Saturday, January 13, 2018

Saturday, January 13, 2018: (St. Hilary)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I said that I came to save sinners and not the self-righteous. All of you are sinners and you need salvation from Me to be saved. The requirements for heaven are that you seek the forgiveness of your sins, and you are to love Me and your neighbor as yourself. I love all of you equally, so do not think you are better than someone else. Even if you have the faith, do not look down on others who are at different stages of progress in their faith. Those people, who do not know Me, need you to share My Word with them. Do not force them to love Me, because I do not violate anyone’s free will. You need to keep praying for those people in your family, who do not know Me, or do not come to church on Sunday. Reach out to save as many souls from hell as you can. Many souls are blinded by the desires of the world and the devil’s temptations. Pray for the healing of people’s addictions that keep them from coming to Me. In the end there are only two choices between heaven and hell, so choose the path of life to heaven, instead of death to the soul in hell.”

Friday, January 12, 2018

Friday, January 12, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading the Israelites were calling on Samuel to give them a king, so they would have a leader to fight their battles, as other nations had kings. Then Samuel told them what it would cost to have a king, which amounted to a dictator. There is a lesson here for everyone because you need to be careful what you pray for and desire. Some people desire to be wealthy, so they work hard to accumulate money, and they make risky investments to make more money than they need. Once you have wealth, you are still not happy because money and things do not last, and they do not love you. It is only Me who you should trust in, because I will see to your needs, and I will give you peace and love which will satisfy your soul. You only need enough money to survive, and beyond that, such greed could harm your soul with evil desires. You cannot take money beyond the grave, and it will not get you into heaven. So strive to please Me in obeying My Commandments, and seek My forgiveness of your sins. Then you will have spiritual wealth that lasts, instead of physical wealth that will disappear.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother gave these words to the servants: ‘Do whatever He tells you.’ This was when I called the servants to fill six large jars with water and take some to the head waiter. The head waiter remarked that the water made into wine was better than the first wine. This was the first of My miracles at the Wedding Feast at Cana. The words of My Blessed Mother could be applied to everyone. I am your Lord and Master, and I desire to save all souls, but some souls refuse to follow My ways, which are better than man’s ways. It is because of man’s pride that people refuse to follow My Commandments, and do not want to give up their will over to My Will. Even My heavenly Father told My apostles on Mt. Tabor to listen to Me. Those faithful, who follow My directions, are greatly rewarded for their efforts. When I call on people to help save souls, this is the most rewarding work you could accomplish. Those souls, who are saved through your work, are grateful for being saved from hell. I desire that all of My faithful would reach out to convert as many souls as they can. This is the most important work you could do for Me on earth.”

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Thursday, January 11, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a contrast in faith between the two readings. In the first reading the Israelites were battling the Philistines, but their faith in Me was weak, that I could help them. The people did not pray or openly request My help in their battle. The Ark of the Covenant, that contained the Ten Commandment tablets, did not help them in battle either, because of their lack of faith. This is why they lost their battle that day. The second reading of the Gospel shows you a leper who had a difficult life living as an outcast from the society of the time. When he saw Me, he had a strong faith that I could heal his leprosy. He came forward in faith to ask Me to heal him. When I saw this faith in his heart, I so willed to heal his leprosy. There is a lesson in faith here for all of My people. You know that I can do the impossible, but in order to help people, they must obey My Commandments, and have faith that I can answer their requests. When your prayers are answered in My time, you need to remember another account of the ten lepers that were healed. Only one leper returned to give Me thanks. So giving prayers of thanks is another way of honoring your faith in My healing power. You need to thank Me and those people who help you as well. Trust in Me to answer your prayers in the best way possible for your soul and the souls of others.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the pictures and movies on your TV news of all the damage, and the search for missing people in the mud slides in California. Pray for the people who lost loved ones and their homes from the mud slides on the hills of the burned brush and trees. This was a sudden rush of mud and debris that killed people in their sleep. Pray for their souls as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, your warmer temperatures are melting your snow, and your sump pump has been pumping out a lot of water. Soon you will see cold again with freezing rain, and some heavy snowfalls in some places. It is the extremes of hot and cold that is making it difficult for the drilling people to make your water well. It has been either too cold or too muddy for your people to work. Pray for better weather while you are home, so your well can be dug.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more of your brick and mortar stores that are closing because of competing businesses and your internet purchases. All stores have online services, but some stores are closing because they are not getting enough customers to make a profit. With employee wages rising, there is more pressure to be able to keep stores open. Pray for your businesses to survive these trials.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more people sick with the flu, and even people who had the flu shots. On your news you are seeing that the flu shots are only about 30% effective against the latest flu strains. Pray for the sick to find care and medications to help them. Another complaint is about the higher heating bills because of your cold harsh winter, which is about to resume after a few warm days. Some people who put straw around their houses, are seeing slightly lower bills. Pray for people to survive the cold, and that they can get help to pay these bills.”

Jesus said: “My people, your older monstrance needed cleaning and touching up, because now it sparkles with radiance, especially with My consecrated Host inside. I appreciate the efforts of your prayer group to come and adore Me in My Real Presence. I gave your small group a special blessing last week for braving the cold and snow. So this week I want to bless all of you for coming to adore Me, so none of you are left out from My blessings.”

Jesus said: “My people, during this harsh, cold winter, you could see some possible power outages. This is another reason to have some alternate heating sources if your natural gas heater stops working. You also should stock up on some extra food and batteries for your lanterns. Have your windup flashlights ready at night as well. When you did your practice refuge run, you could see how useful your cooking devices and lanterns were in feeding people and seeing at night. If you are snowed in, you could survive if you cannot make it to the stores. Pray for your people so they can make it through this winter. Pray for the homeless and poor people who have little money for food and heating.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some of your friends who need help moving to another house, and some people who have difficulty getting out to the stores for food. When you see such needs, and you can help, you should reach out to help where you can. There is another need, and that is to work on stopping abortions through your prayers and protesting. I thank all of My faithful who are able to come to Washington, D.C. to protest the decision of your Supreme Court to make abortions legal. Despite this decision, abortion is still a mortal sin that kills a baby. This sin is bringing My wrath against your country. When you save babies from abortion with your sidewalk counseling at the abortion clinics, you are doing a great service to My little ones. Your mothers should be ashamed of wanting to kill their babies. Keep praying to stop abortion, and continue your protest against your sinful laws and decisions in court.”

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Wednesday, January 10, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, once Eli understood that I was calling Samuel after the third calling, he told young Samuel to say: ‘Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.’ This beautiful greeting is how all of My faithful should be listening to Me in their hearts. In Baptism each of My faithful are all blessed as priest, prophet, and king. All baptized faithful are called to listen to My words, so they can spread the faith and convert sinners. You need to come to Me in quiet contemplation so you can listen to My call. Each of you have a special mission that only you can accomplish. You need to say ‘yes’ to My Will so you can carry out your mission. Some of you are special prophets that listen to My Word, and they spread My Word publicly. If you are being asked to preach or start a refuge, be open to accept My mission because this is how you will be rewarded in heaven for doing My Will. Some people refuse to take on this responsibility, so they are refusing My graces. A few brave souls say ‘yes’ to Me, and I will give them the grace and help to go forward with their mission. Pray for all sinners, but pray for the protection of My prophets, who suffer persecution and criticism.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have not seen many earthquakes in the 7.6 strength in the ocean north of Honduras. This caused a small tsunami, and it was an underwater earthquake. The location is not close to the Ring of Fire, and it was about six miles deep. You see many substantial (4.0 or higher) earthquakes along the western side of South America, but very few along the western coast of North America. This is a sign that an earthquake of good size is due along the California area. I told you that you would be seeing more natural disasters as earthquakes, which are another sign of the end times. Just as you saw this 7.6 earthquake, you will be seeing more severe earthquakes, as the severe ones are occurring more frequently. Pray for the people who are affected by these disasters, so their souls can be saved.”

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Tuesday, January 9, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s reading you are seeing how Hannah pleaded with Me to have a child. Later, she conceived and bore a son, called Samuel. This was an answer to her prayer, so she thanked Me by giving her son to those people in the Temple. In the vision you are seeing how short your life is here on earth. You are born and placed in a cradle. You go through life using your talents, and before you realize it, you are old and ready for your casket. It is how you use your life to love Me and love your neighbor that could lead you to heaven. It is important to come to know Me in faith. Then I can lead you how to love and do good works to help each other. Life is too short to waste your time, but you should use your talents for your own work, and share your time and faith with your neighbors for their needs. By helping people you are giving thanks to Me for all that I have done for you. Give constant praise and thanks to Me, and I will guide you home with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you there would be continuous natural disasters because of your sexual sins. California has suffered extensive fires, and now the hills are barren with little to hold the soil in place. You are seeing heavy rains on the scorched hills, and this is causing severe mud slides that have killed some people, and have closed some roads. In other Northern states you are seeing extreme cold and snow, followed by warming for a few days. The extreme cold and warm will take a toll on your landscapes and roads. You also are seeing higher heating bills for your natural gas. This weather is also causing a problem for your drilling team because warm weather could give problems with mud and snow. Keep praying that your drilling people will have time, and good weather for drilling your water well.”

Monday, January 8, 2018

Monday, January 8, 2018: (Baptism of Jesus in Jordan River)
Jesus said: “My people, it is unusual that this feast of My Baptism does not come on a Sunday, but it was superceded by My Epiphany, which also is celebrated on Sunday. This feast of My Baptism is also a feast for the Blessed Trinity of Three Persons in One God. You have Me as the Second Person in the Son, and the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, who is the Third Person. You also have God the Father, who is the First Person, and He said: ‘This is My beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased.’ It was revealed to St. John the Baptist that I am the Son of God, the Messiah and Redeemer of all of mankind. Some of the men followed Me when St. John said: ‘There goes the Lamb of God.’ St. John also said: ‘I must decrease, while He must increase.’ This feast marks the end of the Christmas Season, and the beginning of Ordinary Time in the Church Year.”

Jesus said: “My people, your weapons research is continuing to make unusual weapons for making war. In the vision you are seeing a weapon that can fire a powerful laser beam over a considerable distance. I could also see a bolt of lightning come out of another weapon that was meant to destroy tanks. A larger rail gun weapon fired objects at very fast speeds that also could travel great distances. Many of these weapons are produced by your Defense-Industrial companies. A lot of your Defense Budget is spent on these weapons. Instead of fighting so many wars, your people could be spending an equal amount of money on infrastructure projects to help your people to have food sources, and build bridges and roads. Trust in Me to help provide for your needs with more emphasis on peaceful projects, instead of so many weapons for war.”

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Sunday, January 7, 2018: (Epiphany)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you these bells that are ringing, just as you had in one of your songs. The first ringing are the bells of joy as you read of the Magi bringing Me gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The second ringing of bells is at the church when it calls the people to come to Sunday Mass. It is sad for those people, who stopped coming to church on Sunday. They need to wake up, and listen to the bells and My call to return to church. The third ringing of bells are for the joy of your freedom in America, and your freedom to worship Me. Be joyful that you are not persecuted, as in atheistic communist countries. The fourth ringing of bells is the toll being rung on America for all of your abortions, sexual sins, and pornography. Because your nation is not repenting, or changing your Godless laws, you will be facing My justice as I bring My wrath of natural disasters upon you as your punishment. Repent of your sins, and pray for your country to come back to My laws, instead of man’s corrupt laws.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating My feast day of the Epiphany, and the coming of the Magi with their kingly gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. You can bring your personal gifts to Me, and share what you have with the less fortunate. You are seeing a vision of a steam locomotive going down the track under full steam. This represents how I want all of My faithful to be working at a fever pitch to convert souls. Do not hesitate, but pray and work to save souls, especially in your own families. Even if people refuse to repent, you can pray for them persistently, and they could be saved. Do not give up on any soul, but trust Me to hear your prayers for the hard cases. It is the souls who go to hell, that do not have anyone praying for them.”

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Saturday, January 6, 2018: (Epiphany, 4:00 p.m. Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, today you celebrate the Three Kings who came from afar to honor My Kingship as they followed My star. My Epiphany is how My Word and Presence are shared with everyone all over the world. Many people have heard or read about Me, but fewer people honor Me as the Son of God, even in the Christmas Season. There is a price to truly accept Me into people’s lives, and that is giving your will over to My Divine Will. Some people want to control their own lives, and can only love Me from a distance. Today, all peoples need to come to My crib, and give Me the gift of your hearts. It is this selfless love that I desire, and I will reward My faithful with eternal love in heaven. I truly am the King of the Universe, and I have created all of your souls. Give praise and glory to your King as you celebrate My Epiphany.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen North Korea sending missiles indiscriminately in many directions, but in this vision a missile seemed headed at a U.S. base in the Pacific Ocean. An anti-missile was sent up and it destroyed the North Korean missile. Such an incident could trigger a response as an EMP attack from America against North Korea. Any number of such incidents could trigger a war on the Korean Peninsula. There is a constant threat of war that could happen at any time. Continue praying for peace in this area, or thousands of people could be killed.”

Friday, January 5, 2018

Friday, January 5, 2018: (St. John Neumann)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you these underground tunnels where military vehicles are moving supplies from one underground city to another. These tunnels are protected from any nuclear blasts, and any EMP effects. This is how the one world VIP people will hide from any bombing or civil unrest. They have years of food stored in their cities. This is also how an army could have a martial law takeover instantly, without anyone seeing their preparations. Have no fear of the evil people’s plans, because I will warn My faithful to come to the safety of My refuges when your lives are in danger. Just as St. Joseph was warned in a dream to take the Holy Family to Egypt, so I will warn you to come to My refuges at the proper time. At My refuges My angels will place an invisible shield over you, and you will not be harmed by bombs, EMP attacks, poisons, viruses, or any physical detection. I will also multiply your food, water, and fuels so all of your people could survive.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that many of your natural disasters are a punishment for your sins. Some of these hurricanes and the recent snow storm have been enhanced by the HAARP machine. Some of your fires have been arson attacks inspired by the evil one world people. Your abortions and sexual sins are calling down My wrath against America. So expect a continuation of natural disasters that could bring you to your knees, so your people could repent and be converted. If you continue your sins without changing your sinful behavior, then you will see these disasters intensify in their damage. Repent now, so you will have a less severe Warning experience. Seek My forgiveness in Confession, and pray for your people to stop their lives of sin.”

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Thursday, January 4, 2018: (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)
Jesus said: “My people, I call all of My faithful to follow Me, and to reach out to evangelize converts. This is My general call, but I also call special souls to be missionaries for the faith. St. Elizabeth, or Mother Seton is one that I called, and she set up schools in Emmetsburg, Md. I also call My priest sons to serve at Mass, and My prophets to spread My Word. Pray for your priests, missionaries, and My prophets to carry on their work.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing an experiment with a Faraday cage of copper wire around the electronics of a model ship with microchips. An EMP was beamed toward the boat, but it only shattered some glass, and the boat kept on operating. This is the type of protection your country needs for its electric grid, its ships, cars, and planes. My angels will put a shield of protection all around My refuges. Trust in My protection from all the weapons of man.”

Jesus said: “My people, I thank all of the people who contributed money to clean and refurbish this older monstrance. I also thank the person who did this work so you could see My consecrated Host wonderfully displayed. The more glorious you give honor to My Real Presence, the more you are thanking Me to leave you with My very Presence in My Eucharist. Those people, who adore Me in My monstrance, are My special adorers who will be rewarded in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I thank all of your prayer group for making an extra effort to come to adore Me, despite the near 0 degrees F cold and snow. I will give all of you an extra blessing for making your trip here. I will have My angels guide you home safely. Taking time to come and give glory to Me, is well worth the graces you are receiving tonight. You are seeing this beautiful redone monstrance for the first time. Trust in Me to guide all of you on your path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been fortunate to have a new President who is working to bring more jobs back to your country. Your markets are setting new records, and many are waiting to see how your new tax law will help your paychecks and your businesses. With less taxes to pay, your corporations should be able to share more profits. Pray that more jobs will result, and you can help all income levels, especially the poor.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Epiphany feast is well represented by the Three Kings who brought Me their gifts fit for My Kingship. I want all of My people to bring your spiritual gifts to My crib as well. Later, you saw how St. Joseph had to take us to Egypt to avoid Herod’s attempts to kill Me. You can see the evil of Herod when he had the young male babies killed in Bethlehem. This is another sign to you to stop killing My babies in your abortions. You are trying to plan a trip to Washington,D.C. So you can attend the March for Life. Pray for good weather so you can protest your Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in America.”

Jesus said: “My people, the tensions are growing between North Korea and America, and your people need to pray for peace between your two countries. As both sides prepare for a possible war, it is dangerous to antagonize each side to start a war. By not having practice drills you could lower the chance of starting a war. Call on Me in prayer to restrain each side from starting a war.”

Jesus said: “My son, your Uncle Irvin thanks you for your prayers and Masses that are helping him to rise up in purgatory. Continue the prayers and Masses to help him further. Have patience with this process, and do not keep asking Me about him. When he comes out of purgatory, I will tell you.”