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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Jesus said: “My people, My dear St. Joseph was tested with My Blessed Mother’s pregnancy by the power of the Holy Spirit. He was in a quandary as to whether or not to divorce his wife because of the Jewish laws of the time. But he did not want to put My Blessed Mother at risk to stoning, so he intended to divorce her quietly. Once an angel warned him that this child, being Me, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, St. Joseph did take Mary to be his wife into his home. The vision shows a picture of his woodwork as a carpenter. My Blessed Mother took a step in faith to accept the consequences of having Me conceived at the word of St. Gabriel. This was the risk that she took to have a child out of wedlock, but St. Joseph protected her from any shame or the law. St. Joseph was always taken back that he was not My true father, but he brought Me up as his true son in teaching Me carpentry. Many times there are trials with children conceived out of wedlock, but not as My Blessed Mother had conceived. Pray for these couples for their sins to be forgiven, and where possible that they could be married.”
Jesus said: “My people, there is still a communist curtain around communist China, and there is still slave labor being used to manufacture their exports at a cheap price. The flood of water represents a flood of exports leaving China and a flood of imports coming into America. Many of your American corporate leaders have little sympathy for the human abuses of the poor to reduce them to slaves. All they want is cheap labor so they can lower their costs and make more money, even at the expense of lost American jobs to overseas countries. These same employers are lowering American wages, benefits, and eliminating pensions. In lowering salaries these greedy employers are lowering the average standard of living of all of their workers. These same employers desire more work from their employees for less pay. Because of this unjust exploitation of workers, these employers will have to suffer dearly for their greed for more money. China is benefitting from their surplus trade, and your technical know-how to build their war machine. America is becoming too dependent on foreign goods and foreign oil because of your greedy corporations, and this could be the beginning of your downfall. Trust in Me to lead you on the right path in your spiritual life so you can be less drawn to the things of this world. Focus on Me and have no other gods before Me.”

Monday, December 17, 2007

Jesus said: “My people, these different intensities of Light, as chandeliers in the vision, represent various souls rising to heaven. The intensities of Light are appropriate for the souls going to the different levels in heaven. The brighter and larger lights were going to the higher levels of heaven. More souls go to heaven on the feast days of My Blessed Mother, and the most souls go to heaven on Christmas Day. Continue to pray for the souls in purgatory so they can be released sooner, and they can pray for you in return. My love reaches out to every soul, but My justice demands reparation for your sins.”
Ed said: “I want to thank John and Carol for your wonderful friendship at this same Adoration Chapel, and it is fitting to be here on my funeral day. I love my wife, family, and all my friends who came to my funeral. I was very touched by their friendship also. Please pray for me because I only need a few Masses to be in heaven as one of these bright souls that you saw earlier.”

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Jesus said: “My people, this is joy Sunday on the Third Sunday of Advent. It is why you are seeing these joyful celebrations in the vision. There is joy all over the world as the earth prepares to celebrate My coming as your Redeemer at Christmas. Today you start to see more readings about St. John the Baptist as he prepares the way for My coming. He prepared the people as a voice in the desert who preached repentance and a change of life for the better. Even as you prepare to celebrate My coming at Christmas, you also need to listen to My prophets of today who are also preaching repentance in preparation for when I come again. The circular signs in the vision are pointing toward the Warning and how to prepare for the coming tribulation. After I vanquish the evil ones, you will see My Era of Peace. So rejoice in My coming at Christmas and at My Era of Peace.”

Friday, December 14, 2007: (St. John of the Cross)

Jesus said: “My people, on this feast day of St. John of the cross I am reminding you again of My crucifix, and how you need to carry your own cross along life’s path. In every way that you follow Me, you need to offer up your suffering and share it with My suffering on the cross. In everything that you do, you need to do it for Me out of love and according to My Will. Before you start any project, ask Me to help you in your efforts. Once you make a plan, then ask Me if it is right for you. Pray also to the Holy Spirit for discernment to affirm that what you are doing is in conformity with My Church and the Scriptures. By your good deeds you will see the fruit of following My ways instead of the ways of the world. Also, be prepared to change your plan if I disapprove of what you are about to do on your own. Every time that you do something on your own and it fails, you will see why it is better to follow My lead than going ahead of Me. Learn from the life of St. John of the cross how best to lead your lives in full trust of what I think is best for your soul.”

Thursday, December 13, 2007: (St. Lucy)

Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating the feast day of St. Lucy who is the patron of those with eye problems. In the vision of all of these eyes it is the eyes that are the windows to the soul. I have also spoken to you of having the eyes of faith to recognize the events going on around you, which are the signs of the end times. The first eye is the all knowing eye of God where We watch over all of our children. Another is the eyes of Maria Esperanza which you remember as always having the joy of her God and My Blessed Mother present. You also see Maria’s joy filled eyes in the eyes of her children. On your pilgrimage you are all looking into each other’s eyes and you are sharing and comforting each other in all of your pains and trials. With My grace and My Blessed Mother’s encouragement, you are all given hope and support to help you through this life on your road to heaven. I also want you to remember the poor souls in purgatory in your prayers so you can comfort them in shortening their suffering time.”

Wednesday, December 12, 2007: (Feast of Our Lady of Guadeloupe)

Mary said: “My dear children, I am happy to see all of my children of Betania and my pilgrims rejoicing at Mass on my feast day of Guadeloupe. Your singing and your prayers are very effective in sharing your love with all of heaven. All the saints in heaven and Maria are encouraging you in all of your efforts to save souls. This darkness in the sky in the vision represents the sins of mankind and your weak faith in the Word of my Son, Jesus. The worst of these sins are your abortions of the unborn. I am the patron of the unborn as I appeared to Juan Diego as a mother pregnant with my Son and your Savior. This miracle of the roses and my Guadeloupe image on the tilma is a message of hope for my children to stop your abortions and hold life up as a precious gift, too valuable to kill. Many of your life’s problems are brought on yourselves by supporting the death culture of abortions, euthanasia, wars, and senseless killings. Continue to stand up to your society and fight to save the lives of the unborn. Continue to send letters against this death culture to your government representatives, protest abortions at the clinics, counsel the women contemplating abortion, and pray for these mothers and doctors to stop taking away this innocent life. If you refuse to fight abortion in some way, then you are committing one of the greatest sins of omission that there is. I love all of my children, and especially the innocent unborn little ones. My Son also loves the children, so do not kill his little ones.”

Tuesday, December 11, 2007: (Vigil of Guadeloupe)

Mary said: “My dear children, I am the Mother of all of the Americas under the title of: ‘Our Lady of Guadeloupe’. I am coming in a heavenly appearance as your heavenly Mother clothed in the sun with the moon under my feet. This gate is the way that I lead my people to the love, graces, and blessings of my Son, Jesus. This stage represents the stage of life where your actions are performed, and they are the actions on which you will be judged. Just as I gave my ‘yes’ at the Annunciation, you too are called to give your ‘yes’ to all that Jesus calls you to do. I said: (Luke 1:26-38) ‘Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.’ All of my children should be willing to give everything over to my Son, Jesus. Only by saying ‘yes’ to my Son can He come into your hearts and mold you into the Christian that you are meant to be. As you prepare for Christmas, bring the gift of your life back to my Son at His crib as your offering.”
Jesus said: “My people, those, who get married, are asked to take vows of serving each other and wear rings to symbolize their love and total commitment. I am also joined in their lives through the sacrament of Matrimony. These partners of man and woman are only allowed to have relations if they are married. All other relations outside of marriage are acts of fornication and should be avoided. This ring on the door represents another marriage between Me and every soul who wants to make a total commitment to follow Me and do My Will. I do not want you to have any other gods before Me, because I am the only One worthy of your praise and worship. The commitment to Me may require you to suffer and help others, even when it demands that you go out of your comfort zone, or change your life. For all souls that are faithful to My wedding ring of commitment, I will open the gates of heaven and I will invite you to a place that I have prepared for you at My Wedding Banquet. The lesson is: Be faithful to Me and you will have your reward in heaven.”

Monday, December 10, 2007

Jesus said: “My people, during Advent you are seeing the darkness of sin all over the world before I came to release everyone of their sin. The Light of the Star of Bethlehem is the Light that disperses the darkness. It is My death on the cross that will release you of your bonds of sin and set you free in the Light of grace, peace, and salvation of your souls. It is only when you take a step forward to open the door to your hearts in faith that I can come into your hearts, even as you would be the innkeeper to let the Holy Family into your inn. This is the same faith that the paralyzed man had that I could heal him, as well as those that carried him in. Have faith that I can continue to heal you in love for both your body and your soul. See the love that I have for all of you in dying to save your souls from hell. Come follow Me out of love and faith in My words and My promises.”

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Jesus said: “My people, as you come to this grave of My dear one, I am showing you the cross that you all must pick up and carry with Me until your own death. Walking the Stations of the Cross represents how you must carry your cross through your own stations or trials on earth. As you approach your own death, you will be coming to the 14th station of your own life in your burial. You will not experience the 15th station until you are reunited with your body and soul.”
Maria said: “My dear pilgrims, I am praying over all of the pilgrims for help in your life, and I am interceding with Jesus in carrying all of your petitions and prayers to Jesus. I love you all, and I hope that you can return to the Betania Shrine for as long as you are able.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision shows you how I am the center of your life, and everything that you do should revolve around Me. The events of one’s life circling around Me, represents the vision of your life that you will witness at the time of the Warning. From your birth and even from conception, until your present moment, you will see all of the good and bad things that you did in your life in a life review. You will come face to face with your Lord in an out of body experience. You will be shown where you would be judged at that time either to heaven, purgatory, or hell. You will be placed back into your body and given a second chance to improve your spiritual life. So as the readings proclaim today, repent and change your lives before I return so you will find your reward in heaven. Reach out and be ready to help guide as many souls as possible to heaven so they are not lost to the evil one in hell.”

Saturday, December 8, 2007: (Immaculate Conception)

The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, thank you for coming to celebrate My Immaculate Conception at this Mass. When you come to me, I always bring you to my Son, Jesus. Especially you are becoming intimately united with my Son in Holy Communion. At times you are looking for signs of my presence, but today you were greeted at Communion by the sun coming out on a cloudy day. You also were given the inspiration to see me holding the Infant Jesus in the stump of a tree. This is truly symbolic as you have read of the Stump of Jesse as the father of David. Both St. Joseph and myself had a genealogy leading back to David, because Jesus is spoken of as the ‘Son of David’. I love all of my pilgrims to this shrine and I share the graces of Jesus with you for all that you have had to suffer in coming here. I am with you always and protecting you with my mantle of protection. I share the joy of our hearts with your hearts, and our love with your love. Keep close to my Son by praying your rosaries every day, and you will have my Infant Son always with you.”