Wednesday, September 1, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in your physical world your eyes have more trouble focusing as you age, or even some people need glasses early in life. You have various glasses to help with near and farsightedness. This need to see a focused image is necessary for reading signs or books. In a spiritual way you also need to be able to keep your focus on Me as the center of your life. Too often you have many worldly distractions and temptations of the devil that can put Me out of focus and blur your love for Me. This is why you need My graces as glasses to keep your clear focus on Me. Daily prayer and your morning offering to ask My help, can also bring clarity to your mission on this earth. Your life here could end tomorrow, so you need to have a clear thought for your eternal destination. By following My laws of love of God and love of neighbor, you will see clearly how to avoid sin and seek to be with Me in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are men and women in this world who take pride in their power as they blow their trumpets so everyone will respect them. Some leaders in your government crave roles of authority to show off how much power they have over people. The one world people and the central bankers are so sure of their blatant power that they flaunt their control over various governments. The Antichrist and Satan also are drunk with pride and power in their attempts to control souls on earth. Such pride is the undoing of beings, whether they be humans or evil spirits. I am the Ruler and Judge of all souls and spirits by the events that I put into motion. I humble the proud and I bring low any ruler who defies Me. All of those people who think that they are in control today, will be nowhere to be found tomorrow in their death. All the evil bankers, the Antichrist, and Satan will be vanquished and chained in hell. Do not seek to judge these evil ones, for I will take care of them in My time and in My justice. Seek to be humble in this world because the humble will be exalted, but those, who exalt themselves, will be humbled.”
Tuesday, August 31, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, many of your churches have been renovated where the traditional statues and ornate altars have been removed. Then there are a few churches where traditional crucifixes and statues are being returned. The statues and crucifix keep you fixed on My suffering and the saints are models to lead a holy life. Your traditional devotions of rosaries, novenas, Benediction, and Adoration also keep you close to Me in respecting My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament. It is this devotion to a holy life that can provide a good environment for priestly vocations. Encouraging daily prayer and frequent Confession should also be a part of a pastor’s guiding of his flock. Enriching the parishioners spiritual life is how traditional devotions can improve their lives to handle life’s trials. You need to call on Me in trust every day, and seek a loving relationship with Me in all that I ask you to do. By following My Will in your life, you will be on the right path to heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, soon your children will be returning to school for a new school year at all levels of education. There have been mixed results with your public education system in America, but other countries are rated higher in their studies. Getting a college education is possible, but it is getting more expensive every year. Certain subjects as history and science have been distorted by those with particular agendas. It is harder to choose a career in certain fields because corporate America is shipping the good jobs out of the country for cheaper labor. Even foreigners are brought into America for cheaper jobs. Students here do not even realize that they are competing with foreigners for their future jobs. The average family wages are shrinking because of a lack of good corporate jobs. Manufacturing jobs have been exported to many nations which is part of the reason for your high unemployment. Encouraging a good education is always helpful, but the availability of good paying jobs is becoming a problem. Unless America can retain good paying manufacturing jobs, you could become a nation of smaller status. Pray for your children to have similar opportunities that you had in college and the work force.”
Monday, August 30, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I first impressed the people of Nazareth when I told them that I was fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy. Later, when I knew in their minds that they could not have faith in Me, I told them of other prophets who did not heal people in their home towns. At this they rose up to try and kill Me, but I walked through their midst because it was not My hour to die. This vision of a dark abyss is like the hill that these people wanted to throw Me over, and it represents a rejection of Me with a possible result of being cast into the abyss of hell. The other scene of My Blessed Sacrament in Adoration is your other choice to know, love, adore, and serve Me. Everyone is given this opportunity to accept Me or reject Me by your free will that I will never violate. But your choices have consequences, and those, who follow Me, can come to heaven, while those, who reject Me, could be choosing hell. Love is the curing factor if a person is open to loving Me, but the devil hates you and worldly things are very cold. Let your heart lead you to Me in My love instead of letting your body desire earthly things that will be gone tomorrow. Concern yourself more with your eternal life than this very short life.”
Jesus said: “My people, many times I have asked you to put your trust in Me to help you in all of your needs, even when you have to go out of your comfort zone to help people. Some people would rather trust in themselves and their wealth to minimize any risk of being hurt or in need. When you make attempts to help people, you could be at risk that they may take advantage of you financially or abuse you verbally in your evangelization attempts. When you desire to help people out of love for Me and them, you never know how they will react to your actions. Hopefully they may be grateful, but some may be envious of what you have and they may steal from you. Always act with love in your dealings with people so you are giving them good example in living as I did.”
Sunday, August 29, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a need for a coming evacuation from a natural disaster when people will be fleeing for their lives. As the time draws closer, I will give you more details. More and more significant events will be occurring that will emphasize the end time signs. These events will become larger in scope than you have seen in recent years. Have no fear of these things, but there could be some loss of life in them. Be prepared especially in areas along the coastlines, rivers, and earthquake areas that may have to evacuate quickly. Have some supplies ready to put into your car for such cases.”
Saturday, August 28, 2010: (St. Augustine)
Jesus said: “My people, you all need to have a target or a goal for life, and that is to keep your focus on Me at all times. I have given you all special talents that are unique from everyone else. This is why it is necessary to share your physical and spiritual talents to help people in their physical needs and share your faith with them in their spiritual needs. It is your good works that are the fruit of your talents, and this is what you give to your Master on My return. But those, who keep everything to themselves without love in their hearts, are like the one who buried his talent in the ground. Those, who follow their will instead of following Mine, are also weak in their sins to ask My forgiveness. At the judgment you all will have to account for your actions. Those, with love of Me and neighbor will enter into My banquet of heaven. Those, who refuse to love Me and neighbor, are risking the eternal fires of hell. Have no fear of evil because I am with you always with My protection. By keeping focused on Me as your goal, you will receive your reward in heaven.”
Friday, August 27, 2010: (St. Monica)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel (Matt. 25:1-13) is about the five wise virgins and the five foolish virgins who carried their oil lamps. The five wise virgins were prepared to meet the bridegroom by buying extra oil to run their lamps. The five foolish virgins were not prepared and did not buy any extra oil. When the bridegroom’s coming was announced, after a long time, the virgins trimmed their lamps. When the foolish virgins had their lamps run out of oil, they had to leave to buy more oil. Then on their return, they found the door locked and they were told by the gatekeeper that he did not know them because they did not know neither the day nor the hour. So it is with the wise faithful and the foolish worldly people. The faithful are prepared in their souls with frequent Confession and they know Me everyday in their prayers. The worldly people ignore Me and refuse to allow Me into their lives, even with many opportunities. They make their possessions and riches their gods, and they are not prepared to meet Me at their judgment. Then when these worldly people come to the gates of heaven, I will tell them I do not know them, and the accursed will be sent to hell and they will not be able to escape, just as in the vision where the bars were over the abyss. The lesson for entering heaven is to be prepared in your soul for your judgment, and make sure that you have a loving relationship with Me so I can know you are one of My disciples. Those, who refuse Me, do not know the day of My coming, and could be lost forever in hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, many times you look at beautiful flowers up close as you take their pictures. The bees also go from flower to flower harvesting the sweet nectar to make their honey. The sweet smell of some flowers is the essence of their beauty. In the spiritual world you have a taste of heaven in the essence of My Real Presence in Holy Communion. My disciples worship Me in Adoration because you have faith in Me and true belief that you are receiving My Body and Blood at Holy Communion time. Belief in My death on the cross that has brought salvation for mankind, may be foolishness to the world. But your belief in Me and seeking My forgiveness of your sins will set you free of the bonds of your sins, and put you on a path to heaven. Those, who do not believe in Me, will soon see that they are the fools when they may be judged to hell.”
Thursday, August 26, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, ‘stay awake’ is the first words of today’s Gospel. You are in the later chapters of Matthew’s Gospel that speaks of the end times and My coming again. It is joyful and hopeful to know that there will be Divine intervention to take away the evil of this generation. This is truly a time of preparation both for the coming tribulation and My vanquishing of the Antichrist and the demons. For when you see the Antichrist declare himself, you know his reign will be brief and I will be coming soon. I will not leave My people orphans to face this evil, but you will first be prepared by My Warning experience for everyone. During the tribulation, I will protect you physically and spiritually at My places of refuge. My angels will lead you there, and they will provide for your needs. At the end of the tribulation I will bring My Comet of Chastisement, and I will cast the evil ones into hell while I renew the earth. There will be a new heavens and a new earth according to Scripture that will lead into My Era of Peace, and then into heaven when you are cleansed of all of your earthly desires. This truly is a joyful time to anticipate My victory and glory over evil. Stay awake and be prepared.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you My Sacred Heart and My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart so your heart could be united with our hearts as one. When you wake up each day, make your morning offering to us, and give everything over to Me so you can receive My graces to carry out your daily tasks. Seeing our hearts burning with fire is how we are so loving of our children. Be aware of opportunities to help your family members, friends, and neighbors in their needs. I send you tests sometimes in your health to keep you humble, but they are opportunities for grace. When these trials are healed, give thanks to Me for your healing.”
Jesus said: “My people, you will always be tested by natural disasters in forest fires, volcanos, earthquakes, and hurricanes. The fact that you are seeing a general increase in these events, is a sign that you are living in the end times. Many say that you have seen these things right along, but those who keep statistics of these events know that these are unusual times. Look with the eyes of faith on these events, and you will see how they fit with the Scriptures that describe the end days.”
Jesus said: “My people, your world and your sins are crying out for your prayers of reparation. That is why these burning candles are a sign of those who are praying for these intentions of the sins of the world. As you see the candles snuffed out, this represents the evil ones who are trying to remove My Name and prayer from public places. Some atheists want My Name out of your Pledge of Allegiance, and My Name off of your currency. Stand up against these attempts and any attempts to make drugs legal and homosexual marriages equal to the marriage of a man and a woman. There are many uses of pornography that pollute young minds on the internet and adult book shops that could be protested. Pray also for the stoppage of your abortions, for poor sinners, and for the souls in purgatory.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have just seen the anniversaries of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, and the deaths and destruction that they caused. Yet many of your nations possess these weapons and they could threaten to use them. You see enough killing and destruction with your ongoing wars and conventional bombing and suicide bombs. You do not want to invite atomic bomb attacks that could kill thousands of people. Man needs to suppress his desire for wars and the one world people who cause them in greed for blood money. Pray for peace all over the world because war can be a punishment for sin.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen numbers reported on how many bridges, tunnels, trains, airports, and airplanes have need of repair and are dangerous to use. Some of your city infrastructures are failing because they have not been properly maintained over many years. As age sets in, fatigue and increasing weight and use have put these infrastructures at risk. With state and Federal budgets strapped for funds, these conditions could be an increasing problem. Pray that safety will be heeded to prevent any further disasters as this bridge collapse in the vision.”
Jesus said: “My people, your people are using many fuels to run your cars, heat and cool your homes, and power your factories. Acquiring these fuels has always been a dangerous hazard as well as storing them. You have seen oil fires and spills, people killed in coal mines, and refinery explosions that have killed people. These events will happen due to accidents with explosive fuels, but the option of not using fuels would have a louder cry than the few lost in acquiring and dispensing of fuels. This is the dilemma that your people create in desiring a high standard of living with all of your conveniences. Living at the refuges will require less fuel because your travel will be limited, and your fuels will be wood and any natural gas where it is on refuge sites.”
Jesus said: ‘My people, when you take vacations in the summer, you have an opportunity to visit your National parks that show you the beauty of My creation. It is good to go out hiking to appreciate this beauty that is all around you, and let it be a lesson that you do not want to destroy My balance of nature with all of your pollution. This world should be left as a heritage for your children and not something to be destroyed. Take care in the disposal of your garbage and pollutants to preserve your lakes, rivers, oceans, and the air you breathe.”
Wednesday, August 25, 2010: (St. Louis of France)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I spoke of the hypocrisy of the Scribes and Pharisees. They were concerned about their outward appearances and desired places of honor, but inside they were like whitened sepulchers and dead men’s bones. In other words I told My people to listen to the words of the prophets that the Scribes and Pharisees read, but do not follow their actions. Do not preach My Word and then live a corrupt life as a hypocrite. Instead, act out what you preach as a good example. As in the vision of the lepers, you have sometimes had skin diseases or were handicapped with broken limbs. In those temporary situations you could feel the discomfort or pain of your affliction. When you experience these things, have mercy on those who are handicapped all of their lives. Do not look down on the helpless of society, but give them hope and assist them in their needs. Those, who are sick, maimed, or handicapped in any way, are lifting up their pain with Me on the cross. You are all equal before Me, so do not treat them as second class citizens. I love all of you, and you should love everyone also, even those who appear poor and helpless.”
Jesus said: “My people, your government policies of Stimulus and tax cuts have failed, and your banks and corporations are sitting on their money. Few loans are being given, underwater loans cannot be refinanced, and corporations are beginning more layoffs than major hiring. The uncertainty of tax hikes and your Health care costs have stopped the spending. Your consumers are cutting debt instead of spending because they are unsure of their jobs. All of your economic data point toward another recession and your Federal Reserve will have to buy your increasing debt notes. This will be another caused crisis by the cutting off of any credit. Amidst this grief, your dollar will be more at risk of losing its value. I have told you that bankruptcy is in America’s future, and you are seeing it played out in your economy. Be prepared to go to My refuges when riots and martial law will occur. Trust in My help more than your government that is stealing your money in taxes and its value. The rich are planning your demise in their secret meetings. Pray for My help in facing these evil ones who are bringing you to the point of bankruptcy in the one world people.”
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