January 3, 2014

Enero 3, 2014 (Entregar nuestra voluntad a Dios)
En el Santo Nombre hora nocturna, yo puedo ver a Jesús como en la imagen de la Divina Misericordia. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, muchas veces ustedes son dirigidos por sus deseos personales hacia las cosas materiales y comodidades. Es por eso que necesitan ser fieles a sus oraciones diarias, así te acordaras de darme tiempo a Mí durante el día. Si verdaderamente tu estas cerca de Mí, tu te dejarás guiar por Mi en todas las cosas que tu hagas. Tú me entregas tu voluntad a Mí en ciertas cosas, pero no todas. Si deseas mejorar tu vida espiritual este año, podrías empezar dejándome a Mí tener más control de tu vida en tus actividades diarias. Tu encontraras que es una alegría hacer las cosas que Yo deseo que tu hagas. Hay veces que Yo te pido hacer cosas fuera de tu área de comodidad pero es así como tu creces en Mí y tu fe hacia Mí. Trata de darme a Mi mas de tu vida y veras que tú puedes hacer mucho más por Mí y las almas a quienes podrías ayudar.”

January 2, 2014

Enero 2, 2014: (División en la Iglesia – lugares de refugios)
En el Santo Nombre después de la Santa Comunión, yo puedo ver una cueva que no tiene fin, como en las catacumbas en Roma. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, Yo te estoy mostrando por medio de la visión las catacumbas en Roma porque los Cristianos tendrán que buscar una iglesia subterránea en secreto con un sacerdote que sea fiel. Vendrá una división en Mi Iglesia entre los verdaderos creyentes de Mi Remanentes fieles y los tibios que seguirán la iglesia protestante que enseñara la Nueva Era. La iglesia protestante adorará a las cosas y dejara de adorarme a Mí. Ellos seguirán al Anticristo, así que tienes que dejar cualquier iglesia que enseñe Reiki y enseñazas de la Nueva era. Ellos adoran a cristales y ritos del oeste transcendentales, meditación y filosofías que son guiadas por Satanás. Por esta división en Mi Iglesia, Mis fieles remanentes necesitaran hacer grupos de oración y Misas en las casas, hasta que mis enemigos los fuercen a irse a Mis refugios de protección. Estos serán en lugares de apariciones de Mi Santísima Madre, sus santuarios, Mis santuarios, monasterios, y lugares de tierra santa donde me glorifican a Mí en Adoración. Todos mis refugios tendrán capillas de Adoración, y Mis Ángeles les traerán la Santa Comunión si no tienen un sacerdote. El tiempo de la tribulación se avecina con un breve reino del Anticristo. Mis fieles serán protegidos por Mis ángeles en mis refugios durante este tiempo. Estén preparados para salir hacia Mis refugios cuando les advierta.”

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tuesday, March 25, 2014: (Feast of the Annunciation)
Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, this was the big moment in my life when I gave my ‘fiat’ yes to St. Gabriel, God’s messenger. This was the beginning of my Son’s journey on earth, when I accepted being His mother by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit. My children should rejoice at the coming of my Son, Jesus. You celebrate His birth nine months later on Christmas, December 25th. Today, you are also pleased to be great grandparents with your granddaughter’s baby. Do what you can to comfort her and support her in her new responsibilities. My Son loves the little ones, and this is why He is so offended by your abortions. Pray for all would-be mothers to have their children instead of killing them. Your people need to be more loving, instead of a part of the death culture.”

Jesus said: “My people, on the day of the Warning, or life review for everyone on earth, there will be a very frightening comet that will pass close to the earth. Some could die of fright from this celestial experience, or from seeing their sins as I see them. I have told you before that this comet of the Warning will miss the earth, but its trajectory will be changed by the earth’s gravity. The next time that this comet comes around again, it will be the Comet of Chastisement that will strike the earth and kill two-thirds of the people. This vision is another sign that the Warning is not far off. I have warned My people that you need to come to Confession to avoid any visions of hell as your mini-judgment.”

Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday, March 24, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, a prophet is not respected for his gifts in his hometown. In Nazareth, I could not heal people there because of their lack of faith in My healing gifts. Even when I mentioned how I could not heal anyone there, the town’s people wanted to kill Me by throwing Me over a cliff. But I walked through their midst because it was not My hour to die. Even now, those prophets, among you, are not recognized for their gifts either. My prophets should be humble and not look for fame or notoriety. You prophets have been given gifts, and you are doing nothing more than your duty in carrying out the mission that I have given you. Remember also that many prophets were killed and tortured because the people do not want others telling them how to live without their sinful pleasures and lifestyles. As the time of tribulation approaches, you will see My prophets persecuted and eventually the evil ones will seek to kill them. I offer My faithful My refuges of protection, when the Antichrist and his followers will try to kill all of those people who worship Me. Do not take any chip in the body, and do not worship the Antichrist. I am the only One worthy of your worship.”

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you should try to focus more on some good spiritual reading in addition to your prayers and fasting. Read a little of several good books until you find a book that you feel comfortable in improving your spirituality in coming closer to Me. Read books that bring you into a closer love relationship with Me. I love all of you so much, and I know everything about each one of you. But you do not know much about My deeper love for you. This is why it takes some looking to find such a book of My love. By using your time for a better use, you will not be frittering your time away on foolish entertainment. Instead of trying to comfort the body’s desires, try to comfort your soul in My peace and love that the soul desires. You will see that such spiritual reading will expand your knowledge and love of Me.”

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sunday, March 23, 2014: (Lydia Remacle died at 5:15 a.m.)
Lydia’s (Carol’s mother) comments to me after she died at the nursing home: “There are no arguments in heaven. That is why you should not be fighting with one another. There is only the love of God that envelopes us. I am happy to not have to endure any more breathing problems, stroke symptoms, and knee problems. I thank all of you for being at my bedside throughout my last days. I am happy to be with Camille, my husband, and all of our deceased relatives. I truly love him, and now we are all at peace. I am getting an urging from Jesus to encourage all of the family to pray for all the souls in the family to bring their souls closer to Jesus. I truly love all of my family more than you know, and I thank you for taking care of me, not only in my stroke, but for all the years that I was in your care. I also want to thank all of my caretakers here at St. Ann’s and in the hospital, as well as the ambulance attendants. I thank Carol and John, Sharon and Dave, and Donna and Herm for taking me out to lunch and dinner so many times, even though you did not always want to do it. I thank you for putting up with me in all of my fussy eating habits. Please call all of my living relatives to let them know of my passing and how much I love all of them. Keep the pictures of me around to remember me.”

Camille, Lydia’s deceased husband, gave these comments to me after Lydia died: “After seventy years of marriage, I am happy to be with my ‘Babe’ again. Lydia’s spirit is still around her body for awhile. I am here with Lydia and our deceased relatives to comfort her in transition from life in the body to life in the spirit only. I will still be letting you know of my presence when you see the light in the dining room go on, and any other signs where I have been before. I see her body will be coming next to me
at my grave, so we will be companions in life and companions in heaven. Life outside the body is peaceful and free of all earthly things.”

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you read how I asked a Samaritan woman to give Me a drink of water from Jacob’s well. The woman was surprised that a Jew would ask a Samaritan for a drink of water. Then I told her how she had five husbands, and now she was living with another man. I asked her if she would like My ‘living water’ so she would not have to drink this water again. I was speaking to her about receiving God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit in Holy Communion. She mentioned how the Messiah would come to teach people all things. I told her that I was He. She ran to bring the people to hear Me, and they believed that I was the Savior, when they heard My words. The flashback of your wife bringing Holy Communion to her mother, is similar to giving the woman at the well My ‘living water’. Rejoice that Lydia is coming to heaven as soon as her transition to her new life is completed.”

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Saturday, March 22, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, this parable of the Prodigal Son is a true expression of My compassion on all sinners. I love all of you so much, and you can see why heaven rejoices over one repentant sinner. At times people are so bound in captivity to their sins, that they neglect to ask My forgiveness of their sins. I am all loving and forgiving of the worst sinner. This reminds you of another parable when I asked the people who would be the most thankful. The one who owed 500 bushels of wheat or a debtor who owed 50 bushels, when they were forgiven their debts. Those, whose debt or sin is more, should be more thankful. Even as I forgive you of your sins, I am always waiting for all sinners to seek My forgiveness. Just as I forgive you of your sins, I want My faithful to forgive others as well, as you do in praying the ‘Our Father’ prayer. You should not hold grudges or be unforgiving of others. When you forgive as I do, then those, who are lost, will be found.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing Lydia with signs of her last stages of life. She has been blessed several times, and you have a brown scapular on her. Your family has had some warning of her closeness to death, so it is good that everyone could see her while she is still alive. She has had a full life, and you had some years with her at your home. You should comfort your wife during this trying time. You have had some signs that Lydia’s deceased husband, Camille, is waiting to greet her. Keep praying to comfort Lydia and the family during her last days.”

Friday, March 21, 2014

Friday, March 21, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, you can see an immediate parallel between Joseph in Genesis being sold for twenty pieces of silver by his brothers, and Myself being betrayed by Judas for thirty pieces of silver. In both cases God brought good out of both betrayals. In the case of Joseph, he was brought to Egypt and by interpreting the Pharaoh’s dreams, he was able to store up grain during the seven plentiful years to get through the seven years of famine. Even Joseph’s family had to get food from him because Israel was in famine as well. In My case the Jewish leaders had Me crucified as a result of Judas’ betrayal. But this was My mission, to offer up My life for the sins of all the people. This salvation for all sinners was a plan of God to open the gates of heaven to those who are worthy. As you get closer to Holy Week, you will read about My Passion and Resurrection on Easter Sunday. All of these events were fulfilling the plan of God in the Scriptures for all of mankind. Rejoice in My gift of My life for you in every Mass.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you look at streams or rivers, there is a constant flow of water that must be replaced with rain or melted snow. You see time passing you by as well, but you can see yourself aging over time. You are fortunate if you work or get a pension to keep providing your food and paying your bills. You may see new buildings, or you may have to make some repairs to your house. For the most part, things in life do not change very drastically. I call My people to daily prayer, and some come to daily Mass. In life you are always joined to Me, and I help provide for your needs. Some people are busy to accumulate a lot of wealth, while others are content with their lot to live a normal life. When you are older, you look back and wonder where all the time went. This life is very short, so you need to always be ready with frequent Confession to be willing to die one day, and face Me at your judgment. Every time you see someone dying or in a casket, you start thinking how you will be there one day. Pray for your spiritual protection, and for all sinners, as well as those in purgatory. These souls will thank you one day for helping them to come to heaven.”

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Thursday, March 20, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, I know that you are a little weary from the harsh winter, but you are starting to see some signs of spring coming. With more days above freezing, the snow is almost melted, the days are longer, and you can see the light at the end of the tunnel of a hard winter. You still may have a few cold days left, but you are switching over to your lighter coats and jackets. Just as you are seeing new signs of life in nature, so in Lent, you should be seeking some improvements in your spiritual lives. Having the sun out with warmer temperatures, is also lifting up your spirits out of some depressing weather. Lift your heads high as you see My creation springing into life again. I love all of you, as you are being more focused on following My ways of love in your life.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you all are like actors on a stage, and each day you are given life’s new circumstances. It is your free will choice as to how you will react to your life’s daily trials. Many times you are torn to make choices of which direction to go. When you need to make big decisions, come in front of My tabernacle and pray for discernment. As long as your decisions are not sinful, it is the decisions you make that you will have to live with. Call on My grace to help you make the right decisions.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have helped to shelter your family members when they were in need. Your family will need to make some compromises to meet the needs of your members. It may require some give and take from each member in order to provide for what is needed. Keep praying for the proper direction that people need to live according to My laws.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see on a small scale how you can get along in peace with your neighbors. You also try to live in peace with your extended family as well. Just as you can live in peace and love with your neighbors and relatives, so on a larger scale your nations should live in peace and love with each other as well. You can see a tense situation going on between Russia and the Ukraine. Keep praying that war does not result from this confrontation, and that lives will be spared.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Federal Reserve has been holding your interest rates at a historically low rate of near 0% for several years. This has helped the rich in your stock market to make millions. Those, who need loans for homes and cars have been helped also. Even though your job market has improved, the average household has not really shared in your improving economy. Your older people who cannot afford to risk their savings, are finding it difficult to live off any income investments and Social Security. Pray for your families who are having to live on less income than in the past. Have trust in Me that I will help provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is unfortunate that some people on welfare have the same income as the working poor, who can only find minimum wage jobs. Many millions of people are applying for food stamps when these programs have been cut back in their funding. Even more people need to rely on food shelves for their food supplies. These food shelves rely on donations, and the food demand is stretching their supplies thin. Pray that the poor can find enough food to survive. This is why I have asked people to make their Lenten donations to their local food shelves to help the poor to have the food that they need.”

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you may find it difficult to fast between meals, and you may be suffering a little with your chosen penances. Even though these are little sufferings compared to My suffering on the cross, still these penances are good to restrain your body from all of its desires. By restraining your body in small things, it may enable you to restrain your body’s desire for sinful things. As you see that you can live with less of your body’s desires, this will make you stronger to resist sinful pleasures.”

Jesus said: “My people, while you were bringing up your family, you tried your best to have them taught the faith and their prayers. You encouraged them to come to Sunday Mass and monthly Confession. As your children grew into their late teens and left your house, now a good share of them are not going to Sunday Mass, and they pray little. This is a common occurrence in many homes as parents are praying for their children who have lost their way spiritually. All parents need to pray for their children’s souls, and they need to encourage their children to live good Christian lives. Many grown-up children are lazy spiritually, and they need to see the parents as good role models. Keep praying for your children every day.”

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wednesday, March 19, 2014: (St. Joseph’s Day)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating St. Joseph’s Day in many different ways with bread and no meat. St. Joseph received a dream at night that he was to take the Holy Family to Egypt as a refuge, so Herod could not kill Me. In a similar way, you will be told when it is time to come to My refuges, so you will not be captured and killed by the one world people. When you call on Me, I will have your guardian angel lead you with a flame and an invisible shield to your nearest refuge. You will pack your backpacks, tents, sleeping blankets, and some food and water into your vehicles as quickly as you can. Once you leave your homes, you will not return, because after the tribulation, you will come into My Era of Peace. Be prepared to leave at anytime, and trust in My protection and My providing for your needs.”

St. Joseph said: “I am Joseph, the guardian of Jesus and my spouse, the Blessed Virgin Mary. I am the patron of the Church and a patron for families. You received a blessing in my honor, and I am giving you a spiritual blessing for all of your families. I especially want to bless all of the fathers who should be the protectors and providers for their families. Not only should you take care of your children, but your grandchildren, and even some great grandchildren. The fathers need to be heads of their households in watching out for the faith and well being of all their family members. I was the protector and provider for the Holy Family, and all of you could imitate us in your own families. I do hear all of your prayers, and I give them over to my foster Son, Jesus.”

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel starts with St. Joseph at the end of many generations going back to King David and Abraham. This is why St. Joseph and My Blessed Mother had to register at Bethlehem because of their lineage that went back to King David. The tree in the vision refers to a family tree that branches out into many families and children. Not only was My heritage important to My mission, but family heritage points to who you are in your families. Every time I bring up older generations, it is a good chance to remind you to keep praying for your generational healing in your own families with the long St. Michael prayer and the holy water or blessed salt. Keep praying for your families to break any habitual sin from any addictions.”

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tuesday, March 18, 2014: (St. Cyril of Jerusalem)
Jesus said: “My people, I call all of you to a life of prayer, but not all of you are called to a religious life. Those, who live in the world, are still called to follow the faith, and not act as hypocrites. In the Gospel I chastised the Pharisees because they did not practice what they preached, and they were not good examples to follow. I told the people to follow their teachings, but not their actions. So I am warning My faithful to live your faith in your actions, so people can see that you practice what you believe. Your best way to teach people how to live as Christians, is to show them in your acts of kindness in helping people. You should love Me and your neighbor, so people should be able to see your love, and that you are following My ways of worship on Sundays and monthly Confession. When you are faithful to My teachings and live your faith, you will be on the right road to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been given an extra grace of time for people to repent and change their lives in the face of many disasters. Even with more time, your morals are being more corrupted with same-sex marriage and legalized marijuana use. Now, you are seeing signs in the vision of the coming of My Warning experience for all sinners. I have sent you many punishing disasters, and your people still do not understand that they need to repent and change their ways, like the people of Nineveh. In the Warning, everyone will see their life review and where their lives are headed by My justice. Some people will wake up and see how they have offended Me, and they will desire Confession. Others will remain in their sinful ways because they love their pleasures and possessions more than Me. They will rationalize any punishment in hell, but they will only fool themselves if they do not change. When the devil can convince sinners that there is no hell or punishment, then they can be deceived into more sin without repentance. After the Warning, you will have a short time to evangelize your wayward family members. If they still refuse to repent and refuse to love Me, then they are leading themselves into hell. You will have done your part to warn them. Those, who still refuse to repent, cannot enter heaven and will be punished forever in the flames of hell. Those, who love Me and repent of their sins, will be with Me in the joy and happiness of heaven for all eternity. Choose life with Me in order to be saved.”