Mayo 8, 2014 (Tibios-regresen a la Misa los Domingos)
En el Santo Nombre después de la Santa Comunión, Yo puedo ver a San Felipe ayudar al eunuco entender el pasaje de Elías que profetisa de la venida de Jesús. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, San Felipe fue impulsado por el Espíritu para ayudar al eunuco a entender el pasaje de Isaías que él estaba leyendo. San Felipe explico como Yo soy El que Isaías había escrito. San Felipe evangelizo al eunuco y lo bautizo al sumérgirlo en el agua. Esto es una bendición para eunuco como San Felipe después se desapareció milagrosamente. Hay veces que tu tienes que moverte por medio del Espíritu para ayudar a otros a regresar a la fe. Si ellos desean ser bautizados y unirse a Mi iglesia, tu podrías ayudarlos a regresar a la fe. Mis fieles deberían extender sus manos para la salvación de las almas, y especialmente ayudar a esos que están abiertos a la evangelización. Mis apóstoles fueron hiendo de dos en dos para ensenar Mi Buena Nueva. Ahora, Mis fieles de hoy llamados están llamados hacer lo mismo, y tratar de animar a los que están tibios a que regresen los domingos a Misa. Muchos de los jóvenes adultos están espiritualmente vagos en no ir a Misa los Domingos, ya cuando dejan la casa de sus padres. Los padres necesitan gentilmente animar a los hijos a que se mantengan cerca de Mí en sus oraciones, y venir a Misa los domingos. Mi Tercer Mandamiento dice tus debes de adorarme a Mí los domingos, y es un pecado no obedecer este Mandamiento. Extiende tus manos para salvar almas que se pierden al infierno. Muchas almas saben que deben de hacer, pero se dejan llevar por las distracciones del mundo que los lleva lejos de Mi.”
Mayo 7, 2014 (La salvación de las almas del infierno 1ra prioridad)
En San Juan el Evangelista después de la Santa Comunión, Yo puedo ver un camino que dirige a Jesús. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, tu has estado celebrando Mi Resurrección, y Yo me he revelado en el Pan de Vida. Cuando tú recibes Mi Cuerpo y Sangre en la Misa, tú recibes todo la comida espiritual que necesitas para sobrellevar las pruebas de esta vida. Cuando me recibes a Mi y crees en Mi palabra, tienes prometido la vida eterna Conmigo. En la visión Yo te estoy ensenado este camino que se dirige Hacia Mi porque deseo que todos ustedes se entreguen a Mi Divina Voluntad, para que Yo pueda cumplir con Mi misión que se te fue dada en esta vida. Yo se que tu deseas hacer tu propios planes, pero Mi plan se cumple mas con glorificarme a Mi en ayudar a otros a llegar a Mi. No es fácil ir a evangelizar almas, pero la salvación de las almas del infierno debe de ser tu primera prioridad. Yo te estoy pidiendo que trabajes para Mi en la vina de ganar almas porque solo hay pocos que están respondiendo a Mi llamado de salvar almas. Algunos me preguntan que mande mas trabajadores para las almas, pero Mis fieles tienen que estar abiertos a hacer Mi trabajo. Esos, que si escuchan Mi llamado, tendrán su recompensa en el cielo. Mi hijo, no te preocupes que no estas viendo un gran número de personas en tus charlas. Sigue trabajando lo mejor que puedas, porque menos personas estarán escuchando el llamado de Mi voz pues están entrando en los últimos tiempos.”
Mayo 5, 2014 (San Esteban, persecución de los Cristianos.)
En la iglesia de San Esteban, West Salem, Ohio después de la Santa Comunión, Yo puedo ver a San Esteban ser perseguido por su creencia en Jesús. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, San Esteban tenia un talento haciendo debates, y el enseno sobre la fe en Mi. Esos, que lo retaban, no tenían las habilidades que el tenia. La gente estaba tan frustrada con el y sus enseñanzas que falsamente le acusaron ante el Sanedrín. Luego, ellos lo trataron de matar. En el mundo de hoy también tienes gente que no desean escuchar las enseñanzas Cristianas que critican los estilos de vida pecaminosos. Tú continúas de ver las batallas con la gente que favorece el aborto, convivir en pareja sin matrimonio, matrimonios homosexuales. Tú tienes la verdad en Mí que estas cosas son pecados mortales, y ellos corren el riesgo de ir al infierno. Estos individuos no desean contestar tus protestas, y así encuentran formas de criticarte por tus propios valores. Ellos no desean un argumento contra la verdad, es por eso que te critican y te persiguen. En los últimos tiempos, esta gente malvada va a tratar de matarte porque ellos toman órdenes directas del mismo Satanás. Cuando la gente te trate de matar así como lo hicieron con San Esteban, entonces es cuando tendrás que irte para Mis refugios de protección. Mantente cerca de Mi, y nunca niegues tu fe, a pesar de que te amenacen a matarte.”
Mayo 3, 2014 (Vida en el Refugio, Vida Rustica)
En las Siervas de María en Windsor, Ohio después de la Santa Comunión, yo puedo ver una vieja cama que esta hecha de cuero y un poco de guata. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, tu estas muy acostumbrado a las cosas buenas y comodidades del mundo moderno con carros y casas buenas. Cuando Yo llame a Mis fieles a venir a Mis refugios durante la tribulación, Yo los estaré probando hasta que sean santos. Tú vas a dejar todas tus posesiones atrás, y tu vas a entregarme tu confianza por completo en permitir que sea Yo quien te proveerá todas tus necesidades. No esperes vivir de la forma que vivías antes. Esta vieja cama que te he demostrado en la visión, es un signo de que vas a vivir una vida mas rustica. En Mis refugios solo muy pocos tendrán electricidad, y tendrán que ayudarse los unos a los otros en una comunidad amorosa. Tú podrías tener fincas y un poco de comida que será multiplicada, así como multiplico el pan y el vino. Todo lo compartirán en comunidad y abran varias tareas que serán necesarias. Yo les proveeré sanación para todas las enfermedades con Mi cruz luminosa cuando la miren quedaran sanados. Si no hay un sacerdote para la Misa, Mis ángeles les traerán la Santa Comunión diaria. Sus ángeles guardianes los protegerán con una capa invisible, aun en el viaje a Mis refugios. Tú vas a tener Adoración a Mi Santo Sacramento y cada uno de ustedes estará Conmigo por una hora durante todo el tiempo. No tengan miedo de los malvados, pues Yo los protegeré durante los 3 ½ anos o menos del reinado del Anticristo. Confíen en Mi todo el tiempo.”
Tuesday, October 21, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, when you come to church, you know it is holy because I am Present in My Hosts in My tabernacle. This is why you need to have souls free of mortal sin in order to receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. You are tabernacles of My Real Presence until the Host is consumed. Because I am always Present in My tabernacle, you can come to visit Me, and give Me praise and worship. It is unfortunate that My churches are not always open so you can make visits at any time. You know of some churches that are open, and I am like an oasis of grace that I share with you for visiting Me. Not all Catholics believe that I am truly Present in My Blessed Sacrament. I have an extra love for My adorers, who believe in My Real Presence, and visit Me often. I rely on My prayer warriors to pray for all sinners so they have the opportunity to be saved. By being persistent in your prayers for your relatives and friends, you could be instrumental in bringing them to Me. It is at your death that your soul has to repent of your sins, and accept Me as your Savior, in order to enter into heaven. Rejoice, My faithful, when you will be purified to enter the splendor and beauty of heaven, where you will be enveloped in My love as One with Me.”
Monday, October 20, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, your Gospa group has presented you with a beautiful weekend at the Luminous Cross in Thermal, California. You have been given many graces from the conference speakers that have enlightened your minds and hearts. You need to give thanks to Me and thanks to all the people who have prepared for this conference. This Gospa ministry has required prayers and contributions to keep it going. Those, who have been helped by this ministry, should desire to give thanks by helping to support this ministry with as much as you could donate. You are seeing in the Gospel how all of your wealth and possessions have been given to you from Me. You are only stewards of My gifts, so be willing to share your gifts with others. Do not be selfish with your money because soon your money will be taken from you. America has been given many gifts of wealth and freedom, but your many sins of abortion and sexual sins are calling on My justice. Your desire for pleasures and riches have blinded you from your true mission of doing My Will. Because you have made these things into idols or gods, you worship worldly things more than Me. This is why I will bring a chastisement upon America because many of you have lost your spiritual way. My coming Warning will wake you up to know that I am in charge of the world. You need to repent of your sins and convert your lives to follow Me, or you could be on the road to hell. See My Light and come to your Lord who loves you, because I do not want to lose one soul. When you repent and follow Me, you will have your reward in heaven.”
Sunday, October 19, 2014: (Mission Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, more demons are coming out of hell to possess or attach to people because of their increasing reliance on addictions than relying on Me. You are seeing fewer people coming to Mass because these demons are encouraging spiritual laziness. My people, be alert to keeping My peace in your souls without letting anything control you, or disturb your peace. You are seeing the need for so much prayer to break all addictions which are getting worse in this evil age. My faithful need to keep focusing on their daily prayers, and wear their blessed sacramentals of rosaries, Benedictine Crosses, and scapulars. You need to call on Me, the angels, and the saints to protect you from all the demons that are present. My power is greater than all of the demons, so call on My power, and do not be misled by any powers of the evil ones in New Age or any transcendental meditations. Avoid Ouija boards, enneagrams, or any other occult practices, so you do not open yourselves to demon possession or obsession. Trust fully in My protection because you should not fear the evil ones, since you are living your faith in My trust. Give praise and thanks to Me for all of My protection. Those, who worship occult gods and crystals, are being led by the demons into hell. Continue to follow Me, and you will have your reward in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision pictures a tiled roof like those found in California. In the next scene I showed you a massive tsunami of water that flooded the Western coast. This would be triggered by a substantial earthquake under the ocean. You have been expecting a large earthquake in California or offshore for some time. I have shown you a serious earthquake around San Francisco over four times. I also have told you that the one world people are planning to use the HAARP machine to create a massive earthquake in California or the New Madrid fault. When this event happens in California, it will not come as any surprise. Keep praying your Masses of reparation for those souls who will die suddenly in any disasters.”
Saturday, October 18, 2014: (St. Luke the evangelist)
Jesus said: “My people, you are so taken up with ‘breaking news’, but your news is old and forgotten before the day is over. When you read My ‘Good News’ in the Gospels, as St. Luke, My Word lives on forever. Your news quickly passes away, but My Good News will always be remembered, and acted on. When I asked you to read the New Testament, it is to help you in your daily lives so you can follow My Word in how I lived. Today, you are blessed to be here in front of this glorious Luminous Cross that appears without any light source. Many people have been healed here to give witness to My healing power in My cross. You will also see miraculous healing in the Luminous Crosses in the sky above My refuges. As you look upon My Luminous Cross, you will be healed of all of your viruses, or any other sickness or chronic problems. Give praise and glory to Me for all that I do for all of My faithful, both now and during the tribulation.”
Friday, October 17, 2014: (St. Ignatius of Antioch)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a battle of good and evil. I am showing you this dark, empty church because you are seeing the result of the evil one’s work in closing many churches. Every closed church is a lost grace of My sacraments. Some of these churches are being closed for a lack of faith in the people who have stopped coming to Sunday Mass, and for fewer vocations to the priesthood. In the Gospel, I am warning My faithful to avoid any evil people who can draw people into hell by their teachings and evil powers. The one world people worship Satan, and they are following his orders to kill people. Some of them also can control souls, if they give their will over to Satan and the demons. When souls die and are brought before Me in judgment, I give them one last chance to accept Me as Savior, and seek My forgiveness of their sins. Only those, who refuse My love and refuse to follow My laws, send themselves to hell. My angels will cast these evil ones into hell. I love everyone, and I call all souls to love Me and seek the forgiveness of each person’s sins.”
Thursday, October 16,2014:(St. Margaret Mary Alacoque-Sacred Heart)
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM, and I am happy to greet My pilgrims on their journey of life to follow Me and My Ten Commandments. I want to address My prophets and messengers, so they will go forward and proclaim My Word. You are living in an age of confusion that is caused by the devil. I gave Moses My Ten Commandments of love of God and love of neighbor. You know that it is against My Fifth Commandment to kill the unborn or others. You also know in My Sixth Commandment that it is a mortal sin to commit fornication, adultery, or homosexual acts. Some people are implying doubt in My laws, but they are not to be changed or modified for a better hearing. My prophets need to speak out in defense of My laws, because those, who want to change My laws, are heretics, and they should not be followed. Give glory and praise to Me as I watch over My people. I will forgive all repentant sinners, but woe to those who try to mislead My faithful, because they are walking on a path to My judgment to hell. I love all of you, but you need to love Me, and obey My Commandments in order to enter heaven.”