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Friday, December 7, 2007

Our Lady said: “My dear children, I am happy to welcome all of my pilgrims to my shrine at Betania. All of you are called to be here and receive my graces to carry on with all of your life’s trials. You are also about to share in my great feasts of my Immaculate Conception and my feast of all of the Americas in Guadeloupe. You have passed through Mexico City where the miracle of my image is stored on the tilma. Many of you have had the joy of seeing my sign in the blue butterfly which is a sign of my presence among you. I am your heavenly Mother and I put my mantle of protection around all of you. Bring your petitions to me and I will forward them to my Son, Jesus, who listens closely to my requests. Rejoice in the great joy of our love in our two hearts as we share our union with your love. Come to Betania with love in your hearts for our two hearts, and share that love with the people of Venezuela.”

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Jesus said: “My people, life for the monks can be cold at times in the winter when they only have wood stoves to keep warm. This is why they wear their hoods more in the winter. You have seen movies of their life which is very often in silence during the week and some talking on Sunday. They either cut up wood or use coal for their heaters. Life for the monks is very simple, yet prayerful. When you watch their lives, you realize how much time people waste on their earthly distractions. Many times you are curious about the latest news, but usually they report on wars, killings, and weather disasters. Other times you are curious about the presidential candidates or the latest entertainment events and movies. Sports, sitcoms, and police stories are on many of your TV channels. Make enough time in your life for Me, because your prayer life is very important for your spiritual destiny. Let the monks quiet contemplative prayer be an example for you to follow, especially in Advent.”

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Jesus said: “My people, you have been witnessing some severe winter weather already with some areas receiving record winds and above average snowfalls or rainfalls. Even your weather maps have been showing huge storms and erratic jet stream flows causing colder weather than normal. You may or may not be aware of the HAARP weather making machine that uses extremely powerful microwaves to control and change the jet streams to cause this bad weather. This maker of bad weather and the chem trails causing flu epidemics, are all part of the one world plan to cause disruption and create emergency situations for their control of people. Many of your extreme weather events are due to the use of such machines. This is just an added insight to how evil these people can be just to manipulate your government and the death culture that they promote. The evil ones will have a brief reign, but they will soon face My judgment for their evil deeds. Call on My help and My angels to protect you, and use your Hawthorn pills or tea, herbs, and vitamins to protect yourselves from these man-made viruses.”

Tuesday, December 4, 2007: (St. John of Damascus)

Jesus said: “My people, you could do more good for your people if you manufactured metal goods for civilian uses instead of making so many weapons for war. This vision of beating swords into plowshares is a good change to stop the profit for making weapons of war. Take the money incentive out of your wars and these weapons would be useless. Do not follow the war mongers who cry for more wars and threaten more regime changes for threats that your intelligence has found to be untrue. Work to make peace diplomatically without threats of war. It is time to bring your troops home while they are still alive. This is the best help that you could do for them. Senseless killings and continued bombings are not the reason to continue your constant wars. Say no to the rich who profit from war, or your civilization will cease to be free.”

Monday, December 3, 2007: (St. Francis Xavier)

Jesus said: “My people, your movies from Hollywood are corrupting souls all over the world, and this is why these actors and actresses are being tormented with the fires in California. Especially in ‘R’ movies, the actors flaunt violence, sexual scenes, and vulgar language which are a bad influence for adults and for children. I have warned you to avoid ‘R’ movies, and even some PG films are bad for children. Your TV programming is also filled with the same bad influences. So guard your eyes and ears from such occasions of sin and especially protect your children from viewing such filth. In addition to ‘R’ movies, it is also important to avoid the Harry Potter movies, the Golden Compass series, and any other movies supporting witchcraft and demons for entertainment. TV and movies are powerful ways to influence the mind and soul, but man has abused these media for evil purposes that require your careful discernment.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are now moving into winter with another set of disasters that could cause trouble in the safety of your car travel and cause power outages. Already you are seeing considerable high wind events along the Pacific coast, even as I told you windy events will become more common this winter. You need to have warm clothing, some food and holy water or blessed salt in your cars in case your car quits or has an accident. In your homes you need back up fuels for heating as wood, kerosene, or propane to provide heat and a means of cooking if you should lose power in a snow storm. Just as you stay prepared for your physical survival, you also need to be prepared for your spiritual survival against sin. Frequent Confession is the best means to keep your soul pure and ready for the day of your death and judgment. You can also pray an Act of Contrition when you go to bed, or if you feel death is imminent. If you should die overnight, then you have asked to be forgiven, and you may not have time for Confession. Being prepared for winter, and for your death, are very practical ways for the survival of both your body and your soul.”

Sunday, December 2, 2007: (First Sunday of Advent)

Jesus said: “My people, you are starting your celebration of Advent and already this vision of myrrh is an anticipation of when I will die on the cross for the sins of mankind. This crucifix is a focal point of why I came as a man in the first place to the earth, and it is why it is appropriate to be in the center of your altar so you never forget it. The people who labored to fix your cross are to be commended for their good work. In the Gospel you hear again this theme of being prepared in your soul to be pure when you celebrate My birth at Christmas. This wake up call to be always watching, can also carry over into when the Son of Man will come again. The Gospel makes a point of the sign of evil in the days of Noah. Just as there is evil all around you, so it will be when I come again. You are living in the end times because of all the signs around you that were not only prophesied, but are being fulfilled even as I am speaking to you now.”

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Jesus said: “My people, you are again seeing the readings in the end times talk in Daniel (Daniel 7:15-27) of the coming fourth kingdom referring to the Antichrist and his earthly reign for 3 1/2 years. Daniel spoke of this beast who would gain control over the whole earth, and he would oppress the holy ones of God. In the Gospel (Luke 21:34-36) it is mentioned again of a tribulation time that will come upon the earth. The preparation for these end times has been your mission, and you are being vindicated in the prophesies of the messages that I have been sharing with you. This vision of the Pentagon is one more defeat of your military might by the one world people who are working with Satan to put the Antichrist into power. You will see your country taken over as part of this North American Union, and the unions all over the earth will be joined under the Antichrist in the European Union. All of these things are told in the Scripture readings of the last days at the end of this Church year. Do not have any fear of these evil ones because their reign will be brief. Did you think that I would allow this evil to continue very long? Certainly not, for I will come in glory on the clouds to defeat these evil ones and cast them into hell. My faithful will then see a renewed earth and live in My Era of Peace.”
Jesus said: “My people, just as you see the difference between this sickly pine tree and the healthy pine tree, so there is also a difference between a sickly sinner’s soul and a healthy pure soul. When a tree needs help, you prune off the dead branches and brown needles. In a soul you want to prune the dark parts of the soul that are dead because of sin. When you repent of your sins, or come to the priest in Confession, you are making the opportunity to purify your soul of sin by your sorrow for sin. With contrite hearts to avoid this sin again, you receive absolution from the priest and a cleansing with sanctifying grace that restores your soul to its original holy state after Baptism. Give thanks and praise to Me for forgiving even the worst of your sins. When you start your Advent Season, you are doing a little retreat to purify your soul so you can be white and pure to receive Me in My crib at Christmas. Advent is a preparation for celebrating My coming to earth at Christmas. Even on this last day of the Church Year, you are also preparing your soul for the day of My return by keeping it holy in Confession. You may be awaiting My return by constant readiness, but you need to move on in your life to fulfill your personal mission in your work or retirement. Do not be fearful or anxious about when I will return, but be prepared in your soul and have your hands full of good works.”

Friday, November 30, 2007: (St. Andrew)

Jesus said: “My people, you have read how I called some of My apostles from being fishermen so they could be fishers of men and women for My Kingdom. I reach out to call everyone to follow Me, no matter what profession or skill that you have. First you are called to a vocation of the religious life, the married life, or the single life. Each vocation has its own responsibilities, but you should be faithful to that calling and any vows made. If you are to be true to your faith in Me, you must live your faith in your actions so people can recognize you as a loving Christian. You all are sinners and need to repent of your sins in frequent Confession. You also need to consecrate everything over to Me so you are free from the attachments of this world, and you can be fully focused on Me all day long. When I call you in Baptism and Confirmation to be My followers, you can also be examples to others and reach out to evangelize souls so they can be saved from the evil one. You are all mine from your very creation, and you were purchased with the price of My death on the cross for your souls. You have free will because I wanted you to love Me and follow Me by your own choosing. I do not force My love on anyone. Follow the narrow road to heaven by letting Me lead you along life’s path.”
Jesus said:
“My people, this ingot of gold represents the super rich people who profit from other people’s losses. There is a collusion of the stock brokers, the owners of large multinational companies, and the central bankers who control interest rates. The corporations, through their lobbies, control the legislation that makes the laws for them to profit from slave labor. They send jobs abroad with out a tariff on goods imported under their label. The stock brokers threaten the companies to make more money, or they will take their stock prices down. The companies make deals with the Federal Reserve central bankers to lower the interest rates to lower their borrowing costs. It is the man in the street that is losing his home due to loan manipulations, and he is losing his good jobs to take slave labor jobs. This is why the upper 1% of your rich people have increased their yearly income over 400% and the lower 80% of the population or more have barely kept up with inflation. The injustices of predatory lending, robbed health benefits, and stolen pensions in layoffs are how the rich are taking advantage of the poor. In the end all of these rich people will lose everything to theft, greed, and finally to death. All of their massed up wealth will not help them in the next life, but their greed and injustices could weigh them down in purgatory or hell for their evil deeds to swindle people. Pray for these evil ones to be healed of their stealing and let them help the poor instead by your prayers.”

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel reminds you that one day I will come on the clouds to judge humanity and separate the evil ones from those who are faithful to Me. Your mission has been to prepare the people for this time of tribulation. I have given you signs that will be coming in the famine, earthquakes, and pestilence. Just as when you see the buds on the trees, you know that spring is coming. Even so when you see the Antichrist declare himself in power, know that My day of reckoning is near because the Antichrist’s reign will be brief. I will shorten this time of tribulation for the sake of My elect. Everything that you see now is passing away, and the earth will be renewed after I will bring My Great Chastisement to conquer the evil ones. Rejoice as the Antichrist will be defeated and My faithful will see My Era of Peace.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am calling your attention to the abuse and even death of My little children in your current news. These little ones are nearly defenseless and yet some parents hit them cruelly for crying or misbehaving. There is also a major abuse going on against the unborn in the mothers aborting their children in the womb. Killing the unborn or little children is the ultimate abuse and such abusers, including the doctors, will be held accountable for these killings at their judgment. I will forgive these sins if the mothers repent, but there will be some heavy reparation needed for this sin of murder.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are going to see more waves from the sea cause flooding and drownings from large storms and undersea earthquakes. You have seen large tsunamis and hurricanes cause extensive damage in New Orleans, Indonesia, and Bangladesh. These events are more common than you think, and it is only when high population areas suffer that you receive this news. Pray for the families that have to suffer through these disasters with lost family members and lost homes.”
Jesus said: “My people, I want My faithful to wear a Benedictine cross outside of your clothing or under your clothing, whatever you feel comfortable with doing. These crosses have an exorcism medal that is powerful in warding off demon attacks. As
the tribulation time approaches, you will see more and more persecution for your faith in Me, especially for those who wear their sacramentals openly for everyone to see.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who have lost their jobs or have disabilities that do not allow them to find work. These people need to rely on the generosity of others for food and shelter. Some should help themselves more, but it is hard to find meaningful employment to even afford a meager living. You remember when My family sought a shelter in Bethlehem, and we could only find a stable. Pray for these homeless to find a warm shelter for the winter and help donate or help provide shelter for these lowly of society.”
Jesus said: “My people, during the Christmas Season you are constantly shopping for gifts to give to your relatives and friends. Most of your gifts go to people who will return a gift to you. But you can give a charitable gift to the poor and hungry as in Bangladesh, and they will not be able to repay you, but you will gain treasure in heaven. You will feel even more loving inside your soul when you can help those in need, especially for the bare necessities for survival. I use many kind souls to help My little ones in need. Do not pass up any opportunity to help someone out of love for Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, these beautiful nuns need to be thanked for giving up this worldly life so they could pray for sinners to be saved. My faithful can take a lesson from those who live in contemplative prayer. Take some time out of your day for praying for sinners so that they will be given the grace to repent and find their way to My love. Saving souls is a very important intention for your prayers and your evangelization efforts.”
Jesus said: “My people, all of your fuels for heating are becoming more expensive, whether it is for oil, natural gas, propane, wood, or kerosene. It will be harder for the poor to provide heat for themselves on low budgets. At times you may even need to help your churches or charities with their heating bills. Pray that your winter will not be so cold so your heating bills will be less. It may also be a prudent thing to have some alternative fuels on hand in case you lose your electricity in power failures. Pray for My help in keeping you warm for the winter.”

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Jesus said: “My people, there is a strong parallel between Babylon and America in the reading from Daniel. The people of Babylon worshiped pagan gods made of gold, silver, bronze, and stone, and they drank wine from the holy vessels of the Temple. Because of this flaunting of idol worship and irreverence for God’s holy vessels, the writing on the wall occurred: Mene, Tekel, and Peres. (Daniel 5:1-29) America also has idols that you worship in new houses, cars, electronic devices, money, and fame or status. You also are flaunting irreverence to Me by taking God, prayer, and My Ten Commandments from all of your public buildings; not to mention your abortions and sexual sins. America like Babylon has been found wanting in My judgment when your scales of evil have outweighed the good that you have done. America’s days are numbered as well when the central bankers will bring about a takeover of your country, and it will truly be sent into oblivion as with the vision. America will also be divided and given up to the masons and the one world people who will deny your sovereignty rights as you are made a part of the North American Union. Your people have allowed the central bankers to bankrupt your country with useless war debts, and strip your military of its numbers and strength. This together with your immorality is what will bring your nation to a total takeover. When you see mandatory chips in the body, and martial law declared because of a created emergency, you will see the end of your country as a democratic republic. This will also be the time for My faithful to call on Me and your angels to lead you to the nearest refuge for both physical and spiritual protection from the evil ones and the Antichrist. Have faith and hope in My power with no fear of these evil ones. In the end I will vanquish them and cast this evil lot into hell. My faithful will then be rewarded in My Era of Peace.”
Jesus said: “My people, you may wonder why were the Wise Men the only ones that seemed skilled to follow My Star to Bethlehem? It is true that they did study the stars and noticed My Star as unusual. Only the shepherds and the Wise Men came to give Me homage at My birth. My angels sang about Me, but very few people knew when and where I was born. Yet the Scriptures in Micah foretold My birth in the city of David in Bethlehem. I was from a poor family in a humble scene of a stable in a cave. I wanted to be in a humble, quiet environment until My public ministry began. This is also how the Antichrist will be quiet until he is declared. As you listen to the readings of Advent, you will see all of the prophetic Scriptures come true in My life on earth. Even in the end times you will again see the Scripture prophecies fulfilled when I will visit the earth with My judgment. Rejoice in singing My praises as you remember another Christmas celebration.”