Saturday, February 15, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading the other king set up gold calves in various places to worship, and he made non-Levites into priests. This was against Me in sinful worship, and these people were later overthrown. The new altar for some people today, are the football stadiums for worshiping their gods of sports. Even your television has been worshiped by some. If you want to give something up for Lent, try giving up your TV watching. Some people already read newspapers and look at the internet for their news. By letting these means of entertainment control your life, then you have little time for Me in your daily prayers. Center your life around loving Me and your neighbor, and you will have peace and rest with Me, even despite life’s trials.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are a lot of injustices that the poor people all over the world are suffering because they are being abused by the one world people. There are evil people who are killing people, or they are indirectly killing people with bad food and man-made disasters. It is difficult for the average person to fight this evil. You can only pray for My help that I will come soon to bring My justice against these evil ones. You can still help the poor to help themselves, and donate to help your food shelves who are seeing more demand on food donations. There is a reduction in the food stamp program, which is making it harder for the working poor to put food on the table for their families. Food shelves depend on personal donations and church donations of food. They may receive a little community help, but most of their workers are volunteers that are not paid for their work. In addition to your donations for food, you can also give your time to help bring the food to the poor. Everything that you do to help the poor or your neighbor, will be rewarded in heaven. Do not look for your reward here, but trust that you will gain merits in heaven.”
Friday, February 14, 2014: (St. Cyril & St. Methodius)
Jesus said: “My people, I have talked to you before of how I am dividing up your homes between those people who love Me, and those who reject Me. In your readings you have seen how King Solomon set up shrines to other gods of his wives, and his heart was not with Me. So because of his sins, his kingdom was divided, and stripped from him, except for David’s tribe as a tribute to David, his father. Even among My very apostles, Judas betrayed Me, and his sin divided him from Me. So it is even with many families, as you see a division between your family members who believe in Me by coming to Sunday Mass, and those who do not. Still, My faithful need to pray for all of your family members to return to their original faith in Me. Satan and his evil addictions are the real cause of people who fall away from My love. The people need to wake up and repent of their sins, before it is too late, and they could be lost in hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are two ways to mine coal. One is digging it out from the top of the ground, and the more dangerous is through tunnels underground. For years America has been using coal to generate electricity, and some is used in steel making. Coal is also used by many countries in the world. Currently, about 40% of America’s electricity is provided by using coal. Some coal plants are being replaced with natural gas, but coal cannot be totally replaced by other fuels or green energy. Coal can gradually be phased out, but it is unwise to make regulations so strict that coal cannot be used at all. Your current Administration lives in a dream world if your President wants to shut down coal plants all at once. The question comes up as to how you are going to provide the energy that coal is producing today? This is why ivory tower bureaucrats have no clue what they are doing when they make regulations that are impossible to enforce over the people’s objections. Your energy is needed to run your economy, so cooler heads will need to prevail over any of your President’s mandates. Pray that there will be a delay in these regulations that could shut down your coal fired power plants. Your President is good at delaying the mandates of his health care law when it is politically desired, but not for other things.”
Thursday, February 13, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, when I look down on your world today, I can feel the frustration of Moses, as I see many people worshiping fame, money, and possessions as their gods, with little concern for Me. As I look further, I see your abortions, fornications, and homosexual acts which disgust Me in how evil has controlled your hearts and souls. I ask Myself, does this people have any concern to follow My Commandments? I destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with fire because of their homosexual and heterosexual sins. Be forewarned that I will not permit such depravity much longer. I have warned My people to be prepared for My Warning, when all of you, all over the earth, will see your life review. This will be the last chance for sinners to repent and seek My forgiveness. Those, who do not improve their lives after I show them their errors, could face the fires of hell. Hell is a real place of punishment, and those people, who choose to still worship other gods and ignore Me, will be on the path to this place of fire and hate. The people on the earth must choose to love Me or reject Me, there is no in between grey area. My faithful will be with Me in heaven, but the idol worshipers will rot and burn in hell with a disfigured body and soul. My faithful need to reach out to save as many souls from hell as you can. You do not wish this hellfire on anyone.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, some of your leaders, as your President, want you to hide statues and crucifixes when they come to speak. My faithful need to stand up to such dictators, who are trying to take away your freedom of religion. You remember the thrown out crucifix that was saved and appeared to turn red as blood when it was touched to the tilma of the Guadalupe image of My Blessed Mother. You are seeing another statue of My Blessed Mother in Israel near the Lebanon border, and it was weeping tears over the sins of the world. You also carry the tears of weeping statues when you use it to pray over people. Rejoice in these signs as gifts from heaven to get people to repent of their sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in all of your news programs how hundreds of thousands of people are without power in the South, as ice storms are taking down trees and power lines. Some are dealing with the cold and no heat. Pray that these people can find a way to keep warm and get the food and water that they need. Other states may have to volunteer their linesmen to repair the downed power lines. You remember when you were helped in New York by linesmen from other states in 1991’s ice storm. This widespread destruction should be a sign of the punishment that your country is suffering because of its sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, because of your abortions, and sexual sins, I told you that you would have one disaster after another, because there are not enough prayers being said to atone for your sins. Your laws that allow abortion, euthanasia, and homosexual marriage, are an abomination in My sight, and these disasters are a punishment for not repenting for your sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing your President with his pen, and he is changing his own law when it is politically expedient to help elect his fellow Congress people. Changing your laws should come from your Congress, but your President is going around Congress on many issues when he does not get his way. Even your Governor is telling his conservative opposition that they should not live in New York State. These leaders are supposed to support the people, and not be dictators of their own will over the people.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington this month as your famous American Presidents. These men stood up for the rights of the people and your Constitution. Your current leaders should take lessons in how they led the people. They did not dictate their own laws and regulations, but these previous Presidents truly believed that your government should be for the people and ruled by the people, and not the interests of a few rich people.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many problems and injustices with your current Health Care Law. It is one thing to want to give health coverage to everyone in America, but it is demonic when this same law will eventually force the mark of the beast on all Americans. Having a chip implanted in the body was mandated for your health insurance in the original bill. This law is all about total control of your people in making them into robots controlled by voices from the chip. Refuse to take any chip in the body, even if your authorities threaten to kill you. When chips in the body are mandated, this will be a sign to come to My refuges of protection from the evil one world people. Call on Me, and I will have your guardian angels lead you to My nearest refuge, and they will protect you with an invisible shield.”
Jesus said: “My people, I do not want My faithful people to lose heart, when you see the evil ones winning certain battles of controlling the people. In the end, I will come to win the last battle, when I will bring My victory over Satan, the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and the evil people and demons. Their reign will be brief during a shortened tribulation, and you will know that I reign supreme over the whole universe. I will protect My people from the Comet of Chastisement, and I will bring them into My Era of Peace and later into heaven. For now, you have to fight the good fight of standing up for your faith in Me against all the evil laws on your books. These laws favor abortion, homosexual marriage, and many other evils against My Commandments and Church laws. Trust in Me and have faith in Me, and you will have your reward in heaven.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, those faithful, who come to daily Mass, are My special believers, because they appreciate receiving their daily spiritual nourishment from My Eucharist. If people truly believed in My Real Presence, they would want to be with Me every day at Mass, and come to see Me often in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. I am the Creator of your souls and bodies, and you should be praising Me and thanking Me for your life, and all of My gifts to you. Most people think they are the ones who are providing for themselves. I am the One who has given you your talents, your job opportunities, and the natural resources that you use every day. When you understand the marvels of My creation, you can be overwhelmed, as the Queen of Sheba was impressed by King Solomon’s wisdom. You have One greater than King Solomon here before you, so continue to revel in My goodness and My gifts to My servants.”
Jesus said: “My people, I can see how many of you are facing stress from your weather, your jobs, and from your government. Many of your people are suffering from the deep cold, high snowfall, and ice storms. Your weather has created problems in getting to work and your power outages. You are seeing how vulnerable you are to winter’s problems. Some people are suffering stress in their jobs just to make enough money to pay their bills. Some people have been laid off from good paying jobs, and they had to take two lesser paying jobs to get by. Many employers are exploiting their workers to do multiple jobs for the same pay. Your people are also being stressed by your government in its liberal laws favoring abortion, homosexual rights, and mandates from your Obamacare Law. With all of this stress on your people, it is no wonder that you see health problems of the heart, high blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer. Even though you are facing difficult problems in life, you can still turn to Me for help and rest from life’s trials. You may suffer in this world, but you can look forward to being with Me in joy and love in heaven. Your biggest battle is with the devil’s temptations, and do not let things in life lead you into depression. Without looking forward to heaven, this life would look hopeless. Look to love Me and your neighbor more in helping people where you can. There is a joy in being able to help others. When you have My peace and a joyful outlook on life, then you can overlook any distress that you meet in life.”
Diciembre 29, 2013 (Ataques a la familia)
En el Santo Nombre después de la Santa Comunión, yo puedo ver a la sagrada familia junta en Belén. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, este día es en honor a Mi Sagrada Familia, y ustedes deberían vernos como modelo en todos los hogares. Los niños deben crecer en un ambiente de amor con una madre amorosa y un padre amoroso. Cuando hay divorcios o convivencia (sin matrimonio), los niños están sin un padre o madre, o sus padres están viviendo en pecado que da mal ejemplo. También las parejas casadas deben evitar todo tipo de anticonceptivos, porque todo matrimonio debe estar abierto a tener hijos. La planificación familiar, usando los tiempos no fértiles de la mujer, es permitido (por la Iglesia Católica). Cuando su sociedad trate a la vida como algo precioso, entonces no tendrán abortos. Las familias necesitan reconciliarse entre sí de algunos desacuerdos, para que no vivan en constantes resentimientos que no tienen fin. La vida es muy corta para no vivir con amor del uno al otro. Cuando los esposos trabajan en una buena comunicación y amor, entonces habrá menos divorcios. Cuando las familias asistan a la Misa los Domingos, observen confesión mensual, y oraciones diarias, entonces me estarán invitando a Mí a ser parte de su familia. Tu Señor debe de ser amado más que a todo el mundo. Cuando oran todo los días, ustedes me están diciendo cuanto me aman a Mí. La familia debe de ser la unidad básica de su sociedad. El diablo esta constantemente tratando de romper familias, especialmente por medio del comunismo y socialismo. Sigan mis caminos en vez de los caminos del mundo y sus familias serán prósperos en Mi amor.”
Diciembre 28, 2013 (Santos Inocentes, abortos)
En la Catedral del Sagrado Corazón después de la Santa Comunión, yo puedo ver a un soldado Romano matar a los bebes con sus espadas en Belén. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, San José fue advertido por un ángel en un sueño que me llevara a Mí y Mi Santa Madre a Egipto para que Herodes no me matara. Yo permanecí allí hasta que Herodes murió, y Mi familia regresó a Nazaret. Estos Santos Inocentes eran indefensos contra la brutalidad de los soldados de Herodes, quienes recibieron órdenes de matar a los infantes menores de dos años. Hoy con las clínicas de aborto tu estas viendo la misma brutalidad como los doctores aplastan la cabeza de los bebes, y evacuan sus pequeños cuerpos del vientre. El aborto es uno de los crímenes mayores que se pueden cometer porque Yo estoy a cargo de quien nace y cuando muere. Cuando tú matas a estos bebes inocentes e indefensos, tu estas negándole Mi plan para cada vida que tomas. Cuando ya hay una concepción en el vientre, un alma es puesta en ese huevo fertilizado y un ángel de la guarda es asignado a esa nueva vida. Cuando tú abortas ese bebe, el ángel de la guarda de esa vida regresa al cielo para testificar que esa vida fue abortada. Son estos pecados de aborto que tienen un gran peso contra la nación que tiene leyes o decisiones que permiten este tipo de matanza. Que pena para América por permitir e intermediar tales crímenes. Tu país tendrá que pagar mucho por la sangre en sus manos. Por favor oren por que cese el aborto y hagan protestas públicas por estas injusticias. Si tu no haces nada sobre estas matanzas de los bebes, entonces tu inactividad estará permitiendo estos crímenes de matanzas”
Diciembre 26, 2013 (Una Sociedad pecaminosa, depravada)
En el Santo Nombre después de la Santa Comunión, yo puedo ver a San Esteban ser apedreado a muerte, y el perdonó a sus perseguidores como Jesús lo hizo en la cruz. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, proclamar Mi Evangelio en palabras de amor y obediencia a los Mandamientos, no va hacer fácil enfrentar esta sociedad que esta “políticamente correcta”. Tu sociedad hace que la muerte de Mis bebes en el vientre, sea legal en las Cortes. Tus Cortes y Estados están ahora aprobando los matrimonios del mismo sexo como algo legal, como un derecho. Vivir juntos en fornicación esto también es aceptado en tu sociedad. Todas estas cosas son pecados mortales ante Mis ojos y deben ser evitados para salvar su alma. Tú tienes el Sacramento de la Confesión para confesar estos pecados, el hecho de que la gente defienda estas acciones como algo aceptable y legal, indica cuán depravada está tu sociedad. No es fácil vivir tu fe Cristiana en público, porque si tú te pones en contra de todos estos pecados de aborto, fornicación y actos de homosexualismo, tú serás perseguido por causa de Mi Nombre. La gente, que está cometiendo todos estos pecados, y no quieren que los critiques por estar haciendo lo que es incorrecto, porque el enemigo controla la red de comunicaciones y ellos perseguirán a cualquier persona que vaya en contra de ellos. Es el enemigo el que les está dictando lo que es políticamente correcto y los del un solo gobierno están guiados por Satanás para apoyar estos pecados. Aunque te persigan en público, es tu deber de cristiano, aconsejar a tu hermano cuando está cometiendo un pecado grave como lo es el aborto, la fornicación, o los actos homosexuales. Aquellos que están dispuestos a defender sus creencias religiosas, tendrán su recompensa en el cielo, aunque tengan que morir por la fe.”
Diciembre 21, 2013 (La verdadera presencia de Jesús en la Hostia)
En el Sagrado Nombre, en la adoración nocturna yo puedo ver el pan y el vino consagrado en la Misa en el Cuerpo y La Sangre de Jesús. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, Yo les he hablado muchas veces sobre Mi Verdadera Presencia en Mi Hostia consagrada. Este Misterio Eucarístico de Mi verdadera Presencia, es difícil de entender para el hombre, solo puede ser aceptado por la fe. Yo puedo hacer todas las cosas, hasta lo imposible. Así que si Yo quiero permitir que el Sacerdote consagre el pan y el vino a Mi Cuerpo y Sangre, Yo lo puedo hacer. Sea que la gente quiera creerlo o no, Yo continuo presente de igual manera. Aquellos, que tienen una fe débil, no pueden o tienen dificultad en aceptar Mi Presencia Real en Mi Hostia. Si tu verdaderamente crees en Mi Presencia, entonces tu tendrás una gran alegría cada vez que me recibes en la Santa Comunión. Solo Mis verdaderos creyentes dan reverencia inclinándose frente a Mi Tabernáculo, y vienen a visitarme en Adoración, en Mi ostensorio o en Mi Tabernáculo. Aquellos, que no creen en Mi Verdadera Presencia, tienen muy poca reverencia a Mi Hostia, y muy pocas veces visitan Mi Tabernáculo porque no creen que Yo estoy allí. Anima a la gente a creer en Mi Verdadera Presencia porque esto es un regalo de Mi propio Ser para ustedes en Mi Santísimo Sacramento.”
Diciembre 18, 2013 (Fiesta de Boda-Confesión frecuente)
Después de la Comunión en San José, yo puedo ver una mesa larga, lista para una fiesta de bodas aquí en la tierra. Después pude ver un banquete más glorioso, lista para una fiesta de bodas en el cielo. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, tu has escuchado cuando Yo he hablado sobre la fiesta de las bodas en Caná, donde Yo hice mi primer milagro, donde convertí el agua en vino por la petición de Mi Santa Madre. También he hablado sobre una fiesta de bodas donde un rey llamó a sus invitados a que vinieran a su casa pero ellos no vinieron, y mando incluso a sus sirvientes a que inviten a la gente de la calle para que llenaran su palacio. Entre los invitados estaba un hombre que no estaba vestido apropiadamente para la boda, y él fue sacado de la fiesta. Yo les dije a la gente que muchos serán llamados pero pocos los escogidos. Aquellos que no están apropiadamente vestidos, son las almas que no se han limpiado de sus pecados en la Confesión. Tú estás consciente de cómo vestirte y como tienes que ir cuando te invitan a una boda. Pues es mas, Yo estoy preparando un lugar para todas las almas que son dignas, para Mi banquete de bodas en el cielo después de juzgar a todas las almas. Una vez más, tú necesitas tener tu alma lista por medio de la purificación en la Confesión. Tú no sabes cuándo será el día que Yo te llame a tu hogar eterno por medio de la muerte. Así que usen frecuentemente la Confesión para mantener sus almas puras y estén listos para encontrarme a Mi en su juicio todo los días.”
Diciembre 16, 2013 (Experiencia de la Advertencia-Confesión)
En San José después de la Santa Comunión, yo puedo ver a Jesús venir al final de un túnel, donde la gente se enfrentaba con su mini juicio. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, muchos de ustedes están esperando a celebrar Mi cumpleaños en Navidad. Esta visión les demuestra otra venida, cuando vendrán a Mí por medio de un túnel fuera del tiempo, y fuera de sus cuerpos. Esto será la iluminación de tu conciencia, o como otros le llaman la Advertencia. Esto verdaderamente será un llamado para despertar a las almas para que vean como Yo los juzgare hasta este punto de sus vidas. Tú no tendrás excusas, porque tú mismo vas a revisar tus propias palabras y acciones, que tú no vas a poder negar que sean verdades. Tu podrás ver hacia donde se dirige tu alma, cuando Yo te de el pequeño juicio. Tú tendrás una segunda oportunidad para mejorar tu vida espiritual si es que cambias tu vida y mejoras. Prepara tu alma con Confesiones frecuentes y podrás evitar una sentencia al infierno. Sean agradecidos de que Yo les daré a todos los pecadores la oportunidad de salvarse. Yo soy un Dios amable y amoroso y les daré la recompensa del cielo, a cada pecador que se arrepienta.”