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Sunday, December 29, 2024

Sunday, December 29, 2024: (Holy Family Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, there is little said in the Scriptures about My early life as you move from My infancy to when I was twelve years old. My parents were in distress when they could not find Me for three days. When My Blessed Mother questioned Me why I was in the Temple, I told her: ‘Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?’ My parents did not understand My words, but I went with them back to Nazareth where I advanced in wisdom, age, and grace before God and men. (Luke 3:41-52) Every family is precious to Me and you should pray that mother and father can stay together without divorce or separation. The children have a better upbringing when both parents are present.”

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Saturday, December 28, 2024: (Holy Innocents)
Jesus said: “My people, Herod wanted to kill Me, so he sent his soldiers to Bethlehem to kill all the infants up to two years old. All of these Holy Innocents were martyrs. I was protected from Herod, and after his death Our Family went to Nazareth. Today, you have even more babies who are being killed with your abortions. Each life has My plan for what they are to accomplish, so when you kill a life, you are violating My plan for that life. Keep praying to stop your abortions, because your people do not all value the gift of life that I am giving you.”

Jesus said: “My people, Trump made a mistake in picking Congress people and a Senator for his Cabinet when the Republicans only had a small majority in each House of Congress. With such a small majority, it will be difficult to get all the votes needed to pass important legislation for Trump’s agenda. Trump will use Executive Orders to deal with as many issues as possible, but Congress will need to back up his plans. Several elections will be needed to fill the vacancies, and the Republicans cannot afford to lose these seats. Pray that the new government under Trump can change the bad things that the Democrats have done to ruin your country.”

Friday, December 27, 2024

Friday, December 27, 2024: (St. John the Apostle & Evangelist)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been given a gift of life in this world, and a gift of faith to know, love, and believe in Me. You are celebrating the namesake of this church in St. John the Evangelist’s feast. He is My beloved apostle and he emphasized My true Divinity in his Gospel, his letters, and his Book of Revelation. He was a dedicated apostle at the foot of My cross, and he took care of My Blessed Mother. He was also the only apostle who was not martyred. Give thanks to Me for all the four Gospel writers for giving you My words of life in the Scriptures.”

Jesus said: “My people, Joe Biden has been lying all along when he said he was not involved with Hunter’s business dealings, especially with China. China is your worst enemy and you have the Bidens taking money from them. When Biden was Vice President, his family received millions of dollars from Russia, China, and the Ukraine through Hunter’s dealings. Taking money from China is close to treason, and Biden did not stop China from buying your farmland next to your military bases. These pictures, revealing Joe Biden’s involvement, were kept secret before the election. Now you can see how the Bidens put money before the interest of your country. You are fortunate that Trump will have a chance to remove these people from power.”

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Thursday, December 26, 2024: (St. Stephen)
Jesus said: “My people, you have just celebrated the joy of My birth on Christmas, and then you are given a martyr as St. Stephen. All of My believers will be tested by the evil ones of this world. The evil ones, who are with the devil’s forces, hate My believers and they will test your faith in Me. By your prayers, good deeds, and trust in My sacraments, you will be given My graces to fight off the evil one’s temptations. Be prepared to endure your struggles from earthly desires and the evil people taunting you. Some of you may even have to suffer martyrdom for your faith. Trust in My power to protect you, and bring you into heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, it is a wonderful time for your families to come together, especially when your members live a distance away. You had a nice dinner together and there were many presents shared with each other. You had one of your great grandchildren, Olivia, come who is four months old. You will be traveling to see another new born in a few weeks. Rejoice that you have a growing family to be with them.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing a New Year coming that will bring a 60th Wedding Anniversary and a hundred year anniversary of your church at St. Charles Borromeo. These years go by quite fast, and you wonder where the time went. You have also seen many of your friends pass away this year. Give praise and thanks to Me that you have lived to see another year and another Christmas.”

Jesus said: “My people, this life is short and you pass through your years in a fast pace. Life is precious and you need to appreciate how you are blessed to be alive. You see some people who are throwing away the lives of their children in abortion. You pray in front of the Planned Parenthood building so some mothers will keep their children instead of killing them. Keep praying to stop abortion and euthanasia so you are not stopping My plan for these lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, wars do not have any winners because you are seeing lives taken and large sums of money spent on missiles and shells. There is also much destruction of your buildings and weapons. There are some countries, as Russia, who keep pushing to take more land to restore their original border. Keep praying for peace in these wars so there is less loss of life.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as Our Holy Family had to go into hiding from Herod, so My believers also will need to come to My refuge to hide from the Antichrist and the evil ones. I have called you, My son, to set up your own refuge so My people can be protected from the evil ones. I will multiply your needs so you can survive the coming tribulation. Only My believers with a cross on their foreheads will be allowed to enter My refuges. Be thankful that I am providing a safe haven for My people during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some churches that are closed on certain holidays. These priests need to make Mass available every day if possible with their staff. The priests need a day off, but they should not be taking extra vacation time. Be thankful that you can find a daily Mass among your neighboring churches. I know that you want to be with Me in My Real Presence as often as you can find a Mass. I love to be with you as well, so I can give you My graces in your soul. Keep close to Me in your Masses and your daily prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, the time of the Consecration of the Mass is special because this is a miracle of the conversion of the bread and wine that is transubstantiated into My Body and Blood. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you have My Real Presence in your soul for about fifteen minutes. So do not be quick to leave, but take some time to be with Me, as you are a temporary tabernacle for My Presence. Treasure My Presence with you at every Mass. I love all of you so much, and I want to be with you every day in all that you do.”

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Wednesday, December 25, 2024: (Christmas Day)
Jesus said: “My people, I came as an innocent baby, and I was born in a stable with humble surroundings. I am your Creator and your Savior. I became one of you so I could offer up My life on the cross for your salvation from your sins. I know all of your human problems because I suffered through them as you are dealing with this life. Focus your life on Me so you can be with Me forever in heaven. You are all precious to Me and I wish all of you a wonderful Christmas feast day.”

Jesus said: “My people, I was born in a stable in Bethlehem and the shepherds from the fields were directed by angels to see Me. Later, the Wisemen were led by a star to find Me in Bethlehem. They brought Me gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh fit for a king. St. Joseph was warned by an angel to take Me into hiding to Egypt because Herod sent his soldiers to kill all the infants in Bethlehem. I was protected from Herod, and I later went to Nazareth where I was brought up. I was able to carry out My mission when I was crucified on the cross to save all of mankind who accepts Me. Rejoice at My coming into the world.”

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Tuesday, December 24, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you read how David saw the Ark of the Covenant was still placed in a tent, while he lived in a palace. The prophet Nathan told David how his son would build a Temple to house the Ark. Solomon did indeed build this Temple. In the Gospel Luke (1:67-80) Zachariah regained his speech when St. John the Baptist was named. He then gave a beautiful Canticle on how St. John the Baptist would carry out his mission to prepare the way for My coming among the people. You all are preparing to share your gifts tonight as you celebrate My feast of Christmas. Rejoice in My peace and love, and pray for peace in Israel and the Ukraine.”

Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you so much and I desire to save every soul, but you have free will. You need to accept Me as your Savior and repent of your sin in order to be saved. This life is a test of your love for your Creator. I give you the grace of My sacraments to remain true to Me throughout your life. When I call you to follow Me, you need to act like My apostles and say ‘Yes Lord’ and drop every earthly thing that is holding you back from loving Me. Say you are sorry for your sins in Confession, and I will forgive a repentant sinner every time. I have shown you how beautiful it is in heaven, so do not let the devil trick you into any earthly desire. Call on Me and My angels to defend you from the evil one’s temptations.”

Monday, December 23, 2024

Monday, December 23, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, the birth of St. John the Baptist was a miracle, and when it came to name him, both Elizabeth and Zachariah proclaimed his name would be ‘John’. Then Zachariah was able to speak again and he gave the Morning prayer in witness to the mission of his son, who would prepare the way for My coming. Many marveled at these miracles, and they wondered what sort of man this boy would become. You will read in the Bible about My birth, and later how St. John the Baptist was in the desert calling people to repent and be baptized.”

Jesus said: “My people, the elite people have control over some suitcase nuclear bombs that are well hidden in some caves. They could set them off in places that could take down your National grid causing an EMP attack. These bombs are low yield with less radiation than larger bombs. I have shown you such bombs going off in several of your cities. I will bring My Warning and Conversion time before such bombs go off. I will call My believers to My refuges so My angels will protect you from bombs, viruses, and comets. Trust in My protection and My multiplication of your needs.”

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Sunday, December 22, 2024: (4th Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, you are preparing your presents to share with your relatives and friends at Christmas. You can also offer up your prayers for your family’s souls. Some souls can be saved through your prayers, so do not give up on anyone. Saving souls is the best present you could give someone. I am preparing My believers for some serious events that could come when Trump is made President. Be ready to help people when I will call My people to My refuges.”

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Saturday, December 21, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Visitation scene St. John the Baptist leapt in the womb of Elizabeth as My Blessed Mother came. St. John the Baptist was announcing My coming even in the womb. Both of these births were miracles. One from old age, and Myself through the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit. Even My Incarnation as a God-man is another miracle. For nothing is impossible for Me. As you prepare for Christmas with your presents for people, you can give Me the gift of your love. Pray for peace even amidst your wars.”

Jesus said; “My people, you may experience more snow this year than the last few years. Many people are paying more for electricity and natural gas because the prices have gone up. When the cold gets bad, your cost to heat your house goes up. Some people can afford these increases, but poorer families have more struggles to pay for food and heat. Your weather varies with temperatures going up and down, so be prepared to spend more on your heating bills this winter. You need to keep your house warm because freezing is not an option. You may have to adjust your spending on other things just to have enough to pay your heating and electricity bills. Pray for your people that they can afford to stay warm this winter.”

Friday, December 20, 2024

Friday, December 20, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, this sign that was given to Ahaz is how My Blessed Mother was a virgin and she conceived Me by the power of the Holy Spirit. This spirit of Christmas is a joy for all of heaven and for My people on earth who believe in Me. My birth in Bethlehem is the beginning of My mission on earth where I brought salvation to all sinners who repent of their sins. I call My faithful to Confession so you can keep your souls clean of sin, and you can refresh your souls with My healing graces. Pray for the conversion of poor sinners, because I do not want to lose even one sinner.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Congress waits to the last moment to try and push forward their own pet projects. It is this unnecessary padding of budgets that is causing so many deficits every year. You can see how the House of Representatives changed a 1500 page bill down to 118 pages. It was the urging by Trump to stop the first House bill. There will be a new change in how Congress spends money when the DOGE people analyze how to cut spending. Pray that your government can be more responsible in using common sense to keep spending down to what is needed.”