Saturday, December 17, 2016

Saturday, December 17, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you believe that I created the earth and the rest of the universe according to the Book of Genesis. There are some people who believe in the big bang theory, but it does not explain where all the hydrogen came from to make up the stars. I am the First Cause of everything. In today’s Gospel reading you are seeing My genealogy from Abraham down to St. Joseph according to St. Matthew. In St. Luke’s Gospel you see all the generations from St. Joseph down to Adam, the first man, who I created. You have also seen Darwin’s theory of evolution, but there is no way that mutations can change the chromosome counts. If evolution was true, you would still be seeing changes in the animals. But there are no leaps in chromosome counts, because I created everything from the beginning. Scientists, who promote these theories, are mostly atheists who do not believe in My existence. I am still providing miracles for you every day in your births, where I create the life spirit in the soul of every baby at conception. There are so many things that man does not know about life, and when you cannot explain something in reality, you develop strange theories that have no proof. This is why you call the big bang and evolution theories because there is no proof. My believers understand that I am their Creator, and I am worthy of their thanks and their love for creating them. I love all of mankind and all of My creations, because you are My sons and daughters that I love enough to die for on My cross.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you are seeing a prophesy of My coming that was given by King Ahaz when he said: ‘A virgin shall conceive a son, and His Name will be called Emmanuel.’ In the Gospel you are seeing a dilemma for St. Joseph when he saw his betrothed was with child. He was going to quietly divorce her, but the angel came to him in a dream to say that it was by the power of the Holy Spirit that I was conceived in My Blessed Mother’s womb. The angel urged him to take Mary into his home, which he did. St. Joseph was to be My foster father to protect our family. Rejoice in My plan of salvation, which I offer to all the people.”

Jesus said: “My people, the manna of the Israelites in the desert was a prefigure of My Eucharist that I share with all of you at Mass, and at Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. I died for all of you on Mt. Calvary, and I share My love with you in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host. When you look upon My Host in the monstrance, you can feel My love that I am sharing with each of you. When you come to Mass and Adoration, you are seeking the One you love in Me. You should share this faith and love of Me with those people who do not know Me. Love needs to be shared to be fully appreciated. When you love Me and your neighbor as yourself, you are living My Commandments that were meant to guide you to Me. Keep close to Me with a pure soul by frequent Confession, and you will enjoy My love constantly.”

Friday, December 16, 2016

Friday, December 16, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, buying gifts for people can be difficult if you do not know what they could use. This is why many people buy gift cards for stores or restaurants. Those people, who want to show their care for people, go to the store to pick out something a person could wear or use. It is a lot harder to find just the right gift. This is why when you receive a gift on Christmas, you need to thank that person for spending the time and money for getting your gift. You can also pray some prayers for people as an added gift from your heart. You may add this comment of prayer on your card to show them how much you care about them, even for their soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are spending a lot of time and money on gifts for your relatives and friends, but they probably will be giving you gifts as well. This is why you should give some donations and prayers for the poor. You are fortunate that they cannot return the favor, and you will gain treasure in heaven for your charity and kindness. Sometimes you may be able to help the poor directly by giving them gifts or giving them food at your food shelf or soup kitchens. Pray for the poor as well, so they can get by on a place to stay and food to eat. Pray also for the homeless at the shelters, especially during your cold weather.”

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Thursday, December 15, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in the reading from Isaiah, you see how My anger lasts but a moment, and then I move to help sinners get restored to My graces. My coming at Christmas is all about bringing salvation and My forgiveness to all sinners. I offer this chance for all of you to repent and change your evil ways. You may forget Me, but I will never stop loving all of you. You always have a choice of loving Me or not by your free will. Those people, who repent and seek My forgiveness, are on the right path to heaven. But those people, who do not repent and do not love Me, are on the road to the pit of hell. When you choose your eternal destination, remember that eternity is a very long time, and you do not want to see anyone go to hell, let alone be burning there for all eternity. I have created all of you, and I am calling all of you to love Me and accept the mission I have for each soul. The devil and I are battling for every soul, and neither one of us lets up on this battle. As long as you all are alive, you will have to defend yourself from the devil with My help.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a potential increase in manufacturing jobs in America that have been leaving your country for cheaper labor. Your new President is planning to try and bring back jobs to your country, and keep new jobs from leaving your country. If your new President is allowed to act, you will see great opportunities for your workers.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen several recounts in several states that have failed to show any problems. If anything, the recount uncovered fraud for some Democratic precincts. Other attempts were to blame Russia for hacking the votes, but this also was not confirmed. Attempts were also made to have the electors change their votes. You have never seen an election result with so many attempts to stop a President-elect from taking office. I have answered your prayers to allow a fair election, but you need to pray that there is no more foul play or danger for your President-elect.”

Jesus said: “My people, all of these gambling casinos are taking advantage of gambling addicts that are ruining some families with their bad habits. They are taking money away from families who need food and to pay the mortgage. Your increasing marijuana use will also be causing people to have addiction problems, and a possible increase in car accidents. The medical permission is the beginning of recreational use that will cause more problems than it will solve. Pray that people do not get involved with drugs that can harm their health.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your business people are hoping that your new President-elect will improve your economy before he is even made President. This is what has caused some dramatic rises in your stock markets. The actual outcome can still change, and there could be a downturn before the needed changes can be put into place. Your new business environment still needs to be defined. Pray that the one world people do not harm your new President, and that they do not sabotage your economy to make him look bad. There will be great changes in your economy and your government. Pray that there is no martial law, or any other planned destruction of your economy or your grid.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will see some new additions to your Supreme Court that could change some of your current laws. Planned Parenthood and your Health Care Plan could see financial disruptions as the party in power wants to change these plans. Pray that there will be a peaceful transition.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen in other countries where holy statues and Nativity scenes have been outlawed in public. Christians and your public worship will be coming under more attacks from Muslims and atheists. You will eventually have to have more private services in your homes, and then at your refuges as the tribulation time comes upon you. Be prepared to come to My refuges when your lives are in danger. Call on My angel help to protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, Advent and Lent are special times of preparation for Christmas and Easter. It is an opportunity for people to reflect on their spiritual lives, and how they could be improved. Just as during Lent, you could make an extra effort to come to daily Mass and pray more prayers for poor sinners and the souls in purgatory. You could give some donations to help people, and even doing some fasting for your prayer intentions. Advent goes by very quickly, so take advantage of this time for prayer, penance, and the confession of your sins.”

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Wednesday, December 14, 2016: (St. John of the Cross)
Jesus said: “My son, you were fortunate to have Father Klem directing you in the beginning of your ministry with My messages. He was approving of putting your messages in book form with Queenship Publishing Co., and he helped you to discern about My messages about the Era of Peace. He did not want you to put in the visions until after the books were published. Father Klem had a great love for St. John of the Cross, and he used St. John’s approach to testing the authenticity of people who are receiving messages. Father Klem reasoned if the messages are not from the devil, and you are not mentally ill, then there is a possibility that they are truly from God. You also can test people by the fruit of the messages, and how long they last. Your spiritual director always encouraged you to keep praying each day, and to use My healing gifts for body and soul. St. John of the Cross is a good inspiration for many of you to follow, even as he helped establish Carmelite monasteries. Learn about his teachings so you can apply them to your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, today is the feast day of St. John of the Cross, so you are seeing Me in the vision handing out crosses for people to carry. Every person has their own cross that only that person can carry. I have mentioned in the Scriptures that I want people to pick up their cross and carry it through life. Each cross is unique, and it takes patience to endure life’s trials. You can call on Me to help you carry your cross. I will never test you beyond your endurance. When I ask you to do things for Me, I may take you to places outside of your comfort zone. You will see My grace will help you along the narrow road to heaven. Be patient and trust in Me to lead you on the right path to heaven. You will face problems in life, but I will help you to solve them. You need to trust in My help, and have hope that your reward will be given to you in heaven. My burden is light, and you will be happy to evangelize souls for Me.”

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Tuesday, December 13, 2016: (St. Lucy)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast of St. Lucy is appropriate before Christmas. She is the patroness for helping people with eye problems. There are some people who are blind, and some who need glasses. You also have heard of the ten virgins where five were wise and brought extra oil for their lamps, and five who were not wise, and were not prepared. When the bridegroom came, the five foolish virgins went to buy oil for their lamps, but the door was closed when they returned. If you are waiting for My return, you need to be more like the five wise virgins, and be prepared. Some people are saving extra food and lamp oil for their lamps to give light. You can also be prepared in your souls with frequent Confession. Those people, who are not prepared, will not have crosses on their foreheads, and I will say to them: ‘I do not know you, because you do not know the time, nor the hour of My return.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see a crossroads, you can go in all four directions. This means you have many choices in life, but I am always at the center of your lives directing traffic, and telling you which is the right direction to go. The biggest problem many people have, is that they would like to make their own decisions, instead of letting Me help them. When you listen to Me in prayer, and let Me guide you on the right path to heaven, you will be content with My decisions. When you refuse My help, and do things alone, you will go down many dead ends. Even more so, you need to imitate Me in life, and let Me guide you in your spiritual life as well. You need to let Me be the center of your lives, because all roads lead to Me, your Creator. Give Me your will, and you will be safe by My side at all times.”

Monday, December 12, 2016

Monday, December 12, 2016: (Our Lady of Guadalupe)
Our Lady said: “My dear son, I am happy that you were able to visit my shrine of Guadalupe in Mexico. You could still see how my picture on St. Juan Diego’s tilma is still intact for everyone to see this miracle. I am the patroness of all the Americas and I love my children as I bring you to my Son, Jesus. You were able to see the original church that was sinking into the earth on a tilt. The large Basilica could hold thousands of people. I gave you messages on Tepeyac Hill and in the Basilica. You met some new friends there, and they were very gracious to you. Now, you can share your experiences at my shrine where many people visit each year. Remember to pray your daily rosaries for the conversion of poor sinners, the souls in purgatory, peace in the world, and the stoppage of abortion.”

Jesus said: “My son, when you are praying your rosaries, typing your messages, or making DVDs, you know how hard it is to avoid your distractions. This is why I wanted you to pray your St. Theresa Novena to help carry out your good works. You also need to pray to have a persistent focus when you are doing good works for Me. Whenever you try to do something good for Me, the devil will always try to interfere with things to distract you. You have seen this before, so keep praying your Glory Bes to keep focused on things to please Me. You have even seen temptations to sleep while you are doing your rosaries. Remember to pray your intentions for your prayers. By keeping focused on your work, and praying to avoid your distractions, you will be successful in your intentions.”

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Sunday, December 11, 2016: (Gaudete Sunday, rejoice, rose candle)
Jesus said: “My people, you remember when St. John the Baptist called Me the ‘Lamb of God’. He was witnessing My coming because he saw the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in a dove and the voice of God the Father over Me. St. John wanted to hear My proclamation from My own lips. I described how I healed the blind, the lame, and the lepers. I even raised people from the dead. These were all signs of the coming Messiah. I also heard St. Peter describe Me as the Christ, the Son of the Living God. During My ministry My apostles witnessed My multiplying of the bread and the fish, My calming of the sea, My walking on water, and raising Lazarus from the dead. Only God’s Son could do these things, so there are plenty of signs that I was sent by My Father in heaven. Today is a special rejoicing of My coming to the earth as a God-man. My Incarnation as a man was part of My plan of salvation for all sinners. This is truly a time to rejoice. I came as a humble infant boy, born in a stable amidst the animals. Others expected Me to put down the Romans, but I came to show you My love that I would even give up My life for My people to be healed and their sins forgiven.”

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Saturday, December 10, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, your first reading focused on Elijah the prophet, and how he was taken up into heaven on a chariot with fiery horses. You remember several passages when he multiplied the oil and flour for the widow, and he had the prophets of Baal killed when he brought fire down from heaven on his sacrifice. Then in the Gospel I told the apostles that Elijah had come first in the person of St. John the Baptist. This was not reincarnation, but it was like the spirit of Elijah. St. John was first before Me to prepare the way of My mission. There is another passage in the Book of Revelation (11:3) that speaks of two witnesses in Elijah and Enoch, who will evangelize people before My return. They will be killed, but later I will raise them up in the end days. You can see how Elijah did come first, before My coming on earth, and before I will return. Trust in My prophets that I send to you, for they will witness to My coming in the end days.”

Jesus said: “My people, when the one world people plan to takeover, I told you that they would find a way to turn off your electricity either by turning off the grid, causing an EMP attack, or have terrorists destroy key power stations. If your power is out for a short time, many people have backup generators that are run by natural gas or gasoline. If your power was off for a long time, then My people may have to come to their refuges sooner. My refuge builders were told to have at least two back up sources of heating. You could use wood, oil, propane, or kerosene with the appropriate burners. You also need to have sources of light as battery operated lights, windup flashlights, and oil lamps with bottles of lamp oil. You will need to pray that I will multiply your fuels, your water, and your food. You can see that there could be many deaths from starvation or freezing, because most people do not have backup plans for a long time. Be ready to leave for My refuges when your lives are in danger.”

Friday, December 9, 2016

Friday, December 9, 2016: (Juan Diego)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Northern states you receive a fair amount of snow, especially around the Great Lakes with your lake effect storms. You have had some warmer weather, but now you are entering into the grip of winter and its many storms. This will be the time for snow removal, and hard to travel roads. It is also a time when you can help each other clear driveways, or offer rides when they are needed. As you travel to be with family on the Christmas holidays, your families will need to pray for safe travel on the icy roads. This time of year can also be difficult in paying for your heating bills, which are higher during the heating season. Winter has its problems, but the white covering has a certain beauty to it, especially for skiers. Be ready to help people in their needs out of love for Me.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have heard of some people who are talking about this Christmas being different from those in the past. You also have seen some recent powerful earthquakes off the coast of California and a larger one near the Solomon Islands. These serious earthquakes appear to be happening more frequently. It is very possible that you could see more large earthquakes before Christmas that could cause problems for your people. There is another comet (Honda) coming by in February, but it is far away and does not appear to threaten the earth. God bless all of you for remaining faithful to Me in all of these latest events.”

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Thursday, December 8, 2016: (Immaculate Conception)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, as you read the account of Adam and Eve’s original sin, you are now seeing me as the new ‘Eve’. My Son, Jesus, gave me to St. John, and I was given to be the mother of all of Jesus’ people. Now, Jesus is also the new ‘Adam’. As you see the first Adam and Eve were in sin, now you have both the new ‘Adam’ and the new ‘Eve’ are both without sin. In the Gospel you have the account of my Annunciation on the feast day of my Immaculate Conception. You remember Bernadette Soubirous at Lourdes, France where I gave her the message of my Immaculate Conception. The Lord prepared me without original sin so I would be worthy to be His mother. Both our lives were sinless, and we are examples for you to imitate.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, there are many one world people who do not want to see your President-elect take office. This is why I have encouraged My faithful to pray for your new President that he is not harmed, and not prevented from taking office. You have prayed for his election, and you have prayed prayers of thanksgiving that he won. Continue your prayers that America will be given a new opportunity to get rid of your current evil laws, and change your ways to love Me more.”

Jesus said: “My people, America will continue to be tested by more disasters. As you move more into winter, you are seeing snow blizzards and more earthquakes that have killed some people and have caused severe damage. Pray that your people will recover, and help the victims of your disasters. Call on My help to get through your daily trials.”

Jesus said: “My people, when your new President takes office you could see some disagreements on how to address the various problems of your country. Rather than spending your time fighting, now is the time to find some compromises so you can move forward with the needs of your people. With the focus on the true needs of your country, then your establishment should not block what is good for your country. Keep praying that your leaders can make the right decisions for your people.”

Jesus said: “My people, as your President submits his appointments for cabinet positions to the Senate, hopefully there will be a consensus to move on with governing, without too much disagreement over these choices. It takes time and deliberation to choose a cabinet for the incoming President. Pray that these proceedings will be brief so your new government can move forward. You have been praying for a change, and with your prayers, your new President will get his chance to govern.”

Jesus said: “My people, your reading of Psalm 51 three times is a great sign by your prayer group that you are truly trying to follow My Will for your country. Your people need to change their hearts and repent of their sins. This is truly the Advent spirit that is needed for your preparation for Christmas. Look beyond your gift giving, and see the need for more prayers to convert souls to love Me. Christmas is all about sharing, so you need to pray for each other in addition to exchanging gifts.”

Jesus said: “My people of St. Charles Borromeo, you have been blessed to have this old cross from Holy Name placed on your front wall. This cross took forty years until it could be placed on the altar. Your present church did not have a large crucifix, so putting this cross up is a fine tradition to show the true leader of your church in Me. My Crucifixion shows you how much I love My people that I was willing to give up My life to bring salvation to all sinners. Show your love for Me in your daily prayers and your good works.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing that you cannot presume everything will go along without some trials. In the past you have had difficulties in preparing the DVD talks that you sell. The evil one will always try to upset your good work. This is why you see the need for your St. Theresa Novena to prepare your way. Call on My angels to help you in your work on your DVD talk. This is a good vehicle to share your love and evangelization efforts with all the people who will watch and listen to this new DVD. I will assist you in all that you are doing to help save souls from going to hell.”