Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading St. Paul is talking of how hard it is to obey the Lord because his body’s members are struggling to do the wrong things. There is a constant battle going on between the desires of the body and the desires of the soul. It is the devil who takes advantage of your weak human nature to tempt you into sin. I know this weakness, and I am willing to forgive your sins at any time. Remember to ask for My forgiveness in Confession, and your soul can be refreshed with My grace. The Gospel reading speaks of recognizing the signs of My return. You have read the Scriptures of how you will see famine, earthquakes, and pestilence. I have told you of the evil of Noah’s day, and how evil it is now in your world, which is a sign of My coming again. Many of these disasters are increasing in frequency and severity, and they are setting records. If you have the eyes of faith, you can read these signs as well. I have given you the mission to prepare My people for the coming tribulation. You are to warn them how to prepare to come to My refuges to avoid the Antichrist and his evil supporters. Rejoice in My help because once you see the Antichrist coming into power, you will soon see Me coming in victory over him.”

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you know that valuable gifts can come in little boxes. The first vision of a diamond ring in a box is usually for a woman who is about to be engaged to be married. The second vision of the Blessed Sacrament in a pyx is an even more valuable gift of Myself. This is usually for someone who cannot come to Mass. My Blessed Sacrament is an ongoing gift that marries or unites your soul to Me. Offering to bring My Eucharist to the sick and disabled is literally a beautiful ministry of reaching out to bring Me to other souls. The treasure of My Real Presence is even much more valuable than any earthly thing that you could give. It is more valuable because I am a spiritual gift to the soul of everlasting value, more than any temporary earthly gift. So when you bring My consecrated Host to someone, you are enriching that soul more than you realize in your act of charity. If you are searching for a helpful job at your church, bringing My Eucharist to people can be a rewarding good work both for you and the people who receive My Host.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have had a complete regime change brought about in Libya with the help of NATO forces and the rebel forces on the ground. There is a concern about some missing weapons, but the old leader has been killed. It is unknown how Libya and Egypt’s leadership will be resolved, and what kind of a government will be set up. Pray that the people of these countries will have a participation in the new governments.”

Jesus said: “My people, your government is still paying out billions of dollars to your Defense Industrial Complex to make weapons for the world. Many of the US troops in the Middle East are being recalled for different missions. America has been involved in these wars for many years, and it is now time to withdraw some of your troops. I have asked you to pray for peace and stop getting involved in new wars. Man needs to try more compromises before resorting to constant wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen how much money you have spent on your wars in the Middle East. Contrast this to the small amounts of money spent on rebuilding homes and roads in the many disaster areas of America. Instead of focusing on killing people and destroying things in your wars, you should be more focused on building up the destroyed homes from your tornadoes, fires, and hurricanes. When America is concerned more with helping people instead of wanting regime changes, then you will be on the road to spiritual recovery.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the fall flowers blossom, and the colorful foliage as the leaves of the trees are turning colors. Some people look forward to traveling around your parks to take pictures of the fall foliage. All the flowers and trees are rejoicing in color before winter comes to put nature more into a dormant state. These colors are brief, so enjoy this display while it is still available.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the next few weeks you will be celebrating the saints on November 1st of All Saints’ Day, and the souls suffering in purgatory on November 2nd of All Souls’ Day. Both the saints in heaven and the souls in purgatory are saved, but souls on earth have yet to be judged. This is why you need to pray for the conversion of sinners on earth who need to be converted before they could be lost.”

Jesus said: “My son, your people have been blessed to visit the places that I have traveled. It is a great opportunity to see the places where My disciples converted sinners and started the formation of My Church. As you visit these places in the Holy Lands, take a Bible along with you so you can read of the Gospel accounts where you are traveling. Your Bible will come alive as you visit My holy places. You will also appreciate how difficult it was to travel around in the time that I was on the earth. Give thanks to all of My missionaries who have toiled to save souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, your world has been in financial turmoil in the last few years because of all the national debts that are testing many countries for survival. Even America is being tested by your increasing debts and threats of insolvency to many of your entitlements. Your people need to better manage your budgets and deficits that are threatening your way of life. Call on My help to get you through these difficult times.”

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011: (St. Issac Jogues, and companions)
Jesus said: “My people, when martial law and mandatory chips in the body come, I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge for protection from the evil ones. These refuges will be at places of My Blessed Mother’s apparitions, places of holy ground, and caves. This vision at Auriesville, N.Y. is at the place honored by the North American martyrs, and it is truly holy ground. Many shrines will be refuges as this one is, even if there are no obvious provisions being made to store food and shelters. It is My angels that will make the buildings for dormitories to sleep. The building in the vision that you are looking out of is one of the buildings that will be provided. Food and deer will be provided to eat, as well as daily Communion. There will be water from springs, and a luminous cross for healing will light your way. You will see My angel of protection there who will make My faithful invisible to the evil ones. Rejoice that I am providing these many refuges to protect you during the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. Have no fear, but you must leave your homes for My refuges when I call you to come. This will be a rustic living with people working for their survival.”

Jesus said: “My people, raising cattle is a delicate balance between how much it costs to feed them vs. how much money they can be sold for at the market. During the warm days they can feed on the grass, but during the winter you need to house them and spend money for feed. In the spiritual world there is a challenge for a soul to survive this human condition. In this case there is a balance between struggling through the daily temptations of the evil ones. If the soul is fed Holy Communion and obeys My Commandments, then there is a guarantee of coming to heaven. If the soul refuses My help and tries to go through life on its own, then the balance could shift to a soul lost to the devil. Man is weak to temptations, so each soul must seek My help in order to come to heaven. Each soul is very precious to Me and even to Satan. Because souls are so valuable, you see a battle to the end between Satan and Me for each soul, right up to the point of death. Keep close to Me with a pure soul by Confession, and help to evangelize souls so they can be saved from hell.”