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Saturday, January 5, 2008: (St. John Neumann)

Jesus said: “My people, the day that you let Me into your house and your hearts is the day that My blessings will be upon all the members of your household.  I have mentioned before that one faithful soul can be the prayer warrior for their family and extended family.  Opening the door for Me is not just in words, but it means that you will make room for Me in your life and your actions.  It means that you will make time for Me in prayer and good deeds for your neighbors.  It means that you are willing to give up any attachments to possessions or money, and let Me lead you on the path to heaven.  When you allow Me to lead you, I will be able to mold you and help you accomplish your mission on earth.  If you close the door to My grace, it is hard for Me to help you.  Even when you are in mortal sin, it is hard for your guardian angel to help you as well.  So open your heart to My love, and be willing to consecrate everything over to Me.  By loving Me with all of your heart, mind, and soul, and confessing your sins, you can be assured  of receiving eternal life in heaven.”

Friday, January 4, 2008: (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)

Jesus said: “My people, I am warning you that in the end days there will be many false christs and deceivers trying to mislead My faithful, even in your churches.  Beware of those who teach false doctrine or New Age principles that only talk about man with no mention of God.  There will also be increasing persecutions from outside of My Church that will be threatening your freedom of religion.  Many of your rights, that you have grown up with, are going to be challenged as the one world people try to implement their new world order.  I have told you that you will need to be strong in your faith, but you also will need to be discerning that false teachings do not slip into your churches.  If someone teaches falsely, then challenge their interpretation.  Otherwise, if it persists, then leave that church.  Know that eventually, you will need to have your meetings in your homes, and then it will be time to leave for My refuges.  This division in My Church will be one of your signs to leave for My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My son, this focus on My crucifix in the vision means that you will be needing more prayer protection when you travel and give your talks.  You have seen several car accidents of your own and in your family that occurred from errant drivers.  This means continue to sprinkle holy water or blessed salt in your vehicle, and pray your prayers of exorcism and your rosaries for a safe trip.  Even have people pray for successful trips.  Pray for the people who are having you speak and to direct the right people to your talks.  This may appear as over cautious, but the spiritual attacks on you will be getting worse as the time of tribulation worsens.  The more spiritual protection that you can pray for, the more angels that will be there to protect you.  Your ultimate mission is to save souls and help the people to prepare for this evil age.  Pray also a prayer of thanksgiving after you arrive home safely.”

Thursday, January 3, 2008: (Most Holy Name of Jesus)

Jesus said: “My people, this key in the vision represents how using My Name will unlock many graces for you.  Today’s feast honors My very Name that was given to My Blessed Mother at the Annunciation when the Archangel St. Gabriel gave these words: (Luke 1:31) ‘Behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and shalt bring forth a son; and thou shalt call his name Jesus.’  According to your Catholic Encyclopedia My Name means ‘Jehovah is salvation’.  Even My Name speaks of My mission that I came to die for all of mankind to save you from your sins.  There is power in a person’s name which is why when you pray to a saint for intercessory prayer, you call them by their very name.  I have also mentioned that when you are praying for souls or for healings, it is always better to mention the specific name of the person as the intention.  Your given name stays with you for all eternity.  It is part of your identity even as a spirit.  My Name, being the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, is even more powerful as God.  You can call on My Name to ward off attacks of the demons.  You can also call on My Name for healing, much like St. Peter did in healing the lame beggar. (Acts 3:6) ‘In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, arise and walk.’  Every time that you call upon My Name, I will be right beside you to listen to your prayer or your petition.  So rejoice in the Name, ‘Jesus’, for I truly love you to use My Name in praise and Adoration, but do not use My Name in vain swearing.  Pray for those who abuse My Name as well.”
Prayer Group:
God the Father said: “I AM comes to your Eternal Father prayer group to bless you with My graces for the coming year.  You are about to see some strong change in worldly events when you will need this blessing to keep you protected from the evil ones.  Today’s reading of St. John the Baptist baptizing  My Son is appropriate because I and the Holy Spirit came down upon Jesus as He was baptized.  This feast day of My Son, Jesus’ Name, is also special to remember how I sent My Son to die for your sins, and offer a worthy sacrifice to atone for all the sins of mankind.”
Jesus said: “My people, My Name, Jesus, was given to Me as I was circumcised on the eighth day after My birth.  This vision of the Temple Wall is the very place years ago where I was presented by My Blessed Mother and St. Joseph.  This was the same time that Simeon and Anna came forward to honor My mission as they gave glory to God.  Rejoice in receiving My Infancy into your hearts as you have just celebrated My birth and circumcision.”
Jesus said: “My people, I prophesied to the Pharisees and Sadducees that they could destroy this temple of My Body, and I will raise it up again in three days.  At that time I also prophesied how Jerusalem and their beautiful Temple would be destroyed.  Anything, as these skyscrapers of your age in the vision, can be destroyed that is made by man.  But what I make and establish as My Church will not be destroyed.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are a land of the free and the brave today, but it is a long time yet until your president is elected.  A lot of turmoil will occur before this event that could change the landscape of your country’s government as you know it today.  The one world people have their own agenda which is different from the desires of your people.  They have controlled every president and candidates for president so they are always in control of your purse strings.  Do not be surprised at the coming events because the evil ones will have their reign for a short time, but I will be the victor in the end.”
Jesus said: “My people, the faith in certain areas is waning as you are seeing in the vision that more churches will be closed.  You are seeing a decline in priests, a decline in church attendance, and selling of churches because of the suits against your homosexual priests.  As the evil time begins, your churches will be closed because they do not go along with the new world order.  Your church congregations will need to go underground to worship Me in Masses and prayers.  Be prepared for this coming time of persecution of My Church.  I will always be with you, even if you do not have any priests.  My angels will bring My consecrated Hosts to you when you cannot have a Mass.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are warm and comfortable in your heated homes of today, but you need to be prepared to pack your sacramentals and your backpacks for when you will have to go to My refuges for your protection.  Leaving all of your possessions behind may seem like a difficult thing to do under today’s situation with no physical threats.  But when your life and soul are in jeopardy from the evil ones, you will gladly leave to be in My safe havens.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are always anxious to ask for more messages about the coming year, but I will only give you the sign of Jonah which is a message of repentance or face My justice.  This will be like a year which is like no other.  The events of this year will be dramatic and you need to be more spiritually prepared than you are today.  I will give you more details of the coming events as time draws near to them.  I can only repeat My requests for your prayers which are needed now more than ever before.  Evil is being granted its brief reign, so you will see this evil growing worse before I will come in victory.  I will not leave you orphans, but you must be strong in your faith at this time.”

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Jesus said: “My people, the vision of the eagle on this pile of gold objects represents the United States.  The gold objects had a hold on the eagle and this has two meanings.  The first meaning is that Americans have pride in their possessions and wealth, which gives them a false sense of security because this can be taken away quickly.  The second meaning is that the rich, or the one world people have a hold on your money, your government, and your means of buying and selling.  These one world people are soon going to control your buying and selling with the chips in your smart cards that will become the mark of the beast.  These evil ones want to make you their slaves, and even control your minds with chips in the body.  You need to free yourself from all of the attachments to wealth and possessions.  You also need to avoid using microchips as much as you can, especially do not take any chips in the body, and avoid using any smart card devices.  Eventually, it will be necessary to seek out My refuges so you can be protected by My angels from all of these evil ones who will try to kill you for your faith.  Trust in My power before I will vanquish all of those seeking their gold to be rich in the flesh, instead of being rich in the spirit.”

Wednesday, January 2, 2008: (St. Basil & St. Gregory)

Jesus said: “My people, in this vision you are seeing these monks living a monastic life of silence that is not attached to any of the distractions of the world. These distractions interfere with your prayer life, and you have rightly prayed in the past to pray to have any demons of distractions to leave you. This silence of the monastic life is a good example to all of you to try and allocate some time for silent meditation and even contemplative prayer. I have asked you to spend five to ten minutes in silence at your Adoration time, but more time would be better during the day. During this silence, practice focusing on the love of your Lord for you, and show your love and thanks to Me. Use this time to remind yourself that every day should be consecrated to Me in all of your actions. Ask Me to help you in all of your projects. You will see that these moments of silence will give you a chance to recollect where you are in your spiritual life, so you can improve on your path to sainthood. Also, help focus your love on your neighbor in how best to help them physically and in their spiritual lives. You will see that these silent moments will be your little refuge or oasis for Me away from the world’s concerns.”

Tuesday, January 1, 2008: (Solemnity of Mary)

Jesus said: “My people, these open gates to the Light of heaven is a remembrance that this is one of My reasons for becoming a man. I brought salvation to mankind to save him from his sins, but I also opened the gates to heaven that had been closed since Adam’s sin. This is a blessing that now worthy souls could celebrate being with their loving God in all of My splendor. The clouds in the vision, that covered up the Light of heaven from time to time, represent the sins of man that continue to occur when man turns his back on Me in worshiping earthly gods and possessions. Being with Me in heaven should be every soul’s goal, but at times you allow the distractions of the world to take your focus off of the One you should love more. I allow you to renew the graces in your soul through Confession. Then My Light and warmth of My love can light your path to follow Me in stronger faith. Be grateful and thank Me for saving you from your sins by My death on the cross, as well as opening the gates of heaven for you to enter and share in the love of My Wedding Banquet.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a man being drawn into a black hole represents the power of evil on man at the time of the tribulation. I have told you that then you will see an evil that you have yet to see, and all the demons in hell will be unleashed on the earth. During this time you will need Me and My angels to protect you from the evil ones, and you will find more protection at My refuges. My refuges will be your best safe haven where My angels will do battle for you against the demons. This is all the more reason to have your souls purified, and your bodies protected with blessed sacramentals as rosaries, scapulars, Benedictine blessed crucifixes, blessed salt, holy water, and medals and prayers of exorcism. My Warning will come first to wake people up to the kind of evil that they will be facing. You will be warned not to take any chips in your body or any mark of the beast. Also do not look at the Antichrist’s eyes that could control you. Keep prepared for this evil battle, but know that My power will win out in the end as Satan will be crushed in defeat. Trust in Me and love Me, and you will have no fears and no worries.”

Monday, December 31, 2007: (New Year’s Eve Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, receive My Blessed Mother and I into your hearts as we share our love and joy with all of you. I am calling all of My children to be loving in every situation that you find yourself. At times you try to be generous with your gifts to people, but you may have your own strings attached to them. If someone does not share your enthusiasm with your gift, and they wish to change it or reject it, do not be offended by their attitude without much gratitude for your efforts. Be loving of the receiver of your gift and try to accommodate their wishes. At other times you may see people presume upon your generosity without asking you first. You may also give gifts to the poor and at times they do not acknowledge your sacrifice and they may not thank you. Even if people do not acknowledge your good intentions, I see all of the intentions in your heart and I thank you on their behalf. Even if someone takes advantage of your kindness, be always loving in these trying situations. You give from a generous heart, so do not let your damaged pride interfere with your loving heart for everyone. Love one another and your Lord, even as you wish others to love you.”

Sunday, December 30, 2007: (Holy Family Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, the family is the core of your social units, but it is being attacked on all sides from the evil one and your cultural traditions. Unfortunately, worldly things and secular events are overshadowing your spiritual traditions, and Christmas is just one example. Your husbands and wives have become lax in their prayers as a family, and when both work, it puts a strain on love relationships and taking care of the children. Many of your individual desires are placed over the good of the family, and this is why you are seeing so many divorces. Love can grow cold unless there is an underlying faith commitment and a desire for what is best for the family to survive. There are many pressures from the workplace, paying bills, and keeping up with all of your activities outside of the house. When you pray with Me as a part of your family, you will have the graces to overcome difficulties as job losses, illnesses, or deaths in the family. Pray for your families, because every divorce divides My human family, and you need love to keep your peace.”

Saturday, December 29, 2007: (St. Thomas Becket)

Jesus said: “My people, your winter weather will be like this vision. At times it will be cold, icy, and blustery snow, while at other times it will be mild with the snow melting. It would be better if My people were also hot or cold in their faith, and not just lukewarm. (Rev. 3:15,16) ‘I know thy works; thou art neither cold nor hot. I would that thou wert cold or hot. But because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I am about to vomit thee out of My mouth.’ If you truly know the faith and are not on fire with My love, how can I know you? Do not just come to church and go through the motions of Mass just to be there. You must have love for Me in your heart, and be willing to live out My ways in your life throughout the whole week and not just for one hour. If you truly love Me, you should say so in your prayers every day. You do not just tell your spouse that you love them only once a week, but you show your affection every day, or your love will soon die. So be on fire all the time in loving Me and your neighbor, and your reward will be great in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, there will come a time of tribulation when the evil ones will want to place a microchip in everyone to control your thoughts and give worship to the Antichrist. Refuse to take any chips in your body, even if these evil ones threaten to kill you. I am showing you how to find hiding places either at your home temporarily or at an interim refuge. When you are in trap door locations, pray for My protection that these evil ones will be blinded from detecting you by infra-red, radar, or dogs scenting you. Some of My faithful will be martyred, but they will go straight to heaven as saints with little pain. The rest will be protected by My angels on your way to My refuges. Take care that you have some good hiding places wherever you are staying. I will provide for your needs, so have no fear of these evil ones.”

Friday, December 28, 2007: (The Holy Innocents)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast is in memory of all the infants up to two years old that were killed by Herod’s decree in Bethlehem. This was Herod’s attempt to kill Me after the Magi refused to tell him where I was born. Today, there are other innocents being killed in the womb by abortion. In some instances abortions have become the last resort birth control where having children is either an embarrassment or an inconvenience to take care of another child. There are many sins of fornication and adultery going on in America outside of the marriage bed. Living together without marriage is a sinful lifestyle and this flaunts their sin in My face because it is a deliberate sin against My Sixth Commandment. This sexual sin is compounded when any conceived children are aborted. Even among married couples there are sins of using birth control devices which are the precursor for abortions to control family size. The marriage act needs to be always open to birth and the Church only allows Natural Family Planning methods without birth control devices. Some married couples also have abortions thinking they cannot afford another child. All abortions kill innocent life, and they are the same as murder in My eyes. They will require a heavy payment to make reparation for the worst of sins. I still will forgive such a sin, but do not put yourself in these situations that could tempt you to have abortions. Better to have the children and give them up for adoption than have an abortion. Having children should be the product of a loving environment without any intent to kill them out of inconvenience. Life is too precious to kill, so follow My laws to avoid birth control, prostitution, fornication, or adultery that could lead to abortions. When you live a life of love according to My laws of love, then there can be true peace among everyone, especially in this Christmas Season.”
Jesus said: “My people, do not get so comfortable with your home and your belongings that you cannot leave them in a minute’s notice. I am showing you how quickly a chance storm could ruin your home and all that you own. Everything of this world is temporary, and will be gone tomorrow. This is why you should not be so attached to your possessions that you cannot let them go. A time is coming in the tribulation when you will have to leave everything behind and flee to a refuge to save your life and protect your soul. Have no fear of this time because I will be at your side to provide for all of your needs, both spiritual and physical. Do not just accumulate things for your own benefit, but be willing to share all that you have with others. It is your love in charity to help others that will help balance off the punishment due for your sins.”