Saturday, January 5, 2019

Saturday, January 5, 2019: (St. John Neumann)
Jesus said: “My people, you are preparing to make another trip to your March for Life against your Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. You ask yourself, how can a country legalize the killing of your children? You have My Fifth Commandment that says you shall not kill anyone. If you kill someone, you could go to jail for life. Yet killing an unborn baby is accepted in your society. You know by all reason that this is wrong, and My faithful do not have to obey an unjust decision. I am holding your country accountable for the million abortions you commit every year. This blood is on your hands, and until it is changed, you will see disasters, and evil things continue in your land. Pray to stop abortions, and encourage your mothers to not kill their children.”

(Franca Mass) 4:30 p.m. (Epiphany) Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to have a third practice run because you will be spending a fair amount of time at your refuge. This time is growing close so you need to be ready physically and have a pure soul spiritually. You have been preparing for this time with all of your projects for water, food, and fuels for the winter. You are learning how to eat your survival food of MREs and dehydrated food. You also have your alternate heaters ready along with your solar electricity. Thank you for taking on this mission of a refuge.”

Jesus said: “You are having this Mass said for Franca’s soul and she is grateful for your prayers and Masses. It was sad to see her pass, but people had a chance to see her before she died. Keep her picture out so you can remember to pray for her. She loves all of you, and she will be praying for you. Thank Me for the gift of her life to all of you.”

Friday, January 4, 2019

Friday, January 4, 2019: (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)
(Joan Theut Mass) Jesus said: “My people, every time you come to the sacrifice of the Mass, you are focused on Me in the priest, and on the consecrated Bread and Wine. You are praying for Joan’s soul, and it is proper to pray for the dead and have Masses said for their souls. Every soul is tested by the trials of life, and Joan had to suffer as well. Joan will be missed by her family, and she will be praying for them.”

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Wednesday, January 2, 2019: (St. Basil & St. Gregory)
Jesus said: “My people, after over three hundred years when I was born, the persecution of Christians came to an end. Then, Christians could come out of hiding without fear of being killed. Still over the years, there have been many martyrs for the faith. Even in today’s time, Christians are still being persecuted in communist and Muslim countries. St. Basil and St. Gregory fought heresies over My Divine Nature. Some people could not accept My Divinity as a God-man. I am still the Son of God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, and My Incarnation is a mystery for man to understand. My believers accept My Divinity on faith, as well as My Real Presence in the consecrated Host, even though they may receive criticism for these beliefs. In the coming tribulation, Christians will again need to seek a hiding place, since your lives will again be threatened by the Antichrist and his followers. This is why I am having some of My people set up refuges where My angels will protect you from harm. My faithful will be living at refuges, so be prepared to come at My call.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how evil many of the people on earth are acting. My punishment will soon fall on the people who are not at My refuges once you are called to come to My refuges. During the tribulation, My faithful will be suffering their purgatory on earth. After the tribulation, when I bring My victory over the evil ones, I will cast all the evil ones into the flames of hell. There will be much punishment going on for all the abortions and sexual sins of your people. People will be given one last chance to repent and change their lives with My Warning. Those people, who refuse to love Me, will be suffering in the eternal flames of hell. I am merciful, but I am also just. People will have to choose their eternal destination by their actions back in their bodies after the Warning in the six weeks of conversion.”

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Tuesday, January 1, 2019: (Solemnity of Mary)
Blessed Mother said: “My dear son, I hear all of your prayers for your family members. Some of them have a high price, and they need deliverance prayers, as your long form of the St. Michael prayer. Try to remember this prayer every night, because they definitely need persistent prayers, and you are the only ones praying for them. Souls can be saved, but you need to be persistent for the hard cases. I am thankful that you pray to Me and Jesus every day. Your prayer life is a good example to others. You know how important it is to be linked to us in love because we can help you with your intentions. I give them to Jesus, and He always listens to His Blessed Mother. Try to encourage others to pray daily, and come to Mass when possible. For you, who receives messages from us, it is a necessity to keep your gifts. Continue in your missions of sharing our messages, and preparing your refuge. Now, you need to plan your next practice run, and start your new DVD.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am alerting you to the possibility of asteroids or comets coming close to the earth. Any such objects or sun flares could affect your satellite and internet communications. Even tonight you are experiencing a loss of your internet signal. You also had some high winds that could have affected your lines. When you are able to link your internet, check to see if any objects are headed close to the earth. This could be another source of disasters for your country. Trust that I will protect My refuges right through the whole tribulation.”
Note. There is a comet coming around February, but 60 million miles away.

Monday, December 31, 2018

Monday, December 31, 2018: (St. Sylvester I)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision has two meanings for the end of the year. As with St. John’s beginning when he spoke of Me as the Word, you are all waiting for My return, or your death, whichever comes first. You still are busy saving souls, but your waiting is also cause to have a pure soul with frequent Confession. The other sign of waiting are the poor souls in purgatory, who are anxious to be with Me in heaven, and get out of the punishment of purgatory. Souls in purgatory do suffer not having My love, but they are promised one day to be with Me in heaven. Some souls in lower purgatory even suffer flames, a little as in hell. This is a true burning all over their soul bodies. This is also why I ask you to pray for the souls in purgatory, and have Masses offered for those souls who you know. You could even have Masses said for yourself in your will to help those in your family to remember your soul. The souls, who have been separated from their bodies, want you to have pictures of them, so you can remember to pray for them to get out of purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that America would suffer much from natural disasters. In the vision you are seeing a large tsunami wave come against your East coast. This could flood many of your coastal cities, and it could be more damaging than a power outage. Your prayers could minimize the damage, but America will be seeing more devastation, as your storms will continue to intensify. Prepare to move inland if such a wave comes. This is why I have warned My faithful not to live near rivers or oceans. Be prepared to leave for My refuges when your lives are threatened.”

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Sunday, December 30, 2018: (Holy Family Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, the dark clouds over your families are a sign of how your morals have deteriorated. Many families are divorced or separated, and only a third of your households have a husband and wife present. Many of your couples do not get married, but they live together in fornication. An even lower number get married in the Church. Because of all of your abortions, sexual sins, and birth control, this is why there is a dark cloud over your households. The parents have become lax in training their children with good morals, teaching them their prayers, and coming to Sunday Mass and Confession. Without good examples, now you see why the children live immorally. My Warning will wake up all sinners, but they still have to choose to love Me in order to be saved. Give your children good examples both physically and spiritually. A time is coming when I will separate the good people from the evil people. My faithful will come to My refuges, but the evil and lukewarm people will be cast into hell. Follow Me in My Commandments, if you want to come to heaven.”

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Saturday, December 29, 2018: (St. Thomas Becket)
Jesus said: “My people, you know this world has evil people in it that are controlled by the devil. All of My teachings about love of God and love of neighbor are contrary to the way the worldly think. This is why people in authority persecute anyone who is against their way of life. In the last few days you saw St. Stephen stoned to death, the babies in Bethlehem were killed, and now St. Thomas Becket was killed in England. You will encounter evil people in your country, and shortly you will see all Christians being persecuted, and you will need to come to My refuges to avoid being killed. Pray for your persecutors and follow My laws of love.”

Jesus said: “My people, you see in the vision how many people come to large stadiums to watch football games, but how many of these people are willing to attend Sunday Mass? Your Mass attendance is slowly dropping and the young people are not attending Mass much. Your demographics show more older people and older priests are coming to Mass. Your people are more interested in entertainment and comforts, than taking time to come to Mass. Even fewer are coming to frequent Confession. The Antichrist will take advantage of this large stadium mentality. When mandatory chips in the body are in place, the Antichrist will call his subjects to these stadiums, and he will control their minds by hypnotism through the chips in the body. I am calling My faithful not to take any chip in the body, even if you are martyred for not taking it. When the evil ones announce mandatory chips in the body are necessary for buying and selling, then My faithful need to come to My refuges of protection. Those people, who take the mark of the beast and worship the Antichrist, will be condemned to hell. I will protect My faithful from the evil ones at My refuges throughout the whole tribulation.”

Friday, December 28, 2018

Friday, December 28, 2018: (The Holy Innocents)
Jesus said: “My people, these babies, who were killed in Bethlehem by Herod, have a special small mansion in heaven because they are considered martyrs for Me. When we escaped to Egypt, these babies took My place to satisfy the wrath of King Herod, who did not want anyone to threaten his throne. You have a lot of ruthless leaders throughout history, who have killed their own people for fighting against them. You are fortunate to have your current President who protects his people from the deep state evil ones. On this feast you also are reminded of all the innocent unborn babies who are being slaughtered by the pro-abortion elements of your society. Those people, who struggle to allow the legalization of abortion are working for the devil, and they will have a heavy price to pay at their judgments. Pray to convert these evil ones, and pray to stop your abortions.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been preparing you for the coming Warning, but people have not been preparing with frequent Confession as I told you to do. If you do not cleanse your soul, more people will be seeing experiences deep in purgatory. Many of My faithful know enough to come to Confession, but they are spiritually lazy. You are coming down to the last moments before My Warning, yet you do not see the need to cleanse your souls. You need to mark a particular Saturday on your calendar so you can remember to come to Confession. Do not plan anything on that afternoon. If you allow the evil one to fill up your Saturdays with events, then you will not have time for your Confession. It is only with a clean soul that you can avoid any hell or deep purgatory experiences at your Warning. You need to be ready for the Warning, because evil events will happen quickly after the six weeks of conversion. Continue your good prayer life every day as well.”

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Thursday, December 27, 2018: (St. John the Apostle & Evangelist)
Jesus said: “My son, you have just celebrated My birth, and now this Gospel is celebrating My Resurrection. In one sense, you are seeing the purpose of My coming in Bethlehem, which is My sacrifice on the cross for all the sins of mankind. When you celebrate and give witness to My Resurrection, you are joining in My victory over sin and death. My Resurrection is a preview of all of you at the judgment, when those people, who are worthy, will be joined again with a glorified body. You will be made whole again as I intended. In your vision of St. John’s place of burial, you also remember how he acknowledged that you are carrying on his preaching about the end times. Continue to go out to all the nations and spread the Good News of My Resurrection, and the salvation for all souls who accept Me.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, in a previous message I asked you to pray your Divine Mercy Chaplet to help save some souls who died in the Indonesian tsunami. You saw the Indonesian people praying for those who died in this tragedy. This is just one more natural disaster that is happening all over the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have many occasions for having a Mass outside, especially during the summer. You just celebrated My birth at Christmas, and you have a beautiful crib scene in front of your altar in this chapel. You have been with your family in sharing gifts, and it is good to see your relatives who live far away. Even a week’s stay went quickly while you had them at your house. You will see them again when you come to your March for Life.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have called you to go and speak where you are invited, wherever you are led. I am pleased with all of your talks, and all the effort you took to visit many people with My messages. The people, who invited you, paid for your travel expenses, and they provided your meals and a place to stay. Give praise and thanks to Me for helping you in this mission.”

Jesus said: “My people, adoption of children is a special option in your Right to Life effort, where pregnant mothers could give life to their children instead of having an abortion. In the movie, ‘Instant Family’, you saw a married couple decide to adopt three siblings, and one of them was a teenager. They went through some trials before they could trust each other, but it had a happy ending with a new family. At the end of the movie they showed several adopted families. Many orphans are striving to have someone adopt them, and it can be a joy to bring up a young child that is desperate for love and a place to belong.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to try and get another job when you find yourself unemployed. It is proper for family members to do what they can to help their own members until they can find another job. It is more difficult when the unemployed person has loan commitments on homes and cars. Your other members could chip in to help the one in need. You can also offer your prayers for the unemployed person to find another job. This unemployed person should thank anyone who is willing to help.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are fortunate that your Bishop comes every year to support this cause for saving the aborted babies. Your pictures gave witness of your Rochester, N.Y. support of this cause as a family Diocese. You are preparing to make this trip again to take a stand against abortion in your country. You can see how strongly the pro-abortion people are in fighting this cause, when they tried every way to block Judge Bret Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court. Pray to stop abortion in America.”

Jesus said: “My people, St. Joseph was given a warning in a dream to take the Holy Family to Egypt, to avoid Herod’s attempt to have Me killed. Unfortunately, all the boys under two years old were killed in Bethlehem. You have even seen the holocaust in World War II where millions of Jews were killed by Hitler. Now, you are seeing another holocaust of the killing of unborn babies by abortion. Your country’s Supreme Court decision to legalize abortion is why I am allowing many natural disasters to punish your country for all the killing of My babies. Continue to pray to stop abortion in your daily prayers.”

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Wednesday, December 26, 2018: (St. Stephen)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Stephen was brave and dedicated to Me, even when his life was at stake. He was the first martyr after My Resurrection. My faithful will also be suffering from the persecution of the evil ones, who do not want to hear about Me. I will give you what to say whenever people try to put you down for My sake. The Holy Spirit will speak through you. You may suffer to witness about Me now, but later you will be vindicated in My Era of Peace. So do not be fearful of the coming tribulation, because I will be protecting My faithful at My refuges. There will be some people who will die as martyrs for My sake, but all those, who will die, will be raised up in My Era of Peace. Trust in My protection, and you will be rewarded in the Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, many conflicts with spouses or people living together comes from anger that leads to swearing and physical abuse. If you truly love and respect someone, you would not resort to verbal or physical abuse. There may be disagreements or differences of opinion, but it is better to make compromises, than resort to violence. Spouses and couples need to pray together so you can show your love for Me, and those people around you. You need to pray for each other as well. Families at peace can accomplish more spiritual good works when you keep close to Me. Call on My help in all that you do.”