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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Jesus said: “My people, as you look in the mirror, you can see your actions and judge for yourself if you are witnessing to the good works and fruits of a good tree of faith. If you are not showing good fruits in your actions, then you need to change your evil ways and reach out to help others without holding back any help because of any selfishness. When you spontaneously go forward and help someone without being asked, then you are letting go of your selfishness, and are willing to share your time and money. Your good fruits will be a witness that you are sharing from your storehouse of good works from the heart. If you refuse to share your works, and refuse to share your love with Me and your neighbor, then you will be the rotten tree that is only worthy of being cut down and thrown into the fire. Be always open and let go of any inhibitions that prevent you from fully sharing with others.”
Our Lady said: “My dear children, I am happy to see so many of my children here honoring the anniversary of my apparitions at Medugorje. Continue to pray your rosaries every day for my intentions. Especially pray for peace and an end to your wars. Also pray for the conversion of sinners in your country because it is hard to hold back my Son’s hand of punishment. You have been given many messages from my apparitions, but you are not listening or following what I have requested. If enough prayed to stop wars and abortions, you could see miracles of conversions. Your people of America need to repent of their sins and confess them to your priests in Confession. Pray and ask my Son to double your prayers because the weight of your sins are outweighing your few prayers. I love all of my children and my mantle of protection is over this place of prayer.”

Tuesday, June 24, 2008: (Birth of St. John the Baptist)

Jesus said: “My people, you have celebrated feast days of St. John the Baptist and he was My herald. Even from the womb he stirred in St. Elizabeth at the greeting of My Blessed Mother when I was in her womb. This reading at St. John’s birth is when St. Zachary wrote ‘His name is John.’ and then he was allowed to speak again, and he gave his Canticle that is read in the morning of the Liturgy of the Hours. This vision of going down in an elevator is about the Scripture passage where St. John said that ‘He must decrease, while Jesus must increase.’ St. John heralded My coming in the desert and once he pointed Me out as the ‘Lamb of God’, his mission was nearly over. This is a spiritual message to all of My faithful, because in order to be perfect as a saint to enter heaven, you also must decrease. Some people put themselves first in this life before Me. But I am asking you to let Me be first in your life by giving over your will to My Divine Will. This means you must deny yourself so I can lead you in your mission. Without the denial of self, you are getting in the way of My using you for a special mission that will save your soul. I always called out to My disciples to ‘Follow Me’. How can you follow Me if you run off and do your own thing without listening to My Word of discernment? So listen to My call and consecrate everything over to Me, and you will find the crown of sainthood awaiting you in heaven.”
Irene said: “I want to give a proper good-bye to all of my friends and family. I love all of you so dearly, even if you thought that I did not show it outwardly. I will miss being with you, but I am in a peaceful place without any pain. I see that it is important, especially now, to encourage all of my family to attend Sunday services in giving worship to God. I am sorry that I did not stress this enough while I was alive. Please pray for me as I was greeted by Leroy and all of our deceased family members and friends.”

Monday, June 23, 2008: (celebrated St. Peter and St. Paul)

Jesus said: “My people, St. Peter is the rock that I appointed as head of My Church when I gave him the Keys to the Kingdom. He was granted the grace by the Holy Spirit to know that I was the Son of the Living God in the Messiah, foretold in the Scriptures. It was difficult for him when he was tested with his life, and he denied Me three times. It was this vision at the Sea of Galilee where I forgave him, but I also tested him in asking him if he loved Me three times for the three times that he denied Me. My faithful also are tested in life and some harder than others. So even if you fall into sin by your weakness, be faithful to Me in saying that you love Me and are sorry for your sins. Once St. Peter received the Holy Spirit and St. Paul was converted, they became great missionaries and evangelists of My Word. So also with My faithful when you have received the sacraments, you should be on fire to share My love and My Word with everyone in seeking to save souls. Love Me and work on your mission every day and you too will receive your reward as St. Paul proclaimed in his epistle. He finished the race and kept the faith. Now he has received his crown of sainthood here in heaven with Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many miracles of healing both in the body and the soul. I have told people that only those who come to Me with a child-like faith are the ones who will enter into heaven. Many such faithful people come to this tree in search of healing. When you have faith that I will heal you and faith that I can heal you, these are the innocent souls who receive the healings. The people here have many testimonies and pictures of those who have been healed. Continue to share with others how My glory is served by My granting of these miracles. Such witnesses of healing enhance the faith of many who hear these stories. Give praise and glory to God for all of the healings that are happening at this olive tree and with the leaves in the oil.”

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I have told you not to be afraid of anything or anyone. If you have Me with you, who could be against you? You can trust in My help to protect you from all of the evil ones. I have called you to beware of demons or people who can mislead you into sin that could endanger your soul in falling into hell. When you are tested, call on My Name, Jesus, to take away any temptations of the devil. I have showed you My walking with My disciples on the road to Emmaus because I was explaining to them the Scriptures of why I had to die for mankind. Adam sinned against God by eating the fruit of the forbidden tree in order to be like a god. This sin and the inclination to sin has been inherited by all of mankind as a result of Adam’s sin, and this is original sin that is forgiven in Baptism. But you still have also inherited a weakness to sin. This is why you needed a Savior in Me to come down to earth and die for your sins so you could be released from the bondage of your sins. By My death on the cross, you now can be forgiven in Confession so your sins are cleansed and grace can be returned to your soul. This is why this explanation for My coming is so important to your spiritual freedom both in this life and the next life in heaven for the faithful. Give praise and glory to God for My saving act that allows you the opportunity to be saved from your sins. Follow My Commandments and My Will for you to follow My mission. Accept Me as your Savior and repent of your sins, and you will have your eternal reward in heaven.”

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of fire and water can become the blessing or the curse as the people of America choose in their actions. Without a change of heart to stop your wars and abortions, you will see a continuation of the natural disasters that are all around you. The fire can come as fires in your places of hard droughts where you have seen millions of acres burned in the last few years. The water could come in violent thunderstorms which could cause more flooding in the same areas. If America hears My Word and repents of your sins, especially a stoppage of gay marriages, then the fire could become a blessing of the tongues of fire from the Holy Spirit. With repentance you could see the blessing of water in the Baptism of conversions and the proper amount of rain to prevent droughts and floods. America has this choice of life or death before you in your free will as a nation. I can only encourage you to choose life, or you will curse the darkness.”

Friday, June 20, 2008

Jesus said: “My people, there are two core parts to every Mass in the reading of God’s Word and the consecration with the receiving of My Body and Blood at Communion time. In the same way you reserve two special places, My tabernacle that contains My Hosts, and a place to hold the book of My Word. In the Jewish synagogues there was a special place to put the Torah scrolls. In the Gospel it speaks of a sound eye which really means someone that has the eyes of faith in order to see life in a spiritual light of how I want you to live. My Word is your Light to follow so you can imitate My life and follow My instructions of how to live a good Christian life. It is this Light of My Word that will always dispel the darkness of evil in this world. Each of My faithful have My Light in you and you are sent into the world to dispel this same darkness with your word and good actions. The more you do for Me in evangelizing others, the more treasure that you will store up in heaven, and the more souls that could be saved. Love Me in My Real Presence in My tabernacle, and love Me in the Light of My Word in Scripture. These are your true treasures on earth.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been blessed to experience this cross on the window, and there are very few of these manifestations now. At the tribulation time you will see these luminous crosses at all of My refuges to give you hope in My Light. Give praise and glory to God for these gifts, and there is a special grace for all who visit these crosses, and a grace for those who own these homes.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am weeping for the many souls who by their sins are causing Me to suffer more on My cross. Seeing these tears and many other manifestations are a small way of My acknowledgment of Robert’s faithfulness to Me in his mission of evangelizing souls. Many souls, who have come here in faith, have been healed not only in their bodies, but also in their souls. It is the conversion of the souls of sinners that should be Robert’s most rewarding joy to see Me working through his ministry. As with all healings both of soul and body, you should give glory and thanks to Me for all of these gifts. Robert needs to continue his ministry as long as he can because his faith and work please Me very much.”

Thursday, June 19, 2008: (St. Romuald)

Jesus said: “My people, your bishops do more than confirm young adults with Confirmation and ordain priests with Holy Orders. They are the shepherds of My flock and they need to give good example by encouraging the people in their faith. In today’s Gospel I taught My disciples how to pray the ‘Our Father’ prayer. My bishops need to encourage a good prayer life, and encourage Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. With more faithful adoring Me, you will see more vocations to the priesthood. It is difficult to carry out the needs of My Church without enough priests to take care of the individual parishes. By prayer and Adoration you can encourage more vocations, and this in turn makes the bishop’s job much easier. In some dioceses the priest shortage is causing parishes to be combined, or even closed in some instances. Continue to pray for your priests, your bishops, and all of those who are training for the priesthood. Priests are needed to help administer the sacraments and to lead the people in their faith.”
Jesus said: “My people, this hour glass, that is completely full of sand on the top and bottom, is a sign to you that the time to go to your refuges is near at hand. The symbol of sand represents the holy ground of My refuges that have been consecrated to Me. You are beginning to see the threat of a world famine coming about with all of the natural disasters that are occurring. Eventually, you will also witness a division in My Church between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. You are seeing microchips being forced on you in your passports and in your driver’s licenses. This is a precursor for the evil ones to try and force chips in the body on everyone. When you see these events come about with martial law, then call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge of Our Lady’s places of apparition, places of holy ground as this home, and caves. Angels will protect you at these refuges, and food and water will be multiplied for everyone. You will see springs of water and a luminous cross over every refuge. Do not be afraid of the evil ones because My angels will defend you without weapons being needed. When you come to My refuges, think more of saving your souls instead of preserving any wealth or possessions that will rot away. During the tribulation, which is close, it will be My mercy and protection that will save you from the evil of the Antichrist. This refuge and others will provide for all of My faithful.”

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Jesus said: “My people, finding the fuels to make electricity and power for your factories relies more on natural gas and coal than it does on oil. Oil is being used to make petrochemicals and gasoline with tars and asphalt as by-products. Gasoline is an important mainstay in your transportation in powering trucks and your cars. It is only because of the higher cost of crude oil that it is making alternative fuels more affordable and giving options to crude oil. America would like to be energy independent from buying so much crude oil abroad at a high price. It would be quicker to utilize existing technology to be able to acquire more oil by off shore drilling. As the demand for oil increases more than the supply by the producers, there could be financial reasons for some countries to take over oil states by military force. This could come about before enough alternative fuels could be provided in sufficient quantity. It is this long term time that will be needed to make more fuel alternatives available that is the problem. If countries are not patient, and nations do not implement viable energy plans in time, you could see more financial upheavals or out right wars over the available supplies of fuel, especially crude oil. Wars will only play into the hands of the one world people who use wars to control countries. Pray for peace and that such wars do not start or these fuels could be destroyed or disrupted causing even worse turmoil.”

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Jesus said: “My people, the Gospel today is trying to teach you humility and not to be seeking fame and notoriety. I talked about some people who perform holy acts purposely in public to be seen, but their hearts are far from Me. These people have already received their reward here on earth. Some people perform their actions for their own benefit, instead of performing them for Me and My greater glory. When you do things out of love for Me than just for yourself, you are truly not far from My Kingdom of heaven. All of your prayers in private and your deeds done to please Me, will store up treasure in heaven. The saints always felt that they were unworthy servants doing only their duty. Being humble in My eyes is part of leading a holy life. Daily prayers and good deeds are your daily love offerings to Me. When you work to be holy in imitating My life, you will be walking the narrow road to heaven. I love My faithful even more when you follow My Will and allow Me to accomplish My mission for your life. Give praise and glory to Me in all that you do.”

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Jesus said: “My people, you are now enduring the seven seals of Revelation which includes the four horsemen of Revelation (Chap. 6). You have seen some wars and worse ones are to come. In addition to this red horse of war, you will soon see the black horse of famine and the pale-green horse of pestilence. Other seals involve the martyrs for their faith, and great signs in the sky that will bring earthquakes and comets. The last of these seals is the sealing of the crosses by My angels on the faithful on their foreheads. This is the cross that you will see on My faithful people during the tribulation. The coming trumpets of My angels will be the most severe with the destruction of two-thirds of humanity and the coming of the two witnesses. These are the ominous signs that you are seeing that are being carried out according to St. John’s prophesy. Many people dying in these natural disasters in America, China, and Myanmar are a punishment for abortions, homosexual acts, and trading in human flesh. Floods, fires, earthquakes, and typhoons are the instruments that could bring about famines and pestilence that you will be seeing more of in the future. Nations have to be cleansed of their sins, even as people need to be pardoned of their sins in Confession. Be prepared for these events that are leading up to the declaration of the Antichrist in the time of tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My people, the flooding in the Midwest still has to travel down the Mississippi River where there will be further damage. Some water levels are going down, but with the present saturation, it may require a month or more to dry out. Every storm that comes through now will postpone any drying out. If the farmers cannot harvest what is left, then their losses could even be higher. Continue to pray for drier fields and less rain so there will be something left to harvest. Many farmers cannot afford these large losses, so they will be coming to the taxpayer to try and get enough subsidy so they can plant again next year. Not only will the farmers take some losses, but your people will be suffering higher food prices where your crops are affected, as well as some shortages. You are seeing the growing potential for the coming world famine as continuing natural disasters are occurring all over the world. Pray to Me for your needs and I will be at your side to provide for you.”