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Thursday, December 27, 2007: (St. John the Evangelist)

Jesus said: “My people, the vision of hands joined over water represents a faithful person leading a convert to Baptism of their sins after repentance. I gave a command to all of My apostles to go out to all of the nations and share My Good News of salvation by baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (Matt. 28:19) This also applies to all of My baptized faithful that you also are called to save souls, especially in your own family. You are all here on this earth to know, love and serve Me. It is the devil who does not want to serve Me, and he tries to get you to not serve Me as well. Other people have more specific missions, as yourself. As you were given a message from your namesake, your mission of preparing people for the end times is an enlightenment for My faithful to be forewarned. Everyone has their own mission to accomplish, and with My help and their listening to My Word, everyone will be provided the ability to carry out their mission.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I want to thank your prayer group for keeping your meetings, even among the holidays. There is so much evil going on in the world and it is hard to have time for a vacation from prayer. Prayer for peace is needed even more than before because the evil of the tribulation draws near. Continue to keep your daily prayers coming and ask Me to multiply them to offset all of the sin in the world. As you think of things to improve for the New Year, finding a little more prayer time could help in saving more souls that may be lost otherwise.”
Jesus said: “My people, security and safety from thieves breaking in has become big business, especially in foreign countries or cities that have high crime rates. Such concern about break-ins is why many churches have locked their doors. Only a few churches leave rooms open to visit My tabernacles in off hours. Even as you need to protect My tabernacles from stealing the Hosts, it is still good to be able to encourage extra visits to see Me in My tabernacle. Pray for My help in how to discern proper safety for My Hosts.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is sad when anyone is killed or injured by dangerous animals in a zoo. This incident was more accidental in nature because a wild animal was loose. In other deaths you are seeing planned killings or killings for money. In these cases there are people who need to be held responsible for the taking of life. I am the giver and taker of life and those, who violate My laws, will have to pay a heavy price. Pray that these people will learn the errors of their ways, and will change how they view the preciousness of life.”
Jesus said: “My son, when I asked you to make a DVD of one of your talks to distribute, this sounded like a relatively easy job in your technical world. Little did you know that the evil one could cause you so much interference in this task. Just as you have seen in the past, whenever you do anything of spiritual importance, you need to pray for success first and a novena to bring this work to a good conclusion. Now that you have the tools to go forward, it is important to both pray and work quickly because time grows short while this work can yield some fruit.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that it is good to belong to prayer groups so you can share your faith with like minded friends. Prayer groups are also helpful to draw on each other for spiritual and physical comfort in your daily problems. They can also be a good help when you may need to hold underground Masses or plans for where to go for refuges in the end times. If you do not have a prayer group, you may want to try and start one among your friends or relatives.”
Jesus said: “My people, sometimes you have to mix your spiritual needs with your physical needs. The importance of prayer in your lives is just one example of how your prayer can be practical in accomplishing your mission. By praying for My help in each of your tasks, your life will go much smoother, even among the difficulties of life. When you trust in Me in your prayer, you have a confidence that your earthly life cannot give you. Your spiritual goals and your physical goals are hard to separate. I have created everything, and all of nature should be in harmony with My Will. I know all of your needs more than you know them, so do not forget to involve Me in everything that you do.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have already shared your gifts with one another, but now I ask you to think a little beyond exchanging gifts to gifts that are given without any expectation of a pay back in any way. When you give gifts of time and money to the poor, you will store more treasure in heaven because the poor cannot pay you back except to thank you. These kind of gifts have more joy and love associated with them because you may be helping a poor person to survive, or find a means to help themselves. Continue to always be watching for anyone who needs help so you can gain a grace that will be stored in heaven.”

Wednesday, December 26, 2007: (St. Stephen)

Jesus said: “My people, when you believe in Me and follow My Commandments, you will always be faced with persecution. The world and the body loves comforts and pleasures that can be unlawful. The spirit of the soul searches for the love of its Creator, and to follow My Will. This is why even in each person there is a battle going on between the spirit and the flesh. The devil has prodded people to start wars for profit and for gain in property. Do not be misled, but search for the truth and eternal life instead of following anything of the world which is temporary and passing away. Those, who come to Me in faith, will be set free of their sins when they ask for My forgiveness. Be satisfied with your lot in this life because you are seeking to be with Me in heaven in the next life after death. Spread the peace and joy of My Gospel message of love to all nations, as you strive to save souls from going to hell. Repent now, for now is the acceptable time to be saved.”
Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are masters of deceit and they have created many deliberate atrocities in order to stir up people into fighting a war. They profit from selling arms to both sides and they make money from your taxpayers on the interest from your war debts. These are some of their slogans: Remember the Maine, Remember the Alamo, Remember the Luisitania, Remember Pearl Harbor, and Remember the Twin Towers. All of these wars were planned and contrived by these same evil men. I am warning you about this now, because you are about to see another made up reason for war which could trigger the very martial law that they want to declare for their takeover. When you see such an event, you should be prepared to call on My protection with My angels, and be ready to leave for safety at My refuges.”

Tuesday, December 25, 2007: (Christmas)

Jesus said: “My people, when I came into the world as a man, I was truly a King of Kings, even as an Infant. Some countries honor Me as El Nino in a novena to Christmas. Some know Me as the Infant of Prague. I truly answer your prayers and petitions either as an adult or as an infant because I am outside of time, but historically you followed My growing up to a man while I was in human form on the earth. Today, you honor and praise Me as an Infant King, even as you are viewing My scepter in the vision. All of the angels sang their Gloria in the Highest to Me as they helped to bring the shepherds to My crib. So I invite all people to know and love Me in the peace of My appearance in the crib on My birthday. You remember how you celebrated the birth of all of your children. Now you can celebrate the commemoration of My birth, even as you share gifts with each other. Most of all share your love with Me and your neighbor.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are just finishing Advent and already I am sharing some more refuge messages. The significance of the fast travel to the refuges in the mountains is not about the speed of the vehicle, but it is about how soon you will need to go to My refuges for protection. Events are going to move so fast that they could precipitate martial law in a short time. Be constantly prepared to leave both spiritually with Confession, and physically with plenty of sacramentals to share with those who have none. Have your priest bless your sacramentals and salt so you can have your weapons to fight the demons. You are in a constant battle between good and evil, so do the best that you can to save souls, especially in your own family.”

Monday, December 24, 2007: (Vigil of Christmas)

Jesus said: “My people, in the readings you are seeing the themes of joy and peace that I would like to see all over the earth. If all of you could live My Christmas message of peace, there would be no wars. Think of your own families and how you could heal any grudges or disagreements, so you all could truly be a loving family. Many of your jealousies or greed for things can get in the way of love for one another. Make an effort this Christmas to heal any anger that could cause ill will or separations. If you can achieve peace and love in your families, then you could more easily achieve peace among your nations. By trying to be peacemakers in your families and between nations, you can truly work toward imitating the harmony that I have created in nature. It is man’s wrong choices that have broken up families and have caused wars among nations. Work to restore love between everyone, and you truly will be working to restore peace all over the world.”

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Jesus said: “My people, the account of My birth in Bethlehem talks about a stable scene when we were refused places at the inn. Those, who have traveled to Bethlehem, know that this place for the animals was really located in a cave where there was hay in the creche. This coming to Bethlehem was all started by a decree of Caesar and the Romans which demanded that everyone had to be registered with their original tribe. Bethlehem was the house of David and where St. Joseph and My Blessed Mother had to register. Even now in the coming time of tribulation, My faithful remnant will have to seek out places of refuge of My Blessed Mother’s apparitions, places of holy ground, and places of caves for protection from your government authorities. Your government will soon demand that you will need microchips in your driver’s licenses and in your passports. Eventually, if you do not take chips in your bodies, the authorities will try to kill you in detention death camps. This is why you will need to seek My refuges of protection even in caves, as we had to hide from Herod in Egypt.”

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Jesus said: “My people, it is a good gesture to buy gifts for your family and friends, but it is over done when you spend more than your family budget can afford. Many go into debt to pay for their Christmas spending spree. Your focus should be on giving Me praise and glory, and wishing people a ‘Merry Christmas’ instead of happy holidays. It is sad when your shopkeepers are instructed not to mention ‘Christmas’, and they make their biggest profits on this day. Do not praise the gods of the mall and the things of the world. Only I am worthy of your praise and Adoration. These gifts will soon be forgotten, but I will always be present before you as your loving God. Love for Me should come before all the glitter of this temporary world.”

Friday, December 21, 2007

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of being turned upside down is exactly what is going to be happening to your world as you know it. There will be more unusual and record breaking natural disasters that will include earthquakes, storms, volcanoes, and tsunamis. In addition to these natural order events there will also be major upheavals in the governments of your nations all over the world. Microchips will be more widely implemented in an attempt to control people’s minds. When these events will cause martial law, you will need to be ready to go to My refuges of protection. As these events get closer, I will be giving you more specific information about your preparations. Let this be a warning to you that the serious events are about to occur with a faster frequency. Have no fear of these events because I will give you the strength and protection to endure them.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you before to have some alternate sources of heating your houses ready in case of power outages in the winter. This could involve wood fires, kerosene burners, or propane burners for cooking and heating. The vision of a wood fire also came with a concern for where to store all of the ashes from your wood burning. In other words it would be wise to be prepared for enough fuel in case your power outages could go into months before electricity could be restored. You also should have oil in your lamps for light, or mechanically powered flashlights. Batteries will only last a short time, so reusable devices will be more useful. Your natural gas burners usually require electricity to operate, so getting heat from a line without using electricity may be another option if gas is still available. You have seen how vulnerable you are in winter with your ice storms. So be prepared for these events happening again because the one world people know how to cause these storms, and can turn off your power to control you. With My grace and blessings I could even multiply your fuel in a long power outage. Trust in My help, but make sure your alternative heating means are in working order.”

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Jesus said: “My people, I had prepared My Blessed Mother for many years to be without sin at conception, and she abided by My Will to continue her purity to and beyond the time of My birth. In this way My Body was always in a pure and sinless environment until My birth. My Blessed Mother was the first tabernacle for her Lord, even as you are tabernacles briefly after you receive Me in Holy Communion. There are many things that you do around Christmas in preparing gifts, decorations, and meals for this holiday season. But beside all of these distractions, you should be most focused on My coming into the world as a means for your spiritual salvation. My becoming a man as the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, shows you how much I love all of you to lower Myself to your level, and later die for all of your sins. This is a blessing beyond all proportions that your little minds can hardly understand. Give praise and thanks to your Lord as you commemorate My Incarnation as a man at Christmas.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this truly is a Marian Shrine in Betania and My Blessed Mother and Maria Esperanza still visit this shrine, and are giving messages to two of the daughters. Many are curious of the messages received there, but they are private for the family in directing their operations of the shrine grounds and the new retreat houses for the pilgrims. Pray for them to be able to carry out the work that heaven is directing them to do.”
Jesus said: “My people, you all want to honor Me with your gifts at My crib, and the flowers around My altar. Just as the shepherds came with their sheep, and the Magi with their gifts, so you feel drawn to My love on Christmas, and to share My peace with everyone. Christmas time is to be shared with your family and those that you meet on the streets. Love needs to be shared with others and it cannot be put under a bushel basket, just as you share light in a house.”
Jesus said: “My people, in some areas of your country there are plenty of lakes for drinking water, but other areas are experiencing droughts and fires. Your weather conditions are showing higher than normal snowfalls in the North and less rain in other areas. Still the ice storms and violent winds have been unusual for this time of year. Pray that you will find protection for storms and enough food for any power outages.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are already seeing Christians being persecuted for their faith in Moslem and communist countries. Be alert because you will see more of the same in America and elsewhere as evil will be spread all over the world during the tribulation. Pray for My help to stand up to these evil ones so you may keep your faith strong, even when your life is threatened.”
Jesus said: “My people, on every great feast day heaven exults in prayer and singing to add to the celebrations on earth. Remember that heaven is watching all of your actions and your feast celebrations as well. Take time to meditate on your Advent Readings as they have a deeper meaning for your preparations for when I will return in glory.”
Jesus said: “My people, even as you make preparations for Christmas in your decorations and gifts, others are preparing refuges for the time of the tribulation. See how rapidly these old resort dwellings were renovated for the coming trials of evil. In the Exodus there was a sense of haste to leave Egypt for the Promised Land. Now in your modern Exodus there is another sense of haste to have your refuges prepared in time for the coming reign of evil. My angels will protect you at My refuges, and they will provide for all of your needs. So have no fear of this time.”
Jesus said: “My people, take a lesson from My Blessed Mother when she freely went over hard terrain to help her kinswoman, St. Elizabeth, even when she herself was pregnant. At every opportunity reach out to help your neighbor in need with joy, and do not complain of any inconvenience to your time. Christmas is a time of joy and peace, and you should be willing to share what you have with others both in time and money.”

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Jesus said: “My people, in this vision you can see how beautiful your planet appears in shades of blue color. It is sad that mankind is slowly upsetting the delicate balance of nature with your water and air pollution. Global warming is just one facet of nature, but mankind is also destroying the marine life balance as well. Coral reefs are being destroyed and the fishing banks are being over fished so they are hard to replenish. If man does not stop destroying his environment by clearing rainforests and burning too many fossil fuels, then I will have to intervene to restore the necessary balance of nature to its former purity. Man has been delving into cloning and DNA manipulation where he should not be changing nature that was already perfect. Pray that mankind will make more sincere efforts to repair the damage that he has done, so he can hand over a better world to the next generation.”

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Jesus said: “My people, this message today is all about new birth in both the readings and the birth of the new Era of Peace. The first reading spoke of an unusual birth of Samson, and the second reading of a miraculous birth of St. John the Baptist when his parents were beyond normal child bearing age. This is a foreshadowing of My own birth which was another miraculous birth from a virgin by the power of the Holy Spirit. My birth was a fulfillment of the Scriptures from Ahaz that a virgin would give birth to a son who would be called Emmanuel. (Isaiah 7:10-14) You are all preparing even now for the feast of My birth on Christmas. This is a joyous time of My peace, even among your premeditated wars of the rich. The evil ones will have a short reign of evil, but I will come and destroy them all and cast them into hell. Then I will renew the earth and bring about My true peace in the Era of Peace. It will be at that time that I will bring down the New Jerusalem on earth. This vision of a beautiful glowing city shows the Light of the city in all of its glory, even during the night time. Rejoice at this feast of Christmas and My New Jerusalem that will usher in My Era of Peace.”