Friday, February 9, 2018

Friday, February 9, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you read of how I healed a man’s hearing in his ears. When I gave My parables to the people, they could hear My words physically, but they did not grasp the meaning. In order for you to gain knowledge of what I am speaking, you need to listen with your heart, and pray for My gift of understanding. I explained My parables to My apostles, but the people did not understand My parables. My faithful have the gift of the Holy Spirit and His gifts, so you can understand the spiritual meaning of My Gospels. You have Bible studies from gifted people that can also help you to understand My Word. My Church has given correct explanations of My words, so you do not misinterpret My words. Let the Catechism of the Catholic Church be your guide on various subjects. You will see some heresies being taught when you see the coming division in My Church. Be aware of such people and test the spirit of any heretical New Age teachings. With your gift of faith, you will be able to discern the truth from the lies of Satan. Pray for My guidance to teach the truths of the faith. My faithful remnant will be protected by My angels, but you will eventually be called to My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you another preview of what the Warning or Illumination of Conscience will appear to you. First you will be drawn up in your soul body outside of your physical body, and you will be outside of time in My real Now. From the darkness you will be drawn quickly to My great Light before Me. All of your sins will be laid bare, and you will feel unworthy to be in My Presence. You will have a desire to fall on your knees and some may even prostrate before Me. I will have each of you review every second of your life, and there will be an emphasis on every unforgiven sin and every sin of omission of good deeds you could have done for people. You will understand very clearly how you have offended Me against My Commandments. A great feeling of a need for repentance will come over you, and you will have a strong desire to seek My forgiveness of your sins, especially in Confession. The Warning will be a great overshadowing of My Divine Mercy over every soul, and I will give every sinner an opportunity to accept Me as your Savior and to say how sorry you are for sinning against Me. Those souls, who accept Me, will be saved, but those souls, who reject Me, are on a path to hell.”

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Thursday, February 8, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading King Solomon had many foreign wives, and in his old age he worshiped foreign gods and even erected altars for them. My First Commandment is Thou shalt love God only, and have no other gods before Me. King Solomon knew about not worshiping other gods, but he did it anyways. For this sin, his son would suffer. In today’s world your people also know My Commandments, but they continue to worship idols of lust, money, fame, and sports to name a few. When you offend Me by worshiping other gods or idols, you will suffer punishments just like King David and King Solomon. You can regain My graces by repenting and seeking My forgiveness in Confession. If you do not repent, you will be bringing My punishments down on you and your family. I gave Moses and all the people My Commandments as guides to how you should live. I want all of you to love Me and your neighbor by obeying My Commandments every day of your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, when the Jewish people come close to the Passover time, they made a journey to the Temple in Jerusalem. In a week you will be starting the Lenten Season with Ash Wednesday. You have read the account of Jonah where he warned the people that in forty days, Nineveh would be destroyed. As a result, the king declared a fast and he sat in the ashes. The people changed their evil ways, and because they repented, I spared their city. So now you all will soon receive your ashes on the forehead, and you will be fasting from food between meals and not eating meat on Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent. During Lent, you usually give up something as a sacrifice or penance for Lent. You can also offer your prayers and alms for the poor. Take some extra time to come to Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. Lent is a beautiful time to meditate on how to improve your spiritual life. The closer you come to Me, the more you will be assured of sharing eternity with Me in heaven.”
For Rosalie: Jesus said: “I am pleased with your efforts to start a refuge. Not everyone says ‘yes’ to My call. You had Fr. Michel exorcize your grounds, and you have made an effort to provide a place for people to stay. I bless you for all that you are doing to help save souls.”

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Wednesday, February 7, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been given many gifts in life, but at your judgment you will be held accountable for how you shared your gifts and your time. If you have a gift of knowledge and intelligence, do not belittle another who is not smart. If you have a lot of wealth, do not belittle anyone who is poor. If you are a very faithful person, do not belittle anyone who has little or no faith. If you are a humble person, do not criticize someone who is loud and prideful. I look at all of My people as equal in My eyes, where no soul is greater than the other. The more gifts you have, more will be expected of you at the judgment. You were not given your gifts only for yourself, but you need to share your gifts out of love for Me and love for your neighbor. If you see people in need, you should help them where you can. It is how you use your gifts and talents that you will be judged. I look into the heart and I see the intentions of your actions. So I pray that you consecrate everything to Me each day, and focus your intentions on what I would do in your heart. Not only should you pray from the heart, but strive to have good intentions in your heart for all of your actions. By striving to be perfect with My graces, you will be on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you so much, and I am praying for the salvation of all of your souls. I love all of you so much that I died on the cross to free you of your sins, if you could just repent and ask My forgiveness of your sins. I am knocking on the door of your soul, so you could open your soul to let Me into your heart and soul. Once you accept Me into your heart, I can give you My abundant graces to enable you to fulfill My mission for you. Many of you are struggling with life’s trials in earning your living, and providing food and shelter for your families. When you call on My help, life will be much easier, because of your faith in Me. Trust in Me every day, and I will see to your needs. This life is short, so by following My Commandments and offering Me your good works for people, you will have eternal life with Me in heaven.”

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Tuesday, February 6, 2018: (St. Paul Miki and companions)
Jesus said: “My people, you have water as a necessity of life, and you need water to survive in this life. In the vision you are seeing the miraculous, healing waters of the Grotto at Lourdes, where many people have been healed. In the last vision you are seeing Me meet the woman at the well. She offered to give Me a drink of water from the deep well of her forefathers. But then I offered her My ‘Living Water’ that I told her she would not have to keep coming back to receive. This ‘Living Water’ is the gift of the Holy Spirit, Myself, and God the Father. It is the gift of life in your soul from Our graces. Once you accept Me in faith, you are always with Me, and your grace can even be renewed from your sins in Confession. It is My ‘Living Water’ that will sustain you throughout life, until you come to Me in your judgment. Give thanks and praise to Me for being part of My Body and Blood, especially at daily Mass.”

Monday, February 5, 2018

Monday, February 5, 2018: (St. Agatha)
Jesus said: “My people, in this vision of My consecrated Host in the monstrance, I am calling My faithful people to come and adore Me. You are seeing how people are rushing around, and trying to do more things than they have time for. Instead, I ask you to come before Me, and take your rest in My peace. When you plan your day, make sure you plan time with Me at Mass, your prayers, and your Adoration. I am glad you chose to come to Mass, instead of your other activities. I should be first in your life, even besides your jobs and other sports activities. I am always pleased when you make time for Mass and Adoration. Because you are obedient to My Will, I will reward you in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, every day you get up and you wash up in front of a mirror. You notice gradually how you are aging in life, and you realize you are only here for a short time. You need to prepare your life for your destination and your judgment before Me. By living according to My Commandments and imitating My life, you can choose to come to heaven. When you look at your reflection in the mirror, you are seeing the soul within through your eyes. I have made you in My image, and I have given you free will to follow Me or not. Those people, who are faithful to Me, will receive My graces on your path to heaven. I want to save all souls from hell, and I need My faithful servants to share their faith in helping to convert souls to the faith. I love all of My people, and I have a special love for all of My adorers before My Blessed Sacrament. Show your love for Me and your neighbor in all of your actions.”

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Sunday, February 4, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, in My public life I spent most of My time preaching and healing people, both in their bodies and souls. Even today I look down on the people, and I see many sick people, and those people with sin who need healing. I came to heal sinners and bring salvation with My death on the cross. I am the Great Healer of sick people who need a physician. Many of you do not realize how fortunate you are to have good health, until you get sick. Pray to Me for your physical healing. In your soul you gradually accumulate some sin, and you do not realize your sickness in your soul. It is good to come to frequent Confession, especially if you are in mortal sin. You keep your body clean, but you need to cleanse your soul of sin even more so. You also see sick people in body and soul. Some faithful souls can use My gifts of healing the body when they have full faith in My healing of people. Your priests can heal the souls in Confession, and exorcist priests can even cast out demons in My Name. My faithful can also reach out to share their faith with others, and assist people who are sick back to good health. Visiting the sick and helping them, is one of your corporal works of mercy. Keep praying for sinners to be converted, and pray for those people who are physically sick to be healed.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the vision I am showing you a football game because you are competing with the Super bowl and your Fatima Celebration. Sports have their place, and it is good exercise. The problem comes when your children are forced to practice, or hold games Saturday evening and Sunday morning. When you put sports before Me, you are making sports your god, and this is against My First Commandment. When you do not come to Mass on Sunday because of sports, you are also violating My Third Commandment. So give honor to Me by attending Mass on Sunday, and do not make gods out of objects or even sports games.”

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Saturday, February 3, 2018: (St. Blaise, blessing of throats)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading I offered King Solomon any gift of his choosing. He chose an understanding heart or wisdom to rule his people. I want My people to think of how you would answer this question, if you had such a choice in life. I know in your heart, My son, you would desire faith and a promise to heaven for yourself and your family. As you ponder this choice, you see that it is the spiritual gifts that are everlasting and most desirable for your soul. This is why you desire to be close to Me in daily Mass and Holy Communion. It is also why you seek to adore Me in Adoration so you can carry out the mission I have given you. When you look at worldly gifts, these things are only temporary, and you cannot take them beyond the grave. Your real treasure, is the treasure that you store in heaven for your judgment. You can obtain such treasure by your prayers and good deeds that you can do for Me and your neighbor. You gain merits in heaven for loving Me and your neighbor when you reach out to help save souls. So when you are living your life, seek My spiritual gifts, because these gifts will be most helpful in saving your soul and the souls of others, especially your family.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been eating some beautiful meals throughout your Conference. I want to remind you with these many sacks of rice, that there are many places where people do not have enough food to eat. You have your rice bowl donations coming up during Lent, which starts in a few weeks. For your Lenten sacrifice you could send some donations to your local food shelf, or to other groups who feed the poor in other nations. You can also pray for the poor people that they can find enough food to eat. There are some countries who have plenty of food, but it is hard to distribute food to countries where people are starving. As Lent is coming, you could think of fasting between meals and giving up something you like as a penance. You also need to think about coming to Confession during Lent. Trust in Me that I will see to feeding My little ones wherever they are.”

Louise and Neville’s 50th Anniversary: Jesus said: “My dear children, I am happy to see such a faithful couple for all these years. You have given great sacrifices to bring up your family, and to provide for your refuge mission. Many people will benefit from your work. You will receive a great reward in heaven for all of your good works.”

Friday, February 2, 2018

Friday, February 2, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating My Presentation in the Temple, and you will be blessing the candles. My Presentation is similar to when your infant children are baptized into the faith. Because I died for all souls to be saved, your Baptism is able to take away original sin that all humanity has inherited from Adam. You have your godparents speak for you in accepting the faith, and denying Satan’s hold on you in his temptations. Later on in life, you will need to make your own true acceptance of faith in Me, and your denial of Satan’s works. You need to give your will over to Me in self-denial so you can center your life on Me. At your Easter service, you renew your Baptismal promises that are an affirmation of all the truths of faith in the Apostles’ Creed. You are now acting out your faith without the necessity of your godparents speaking for you. By your Baptism you are given the gifts of priest, prophet, and king, so you can go forward and share My Gospel with all of those people who want to accept Me into their lives. Rejoice in your Conference this weekend as you listen and ponder the words and experiences of your beautiful speakers. I bless the work of your Gospa Prayer house in providing this opportunity to enrich your faith.”

(Presentation in the Temple) The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am happy to see you blessing candles, and processing with your candles. You are honoring me with your coronation of my statue. In thanks, Jesus and I are blessing all of your people here tonight. All of your people here and people like you, are the faithful remnant who will save my Son’s Church. The gates of hell will not prevail over our faithful remnant. This refuge and other refuges will be protected by the angels of God from the demons and the evil people. Rejoice in your celebration of My Presentation of Jesus in the Temple.”

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Thursday, February 1, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, the people of California have been suffering some loss of life, the mud slides, and fires have caused considerable damage. They need some prayers and help to get their lives back to normal. In your world today, there is a spiritual complacency, where your people are forgetting about how your lives should be centered around Me. You are in a spiritual slumber, and you have lost your moral compass of what is right and wrong. In Nineveh, Jonah warned the people that their city was about to be destroyed in forty days. So the people and the King put on sackcloth and sat in ashes. Since they repented of their sins, and changed their sinful lives, their city was spared. So it is now, your people also need to repent and fast in preparation for your Lenten Season. There are so many people who are away from Me in serious sin who are living in fornication and homosexual lifestyles. My faithful are also sinners, but they seek My forgiveness in Confession. You need to pray for sinners who are not seeking My forgiveness, because they do not realize how they are offending Me in their constant life of sin. It is because of so much sin that you are seeing My punishment with your natural disasters. Your people need to wake up and have a spiritual renewal, or you could see even worse destruction.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a bird’s nest with eggs for future birds. You have married couples who have the responsibility for having children, so you can have the future Church members. It is important to avoid having abortions, not only because it is a mortal sin, but because your population is falling behind replacement numbers of births. You also need faithful parents to bring up their children in the faith. This requires both parents to help, because you have too many single parent households that make it hard to earn money, and educate the children in the faith. Pray for the married couples so they can remain faithful to their vocation, and avoid a divorce. Pray for the children born outside of wedlock that they too could be brought up in the faith. It is the breakdown in your families that is why you are seeing fewer young people coming to church. If you do not work on bringing the youth to Sunday Mass, then My Church will be diminishing in numbers. It is the calling of My faithful to evangelize souls, so you need to help in saving souls from hell by your prayers and teaching people the faith.”

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Wednesday, January 31, 2018: (St. John Bosco)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading about King David, you see how he had his people numbered for knowing how many potential soldiers he could command. The seer, Gad, came to David to tell him about God’s punishment, and David chose three days of pestilence out of three choices. As a result, thousands of his people died. In another time David committed adultery with Bathsheba and he had her husband killed. Nathan came to David with the punishment to his son and family for his sins. If King David has to suffer punishments for his sins, then how am I to punish America for its sins of abortion, euthanasia, adultery, and fornication? This is why you are seeing so much destruction in your three severe hurricanes, your fires, your mud slides, tornadoes, and snow storms. If your people do not repent and change their lives, I told you before, that you will see even more severe destruction. You have Lent coming, so now would be a good time for prayer and Confession. Just as in the Gospel when I was not accepted as a prophet in My own town, so other prophets I send you, are also suffering persecution and ridicule. I send prophets to My people to warn you of your sins against Me, and accept the punishments I send you. I am a loving and merciful God, but I am also a just God. Hear My words from My prophets, and obey My Commandments of loving Me, and your neighbor as yourself.”

Jesus said: “My people, I asked My apostles who do you say that I am? Then St. Peter said: ‘You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.’ All of My faithful need to witness Me as the Son of the Living God to everyone. Your priest asked the question of what is the most important time of your life? It is difficult to choose any one event because there are many. You start with your conception, your Baptism, receiving Me in your First Holy Communion, your Confirmation, your marriage, or being a priest or a single life. For you My son, accepting your mission is also important. You have an important gift of your very life. Your gift of faith in knowing Me is also important. Bringing souls to Me in conversion are also beautiful moments. I give all of you life in your soul, and you are Temples of the Holy Spirit. You have been given all of these gifts, and you need to thank Me at every Mass, and keep your focus on Me at all times in your prayers. I love all the people, and I desire that all souls could be saved from hell. It is up to each soul to choose life with Me in heaven or death with Satan in hell. I want to bless all the people at Mass for sharing My love here at the Gospa Prayer house.”