Tuesday, October 2, 2018: (Guardian Angel day)
St. Mark said: “I am Mark and I stand before God. I thank you for praying to me every day, and I watch out for your spiritual welfare constantly. When you are traveling, you keep me busy all of the time. There are so many evil distractions around you all the time in this world. Your dedication to the Blessed Mother’s rosary has kept you protected through these many years of your mission. You give praise and thanks to God in your Adoration hours every day. Just as you adore God, we angels adore God every minute of every day. You have a strong faith to spread God’s Word, and you work on trying to save souls as well. Continue to stay close to Jesus, and you will keep your gifts. I watch over you, and you can call on my help at any time you need me.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a dark evil come over your country as the opposition party will do about anything to take back control of your Congress. You will see the social media controlled by activists that will try to win the Congress any way they can. You will see more manipulation of the polls and the voting machines as before. You could even see violence and an attempted coup to try and take over your country. The socialists, who are trying to take over, will be using communist tactics, and the people will see how truly evil they are for power and greed. The television programs will continue their false accusations of whatever your President does, even though he is working hard to make your country better. The lies and disinformation will get worse, and your country could be on the brink of an instigated civil war with the one world people behind it. Pray for peace in your country, because there are evil people who are behind causing division among your people.”
Monday, October 1, 2018: (St. Therese of Lisieux)
St. Therese said: “My dear son, it has been awhile since I gave you a message. I am thankful that you prayed your novena of the 24 Glory Bes to my intercession. I want to bless all of you, and I pray that you can follow my ‘Little Way’ in your lives. Give up all of your actions to Jesus, and He will bless you for all of your good works. You see me in my statues that I am carrying my cross and my red roses to honor Jesus. Jesus calls us to pick up our cross of life, and carry it through life so we remember how He died for all of us in His crucifixion for our sins. I love my Jesus so much, and I want to be an example for all of you to follow. You remember several times in life when I sent my rose to help you. Many times people pray to me for intentions, and I send my roses to comfort them in their troubles. Remember how I lived a simple life to gain my salvation, and all of you can live this way of loving Jesus, and He will reward you in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen all the damage caused by Hurricane Florence as more people are being added to the death toll. These people have not seen so much water damage than with any other storm. The floods are still subsiding, and the length of time their homes were under water, insures many homes will be a total loss. You need to pray for these people who will have to start all over to make a new home. There are still needs for food and water to help these people to survive. You may be able to send donations to get them through a tough time when they need your help.”
Sunday, September 30, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard Me talk of My prophets in the readings. Each prophet has been given a separate mission, but they are all directed to share My Words of love, and to reach out to save souls from hell. I do caution My faithful to discern the meaning of their words. Just as I send out My prophets, the evil one sends out false prophets as well to mislead even My elect. Trust in My Good News of My Resurrection, but do not listen to the false news of the evil ones. You have a strong message to follow My ways, so you will not be misled to a path to hell. I call you to worship only Me, and do not worship gold, silver, or your possessions as idols. When you focus on following My Will, and repent of your sins, you will be on the right path to heaven. If you follow your own desires for comforts, or listen to false prophets, you could be misled down the path to hell. Avoid all temptations to sin, and come to monthly Confession to keep your souls clean. Pray to Me daily in your rosaries, and you can join your heart with My Sacred Heart and My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart. We love all of you, and we direct you on the right path to heaven. Give praise and glory to Me, God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of you have been waiting for things to begin the end times with My Warning. Some people have even complained that this should have happened sooner. You do not know how evil it will get before I bring My Warning. Once you see the two suns in the sky, you will see My Warning, when everyone will have their life review at the same time all over the world. After reviewing your life’s actions, you will face a mini-judgment to heaven, purgatory, or hell. You will have six weeks to convert your family and friends. You are anxious for My return, but you must first be tested by the tribulation of the Antichrist. I will send My faithful to My refuges at that time for their safety by My angels. Be prepared at My refuges. This is why I want you all to have one more practice run overnight with your prayer groups to test the readiness of My refuge builders. I am asking you to do this because this time is coming soon. This place where you are, is a refuge as it has been prepared for many years. Have no fear because I will be helping you to get through this trial. At the end of this trial, you will see My return in Spirit to renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”
Saturday, September 29, 2018: (St. Michael,St. Gabriel,St. Raphael)
St. Michael said: “I am Michael and I stand before God, as I am a leader of God’s angels. In the first reading you read how there was a great battle in heaven between those angels who wanted to serve God, and those angels like Satan, who refused to serve God. Lucifer was the brightest angel, but pride overtook him, and he would not serve God. I then cast Satan and all the evil angels down into hell on the earth. Hell is forever, and the bad angels suffer in the flames of hell, and they are now ugly looking beings. They are allowed to tempt humans into sin, if the humans so choose. I and the good angels of God are preparing for another battle with the demons and the evil people at Armageddon. The Lord and all of heaven will be victorious again against Satan, the Antichrist, and the false prophet. God’s power is much greater than all of the evil ones, so have no fear of them. Call on us angels to defend you when you are attacked by any evil angels. Today is the feast of the Archangels of myself, St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael. Give praise and glory to God for all of His creation. You pray my long form prayer to protect you in your travels, and to help those souls who are away from God. Keep praying this prayer of protection and deliverance because I and your guardian angel are always at your side to protect you from harm and the evil ones.”
Friday, September 28, 2018: (St. Lawrence Ruiz & companions)
Jesus said: “My people, today you have daily Mass at your churches, but a time is coming soon when you will see a division in My Church. There will be a split between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. The schismatic church will teach New Age heresies, and that the sexual sins are no longer mortal sins. When you see New Age teachings come into a church, then leave that church for one that does not teach heresies. I tell you that you will not travel to all the towns of Israel until a time of tribulation will come upon the earth. Once this evil time comes, I will direct My faithful to My nearest refuge where My angels will protect you. Today’s martyrs died for their faith, and soon you will see more severe persecutions in My Church of today. Trust in My protection no matter how far you will have to travel to My refuges. When you come there, My angels will multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival.”
Thursday, September 27, 2018: (St. Vincent de Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a time when you will no longer have Mass available in your churches. This will be caused by the division in My Church, or by your government which will close or burn the churches. I told you before that My angels will remove My consecrated Hosts from the closed or burned churches. You are seeing evil things closing in all around you, as you will be seeing a communist and Muslim takeover by the one world people. The evil ones want total control over the people, including mandatory chips in the body, or the mark of the beast. Before this happens, I will warn My faithful when it is time to leave for the safety of My refuges with angel protection. My refuge builders need to quickly finish their projects, so they can welcome My people at the proper time. Trust in My protection from the evil ones who want to kill you and steal your souls.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, abortion is being allowed by your Supreme Court decision, and it is the most grievous sin America has had in allowing the killing of My babies. This decision is totally against My laws of the Fifth Commandment, and you are killing a million babies each year. Your best chance of changing this decision is to put a judge on the court who supports life at all ages. Keep praying for such a judge to be put on the Supreme Court.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some serious natural disasters that have emphasized the need to be prepared for any emergency. I have asked My faithful to store six months to one year of food for every member of your household. You saw how quickly food and water were cleared out of your stores with the latest hurricane. Most stores have only three days supply of food in their warehouses. By being prepared with food, water, and batteries, you will be ready for the next disaster, even when you are called to My refuges. I will multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who trust more in their stocks and money than they do in Me. Your stocks can crash, and your money can become worthless, so it is much safer to put your trust in Me for everything. I love all of you, and I want you to love Me in return, because I can provide for all of your needs. Your country needs to repent of its abortions and sins. Then you will continue to prosper.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of the rivers in North and South Carolina are cresting and are still at record flood stage. Keep praying for these flood victims, and work to donate what money and time you can give to help them. It will take some time for the floods to subside, so people can return to their homes. They will need Federal and state aid to restore their homes to shelters they could live in. Pray that they could be spared any more rain so the waters could subside.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been enjoying a good economy for a number of years, but these times can change with your increasing interest rates and foreign tariffs. October has been a trying month for drops in your stock market. Pray for your people to repent of their sins and improve their lifestyles. I have warned you to make such changes in your lives, or you could see some financial troubles. Pray for your morals to be improved, or you will see more punishments for your sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a battle of fund raising, as some people think they can buy elections with enough campaign ads and literature. You have further concerns over the manipulation of your voting machines. This has become a problem when machines are hacked or manipulated for changing votes to a certain candidate. Pray for a fair election, but be aware of possible cheating.”
Jesus said: “My people, My angels are watching over you all of the time. You can pray for help from your guardian angels, and you can pray your St. Michael prayers for deliverance of sinners and addicts. Remember to call on Me to send you My angels whenever you are under attack from the demons. My power is always greater than the evil ones all around you. So pray to Me and trust in My help every day.”
Wednesday, September 26, 2018: (St. Cosmas & St. Damian)
Jesus said: “My son, you can identify with My apostles when you and your wife travel out to share My messages with the people. You have also learned to travel light because it is cheaper to only use carry-on luggage on the airplanes. You may not have the miraculous gifts of My apostles, but with vans and airplanes, you can travel further and faster than My apostles did. I thank you for the many years of your missionary work.”
(Anniversary of Camille Remacle’s death, Carol’s father) Camille said: “Hello John and Carol, I want to thank you for taking care of Vic at the hospital for his dog bite. Thank you for providing what he needs in his house and for his food. I now understand why you do not charge more for your books, because you are doing God’s work for free. I am proud of you for your missionary work, and I see how gracious you are to help souls for Jesus.”
Jesus said: “My people, your U.S. ships have many armaments for both defense and offense at sea. One of these new weapons is called a rail gun that could be mounted on ships, and it fires a projectile at thousands of mph. Such a weapon could possibly destroy incoming missiles, attack other ships, or target land targets. This could be useful in any sea battles. Do some research to see how accurate such a device could be. China is developing multiple missiles to attack your ships all at once, along with EMP devices. There are many sophisticated weapons being used, but it is hard to know how they would perform in a battle. Trust in Me that My power is greater than all the newest weapons being developed. My angels will protect My faithful at all of My refuges.”
Tuesday, September 25, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, every work day people have to struggle in the morning to get to work on the road. People, who have jobs, are fortunate to be able to earn a living to support their families. Your unemployment rate is quite low, which is because of your good economy for now. When people have money to pay their bills, there is calm among these efforts. You need to thank Me for helping you in life to have your necessities provided for. For those people, who are suffering through floods, you need to pray that they can have food and water to survive. Some people have lost homes, or their homes were damaged by water or fires. You can help them physically and with your donations. You all know how hard it is to recover from a flood. So do not complain that your life is a struggle, when you see others have to deal with no power and damaged homes. Be thankful for what you have, and reach out to help those who need food and shelter.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned My people not to take the flu shots because they can do more harm than good. The Pharmaceutical companies make millions of dollars on the flu shots every year in the fall. It is the government who subsidizes the cost of these shots, so they can be given out for free. These companies make a calculated guess as to what virus strains that will be prevalent during the year. This is because it takes six months or so to make the flu shot batches. This is why with mutations of the flu, that these shots may only be 30% effective. The side effects of these shots make some people sick, and they can have a bad effect on your immune system that could be harmful to some people. It is better to take your Hawthorn pills, herbs, and vitamins to build up your immune system. Many flu causing symptoms are caused by the chemtrails in the sky. When virulent viruses are used to reduce the population, I will warn My faithful to come to My refuges. When you look upon the luminous cross, you will be healed of all of your sicknesses. Trust in Me to protect you from physical and spiritual harm at My refuges.”
David Schaefer: Jesus said: “My people, David was a very helpful leader for Queenship Publishing Co, and he will be missed by many, and especially by his mother. He loves all of his family, and he needs some prayers and Masses in upper purgatory.”
Monday, September 24, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, it is good to strive for a good education in college if you can finance it. Having a college degree can help you get a better paying job, but it does not mean you know everything. It usually means you know a little about your field of study, but you need experience on the job to put your knowledge into something useful. Because you are knowledgeable in one field, it does not mean you are capable in other fields. There is another graduation that requires a learning in faith, and that is when you die and come to your judgment. Some people may not even be prepared for their judgment, and their souls may be at risk of being lost in hell. In order to pass life’s graduation, you must be educated in My laws and My love. First you must recognize My existence, and know that I died for your sins on the cross. I am your Creator and your Savior. My Commandments are all about love of God and love of neighbor as yourself. Once you are aware of My love, you also need to know about My mercy and forgiveness in Confession. When you disobey My laws, I call you to repent of your sins, and seek My forgiveness. If you keep your soul clean, and show your love for Me on Sunday and your daily prayers, then you will know Me. Those souls, who do not repent, and do not love Me, will fail at graduation on a path to hell. Those souls, who repent and love Me, will pass their graduation into heaven. Passing your life’s graduation will be the best degree you could obtain.”
Jesus said: “My people, My faithful are already being martyred in foreign lands, and you need to pray for all Christians who are being tortured or killed for their faith. You are seeing already how evil it will be during the tribulation. I will warn My faithful when the evil ones will begin their purging for the Antichrist. You know at that time, it will be necessary to come to My refuges. My refuge builders have been preparing for this time of tribulation for a long time, and now it is at the door. Trust in My angels of protection, and My multiplication of your necessities. I will send faithful to you, who have crosses on their foreheads. You will be praying more than now at your refuges.”
Sunday, September 23, 2018:
Jesus said: “My son, just as your priest said, listening is as important a gift as speaking. It is important to listen to Me in My Word of the Gospel, and if you are fortunate, to hear Me in locution messages. I want you to take My words to heart, and listen out of love for Me. Take them into your lives so you can share My love with others. Another case of listening is to listen to those people around you in love, so they know that you love them as you love Me. Some people are hoping to tell people their troubles, and you could comfort them. By showing your love and respect for others, you can add love to a world full of evil and hate. Love one another as I have loved you.”
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