Noviembre 6, 2014 (La caída de America)
En la iglesia de Carlos Borromeo después d la Santa Comunión, yo puedo ver al Presidente Obama no solo peleando con el Congreso pero el tenia una actitud desafiante que quiere hacer lo que desea. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, el Presidente ha hecho lo que ha querido por seis anos. En el primer termino medio de las elecciones, el perdió la Casa de Representantes al partido opuesto. En el segundo termino medio de las elecciones el perdió al Senado también. El no va a poder reestablecer su poder y su determinación en el uso de las Órdenes Ejecutivas podría causar un desafío en el propósito del poder en caso de emergencia. En su mente, el cree que el tiene el control y el no va a entregar su poder hasta que sea forzado por la gente y el Congreso. Tu vas a ver un desafío por el transcurso de los anos el Congreso no ha peleado la invasión del las Ordenes Ejecutivas sobre el poder del Congreso dado en la Constitución. Los del un solo gobierno desean tomar control de tu país, y ellos pueden usar esta batalla de poderes para hacer caer a America, especialmente con los bancos y la falla del dólar. Tu propio gobierno caerá por medio de un incidente creado por el hombre que provocara la caída de America.”
Noviembre 5, 2014 (Congreso nuevo en el día de elecciones)
En San Juan el Evangelista después de la Santa Comunión, yo puedo ver una flor abrirse como una oportunidad a que America cambie sus caminos. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, muchos de sus incumben tes fueron sacados del congreso y esto le dará una nueva apariencia al congreso. La gente no esta contenta con los que están en poder y lo dieron a demostrar en las elecciones. Todo queda en ver si los que fueron recientemente elegidos cambiaran las cosas para mejorar. Los próximos pocos anos podrían determinar la dirección final del país. Será la responsabilidad de los nuevos líderes como America se mueve hacia el futuro. Hay todavía una posibilidad de la declaración de la ley marcial que podría desautorizar al nuevo Congreso. Sigue orando por tu país para que cambie sus malas formas o Mi justicia caerá sobre ustedes.”
Noviembre 3, 2014 (Persecución de los cristianos en los últimos días)
En la iglesia de San Juan el Evangelista después de la Santa Comunión, yo puedo ver un túnel largo que indica como tendremos que irnos a los sótanos para protegernos de la persecución que se avecina. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, tu te acuerdas de la historia, como los cristianos al principio tenían que esconderse en las catacumbas para que no los mataran los Romanos. Así como los Cristianos los mataban al principio de la historia de la iglesia así también será en los últimos días, los Cristianos serán amenazados para ser mártires. Es por eso que la visión te demuestra a gente escondida en cuevas y escondites subterráneos. Los malvados tendrán su hora durante la tribulación que se avecina, así que la persecución de los Cristianos se pondrá peor por medio de tu gobierno. Esto será manifestado cuando tú veas forzada la microficha mandatoria en el cuerpo. Cuando veas los signos que tu vida corre peligro, Yo les avisare que es tiempo de ir a Mis refugios. No te preocupes si tienes que dejar tu casa y tus posesiones atrás, porque el dinero no te va ayudar si tu no tienes la microficha para comprar y vender. En Mis refugios tú encontraras a Mis ángeles protegiéndote y tendrán cama, comida y agua para sobrevivir. Confíen en Mi protección, pero habrán algunos que serán mártires por la fe.”
Noviembre 2, 2014 (Almas en el purgatorio)
En la iglesia de Charles Borromeo después de la Santa Comunión, yo puedo ver algunas almas en el purgatorio y un alma era el alma de mi tío Harold. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, si tu tienes visiones de tus familiares, o tienes alguna comunicación con esas almas en el purgatorio, entonces tu necesitas orar por ellos. Las almas en el purgatorio sufren muchísimo por su purificación. Ellos son salvos y algún día estarán conmigo en el paraíso. Algunos sufren las llamas en la parte mas baja del purgatorio y algunos sufren más por que no me ven a Mí o no sienten Mi amor. Algunos de tus familiares podrían estar en el purgatorio así continúa orando por las pobres almas del purgatorio, especialmente por tus propios miembros de tu familia. Si mandas Misas por cada alma individual esto podría aliviar muchos de sus sufrimientos. Estos miembros de tu familia desean que mantengan las fotos de ellos para que los recuerden. Yo amo a todas las almas y quiero que Mis fieles sigan evangelizando las almas que se han desviado para que sean salvadas del infierno. Aunque sea que lleguen a la parte mas baja del purgatorio, ellos podrán verme a Mi algún día, que es mucho mejor que perder su alma para siempre en el infierno. La eternidad es un tiempo interminable y tu no quieres ver a ninguno de tus familiares perdidos en el infierno.”
Monday, January 19, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, when your priests go away on vacation, you have a difficulty finding retired priests so you can have Holy Mass. It is at these times that you see how valuable it is to have your priest present for Mass and the sacraments. Once you need to have Mass in the homes, it will be difficult to locate a priest in hiding. This is why it may be a good time to befriend a priest for your refuges. My daily Mass people will find it difficult, if you cannot have a priest for Mass. Keep in mind that the priests will be persecuted, and they will have to find refuges to survive. So when you can have a priest in the homes, you will have to provide books, vestments, candles, and the bread and wine for Mass, as well as food and a place to sleep. Remember that the priests are priests forever according to the order of Melchisedek.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision is to give you an idea of how hard it will be to live through the tribulation. It will be easier at My refuges to survive than among the persecution of the evil ones. The Antichrist and his minions will try to kill as many Christians as they can because they want to remove all traces of God all over the earth. I will protect My faithful at My refuges with My angels, and a shield of invisibility. Be grateful that I will always be with you because every refuge will have perpetual Adoration of My consecrated Host. You will suffer a rustic living as meals will be harder to prepare during the tribulation. Despite all of these coming trials, it will still be better to suffer purgatory on earth, rather than the suffering in real purgatory.”
Sunday, January 18, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel and other accounts, Andrew led people to Me so they could experience My love relationship. In the same way, I want My faithful to imitate Andrew so you can be My ambassador to lead souls to Me to be saved. Reaching out to others as evangelists, is part of your calling in your vocation to win souls over to Me. By your Baptism and Confirmation, you are called to share your faith with others. When you love Me so much, you want to share that love experience with others. Love is contagious, and it needs to be shared. I love all of you so much, and I want you to love Me and your neighbor. Give praise and thanks to Me for bringing you all together in your faith of My Good News.”
(Bishop’s Right to Life Mass) Jesus said: “My people, this funeral service is being held for all of the unborn babies who were killed in abortion, as they did not have a proper burial service. Unfortunately, the unborn babies are treated as human garbage, and sometimes they are used in cosmetics. Rarely is an aborted baby given a death certificate because the pro-abortion people do not want them considered human, which they are. It is sad that your mothers are killing their children for conveniences. Your people do not consider life precious enough to stop your abortions. Your country will soon pay a serious punishment for all of these deliberate killings. When you lose your freedoms, and are running from your persecutors, you will remember My words about your punishment. The Israelites suffered for disobeying My laws, and every nation who kills their babies, will suffer as well. Pray to stop abortion, and try to discourage pregnant women from aborting their children. Adoption is a better option.”
Saturday, January 17, 2015: (St. Anthony in the desert)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a ladder which has both physical and spiritual meanings. In the physical world you could use a ladder to get up into a bunk bed, get up on your roof, or even climb up the ladder in a company’s supervision. When you think of ladders in the spiritual realm, you could be climbing Jacob’s ladder as you come closer to heaven. You could be climbing through the levels of purgatory with people’s Masses and prayers. You could also be progressing in your spiritual life from a grievous sinner to a faithful righteous person in a holier life. You could also be striving with your good deeds to reach a higher level in heaven one day. I have also shown you that each day of your life is one step closer to heaven when I will call you home at your death. This life is passing away quickly, so do whatever you can to evangelize souls, and keep close to Me in your daily prayers. By following My Commandments and repenting of your sins, I will make a home for your reward in heaven.”
(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, throughout the ages I have called people to be My messengers and prophets. I have warned My people through prophetic writings of any dangers that were to come. So, I am calling you, My son, to spread My Word through evangelization, and also to warn the people of the evil in the end days of the Antichrist. You have been given messages about preparing refuges, both small and large ones. The interim refuges will be a place to stay for awhile on your way to a large refuge. You have already been preparing things to go to My refuges, as well as having extra supplies for surviving independently with My angel protection. You may need a source of water, and a place for people to bed down. If you are called to have a refuge, then you need to hurry plans along because the time is short before I will bring My Warning, and allow the evil ones their brief reign. Trust in My protection and providing for your needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, in your human condition, good health is a blessing. There are some people with permanent disabilities, and others who suffer chronic pain, like arthritis or other bone and nerve problems. The doctors may offer pain pills, but they cannot always remove the source of the pain. It is the aggravating pain that can cause some people to be in depression without any letup. Pray for these people in pain that they will have the grace to endure this trial in life. Those, who are healthy, should pray a prayer of thanksgiving that they do not have to suffer such pain. When you can assist such people in pain, you will gain treasure in heaven. Even despite any health problems, remain faithful to Me in your daily prayers.”
Friday, January 16, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I told the paralytic man: ‘Your sins are forgiven.’ The people were thinking how could I forgive sins, since only God can forgive sins. I used this healing of the paralytic man to show them that the Son of God can heal both the body and the soul. If they understood My power, they would see that I am God the Son of the Blessed Trinity. In the vision I showed you an even greater miracle of when I called Lazarus forth from his tomb. He was dead several days, and I brought him back to life to show them that I had power over death and sin. This so amazed the religious leaders that I threatened them with My many followers. As a result, these leaders wanted to kill both Me and Lazarus. This raising of Lazarus from the dead was a preview of how I resurrected from the tomb after three days. This miracle of My Resurrection overshadowed all of My miracles to convince people that I really am God the Son. My death on the cross was My real reason for becoming a God-man, so I could sacrifice My life for the sins of all of mankind. Trust in My great love for all of you, that I would give up My life to save all souls who repent of their sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing your people who are committing many sexual sins, and they are not repenting because they do not think that they are doing anything wrong. I assure you fornication, adultery, prostitution, and homosexual acts are all mortal sins, and they need to be confessed. When you come before Me at the judgment, these souls, who are in sin and do not repent, are on the path to hell. You cannot rationalize away your sins, or make excuses, because you know My Ten Commandments in your conscience. These sexual sins and your abortions are bringing your country down. This is why My Blessed Mother and I are requesting your prayers to help so many sinners to change their lives to avoid coming to hell. I have told you before that your prayers can save your family members. Do not forget to pray your rosaries every day, and make up for missed rosaries on the next day. I depend on the prayers of My faithful for poor sinners. So do not disappoint Me with any spiritual laziness. Be persistent in your prayers, and you will help sinners and yourselves to come to heaven. Those people, who have been given much, I will expect more from them with a heavy responsibility to follow My ways.”
Thursday, January 15, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, the Israelites did suffer hard times in the desert, but I provided them water from the rock, manna on the ground, and quail for meat at night. Still they complained about the food, and I sent them serpents as a punishment. Moses held up the bronze serpent so those, who looked on it, would be healed of their snake bites. Many people in today’s world complain also of their financial and food problems. In all of these cases, My people need to have trust in Me that I will provide for their needs. I have helped you to survive in the past, and I will continue to do so both now and in the future. The trials of the Exodus will be similar for My faithful at My refuges. You will have rustic living with little electricity. You will need your food, water, and lodgings multiplied to survive. My luminous cross will also heal your ailments by looking upon it. My angels will provide Holy Communion daily, if a priest is not present. You will have deer come into your camps and die for your meat. Water will be supplied in springs if necessary. You will have interim and final refuges for your places to stay. Be thankful that My angels will protect you from the evil ones, and do not complain about your food and dwellings.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a horrifying look of a soul who is suffering in the lower parts of purgatory where the flames are just as cruel as those that are in hell. Some of the souls in lower purgatory will be there until the end of this age. I am just in all of My judgments, and I am merciful to even allow some souls into lower purgatory rather than going to hell. Keep praying for the souls in lower purgatory, and offer individual Masses if the names are known.”
Jesus said: “My people, most of the recent terrorist killings have been committed with automatic weapons. Some terrorists use high explosive bombs, especially suicide bombers. You have seen several incidents in Europe recently, and these terrorists were only interested in getting headlines with hostages. It is sad that most of these people are Moslem jahadists. They are intent on upsetting people’s peace to promote their own religion, and they are trying to force Shariah law where they have large numbers. Pray that these cells could be captured before they kill more people.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are already seeing a battle over the funding of Homeland Security, and the taking back of your President’s misuse of his writing laws on immigration without Congress. Several funding bills could be how Congress is going to fight your President in his attempts to make legislation without Congress. This could hold up the funding of various parts of your government. Unless your President is willing to compromise, you could see some difficult problems that could affect many Americans.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen Jewish people being attacked and killed by Muslim terrorists. You have also seen attacks on policemen and even military people. You will be seeing more attacks against various religions, especially Christians. In Muslim countries, Christians are being killed, and even threatened in ethnic like cleansing. If Christians do not leave, they are being killed. These same attacks on Christians will increase in America, so be prepared to go into hiding or come to My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a war going on between your oil suppliers. It is more expensive to extract oil by fracking, so your Arab countries are willing to take lower profits to try and force new American oil sources out of business. Many oil companies are making less profits, and their businesses are at risk. Pray that your country can get through this test so your economy is not affected.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of your good jobs have been sent overseas for cheap labor, so your average worker is making less money with low paying jobs. Even your Health program is encouraging your employers to have workers only work thirty hours so they do not have to pay high health premiums. This again is hurting workers income along with paying higher health premiums and higher deductions. Some people are paying penalties rather than paying premiums that they cannot afford. This will be another fight in Congress over Health Care. Pray that people can get more affordable health insurance.”
Jesus said: “My people, your Sunday Mass attendance has been dropping more in recent years because the people in your society are growing weak in their spirituality. People are distracted by more earthly comforts and entertainment than coming close to Me in prayer. It is not easy to keep a holy life with so much sexual sin in fornication and homosexual sin. As evil is getting worse, the faith in people is getting weaker. Pray that your people will have a spiritual revival, or I will have to bring My Warning sooner.”
Wednesday, January 14, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this river of water that represents how My graces and blessings are flowing over you. Just as a river seems to flow endlessly, so My graces and blessings flow out to you endlessly, as in the picture of My Divine Mercy. I love all of you so much that I died to free you from your sins, and offer every soul salvation. I give everyone free will to choose to accept Me or not. Those people, who seek My forgiveness of their sins, and accept Me as their Savior, will have fertile ground to receive the rain of My graces and blessings. Those people, who reject Me, are rejecting My graces and help to come to heaven. Pray for these souls who are away from Me, so they can be saved. The souls, who love Me and follow My ways, will receive their reward at My judgment. These people are My faithful who are called to be evangelists for other souls. Those people, who experience My love, are one with Me in their souls, and they want to share this love relationship with Me with others. I am love itself, and I want all of you to share in My love, and desire an everlasting personal love relationship with Me.”
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