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Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Wednesday, January 8, 2025:
Jesus said: “My people, St. John’s letter speaks of how I love you and how you should love Me as well. You need to love one another or you cannot be My disciple. I am your Creator and your Savior. It is the Holy Spirit who gives life to your soul. In the Gospel I dismissed the crowd that I fed and the apostles went into the boat to row to Bethsaida. A storm arose and they had difficulty rowing because the wind was against them. I then went to them walking on the water after some time in prayer. They thought I was a ghost, but I assured them that it was I and not to be afraid. I got into the boat and I calmed the sea. After these miracles, they truly realized that I AM God’s Son.”

Jesus said: “My people, you see people suffering from snow and ice storms in your Mid West that is causing power outages to many homes. You also are experiencing many fires in California from high winds of up to 100mph. Some of these natural disasters can be considered punishments for your sins of abortion and other sexual sins. You also are seeing more drug problems with fentanyl killing some young people. You have Trump coming into the White House in a week or so, and he could help with your borders and the illegal immigrants. Pray for America, and especially for those people who are dying in your fires.”

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Tuesday, January 7, 2025: (St. Raymond of Penyafort)
Jesus said: “My people, I AM love and all of heaven is love without any evil. I love My people so much that I was incarnated as a God-man so I could die on the cross to bring you salvation from your sins. In the Gospel (Matt. 14:13-21) I loved the people so much that I took pity on them because they were like lambs without a shepherd. I taught them at length into the night, and in the morning I multiplied five loaves of bread and two fish so that everyone was satisfied. They collected up twelve baskets of fragments left over from feeding five thousand men. The apostles were amazed that I could perform such a miracle. This was a sign of how I multiply My Real Presence at every Mass in Holy Communion.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing your President-Elect talking about the Panama Canal and Greenland even before he is inaugurated as President. Biden and the Democrats have ruined America, and they are allowing China to have too much influence in Central and South America. Biden even used your tax money to support a communist leader in Brazil. Trump wants to improve your energy base and build up your defenses. He also will close the border and fight the drug cartel people. His agenda may take time, but he puts America first while Biden put America last as Biden took millions of dollars from your enemies. Trump’s common sense approach will change your country for the better, if the elites do not sabotage his efforts. Pray for America that it can stay out of communist hands.”

Monday, January 6, 2025

Monday, January 6, 2025: (St. Andre Besset)
Jesus said: “My people, it is true that you need to test the spirit of any prophesy that is put before you. This is a test of the spirit of truth against the spirit of deceit that is from the evil one. By testing the spirit, you are validating what is coming from Me. In the Gospel I went preaching in the synagogues of the towns of Israel, and I healed all the sick and infirm people who came to Me. I also preached: ‘Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand by My Presence.’ The people of Israel are the promised people, but they did not recognize that I was the Messiah, even when I told them that I AM the Son of God. Those people, who believed in Me, were rewarded with My blessing. My apostles and converts were part of My Early Church that has spread all over the earth.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have prepared your refuge well with My suggestions that you followed up right away. Your latest pizza oven gives you another option for your bread flour, your tomato sauce, and some cheese. You will be having around the clock Adoration with at least one or two adorers at every hour. It is My Real Presence that will enable Me to multiply your food, water, and fuels for heating and cooking. You will also have My healing of your infirmities by looking upon My luminous cross in the sky. At some of My refuges you will have daily Holy Communion from a priest. Some other refuges without a priest will have daily Holy Communion given to them by My angels. My angels will also protect you from harm. I love My people so much and you will be rewarded for your faithfulness.”

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Sunday, January 5, 2025: (Epiphany, Antonio Barilla Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, the Wisemen traveled from the East and they followed a miraculous Star. They went to Herod and they asked him where the new king was to be born. (Mich 5:2) ‘And thou, Bethlehem, of the land of Juda, art by no means least among the princes of Juda: for from thee shall come forth a leader who shall rule My people, Israel.’ The Magi followed the Star to Bethlehem and they greeted Me with their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. They were warned in a dream not to return to Herod, so they went back to their country by another way. I call all of My people to bring your gift to My crib as well. Follow My Light of faith throughout your life, and you will have your reward with Me in heaven.”

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Saturday, January 4, 2025: (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)
Jesus said: “My people, your open borders have allowed terrorist cells to enter your country and they are planning to disrupt your government in various cities. As I mentioned before, there will be attempts to take down your National Grid in various places. It will be difficult to find these terrorists, but you have been put on alert that these terrorist cells have been activated. Your first responders will be watching out for suspicious trucks and vans to try and prevent destruction of your government buildings. If your lives are in danger, I will call you to the protection of My refuges. Trust in Me to protect My believers from harm.”

Jesus said: “My people, your people depend on many satellites for cell phone calls and television signals. Both your country and Russia have satellite killer satellites that can be used to blind your military satellites. There are also some strong laser weapons that could destroy satellites as well. These capabilities would be used in a war situation to stop satellite guided weapons. You could even see some experiments to take down a satellite for testing purposes. These satellites are also vulnerable to strong solar ejections from the sun if they are in the path of such particles. Be thankful for your present communications, but they could be blinded by various weapons.”

Friday, January 3, 2025

Friday, January 3, 2025: (Most Holy Name of Jesus)
Jesus said: “My son, I thank you for being with Me in My Real Presence for the whole hour of Adoration time. You prayed your rosaries and I shared a vision of heaven with you. You long for the day when you will be with Me in heaven for all eternity. You are called to suffer through this life, and even through the tribulation of the Antichrist. My angels will protect you and My believers at your refuge. I will multiply your food, water, and fuels. You will have daily Holy Communion from a priest. Give praise and thanks to Me for all I am doing for you.”

(Lilian Kessler Mass intention) Jesus said: “My son, I have told you that St. Joseph would build a high rise building in your backyard so the people would have a place to stay at your refuge. You saw My Light that would light up the high rise and a large church without using electricity. Believe that I can do the impossible to provide for your protection and to multiply your needs. Have no fear because My angels will be side by side all around the perimeter of your refuge land. Pray for Lilian’s soul.”

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Thursday, January 2, 2025: (St. Basil the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, you just celebrated My birth and My circumcision, and now you are starting My public ministry with St. John the Baptist preparing My way in the desert. He pointed Me out as the Lamb of God to My apostles, and they knew I was the Messiah promised by God. Many people are making resolutions to better themselves for the new year. Keep close to Me in all that you do, and I will lead you on the right path to heaven.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, your New Year has started with some terrorist attacks in New Orleans, Las Vegas, and other ongoing activity. Your wars in Israel and the Ukraine are still going on. You could see more terrorist events, so be prepared for what could happen. If you see larger events that threaten your lives, I will call My people to My refuges, and I will bring My Warning.”

Jesus said: “My people, your open borders have allowed many terrorist people to cross your border, and they could threaten your peace. Their goal is to put fear into your people, but I am sending My angels to protect you from these evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Republicans need to work together to use their slim majority to work on their mandate to close the border and renew the tax decreases. The longer it takes to have a unified party, this could slow down Trump’s intentions to make your country great again. Trump will sign many Executive Orders once he is President. Closing the border will be one of his main objectives. Trust in My help to bring peace to your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, these special elections are putting these seats in jeopardy when the Republicans could lose one or more in an open election. This is why it was a poor decision for Trump to choose these Congress people for his Cabinet. Pray that Trump will be able to carry out his plan to correct the problems in your government spending. Pray also for Trump’s safety and that your authorities can control any more terrorist actions.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know you are weak to sin, so you need to call on Me in prayer to help you keep your good resolutions. Without My help, you can do nothing, so trust in Me to help you with your good intentions. Even if you have some mistakes, do not give up on your resolutions. Your intention to improve your lives is most important, so have faith in My help to live a holier life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are in the pre-tribulation time and the time of the tribulation is coming upon you. Before the Antichrist will declare himself, I will bring My Warning and My six weeks of Conversion time. After the six weeks of Conversion, I will call My believers to My refuges, and I will have My angels protect them from any harm. At the end of the tribulation I will cleanse the earth of all evil and I will renew the earth. I will bring My people into My Era of Peace and later into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I call all of My people to accept Me as your Savior and to repent of your sins in Confession. Those people, who love and believe in Me, will have their reward with Me in heaven. Heaven is so beautiful, and you will not want to leave it. My angels and saints are singing My praises constantly. You will rejoice to be with Me in heaven for all eternity.”

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Wednesday, January 1, 2025:(Solemnity of Mary,Holy Mother of God)
Jesus said: “My people, as you heard from today’s homily, you have good and bad habits in your life. You want to enhance your good habits as daily Mass, but you also want to replace your bad habits with better ways to live. Habits are hard to change and you may have to find ways to do things differently. Addictions to drugs or excess drinking are even harder to control. Many bad addictions have demons attached to them, and it may require an exorcism or some serious St. Michael prayers to rid such demons. Then these people may need treatment with various groups that use plans to change their bad habits. Many resolutions are started, but you need prayerful intentions to stay with your resolution. Pray for My help in correcting your bad habits.’

Jesus said: “My people, Biden’s open border has allowed many terrorists to come in and plan their operations against your people. This is why you need your President-Elect to shut down your border and try to search out where these terrorist cells are hiding. There could be more of these attacks before Trump’s inauguration, so your people need to be on guard for such events. Pray that your agencies can be prepared to locate these evil ones before more people could be killed.”

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Tuesday, December 31, 2024: (New Year’s Eve)
St. Michael said: “I am Michael and I stand before God as a protector of America. You pray my long prayer every day, and I hear your call for my help in your intentions. This next year will see many serious battles between the people on God’s side and the people on the devil’s side. You will see how the Lord will allow the Antichrist to have limited power during the tribulation. The believers will be protected at God’s refuges as your own during that time. Trust in the Lord and my power to protect the refuges from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, the shepherds were directed to visit Me in the manger when the angels appeared to them singing. After eight days, I was presented in the Temple where I received My Name ‘Jesus’ as the angel directed My Blessed Mother. We then had to leave for Egypt because Herod wanted to kill Me. Herod had all the infants killed in Bethlehem. We stayed in hiding in Egypt until Herod died, and then we went to Nazareth. Rejoice in this New Year as you honor the solemnity of My Blessed Mother.”

Monday, December 30, 2024

Monday, December 30, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, at My Presentation in the Temple I was visited by Simeon and Anna who were thankful to give witness to My mission as Savior of the people. They both had hope that they would see My day, and they gave Me thanks for fulfilling My promise to them. You will soon come into a New Year that brings hope to America, when Trump will change the evil ways of the Democrats. Give praise and thanks to Me for Trump’s victory.”

Jesus said: “My people, the elites in the deep state will be doing everything they can to keep Trump from taking office as President. They will make an attempt to take down your National Grid before Trump’s inauguration. The vision of the black eye of the Antichrist is a sign that the evil ones will be empowered by the Antichrist. I will send My angels to protect your people and your grid. If your lives are in danger from riots or other things as viruses, I will call My people to My refuges and I will bring My Warning. Have no fear because I will protect My believers.”