions which I have given you. Remember to pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer for your protection. Congratulate Bishop Guy on his ordination and pray for his work.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing divisions between your two political parties, and even division in My Church. You need to pray to build bridges of friendship between your political parties, so they could vote to make progress for your country, instead of constant fighting and gridlock. You also have divisions in My Church between progressive thinking people and the traditional following of My laws. Even in My Church you could build bridges of friendship between your liberals and conservatives. In order to draw people closer together, you need prayers of love for each other. You are all capable of loving each other for a common good, and following My laws. I am sending My graces down to you to help fight off the devil’s temptations for hate and division. Call on My angels to help you all work together to build your bridges of love in religion and politics.”
Friday, February 22, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, Fr. Guy is truly needed in this diocese because the current Archbishop is turning 75, which is usually a retirement age. He will be an auxiliary bishop, and it will be a new life for him to work closely with the leaders of this diocese. Fr. Guy will be Most Reverend Guy, and he will have the authority to ordain faithful priests. He will take on a new set of responsibilities for the souls of his people. He has many skills which he will need in delegating people to help him with his many tasks of financing and having enough priests for the many churches. Pray for your new bishop that he is not overwhelmed with his new job. He needs to keep a good prayer life with daily Adoration to carry out his work in My service.”
Thursday, February 21, 2019: (St. Peter Damian)
Jesus said: “My people, I asked My disciples who I was, and My disciples gave various responses. Then St. Peter said: ‘Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ I commended St. Peter for answering correctly, but it was the Holy Spirit who inspired his answer. Then I told them that I would be killed by the Pharisees and the Romans, but I would rise in three days. Some of them were shocked at My words, and St. Peter did not want Me to die. I told him: ‘Get behind Me Satan, because you are thinking as man does, and not as God does.’ I repeated this to My disciples openly, several times, but they did not understand what rising from the dead meant. I gave you a vision of the tomb where My dead Body would be resurrected. My Resurrection is My greatest miracle of My Good News, and this is My promise to all of My faithful that you will all rise on the last day to join your soul with a glorified body. Give praise and glory to Me for bringing all of you to heaven one day, when you repent and seek My forgiveness of your sins.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you can see new missiles being developed by Russia, China, and North Korea. America has stopped the missile treaties with Russia, and now a new arms race is being started. Any of your adversaries could launch an EMP attack on your National Grid that could be devastating to your people. Your country could launch such missiles against an opponent, but without as serious an effect. Pray for peace with less killing.”
Jesus said: “My people, you need to pray for safe travel to Canada with your long form of the St. Michael prayer both coming and returning. You also need to pray your storm prayer so you do not get caught in the coming storm. Leave early enough so you can arrive home in the light of day. You can share your pictures and movies with those who want them. Give thanks and praise to Me for giving you another bishop.”
Jesus said: “My people, I thank all of My refuge builders for all they are doing to supply safe havens for the faithful during the tribulation. My refuges will be your only places to hide from the evil ones who want to kill My faithful. My refuges will protect you from any missiles, EMP attacks, or virus attacks. Trust in Me to provide for your protection and your survival. Have no fear and be patient, as these events will come quickly.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have become so accustomed to all of your inventions and comforts in this world. Remember to rely on Me for all of your needs, instead of relying on your money and your possessions. All of these things will be passing away, so all that is important is saving your soul in heaven. This is why praying to save the souls of your family is so important to teach them the faith, so they can have crosses on their foreheads to be allowed into My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is important to build up your churches with new members so your churches can support themselves and keep from closing. My churches provide a source of grace in My sacraments, and a chance for My faithful to grow strong in your prayer groups and organizations. Struggle to keep your churches open, despite the attacks from outside and the devil’s temptations. Call on Me to send My angels to protect your churches.”
Jesus said: “My people, now you could start thinking of how you could improve your spiritual life in this coming Lenten Season. For those people who can do fasting between meals, you can even start early. By getting your soul closer to Me in your prayer life and Confession, you can think of what areas of your life need changing for the better. Lent lets you pause to analyze if you are getting better, or if you are slipping back into old bad habits. Call on My help to prepare you for the coming Lenten Season.”
Jesus said: “My people, during Lent your parish may offer you a chance to attend a mission or a retreat for some organized prayer meetings. Make an effort to support such offerings by participating in what is offered. During Lent, prayer, Confession, almsgiving, and good deeds would help your spiritual life. If you do not attend a prayer group, this would be an opportunity to help you in prayer all year around. You also might think of attending a Bible study group as a good Lenten activity to enhance your spiritual life. Lent is an opportunity to use your time wisely to improve your spiritual life in coming closer to your Lord.”
Wednesday, February 20, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, after the flood that killed everyone but Noah and his family, I made a covenant with man. I said I would not kill all of man on the earth again. Then I said I would not kill man with a flood either, and that is why I set My rainbow in the sky as a sign of My covenant. When I will bring My Comet of Chastisement, it will not kill everyone, but only those people who are not at My refuges. It is My angels, who will protect My faithful at My refuges from any harm of the comet, or man’s weapons, and the weather. Trust in My help and My protection at all times.”
Lorenzo’s son who died from drugs: Jesus said: “My son, there are many young people dying from drug overdoses. They do not realize the hazards of fentanyl from China that is mixed in their drugs that is deadly. I will have mercy on their souls, as Lorenzo’s son. They will be in the lower regions of purgatory.”
Jesus said: “My people, in the days leading up to the tribulation, there will be authorities trying to kill My faithful prayer warriors because of their belief in Me. This is why My faithful will be seeking out a place to hide. This is why I am having My angels lead you to the nearest refuge with a flame to follow. My angels will put an invisible shield around you, so the evil ones cannot see you. When you arrive at My refuges, you will also be protected by an invisible shield. Christians will be sought out because they want to kill you. There may be some people who are martyred for their faith in Me, but most of My faithful will be protected from those who want to harm you. You will be living in dangerous times, but My angels at My refuges will protect you from harm. Throughout history My believers have been persecuted and even martyred. I have found ways to protect My faithful, and My refuges will be your safe havens for the coming tribulation. When I call you to My refuges, follow your guardian angels to My safe havens.”
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