Saturday, March 7, 2015

Saturday, March 7, 2015: (Sts. Perpetua and Felicity)
Jesus said: “My people, it is hard for My people to have patience with other people, especially when they repeat the same offensive behavior. Now, you can imagine just a little of what I suffer in My endless mercy for seeing all of your sins. Heaven and I are all rejoicing over one sinner who repents and seeks My forgiveness. I will always forgive a repentant sinner, but each person needs to be sorry for offending Me, and to try and avoid the same sin. I did not condemn the prostitute, but I told her to go and sin no more. The account of the Prodigal Son is very touching, and I see Myself as the father in many cases on earth. I keep seeking out the lost sheep to come back to Me. I am like the hound of heaven always in search of lost souls. There are also many faithful, who have been close to Me for years, and they need to be patient, and not complain of the sinners that I forgive. You all are sinners, and you are at various stages of your spiritual progress. So do not look down on others because of their sins, but for My grace, you could be like them. Instead, remain faithful to Me, and continue to seek Me out in monthly Confession. Then you can keep a pure soul which is ready when I call you home to your judgment.”

(Gerry Oftedahl Memorial Mass) Jesus said: “My people, I am very proud of Gerry as a great fighter to save My babies from being aborted. I wish many more could have her zeal for such a cause as these very lives of the unborn. Gerry had so much treasure stored in heaven for her work, that they outweighed her sins, so she was escorted into heaven by the guardian angels of the babies that she saved. Give thanks to Me for her gift of life that could lead your Right to Life group for so many years.”
Gerry said: “I am so happy to see all of my family and my dear Right to Life friends. I so enjoyed doing all that I could to help save God’s little ones. Keep up the good fight for the unborn babies. Our Lord loves us fighters more than you know for standing up to protect life. I will be praying for my family and for all the Right to Life workers.”

Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday, March 6, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, the Jewish leaders did not want to accept Me as God’s Son, so they wanted to kill Me, even as Joseph’s brothers wanted to kill the master dreamer. Thus the builders rejected Me, and I had to set up My Church with St. Peter and My apostles. The Jewish leaders did finally crucify Me, but My Resurrection defied their plans. It was My plan of salvation that has survived when I died to save all of mankind from their sins. I have protected My Church down through the ages, and it will not be destroyed even by the Antichrist. My faithful remnant will survive by My grace at My refuges. When all of the people come face to face with Me at the Warning for all the people in the world at the same time, they will know that they can only come to heaven through Me as their Savior. Those people, who refuse to accept Me and refuse to ask My forgiveness of their sins, will be on the road to hell. There are only two choices, heaven with Me, or hell with the devil. At the Warning you will also learn that My Church is the only church with the fullness of the faith in My sacraments. Believe that I am your Redeemer, and I will set you free of your sins, and invite you into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been given many detailed messages about My refuges, and how they will be protected by My angels. I have talked about invisible shields because I want you to have full trust in Me without using guns to kill people. I have shown you very powerful angels that will stand guard over My refuges, and only allow people with crosses on their foreheads to enter. These same angels will multiply your dwellings so more people could be accommodated. They will also multiply your fuels, water, food, and bedding as needed. They will bring you Holy Communion if you do not have a priest. When people start coming to you at the proper time, you will need counselors to calm them down, and I will give them miracles to believe. Even before the people come, I will be showing you signs for helping people believe without any doubt that I am helping you. You have experienced many confirmations over the years about My messages, but others have not had this experience, so it is harder for them to believe. This new additional mission will require some work, that you already know a lot about preparing. You will need to organize your home better to remove what is not necessary. You will need to organize your items so they are cataloged and easy to find. You will need spiritual things just as well as your physical things. I will help you organize your thoughts and needs as you progress on this project.”

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Thursday, March 5, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read the account of Lazarus and the rich man in the Gospel, and it should remind most people in America of how you are living a good life compared to the rest of the world. There are many poor around you like Lazarus, so you need to be ever vigilant in not forgetting them in your charity donations. You look at your after tax income, and you could afford ten per cent of your income for donations to My Church, your family, and the poor. There are many good causes as your local food shelves, Food for the Poor, Catholic Relief Services, and other places to help the poor. You can also offer your time as well to help the poor, and even your neighbors. By remembering to help the less fortunate people, you are showing your love for Me in them. Do not begrudge sharing your money, time, and talent in helping others, especially the poor.”

(Loretta Harrington’s Memorial Mass) Jesus said: “My people, it is always difficult to lose a mother and a grandmother, but she had the good blessing of a long life. She loved her family in all that she could do for them, and she was happy to see all of her family and friends at today’s service. She was led by Me into her reward in heaven, as seen in the garden of the vision. Loretta will be praying for all of her family, and she will be your prayer intercessor in heaven. She especially wants to thank all of her care givers and her children for all the patient hours of taking care of her in her last days. Many blessings will come over those who cared for her in her need. Give praise and thanks to Me for this special woman who was a gift of life for her family, and for all the people that she worked with.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the sin of avarice, or the love of money and power, can be a great source of crime. You have seen people rob banks, sell drugs, embezzle stocks, and kill others for inheritances. The idea of getting rich quick has even caused many gambling problems with broken homes. Some people think that with more money, they could live an easy life. Depending on wealth is a very empty life because such people do not want to depend on Me for help. This earthly wealth will be lost or stolen, and it will not last or help people get to heaven. It is better to depend on Me for all of your needs, because I have the words of everlasting life in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the illegal drug industry is tearing your country apart with drug addicts and cartel killings for money and power. The drug dealers would not be in business unless they had a lot of customers and sellers that make big money. Drugs like cocaine, heroin, and marijuana and the like can degrade your body and kill brain cells. It is a communist tactic to destroy America from within. Other countries have severe laws against drugs, but America’s authorities are not as stringent. Pray that these drugs could be stopped by tougher laws.”

Jesus said: “My people, the pornography business is another great evil that is linked with prostitution and exotic dancing. An even more diabolic part of this problem is child pornography and pedophile attacks. Even date rape and college sex crimes have become a recent problem. This evil use of sex to gain money or pleasure, is a disrespect of the use of My gift of procreation. Internet use of pornography has broken up many marriages, and has even encouraged adultery with other partners. Here again, your laws permitting such evils need to be stronger.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the recent statistics that only one third of your households have a normal marriage of a husband and a wife. Those people, who live together in adultery or fornication, are living in sin, and they need to separate or get married normally to avoid this sin. Those people desiring same sex marriage with homosexual acts, are even living in a worse abomination because it is unnatural and destroys the whole concept of a true marriage that should be between a man and a woman. Your society has given full acceptance of such sinful lifestyles, and this is why your children are having so many problems without the proper models to follow from their parents. These sexual sins are bringing America down by this widespread immorality and disregard for My Commandments.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know there is a desire to control the number of children at times, but My Church has only accepted Family Planning means to avoid pregnancies. Other means of birth control as condoms, vasectomies, and tube tying are sinful things that are outlawed by My Church. This desire to stop pregnancies is what has led to your prolific abortions and the day after pills that are killing many of My babies. Abortion alone will bring down countries as America, who allow such killings. Pray for people to obey My Sixth Commandment, and follow what is taught in Humanae Vitae.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many homes and marriages destroyed by alcoholic addictions. This starts out with casual drinking, and it can lead to binge drinking when people get drunk. Too much alcohol can actually be deadly, especially if mixed with medications. Drunk drivers have killed many people when their driving is affected by excessive drinking of alcohol. There are ways to help stop drinking, but the person has to desire to stop. Many addictions, as excessive drinking, have demons attached to this behavior, and it takes deliverance prayers to heal as well. You know of family members with these drinking problems, and they can affect other parts of your extended family. Keep praying for such souls to stop their drinking.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as you have prayer groups to honor and worship Me, so you have Satan’s opposite of occult groups and New Age groups that worship Satan and crystals. This is an evil straight from hell, and some Satan worshipers are controlling the one world people who are carrying out Satan’s orders to kill man. These evil ones are behind your death culture that is supporting abortion, euthanasia, wars, vaccines, and viruses that are meant to reduce the population. These are the same people who are forming continental unions that will bring the Antichrist into power. This ultimately will bring on the tribulation that I have warned you about in many messages. You are facing a battle of good and evil that I will have to settle with My victory over all evil. Keep praying to save souls, and lead people away from any evil practices against Me.”

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wednesday, March 4, 2015: (St. Casimir)
Jesus said: “My people, I am grateful for all of My followers who truly believe in My Real Presence in My consecrated Host. It is those faithful who love Me so much, that spend hours giving Me praise and Adoration. I am always present to you in My tabernacle, as I wait for your visit whenever you can find an open church. When you come in front of My Blessed Sacrament, you can ask Me what you need in life, or I can help you in making any big decisions about faith or your financial problems. You can trust that I will answer you in time, or possibly you can listen to My words in your quiet contemplative prayer time. As you see churches closing, and as you will see churches being closed in the future, you will be missing this opportunity to adore Me and visit Me in church. Later, at My refuges you will have perpetual Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament at both My interim and final refuges. Rejoice, that you have Me with you always in My Blessed Host until the end of this age.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you look all over the world, there are many forces of evil seeking out world control. You have a deepening Muslim terrorism taking over the Middle East with vicious killings. You have Communist Russia trying to reestablish its old empire. Even Communist China is controlling foreign bases, and expanding its territories in Asia. Ultimately, you will be seeing the one world people establishing continental unions which will be given over to the Antichrist for his takeover. You can see the coming tribulation being set up by Satan’s leadership. I am allowing this evil to last only a short time, until I will bring My victory over the evil ones, and I will cast them into hell. Be patient and have hope, as I will provide refuges for My people during this tribulation. Those, who are faithful to Me, will have their reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”

February 28, 2015

Febrero 28, 2015 (Ataques en la Iglesia, Nueva Era, gobierno, terroristas)

El lugar del Padre después de la Santa Comunión, yo puedo ver hacia dentro de una iglesia grande desde el techo y puedo ver animales negros moviéndose en los bancos que representan almas negras con apariencias diabólicas.  Jesús dice: “Mi gente, esto es una escena fea en la iglesia donde la gente normalmente viene a adórame a Mi, pero tu estas viendo muchas almas negras porque muy pocos van a Confesión.  Esto también representa la gente quienes están  o serán parte de la iglesia esquemática, que no creerá en Mí, y adorara a dioses de la Nueva Era y diosas.  El primer ataque a Mi iglesia será desde adentro donde algunas personas seguirán las enseñazas de la Nueva Era.  Mis fieles deben abandonar cualquier iglesia esquemática, y buscar Misas en las casas que me adoran a Mí.  El segundo ataque en Mi iglesia vendrá del gobierno que cerrara las iglesias tradicionales y no permitirán Misas públicas.  La tercera y mas violento ataque vendrá de los terroristas Islámicos que quemaran iglesias, y decapitaran a la gente que no se una al las formas Islámicas.  Muchos de estos malvados, quienes están atacando Mi iglesia, son guiados o son inspirados por el mismo Satanás.  Esta es la razón porque Mis fieles se retiraran a Misas en las casas, y eventualmente a lugares de refugios, protegidos por Mis ángeles.  No tengan miedo de estos malvados, pero no vayan a las iglesias que so esquemáticas o enseñando la Nueva Era.  Yo protegeré a Mis fieles con una capa invisible.”

February 27, 2015

Febrero 27, 2015 (Patrocinio Nacional es removido y la libertad)
En el tabernáculo de San Teodoro, yo puedo ver terroristas del ISIS destruyendo estatuas del siglo VII que eran artefactos históricos de mucho valor. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, esta escena de terroristas Islámicos destruyendo artefactos históricos, tiene dos intenciones. La primera intención es destruir toda historia que le demuestra al pueblo como los errores del hombre se están repitiendo sin aprender del pasado. La otra intención es enojar al Oeste con más atrocidades, como las matanzas brutales, para precipitar una guerra masiva que podría traer el deudecimo Imán. También hay eventos similares que están sucediendo aquí en America que cambian los libros de historia para remover algún patrocinio nacional. La libertad es la razón por lo cual los Padres Fundadores establecieron una Republica Constitucional. Los de un solo gobierno quieren hacerlos subordinados al gobierno, pues así los convencen a aceptar la nueva orden de ellos. Es por esto que tu Presidente y su partido están tratando de quitar todas las libertades de America para poder controlar más. Hay también ateos que dirigen su gobierno y las escuelas, y están tratando de remover Mi Nombre de todos en su sociedad. Es por esto que la persecución Cristiana vendrá a America donde tus libertades religiosas serán removidas. Si tú no te opones contra estos que quieren quitar la libertad, entonces serán tomados, y tendrán que venir a Mis refugios. La maldad tendrá su hora, pero será muy corta, cuando Yo traiga Mi Castigo contra estos malvados, y todos serán arrojados al infierno. Entonces Yo traeré a Mis fieles hacia la recompensa de Mi Era de paz, y luego al cielo.”

February 19, 2015

Febrero 19, 2015 (Escoge la vida sobre la bendición o la maldición)

En San Carlos Borromeo después de la Santa Comunión, yo puedo ver Jesús cargando Su cruz como ejemplo para nosotros.  Jesús dice: “Mi gente, en la primera lectura de hoy, te preguntan que escojas vivir entre la bendición o la maldición.  Esto literalmente hay que escoger entre el cielo y el infierno como tu destino final.  Esos, que siguen Mis leyes y me aman a Mí, recibirán su recompensa.  Pero, esos que se rehúsan aceptarme a Mi y Mis caminos, van de camino al infierno.  En los Evangelios Yo les pregunte a todos que cargaran con sus cruces y la aceptaran en Mi nombre.  Soportar las dificultades diarias, especialmente en este invierno, puede ser difícil, pero imita como Yo cargué Mi cruz.  En todo, Yo quiero que me ames a Mí y a tu prójimo.  San Pablo al final de su vida dijo he peleado la buena batalla y he terminado el curso.  Me he mantenido en la fe.  Ahora, yo recibiré Su recompensa. (Timoteo 4:6-8).”

February 17, 2015

Febrero 17, 2015 (Castigo por la vida pecaminosa)

En la iglesia de San José, Middleton, NY. después de la Santa Comunión, yo puedo ver la justicia de Dios caer sobre la tierra con el diluvio y también con el fuego en Sodoma y Gomorra.  Jesús dice: “Mi gente, tu das testimonio de Mi misericordia, con Mi muerte en la cruz para que todos los hombres tengan la oportunidad de salvarse de sus pecados y evitar ir al infierno.  Así como Yo soy misericordioso, Yo también soy justo con Mi castigo también.  En muchas ocasiones en las escrituras, tú has visto o lees sobre Mi justicia cuando el pecado de la gente es castigado.  Tú has leído hoy como Yo salve a Noe y su familia advirtiéndoles que construyeran un arca y que entraran a esta para su seguridad.  Luego Yo, traje el diluvio para matar a toda la gente malvada que no siguieron Mis caminos y vivían vidas pecaminosas.  Tú has visto en otro tiempo como en Sodoma y Gomorra como la gente en pecado fue destruida por el fuego, pero Lot y su familia fueron salvados.  Los Israelitas también fueron castigados en el exilo Babilónico.  Hoy día, America esta matando millones de Mis bebes no nacidos cada ano.  Hay también un número grande de adulterio, fornicacion, y actos homosexuales que se están cometiendo.  Por todos estos pecados, America será castigada también, cuando pierdan sus libertades por la gente del solo gobierno.  Mi misericordia será concedida a todos  Mis fieles quienes serán protegidos en Mis refugios.  Vendrá una gran tribulación de maldad por el Anticristo y sus secuaces.  Yo castigare  a todos los malvados arrojándolos al infierno, cuando Yo traiga Mi victoria sobre ellos.  Regocíjate en Mi victoria cuando Yo traiga a todos Mis fieles hacia la Era de Mi Paz y al cielo.”

Febrero 17, 2015 (Matrimonios homosexuales)

En la adoración de San Teodoro, yo puedo ver un niño pequeño, y después dos parejas; hombres casados y dos lesbianas casadas.  Jesús dice: “Mi gente, mucha gente encuentra difícil aceptar dos hombres o dos mujeres casadas.  Yo lo encuentro pecaminoso y espantoso que tu sociedad acepta este tipo de abominación.  Pero ahora, tú corte judicial están forzándolos a que acepten este tipo de vida como un derecho para vivir en pecado.  Otra extensión de estos derechos es cuando a ellos se le permite adoptar a los niños.  Los pobres niños no sabrán lo que es tener una familia normal, y ellos serán apoyados a imitar este tipo de vida convivir con alguien de mismo sexo.  Las leyes sobre los crímenes de odio están castigando a cualquier persona que critique ese estilo de vida.  Es muy triste ver que las casas de parejas entre hombre y mujer son la minoría.  Cuando tu apoyas el convivir junto o matrimonios del mismo sexo, tu estas destruyendo la imagen de la familia y apoyando los est5ilos de vida pecaminosos.  Es el sistema de la corte judicial y sectores de la sociedad que están defendiendo a los matrimonios homosexuales y que ellos adopten a los niños.  Hubo muchos Sodomitas que murieron en el fuego que Yo mande a la ciudad de Sodoma y Gomorra.  Tu veras mas castigos por este estilo de vida y los abortos.”

February 16, 2015

Febrero 16, 2015 (Abortos, amenaza Islámica a Roma)

En la iglesia de San José, Washington, NJ después de la Santa Comunión, yo puedo ver a la gente matando y bebes abortados.  Después vi una cascada de limpieza por medio de la gracia  por estos pecados.  Jesús dice: “Mi gente, en la primera lectura tu leíste como Caín mato a su hermano, Abel.  Tú has visto este tipo de matanza por toda la historia de la humanidad.  Lo peor de estas matanzas son los abortos, donde se están matando a Mis preciosos pequeños.  Su sangre grita hacia Mi, tal igual como la sangre de Abel gritaba hacia Mí.  Sus ángeles guardianes regresan a Mi para dar testimonio de estos niños abortados.  Así como Caín fue castigado por matar a Abel, así también America será castigada por medio de la pérdida de su libertad.  Has escuchado que han matado más Cristianos por medio de Musulmanes, y ahora los Musulmanes están amenazando igualmente a roma.  Yo he advertido a Mis fieles de la persecución Cristiana que se avecina.  Tu estas viendo esto especialmente en los países Árabes, pero pronto pasara en America.  Es por esto que Yo tengo algunos fieles preparando refugios de protección para Mi gente.  Así como vez las cascadas fluyendo, esto representa Mi constante corriente de gracia y Yo siempre esto listo para proveer Mi misericordia a un pecador arrepentido.”

February 12, 2015

Febrero 12, 2015 (Familia la base de nuestra sociedad)

En San Carlos Borromeo después de la Santa Comunión, yo puedo ver a una maquina de coser y como las mujeres ayudan a los hombres mucho.  Jesús dice: “Mi gente, cuando Yo hice al hombre y la mujer en Adam y Eva, fueron hechos para que se complementara uno al otro.  Hombre y Mujer se les ha dado diferentes habilidades, para que puedan trabajar juntos.  Algunos de tu gente quieren igualdad entre el hombre y la mujer, pero no son hechos iguales Los hombres hacen un trabajo mas pesado, mientras las mujeres pueden hacer cosas mas livianas.  Cada uno de ellos debe de tener igualdad de libertad, pero sus trabajos son de acuerdo a sus habilidades.  Es mejor para el hombre que se case, así se pueden ayudar el uno al otro en la crianza de los niños.  Las familias con un solo papa o mama esta causando que los niños le haga falta la oportunidad de imitar una figura paternal o maternal.  Es por eso que tu sociedad debe de constituir alrededor de una familia esposo y esposa, y no tener estilos de vida distorsionadas como en tu sociedad presente.  Ya cuando la vida familiar se rompe, tu nación será destruida desde adentro.  Ora por tu sociedad para que aprenda de sus errores, pero Satanás quiere dividir y conquistarlos.  Llámame a Mi y confía en Mi y no solo en ustedes mismos.”