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Thursday, October 4, 2007

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of Me living and suffering before you is a special meaning for the people to be able to remember how I suffered for your sins.  In every Mass you offer the sacrifice of the Mass which is a remembrance of My suffering and death on the cross.  Be thankful and help your priest in any way to have a crucifix placed on your altar.  You have been praying for this for many weeks and now it will be carried out.”
Jesus said: “My people, many people are dying from various wars and you are seeing the poor suffering from diseases.  Your Iraq War and other wars could be stopped if there were some true compromises made between the various fighting factions.  Without prayer and a desire for peace, these wars will continue.  The sick and diseased people of the world need donations for medicines and hospitals.  It is better for the billions of dollars that you spend on war to be used in helping the poor and the sick of the world.”
Jesus said: “My people,  in many foreign lands there have been many discoveries of oil.  It is unfortunate that the people of these countries do not directly benefit from the value of their natural resources that the oil companies are trying to extract for cheap prices.  Instead of exploiting the oil from foreign lands, these oil companies should be paying these people a fair value for its worth.  This is also a problem even in America where oil wealth is not shared with the people or with the owners of these oil properties.  Pray for an equitable sharing of wealth when it comes from your natural resources of the country.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned before how your army could do more to inactivate these bombs to limit the destruction and killing of your troops.  Instead the answer of your military-industrial complex is to build much heavier and more expensive armored trucks to stop this killing.  Using overkill expensive bombs and vehicles has been the whole reason for wars in general so the rich could profit from manufacturing these weapons and vehicles.  Take money incentives out of these wars and there would not be any profit in war, nor need for wars.  Pray that the American people will wake up to this fact of these useless wars and you would have less losses of life and the billions spent on wars.”
Jesus said: “My people, the prices for the farmers’ crops have been artificially low to benefit those industries that process this food.  You have accepted foreign, cheap food of questionable quality, and have allowed them to enter your markets so the farmers cannot get a fair price for their crops.  The seed, fertilizer, and harvest machines are becoming too expensive for farmers to make a living when prices are held low.  This food production is needed for the American people to eat, and the farmers should not be forced out of business by your cut throat rich who try to exploit their produce.”
Jesus said:  “My people, you are seeing some banks trying to support and bail out some mortgage houses.  Many of your foreclosures and mortgage problems are being spread among your banks and investors who gambled in greed to profit from the building boom and low interest rates.  If your banks and investors come up short in this crisis, you may see another taxpayer bailout of the rich.  Pray for the poor to keep their homes.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have seen many people touched by your missionary efforts in bringing them closer to Me.  You have taught them how to use their prayers, holy water, blessed salt, and sacramentals to fight the evil ones causing evil in the world.  Give thanks to Me and My angels in assisting your work.  Some are building and providing for refuges right now, and it is important to pray for them in their work.  Give thanks to Me for giving the discernment to these people to build these refuges so My faithful will have somewhere to go during the tribulation.  When you see martial law and mandatory chips in the body, My faithful will also be grateful to these refuge builders for providing a place of safety with My angel protection.”

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Jesus said: “My people, these symbols of all the nations in front of a banking institution is all about the central bankers in their plans for financial control of America and other nations.  The Federal Reserve’s move to lower interest rates, the unstable loan market, and your huge debts and liabilities have caused a lowering of the value of America’s currency.  This has caused a rise in your stock markets and a rise in the prices of the commodities of oil and gold.  When 911 occurred, these markets dropped and the rich profited from this collapse because they knew it was coming.  Now again another catastrophic event will be caused, and the rich will profit again from another market collapse.  These evil ones will use this event to precipitate a national emergency with many deaths, and martial law will be declared.  Be aware of these events because this will be the event to go to the refuges when martial law is declared.  This takeover of America will be the beginning of a world takeover by the one world people when soon they will put the Antichrist in power.  Trust in My love and mercy because My angels will protect My faithful at My refuges.  Have no fear of these evil ones because I will provide for your needs, and their reign will be brief before I will cast this evil lot into hell.  Trust in My spiritual and physical protection by your belief in My power which is greater than the devil and his demons.”
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I am calling everyone to drop what they are doing in order to follow Me.  This means that I want you to put Me first in your life so that in everything you do, you should do it for Me.  I am calling everyone to make a daily consecration of everything over to Me.  All of you have a particular vocation either to the priesthood, the married life, or the single life.  In family life your mission is to care for the physical and spiritual well being of your spouse and your children.  You can answer your call to Me in your daily actions at the same time that you are fulfilling your mission in helping your family.  When you work to live a holy life, you are fulfilling My call to follow Me.  Some want to make excuses not to follow My ways because it is difficult to change their lifestyles, or I may ask you to come out of your comfort zone to help someone in charity.  It is these earthly excuses that you make which sometimes prevent you from loving Me and your neighbor more from the heart.  If you really love everyone, you would not hesitate to offer your money and time to help someone in need.  Your first thought should be to share whatever you have with others without being selfish with your gifts.  Whenever I call you to follow Me, be willing to come forward without any reservations or excuses.”

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Jesus said: “My people,  you have seen an unusual growth from this olive tree, and some healings from the oil with these leaves.  There is holy water feeding this tree which allows it to grow at an unusual rate.  This holy water will in time be made available for healings during the tribulation time.  This is a place of holy ground and it is special in My eyes, especially for healings for those who come with faith that they will be healed.  Give praise and glory to Me for all healings that occur here.”
(Guardian Angel Day) Mark said: “I am Mark, your guardian angel, and I stand before God.  In this vision you are seeing so many heads of state in all of their power and fame.  Jesus told you that none of these people would have any authority on earth unless it was given them from above.  But instead of acknowledging God’s gift to them of their office, they are arrogant in their use of power.  Your mission has been to prepare people to be ready to go to the refuges of protection when you see martial law is declared, and when the evil ones will try to force mandatory chips in the body on everyone.  Jesus has told you that at the time of tribulation, people are to call on Him and He will have us guardian angels lead the people to the nearest place of refuge.  This feast of the guardian angels is to remind you of our part in protecting you on your way to a refuge of protection.  We truly are your guardians and it is important for us to warn you when to leave so that you are not captured when the evil ones try to put chips into your bodies.  Trust in all of your guardian angels for they will be helping you through the coming tribulation.  Trust in Jesus’ power  because He will overpower all of the evil ones.  Have no fear, but trust in God’s power and graces.”

Monday, October 1, 2007: (St. Therese, the little flower)

St. Therese said: “My dear little one, John, I am so joy filled to see you at this, my basilica, on my feast day.  I sent you the smell of roses as a sign of my presence for you.  You have read of My ‘Little Way’ and it is really a life of humility and simplicity walking with Jesus, my love.  If I could offer you some spiritual advice, it is to live more simply without letting so many earthly things clutter your life to distract you from Jesus and your mission.  Continue your daily consecration in giving everything over to Jesus.  You know that I prayed and suffered much in the contemplative life in my Carmelite Order.  The Lord’s message of spending five to ten minutes in silence during your nightly holy hour is a beautiful way to leave your heart open so He can touch you with His Word.  Pray often and continue to be faithful to Jesus in following His Commandments, his direction in your mission, and carrying your daily cross on the narrow road to heaven.  I am encouraging all souls to love my Jesus, and to do everything for Him.”

Sunday, September 30, 2007: (Rich man Divies, Lazarus)

Jesus said: “My people, all of you have free will and you have a choice to either serve Me or serve yourself.  In this generation of riches in America you are blessed with plenty of food, and an abundance of comforts in your heating, cooling, transportation, and many electronic devices.  But these things of the world should not become goals, priorities, or idols in themselves.  You are stewards of all of your accumulated wealth and possessions, but you have responsibilities for all of My gifts in that you use them correctly for My glory.  Do not pride yourself in your accomplishments and rewards for your works, but thank Me for all the skills that you have and the opportunities to have jobs to pay your bills.  There are many people in this world who are poor like Lazarus and they are in need of your help to have the necessities of life to survive.  So be willing to serve Me in charity as well as your neighbor, and do not be selfish with your physical treasure or your spiritual gifts of faith.  Any charity of time or money, that you share with others, is like giving Me thanks for all the gifts that I have given you.  Give freely of what you have, and you will gain a greater treasure in heaven for your kindness and thoughtfulness.  Be a cheerful giver and do not give charity expecting anything in return.  I assure you if you are repaid on earth, it will diminish any gain of treasure in heaven.  Do everything out of love for Me, and this love will flow over into loving your neighbor.”

Saturday, September 29, 2007

St. Therese said: “My son, you are seeing a beautiful picture of the cross of my Jesus on the window of this house.  In the vision you are seeing many roses which is a sign of my presence.  Then you saw my very image holding a cross with my roses.  I love all of you so much and the saints of heaven and I are watching over you.  Remember to pray to us as intercessors for your petitions.  You know how I have tried to help you in the past.  The angels also are all around you and they are protecting you from the evil ones.  Call on Jesus and He will send many angels to protect you in your trials.  Just as you see me carrying the cross of Jesus, so you should be willing to carry your own cross.  Continue to show your great love for my Savior, Jesus, and He will walk with you in all of your suffering.”
(Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael) St. Michael, the archangel, said: “I am Michael who stands before God.  In the vision you are seeing many angels in the church.  They are always praising God in the tabernacle or in Adoration.  After the reception of Holy Communion the angels are all around every soul who received Communion, and they are praising God in your souls.  The other part of this vision is showing you the coming great battle of Armageddon on earth between the angels of heaven and the demons from hell.  When you are beset by temptations or evil attacks of the demons, you can call on Jesus’ Name and pray my prayer of exorcism, and these demons will leave you.  Call on our help at any time, and we will support you against any evil.  Even when you meet people in mortal sin or possessed people, we angels are more powerful than these demons, and these people and demons will have no power over you.  Even by praying as a group, you can pray prayers of deliverance for binding any evil spirits to the foot of Jesus’ cross, and never to return to that soul.  Pray every day for angel protection in all that you do, and we will be there for your help against any evil around you.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am grateful to this prayer group for all of their prayers, sufferings, and offering of Masses for poor sinners and the souls in purgatory.  They are storing up great treasures in heaven for all of their good works.  This is a great commitment of love and time to serve those who need your prayers in order to enter heaven.  These poor souls need prayers from everyone, so encourage everyone to pray for these intentions.”

Friday, September 28, 2007: (St. Wenceslaus)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a butterfly is to show you how all of My faithful will be changed into a new life after your own resurrection.  You know how the caterpillar goes through a metamorphosis change into a butterfly of beauty.  Even as I was incarnated as a man, I was called a ‘Worm of a Man’ in the Scriptures.  The apostles were asked who I was.  St. Peter responded that I was the Christ, the Son of the Living God.  Each of you must make this same proclamation in public to all the nations.  Be willing to share My ‘Good News’ that I died for your sins, and on the third day I resurrected into My glorified Body.  This is how I have gone before all of My faithful as an example of how one day, all of you will be reunited with your glorified body in your resurrection.  You will also be like this new butterfly when you will be transformed from your earthly life into a heavenly creation that will last forever.  Even in Betania you witnessed a sign of My Blessed Mother in the blue butterfly that you saw representing her presence.  Give glory and praise to God for allowing all of you to have this spiritual transformation to be with Me forever in heaven.”

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Jesus said: “My people, this is an appearance with My crown representing My Kingship over all the earth.  I am your heavenly king and I have brought the Kingdom of God upon you.  I ask that you consecrate yourselves to Me each day, and give honor, glory, and praise in worship of your Lord and Master.  When I sacrificed My Body and Blood for all of mankind’s sins, I became your Savior and I opened up the gates of heaven so that all, who are worthy, may enter.  Let Me be first in your life over all of your earthly activities.  Only when you are at Mass in Communion with Me, are you united entirely with My Real Presence.  Let Me be your first priority in your life as you serve Me and your neighbor in love.  Follow My Commandments and follow the mission that I have specifically given each of you.  I give you the graces to endure your trials and the graces to evangelize souls for saving them from hell, so they can be with Me in heaven.  Give praise and glory to your king every day because I am at your side always, awaiting your call for My help.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have talked to you of the tribulation time as a modern day Exodus.  You remember the story of the Exodus when Moses led thousands of Israelites out into the desert in search of the Promised Land.  They roamed through the desert for forty years, yet I provided them with water and food in the manna and quail.  In this coming modern day Exodus My faithful remnant will also find water, manna, and deer meat.  There will be thousands coming to each refuge and I will multiply the water, food, and dwellings to accommodate everyone with their needs.  Have faith and believe in My miracles, and you will see Me do the impossible for My faithful.  So do not have any fear of the evil ones, for I will protect you from any harm, and the evil ones will not be able to see you.”

Wednesday, September 26, 2007: (St. Cosmas & Damian)

Jesus said:  “My people, this simple dwelling of a home is how I want you to live in humble faith.  Living simply means that you do not do things to show off to others, but it means living in total consecration to Me in full obedience to My ways and not man’s ways.  I called My apostles to go out and evangelize all nations to the presence of My Kingdom.  I wanted them to live simply by not taking a lot of baggage, and depend entirely on Me in full trust that I would provide for them.  Those, who evangelize souls, are worth their keep to be supported by those who welcome them into their town.  Those, who persecute My evangelists, will be dealt with in My justice.  My disciples will shake the dust of that town from their feet in testimony against them.  Just as I called My apostles to proclaim the Kingdom of God, so I call on all of My faithful to reach out and share your faith with others.  Proclaim My Kingdom and call people to conversion in the repenting of their sins.  Do not have any worry, nor be anxious if people reject My message, but be faithful to your mission of offering My invitation of love to all souls.  By doing your work, you will have fulfilled your responsibility to bring My Word to the people.  It will then be their responsibility to accept My Word and live by it in their actions.”

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you have read how the people were directed by God and King Darius to reconstruct the temple in Jerusalem after they returned from exile back to Israel.  In the Holy of Holies sanctuary they stored the Ark of the Covenant with the Ten Commandments from Moses, and the Torah.  This is where the priests gave incense every day.  Today, in your churches, you have another Holy of Holies in My tabernacles that contain My Real Presence in the Hosts of My Blessed Sacrament.  When you come to daily Mass or visit My Blessed Sacrament, you are also giving Me praise and glory, even as the angels and saints sing My praises constantly in heaven.  Every day is a gift to you, so thank Me for your very life and the opportunity to do more good deeds to serve Me for My greater glory.  I love all of you so much, and when you come together at daily Mass, you are sharing your love with Me and your neighbor.  Also in the Gospel I said blessed are those who hear the Word of God and act on it.  So My faithful must reach out to all sinners in all the nations to bring them My Good News, and invite them to conversion of their sins.  Saving souls should be your first priority.”
Jesus said: “My people, you know that I want to help everyone to have an opportunity to be saved and come to heaven.  The coming Warning experience is an example of My mercy to show everyone their sinful ways and to show them how to turn around their lives.  You will see Me at a mini-judgment and I will let you know that you can only come to heaven through Me.  Some will be sorrowful for offending Me, and they will seek out a priest to confess their sins.  I have told you before that everyone will be warned not to take the mark of the beast, or a computer chip in your body.  Also, you are not  to worship the Antichrist because it is against My First Commandment.  Now you are asking how will people know enough to seek out refuges during this time of evil.  I will offer everyone an opportunity to call on Me for protection.  I will not force their free will, but help will be available in your guardian angels to lead you to places of refuge to protect you from the evil ones.  People will have to put their faith and trust in Me and I will do the impossible for each person who believes in Me.”