Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Wednesday, August 22, 2018: (Queenship of Mary)
The Blessed Mother said: ‘My dear children, you have been faithful in your devotions to praying my rosary and wearing my scapular. I hear all of your prayer petitions, as I take them to my Son, Jesus. You are also my faithful pilgrims in your travels and in sharing your faith with others. There are many souls that need converting, and this is one of your prayer petitions. I also see some refuge builders who need help in finishing their preparations to receive my children during the tribulation. Keep storming heaven with your prayers, and trust my Son to answer your pleas. Continue your prayers for Queenship Publishing that they will be able to carry on their business.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you a jar of honey to remind you of how St. John the Baptist lived in the desert eating locusts and wild honey. You remember well when you went to Israel, and you visited the Jordan River in the place where St. John the Baptist baptized people. He called out to the people to repent and convert their lives by being baptized in the Jordan River. He was even brave enough to call out Herod for living in sin with his brother’s wife. I call My prophets of the end days to follow in St. John the Baptist’s footsteps, by going out to all the nations, and speak My words of the Gospel to save souls from hell. I send My angels out with you for protection at your talks. So do not be afraid to go forward to preach My Word of salvation to all those people who listen to you. Today, you had your solar worker come out and fix your solar charge controller, so you could charge your new batteries with your new solar panels. You prayed for the success of his work, and your prayers were answered. Now you can pray some prayers of thanksgiving that you have a working system that could work in the winter when you remove the snow off of the solar panels. I told you that I would solve your problem, and you trusted in My Word, and you were rewarded. You are seeing again how I am helping you with all of your projects. Give praise and thanks to Me for helping you and all of My refuge builders.”

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Tuesday, August 21, 2018: (St. Pius X)
Jesus said: “My people, what does it profit a man to gain all the world’s wealth and lose his soul? (Matt. 16:26) Your true wealth can only be found in Me, because only I can give peace to your soul. Some people on earth strive to accumulate wealth so they can live comfortably in this world. Instead, you should trust in Me only to give you what is needed. This is why you love My saying: ‘Seek first the Kingdom of God and His justice, and all these things shall be given you besides.’ (Matt 6:33) It is better to trust in Me than your wealth, that will rust and disappear. The rich people will have a difficulty to be saved, because such people make money their god. You cannot have any gods or idols before Me according to My First Commandment. So focus your lives on loving Me and your neighbor, instead of loving your cold possessions that will never love you as I do. You were put on this earth to know, love, and serve Me of your own free will. So follow the path of My Will, and you will have eternal life in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have directed you in many projects how to get them completed. It takes faith that I will find solutions to help you solve your problems. For man some of your problems seem impossible to solve, but for Me, all things are possible. Trust in Me in faith that I can fix the problem with getting your solar charge controller working to charge your new batteries. It is still a good idea to have some solar power working during the winter to run your pumps. You may have to remove the snow, but you can have some power working for you. Pray your rosary for a good outcome when the solar man comes to make the needed repairs.”

Monday, August 20, 2018

Monday, August 20, 2018: (St. Bernard)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing some large earthquakes recently, and those earthquakes under the ocean floor can cause tsunamis. This vision of a large wave of water coming ashore is another example of a natural disaster. Earthquakes, volcanoes, or fires are other kinds of natural disasters that are happening even now in some parts of your country. I have warned you of an evil event that could be triggered by the HAARP machine. This machine could be used to cause droughts and earthquakes. I also have warned you about the destruction of your Freedom Tower that could be caused by terrorists. An event that would change the way you live, could come from a Yellowstone eruption of a super volcano, or an event that could cause a martial law. Be watchful also if you have an EMP attack that could ruin all of your microchips and stop your vehicles, banks, and electricity. Trust in Me to protect you when your lives will be in danger. If your way of life is changed, you will need to come to the safety of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, today, many people own cell phones, so they can keep in touch with their family and friends. This convenience has a price, so others can track your whereabouts as long as you do not disconnect the battery on your cell phone. People with cell phones are also affected by microwaves that could cause cancer, especially if you hold it up to your ear. It is better to use ear buds to keep away from the microwaves that are close to your head. If you do not have a cell phone, and you keep your charge cards in aluminum sleeves, the one world people cannot track you, unless you charge something. The one world people want to control everyone. This is why they want you to have the mark of the beast in your body so this chip could control your mind to make you into their slave. Avoid taking any chip in your body, so you can retain your free will. Even if they threaten to kill you, refuse these chips. When you come to My refuges, your cell phones will not work, so throw them away. Trust in Me fully for your survival, and I will fulfill all of your needs. I will help you both physically and spiritually for all that you will need to endure the coming tribulation.”

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Sunday, August 19, 2018: (Mass for Jeanne Marie Bello)
Jeanne Marie said: “My dear husband, Al, how I love you so much, and I wish I could show you more somehow. I miss being with you. You were and still are the joy of my life for the few years we were together. Remember all the spiritual things that I shared with you. I am praying for you every day, and I am watching over you like your second guardian angel. I thank John and Carol for coming today to my Mass intention, and for bringing us together. Life with you was a blessing, and I thank the Lord for the gift of being with you. Keep close to Jesus and Mary, and I am waiting for the day when we could be back together again in heaven.”

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Saturday, August 18, 2018: (4:00 p.m. Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, many faithful take My Eucharist for granted, and some Roman Catholics do not even believe that I am truly Present in My consecrated Host. It is good to have a homily on My Real Presence so the faithful could learn to give Me reverence by genuflecting to Me in the tabernacle, and on two knees when I am Present in the monstrance. This quotation of John 6:54-55 has the most important lines in the Bible: ‘Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His Blood, you shall not have life in you. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood, has life everlasting, and I will raise him up on the last day.’ Some of My people stopped following Me because they thought I was calling them to cannibalism. It takes true faith in believing that the words of Consecration cause a transubstantiation of the bread and wine into My Body and My Blood. Believe in My Real Presence in Holy Communion, and you will have eternal life with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you truly believe in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host, then you will give Me reverence by not receiving Holy Communion with mortal sin on your soul. If you have a mortal sin on your soul, you need to come to Confession so the priest can forgive you, and absolve your sins. Those people, who have mortal sin on their souls, commit a sin of sacrilege if they receive Holy Communion in a sinful state. Some people do not believe in My Real Presence, even though I am still Present in the consecrated Host. If you truly love Me, and believe in My Real Presence, then such people will come to receive Me in daily Mass, and they will visit Me in daily Adoration. When you love Me in return, you want to be with Me as much as you can. My daily adorers are My special believers, and I hold them close to My Heart.”