Message from St. Gabriel to Fr. Michel Rodrigue

A message from St. Gabriel to Fr. Michel:
La noche del 17 al 18 de Marzo de 2021, el Ángel del Señor (luego supe que era San Gabriel Arcángel) vino alrededor de las 2:30 de la noche para hablarme de la Santa y Gran discreción de San José con la Sagrada Familia y su papel al final de los malos tiempos. Dije “fin de los malos tiempos” para expresar un período diferente al del Glorioso regreso de Cristo al final de los tiempos.
Esta experiencia que voy a relatar la llamo sueño. San Gabriel se presentó por primera vez como una espléndida luz radiante. Poco a poco pude distinguír la forma de un ser de luz con lo que parecían alas de luz. De su ser emanaba una luminosidad que traía alegría y una paz muy profunda de Dios. Era como entrar en una parte del cielo mirándolo. Entonces escuche su voz.
Vengo a revelar la discreción de San José desde que le hablé hasta el día en que el dejaría la tierra. Su rol como protector y guardián de la Sagrada Familia fue de gran serenidad y una gran confianza en Dios el Padre Eterno. A él, como a la Santísima Virgen María, le fue dado el primer conocimiento santo sobre el Misterio de la Trinidad del Padre y del Hijo y el Espíritu Santo. La aceptación libre de tomar a la Virgen María como su esposa le dio la alegría de un conocimiento infundido imbuido de una relación viva y paternal con Jesús, su Creador, su Rey y su Amor. Este conocimiento lo recibió Jose por el amor que tenía por María, su Esposa, y de la Voluntad del Padre Todopoderoso. A partir de ese momento, José llevó a María a la como su esposa y actualizó el Ministerio del Amor por María y el Niño.
El drama ocurrido en el momento del nacimiento del Salvador plantea la consideración de su gran autoridad que permitió preservar al Niño Dios y a su Madre de cualquier presagio que pudiera haber puesto en peligro la identidad del Niño. Por lo tanto, el diablo y sus secuaces podrían haber hecho daño a Jesús y a su Madre. Su fuerza y amor mantuvieron a raya al diablo y sus acólitos. Hasta el día del nacimiento del Niño Rey, ni siquiera Herodes y su séquito sabían nada al respecto, La Señal ya estaba en el cielo, los Magos ya caminaban para encontrarse con el Niño Dios y los pastores, los más pequeños del pueblo, estaban instruidos por la voz de los ángeles!

En el momento en que Herodes quiso matar al Niño Dios, yo le advertí a José en un sueño, por Voluntad del Padre Eterno, que tomara al Niño y a su Madre y huyera a Egipto. Allí permaneció hasta la muerte del tirano. Cuando regresaron a Nazaret, la Sagrada Familia permaneció allí durante todos los años del crecimiento de Jesús. Nadie sospechaba quiénes eran Jesús y su Madre. La discreción de José fue perfecta para no atraer la mirada del maligno y así entorpecer el plan de Dios nuestro Padre. La putativa paternidad de Jose cubrió al niño y a su madre de una manera tan grandiosa que nadie puede expresarse ni acercarse. La ternura paternal de José fue como la roca de la cueva que protege al Niño y a Su Madre de los estados de ánimo intempestivos de este mundo. Esta discreción continuará en el Silencio y la oración, en el trabajo diario e incluso en el descanso para no dejar sospecha sobre la existencia Dios el Mesias. La obediencia de José para hacer la Voluntad del Padre Eterno con un corazón humilde y puro lo convirtió en la figura masculina más representativa de la tierra en el centro de la Sagrada Familia. Su Paternidad y su masculinidad fueron similares a las deseadas por Dios desde el principio de todo. Así como San José protegió al Niño y a su Madre, protege a la Iglesia en su crecimiento histórico. De una manera aún más solemne en este tiempo tuyo. Los tiempos actuales exigen que se levante el velo de la discreción de Dios para San José en su rol en la Iglesia de Cristo. Ahora es el momento de revelar las palabras de la segunda carta a los Tesalonicenses escondidas desde los inicios de la Iglesia. De hecho, la figura misteriosa, que frena o impide la manifestación del anticristo y sus dominaciones actuales, debe ahora ser revelada para permitir que todos los justos comprendan los eventos que están teniendo lugar. Debes estar listo y mantener sus lámparas encendidas para la manifestación del Hijo del Hombre. Aquí está el Texto Sagrado de la Segunda Carta de San Pablo a los Tesalonicenses, Capítulo 2:

Les pedimos a los hermanos, con respecto a la venida de nuestro Señor Jesucristo y a nuestra reunión con él, le rogamos hermanos , se dejen alterar tan facilmente en sus animo, o que se alarmen por ninguna manifestacion del “Espíritu” * o por una declaración oral, o por un carta presentada como nuestra, que les haga suponer que esta inminente el Dia del Señor está cerca. 3 que nadie te engañe de ninguna manera. Porque primero tiene que venir la apostasía y manifestarse el Hombre impio, el Hijo condenado a la perdición, 4 que se opone y se exalta a sí mismo por encima de todo lo que se llama Dios y objeto de adoración, hasta sentarse en el templo de Dios, * y proclamar que el mismo es Dios -5 ¿no recuerdas que estando todavía contigo te dije estas cosas? 6 Y ahora sabes qué es lo que lo retiene * para que se manifieste en su tiempo. 7 * Porque el misterio de la iniquidad ya está en acción, pero el que le retiene lo hará solo por el momento, hasta que sea removido de la escena. 8 Y entonces será revelado el inicuo, a quien el Señor (Jesús) matará con el soplo de su boca y dejará impotente con la manifestación de su venida, 9 aquel que venie brota del poder de Satanás en toda obra poderosa y en señales y prodigios enganosos, 10 y en todo tipo de maldad perversa para los que se pierden porque no han aceptado el amor de la verdad para ser salvos.

11 Por eso, Dios les envía un poder engañador para que crean en la mentira, 12 para que sean condenados todos los que no han creído en la verdad, pero han aprobado la maldad.
13 Pero nosotros en cambio debemos dar gracias en todo momento a Dios por ustedes siempre, hermanos amados por el Señor, porque Dios los eligió como primicias * para la salvación mediante la acion santificadora del Espíritu y la fe en la verdad.

De hecho, “el misterio de la iniquidad ya está en acción; basta que el que lo retiene ahora sea descartado. Hoy les digo: ¡El que lo retiene es San José! A través de su oración y su intercesión, San José ayuda a los creyentes en una lucha espiritual por la defensa de la fe de la Iglesia militante. Con la oración de los santos y de las almas del purgatorio, es decir de la Iglesia Triunfante y la Iglesia del Sufrimiento, la asistencia de San José y de la Virgen María constituye un escudo de fe que frena al anticristo hasta ahora.

Escuche bien mis palabras. La copa de la iniquidad está desbordandose, y pronto llegará para la Iglesia un tiempo en que se producirá la persecución de los justos. Es por la Voluntad del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo que este año 2021 ha sido proclamado por el Papa Francisco el año de San José. Se le ha ofrecido una gran bendición de protección. Durante este año, se verán obligado a tomar una decisión. Lo que se presenta a sí mismo como la salvacion por medio de vacunas es solo una ilusión. Pronto se te impondrá la marca de la Bestia para comprar, comer o viajar. El año 2021 es un año de discernimiento para quienes quieren ser fieles a Cristo. A todos aquellos que deseen seguir a Cristo, les asistirá San José. Pero el debe retirarse discretamente el 8 de diciembre.

Para ese momento, y ya ha comenzado, todos los que rechazan a Cristo se encuentran entrando en una fuerza de engaño que les hace creer una mentira. Una mentira social y planetaria organizada y preparada por los acólitos del anticristo. Forman una Iglesia falsa que es de hecho el cuerpo social del anticristo. Son los que gobiernan por medio del miedo, dominación, por ideologías comunistas y socialistas. Están manipulando por una falsa hermandad universal. Se han infiltrado en la Iglesia de Cristo con el fin de desfigurarla y profanar sus sacramentos. Todo cae en su lugar, hasta el 8 de Diciembre, estos malvados acólitos se organizan a través de los medios de comunicacion y crean un clima de sospecha, miedo y denuncia.

Deben prepararse para la venida del impío organizando un orden mundial donde reinarán la división y la confusión en detrimento de la Verdad de la enseñanza de la Iglesia. Los escándalos y las acusaciones golpearán a la Iglesia de todas partes. Los movimientos que niegan a hombres y mujeres se convertirán en los nuevos jueces de esta mentira social. Surgirán conflictos en las familias donde habran argumentos sobre la necesidad de las vacunas y la Marca de la Bestia. Los conflictos entre naciones llegarán a tal punto que todo parecerá que no hay esperanza. Los corazones se enfriarán, las conciencias serán atadas y oscurecidas por el pecado que ha invadido todas partes.

Aunque la cizaña del anticristo parece sofocar a los justos y a los santos, dando la impresión de la muerte de Dios y el fin de la Iglesia Católica, todo esto es solo una apariencia. Cuando San José se retire, el Inmaculado Corazón de María comenzará los inicios del triunfo de su Inmaculado Corazón para sus hijos y para la Iglesia. La iglesia pasará por los dolores de una purificación donde la Virgen María la acompañará como Madre de los Dolores. Algunos de sus hijos serán mártires, llevarán la palma de la Victoria de Cristo el día del triunfo del Inmaculado Corazón de María. En el momento en que aparezca el anticristo, sera el tiempo de los refugios preparados por los Sagrados Corazones de Jesús y María y el muy puro corazón de San José. Los Refugios son obra de los tres años y medio anunciados en el Libro del Apocalipsis. Son obra de Dios.
Pequeño reballo, no tengas miedo. Mire con los ojos de la Fe, la Esperanza y el Amor. Los refugios están bajo la protección especial de Nuestra Señora del Monte Carmelo. Es así como lo deseaba su Inmaculado Corazón. ¿Puedes ver ahora las obras de la Sagrada Familia de Jesús, María y José? Se ha dicho todo lo que necesita saber. Viva con confianza para cumplir su Divina Voluntad y repite a menudo esta oración: ¡Jesús, en Ti Confío!

Fr. Michel Message from St. Gabriel

On the night of March 17 to 18, 2021, the Angel of the Lord (later I understood that it was Saint
Gabriel the Archangel) came around 2:30 in the night to tell me about the Holy and Great
discretion of Saint Joseph with the Holy Family and his role at the end of bad times. I say “end of
bad times” to express a period different from that of Christ’s Glorious Return at the end of time.

This experience which I am going to relate, I call it a dream. Gabriel first presented himself as a
splendid radiant light. Gradually I made out the form of a being of light with what looked like
wings of light. There emanated from his being a luminosity which brought both joy and very
deep peace in God. It was like stepping into a part of the sky looking at it. Then his voice was

“I come to reveal the discretion of Saint Joseph from the time I spoke to him until the day he
was to leave the earth. His role as protector and guardian of the Holy Family was one of great
serenity and great confidence in God the Eternal Father. To Him as to the Most Holy Virgin Mary
was given to be the first in the most holy knowledge of the Mystery of the Trinity of the Father
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. The free acceptance of taking the Virgin Mary as his bride
gave him the joy of an infused knowledge imbued with a living and fatherly relationship with
Jesus, his Creator, his King and his Love. This knowledge Joseph received from the love he had
for Mary His Bride and from the Will of the Almighty Father. From that moment, Joseph took
Mary to his wife’s home and actualized the Ministry of his love for Mary and the Child.

The drama which occurred at the time of the Savior’s birth raises the consideration of his great
authority which made it possible to preserve the Child-God and his Mother from any omen that
could have put the identity of the Child at risk. Thus, the devil and his henchmen could have
harmed Jesus and his Mother. His strength and his Love kept the devil and his acolytes at bay.
Until the day of the birth of the Child King, even Herod and his entourage knew nothing about it.
Yet the Sign was in heaven, the Magi were already walking to meet the Child-God and the
shepherds, the smallest of the people, were instructed by the voice of the angels!

At the moment when Herod wanted to kill the Child-God, I warned Joseph in a dream, by the
Will of the Eternal Father, to take the Child and his Mother and flee to Egypt. He remained there
until the death of the tyrant. Back in Nazareth, the Holy Family remained there during all the
years of Jesus’ growth. No one suspected who Jesus and his Mother were. Joseph’s discretion
was perfect so as not to attract the eyes of the Evil One and thus hinder the plan of God our
Father. Joseph’s putative fatherhood covered the Child and his Mother in such a great way that
no one can express or approach. Joseph’s paternal tenderness was like the cave of the Rock to
protect the Child and his Mother from the untimely moods of this world. This discretion will
continue in Silence and prayer, in the daily work and even in the rests so as not to let suspect
the existence of the Messiah of God. Joseph’s obedience to doing the Will of the Eternal Father
with a humble and pure heart made him the most representative male figure on earth at the
center of the Holy Family. His Fatherhood and his Masculinity were similar to that desired by
God from the beginning of everything. So as Saint Joseph protected the Child and his Mother, he
protects the Church in its historical growth. In an even more solemn way in these times of yours.

The present times require the lifting of the veil of God’s discretion for Saint Joseph in his role for
the Church of Christ. Now is the time to reveal the words of the second letter to the
Thessalonians hidden from the beginning of the Church. Indeed the mysterious figure, which
holds back or prevents the manifestation of the antichrist and his present domination, must
now be unveiled to enable all the righteous to understand the events which are taking place.
You must stand ready and keep your lamps on for the manifestation of the Son of Man. Here is
the Sacred Text of Saint Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians, chapter 2:

We ask you, brothers, with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our assembling
with him, a 2 not to be shaken out of your minds suddenly, or to be alarmed either by a
“spirit,”* or by an oral statement, or by a letter allegedly from us to the effect that the day of
the Lord is at hand. 3Let no one deceive you in any way. For unless the apostasy comes first and
the lawless one is revealed,* the one doomed to perdition, 4c who opposes and exalts himself
above every so-called god and object of worship, so as to seat himself in the temple of God,*
claiming that he is a god—5 do you not recall that while I was still with you I told you these
things? 6 And now you know what is restraining,* that he may be revealed in his time. 7*

For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. But the one who restrains is to do so only
for the present, until he is removed from the scene. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed,
whom the Lord [Jesus] will kill with the breath of his mouth and render powerless by the
manifestation of his coming, 9 the one whose coming springs from the power of Satan in every
mighty deed and in signs and wonders that lie, 10 and in every wicked deceit for those who are
perishing because they have not accepted the love of truth so that they may be saved. 11

Therefore, God is sending them a deceiving power so that they may believe the lie, 12 that all
who have not believed the truth but have approved wrongdoing may be condemned. 13

But we ought to give thanks to God for you always, brothers loved by the Lord, because God
chose you as the firstfruits* for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in truth.

Indeed, “the mystery of iniquity is already at work; it suffices that the one who retains it now be
discarded. Today, I say it to you: The one who holds it back is Saint Joseph! Through his prayer
and his intercession, Saint Joseph assists believers in a spiritual struggle for the defense of the
faith of the militant Church. With the prayers of the saints and souls in purgatory, that is to say
the Triumphant Church and the Suffering Church, the assistance of Saint Joseph and the Virgin
Mary constituting a shield of faith which holds back the antichrist until now.

Hear my words well. The cup of iniquity is overflowing, and soon a time will come for the Church
when the persecution of the righteous will take place. It is by the Will of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit that this year 2021 has been proclaimed by Pope Francis the year of
Saint Joseph. A great blessing of protection has been offered to you. During this year you will be
forced to make a choice. What presents itself as a vaccine-savior is just an illusion. Soon the
mark of the Beast will be imposed on you to buy, to eat or to travel. The year 2021 is a year of
discernment for those who want to be faithful to Christ. To all those who wish to follow Christ,
Saint Joseph will assist you. But He must withdraw discreetly on December 8.
By that time, and it has already started, all those who reject Christ find themselves entering into
a force of delusion that makes them believe a lie. A social and planetary lie organized and
prepared by the acolytes of the antichrist. They form a false Church which is indeed the social
body of the antichrist. They are the ones who rule by fear, domination, by communist and
socialist ideologies. They are manipulating for a false universal brotherhood. They have
infiltrated the Church of Christ with a view to disfiguring it and desecrating its sacraments.
Everything falls into place. Until December 8, these evil acolytes organize themselves through
the media and create a climate of suspicion, fear and denunciation.

They must prepare for the coming of the Unholy by organizing a world order where division and
confusion will reign to the detriment of the Truth of the teaching of the Church. Scandals and
accusations will hit the Church everywhere. Movements that deny men and women will become
the new judges of this social lie. Conflicts will arise in families arguing the need for vaccines and
the Mark of the Beast. Conflicts between nations will come to such a point that everything will
seem hopeless. Hearts will cool, consciences will be bound and darkened by the sin that has
pervaded everywhere.

Even though the antichrist’s tares seem to suffocate the righteous
and the saints, giving the impression of the death of God and the end of the Catholic Church,
all of this is only an appearance. When Saint Joseph retires, the Immaculate Heart of Mary
will begin the beginnings of the triumph of her Immaculate Heart for her children and for the Church.
The Church will go through the pains of a purification where the Virgin Mary will accompany her as Mother of
sorrows. Some of her children will be martyrs, they will wear the palm of the Victory of Christ on
the day of the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. At the time when the antichrist will
appear, the time of the refuges prepared by the Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary and the very
pure heart of Saint Joseph will sound. The Refuges are the work of the three and a half years
announced in the Book of Revelation. They are the work of God.

Small herd do not be afraid. Look with the eyes of faith, hope and love. The shelters are under
the special protection of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. This is how her Immaculate Heart wanted
it. Can you not now see the work of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph? Everything you
need to know has been said. Live in confidence to accomplish his Divine Will and repeat this
prayer often: Jesus, I trust in you!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018 (Fr. Michel Rodrigue message)

30th October 2018

From the Eternal Father

My son,

Listen and write

I recommend (translation) that this message be communicated to everyone and everywhere that you have preached in United States and in Canada.

Remember the night when Padre Pio brought you into Heaven to see the Holy Family. It was a teaching for you and for the people who have heard you. It was also a sign to recall the night when my Beloved Son Jesus was born into the world.

Remember how my Evangelist Matthew wrote by the divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit how the star stopped over the place where My Baby Son Jesus was born. It was a sign for the Wise men. Today, it is a sign for you and for all Christians and for all the nations.

The Holy Family is a sign for every family, and we should model ourselves after them. I recommend (translation) that every family, who receives this message, should have a representation of the Holy Family in their home. It can be an Icon or a statue of the Holy Family, or a permanent Manger in a center place in the home. The representation must be blessed and consecrated by a priest.

As the star, followed by the Wise men, stopped over the Manger, the chastisement from the sky will not hit the Christians families devoted and protected by the Holy Family. The fire from the sky is a chastisement for the horrible crime of abortion and the culture of death, the sexual perversion, and the cupidity (lust) regarding the identity of man and woman. My children seek their perverted sins more than Eternal life. The increasing blasphemies and persecution of my just people offend Me. The Arm of my Justice will come now. They do not hear my Divine Mercy. I must now let many plagues happen in order to save the most people that I can from the slavery of Satan.

Send this message to everyone. I have given Saint Joseph, My representative on earth, as a protector of the Holy Family, the authority to protect the Church which is the body of Christ. He will be the protector during the trials of this time. The Immaculate Heart of My daughter Mary and the Sacred Heart of my Beloved Son Jesus, with the Chaste and Pure Heart of Saint Joseph, will be the shield of your home, your family, and your Refuge during the events to come.

My Words are my blessing over all of you. Whoever will act according to my Will, will be safe. The powerful love of the Holy Family will be manifested to all.

I AM your Father,
These words are Mine!

Jesus said: “My people, today’s first reading speaks of how everyone should be under My authority. A husband and wife are under a bond of love to love each other in marriage in the Church, but they also answer to My love. The single person also is under authority to Me and My Church. The priest is under authority to the bishop, the Pope, but also to Me in his ministry. My prophets are under authority to their spiritual directors and Me. By living under authority, you are living in obedience to Me and to those who you are under. Always recognize that you live in obedience to a higher authority than yourself. Do not think you can rule over just yourself or others. You need to live every day in humble obedience to Me and My laws. Every person is united in My love, as I love all of you, and by your free will, you could love Me as well. Give praise and thanks to Me for living according to My control of all creation.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people enjoy accumulating money for themselves so they can control people, buy the latest gadgets and cars, and some use money to buy drugs. Too much money can be a source of sin. Money can also be a source of killing people for inheritances. You need some money to buy your food, and money for a car or a house. Do not treat money as a god, and do not desire money for its own sake. Instead, you should be willing to give 10% of your money to charity in helping your neighbor. By sharing your money, you are storing up treasure in heaven. So be satisfied with your lot, without seeking to be rich. I told you how hard it is for the rich man to gain heaven, because he does not want to part with his wealth. You are better to trust in Me to give you what you need, and you will have the necessities because I love you. You are here to know, love, and serve Me, and not to accumulate as much wealth as you can. Money is cold and it can be lost or stolen, so do not put your trust in money. Instead, put your trust in Me and that will be enough for you.”

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Saturday, September 21, 2024: (St. Matthew)
Jesus said: “My people, I called Levi to follow Me and he was a tax collector at his post. He was later called Matthew, and he wrote the first Gospel in the Bible. That night I ate with Matthew and his fellow tax collectors and sinners. The Pharisees questioned Me why I ate with tax collectors and sinners, but I told them that sick people need a physician. I also told them that I came to call sinners and not the self-righteous. I call all of My faithful to ‘Follow Me’ and obey My Commandments. I forgive sinners of their sins in Confession, so keep your souls clean by confessing your sins at least once a month so you are always ready for your death.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have given you seven sacraments as a source of grace. Several of them use chrism oil. Many of you are baptized as infants. You can receive Confession and Holy Communion at around seven years old. You usually receive your Confirmation when you are in eighth grade at about thirteen years old. You and your wife received Matrimony fifty-nine years ago when you were twenty-two years old. Now just recently you had Father Michel give you and your wife the Sacrament of the Sick. All of My sacraments have helped you through life, especially daily Holy Communion and monthly Confession. You are fortunate to be able to attend daily Mass and daily Adoration. During the Covid time My churches were closed and you had to get the daily TV Mass on the internet. Be prepared because you may see My churches closed again.”

Monday, September 9, 2024

Monday, September 9, 2024: (St. Peter Claver)
Jesus said: “My son, I know you have been praying for Jocelyn’s recovery for several months, but she needs to follow Fr. Michel’s advice. He told her to take a few grains of exorcism salt every day and to have faith in Me that I can heal her. Give her this bag of exorcism salt and let her take some every day. All of your family members need to pray your 24 Glory Be prayers of St. Therese for her every day, and not just nine days. She needs to have faith in My healing if she wants to be healed.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country is preparing for another hurricane that is headed toward Louisiana. You have had some damaging storms, but not as many as predicted. You also saw a circling cloud that represented the coming Warning. This will come right before some loss of life, so My faithful will have a chance to get to My refuges of safety with My angels protecting you. Your life review will be a spiritual wake-up call to see how you need to change your life to follow Me instead of following the world. After the Warning and the Conversion time, the Antichrist will be allowed his reign over the world for less than 3½ years. Trust in Me to heal My faithful and provide for your needs throughout the tribulation at My refuges.”

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Wednesday, August 14, 2024: (St. Maximillian Kolbe)
Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you, and I want you to love Me and your neighbor. St. Maximillian Kolbe was a loving person and he even gave up his life so a married condemned prisoner could live in a Nazi prison camp. There is no greater love than for a man to give up his life for another person. You even have My own example when I became a man so I could suffer and die for all humanity. Continue to love one another as you pray for peace in the world.”

Prayer Group:
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is here to thank all of you who came to celebrate My feast. You had a lovely presentation from Fr. Peter and Fr. Michel. You had several rain storms which was like heaven crying over your wars and sins of abortion. You are seeing Me at a judgment seat because you are about to see some major events at your refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, Fr. Michel was told by God the Father to come and bless both John and Carol with the Sacrament for the sick. Fr. Michel did pray over you both at a Mass on Monday. You have a well prepared refuge and you showed some people your water well and your solar panel set up. This was a chance for people to see some of your preparations for their own refuges. I will be calling all of My believers to My refuges for their protection during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My son, in your recent cleanup at your refuge, you had plenty of tubs that have various things in them, but you needed more space. I already suggested adding insulation and boards to your new shed just as you did for your first shed. It is a little difficult to move a shed in through your neighbor’s lot. This will allow you to place more of your refuge needs. You are getting this shed as your last preparation, just before the major events will start.”

Jesus said: “My son, you heard Fr. Michel speak about the Satanic things in the opening of the Olympics. He indicated that this was a sign that the coming of the Antichrist is near. Now you were shown the closing of the Olympics that had more actions of a made-up Satan. You could do some research so you can show people what was being depicted by evil people. Have no fear because I will protect My believers from the evil ones at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the weakness in Biden that has precipitated wars in Israel and the Ukraine. You are seeing the potential for a wider war in Israel that could include America. Russia and China are backing Iran, so this could include them in any war. Keep praying for peace, but you could see World War III beginning in the Middle East.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were fortunate to have Fr. Michel hear your Confession and that of your wife. You need to pray for more people to return to Sunday Mass because this follows My Third Commandment. Many family members do not attend Mass on Sunday, so show them your example and encourage them to come to regular Sunday Mass. You also need to remind your family about the importance of coming to frequent Confession. Keeping a clean soul is a means of being ready to meet Me at your death for your judgment. Pray that you will be able to receive My sacraments before your death.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing another turning point for America in choosing your President for 2024. The Democrats are running two communists that could take your country down, if they are elected. I told you that Trump was a temporary reprieve when he was elected in 2016. If the Democrats win with more cheating, it will be a sign that the Antichrist will be coming soon. The one world people will be doing all that they can to either cancel the election, or they will use cheating to win again. Be prepared for the coming events that could stop your election. You could be called to My refuges if these events could endanger your lives. I will protect My believers no matter what the one world people will do.”

Monday, August 12, 2024

Monday, August 12, 2024: (St. Jane Frances de Chantal)
Jesus said: “My people, I call on all of My faithful to preach ‘Christ Crucified’ to all of those people who you are trying to evangelize. Your life here is a test or a training time to choose between Me or the devil. You will always have love from Me because I created each of you from the womb. The devil tries to kill people and steal their souls from Me. I limit the devil’s activity so you will only be tested to what you can tolerate. Every day you are in a constant battle with the demons because they do not sleep nor take a vacation. So call on My graces from your rosary prayers and your Masses, and I will protect you from the attacks of the evil ones. Just as I suffered on the cross in this life, so I am warning My faithful that you will walk in My footsteps with your own personal suffering, both physically and spiritually.”
Note: Fr. Michel blessed Carol and John with an anointing of the sick as God the Father directed him.

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of how the evil people want to reduce the population so there would be less people to control. You are seeing a new virus like the bird flu where the evil ones are preparing a new m-RNA vaccine to supposedly counter this virus. Just like the Covid m-RNA vaccine did not heal the Covid virus, so this new m-RNA vaccine will not heal this new virus. It is the plan of the One World people to use such a vaccine to eventually kill people. I gave you My Good Friday oil to heal people who were forced to take the Covid vaccine, or they would lose their jobs. These m-RNA vaccines are deadly because they kill people by changing your DNA. So refuse to take flu shots, Covid shots, or any new bird flu shots. Also refuse to take the mark of the beast, and refuse to worship the Antichrist. I will call you to My refuges where you will be protected from the evil ones, and you will be healed of any virus. Trust in Me to protect you from any deadly virus or vaccine at My refuges.”

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Saturday, June 15, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you can see Elisha went forward immediately to follow Elijiah after he was called. Elisha said good-bye to his family and he killed the oxen and used the yoke to make a fire to boil their flesh. When I call people to do a mission, I desire that they follow Me, even as I called My apostles. If you are called to be a prophet or fulfill a mission, you are blessed to be in My service. My son, I have called you since 1993 to proclaim My messages as you have done well. You accepted My mission immediately like Elisha. You also have a second mission to prepare a refuge which you have also done well. You were given an inheritance to provide for your expenses. When one of My servants accepts My call, I provide them for their needs to carry out their mission. Give thanks and praise to Me for all that I have done for you, and I thank you for answering My call.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you this picture of Adolf Hitler as a dramatic sign that World War III is about to happen. Russia has sent six warships to Cuba to emphasize their dislike for Biden’s comments and actions. I am reminding you of the atomic bombs you saw going off over a few cities in America. Fr. Michel told you how he saw seven cites in America being bombed. Before your lives are in danger, I will bring My Warning and Conversion time to protect you and My faithful when I will call you to My refuges. My angels will put shields over your refuges that will protect you from bombs, viruses, and thieves. This World War will allow the Antichrist to be a man of peace to try and show his supposed powers. The Antichrist will use this war for a world takeover for less than 3½ years. My faithful will need to be at My refuges, or they could be captured and martyred. His reign will be brief before I will cleanse the earth of all of the evil ones with My Comet of Chastisement. I will then renew the earth and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Trust in My Word that you will be protected by My angels.”

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Thursday, July 27, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing record high temperatures all across your country.  You have also seen more rain than usual, and even floods in some parts because so much rain came at once.  Even your news is suggesting a possible change in your ocean currents.  These are more signs of the end times when the Bible speaks of earthquakes, famine, and pestilence or even man-made viruses.  You prayed your storm prayer because of the violent storms that were headed in your direction.  I heard your prayer and you were protected.  You are receiving some punishments in your weather for your sins.  But the evil of the one world people is causing corruption in your government, your schools, and your families because you have taken Me out of your lives.  You do not have prayer in most schools and few are praying to Me daily.  The one world people are trying to control every facet of your lives, and they will be persecuting those people who follow Me.  Have no fear because I will bring My faithful to My refuges where I will have My angels protect you from the tribulation of the Antichrist.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am the Great Healer of people who have a deep faith that I can heal them.  When you read the Gospels, you have seen how I healed many sick and other infirmities instantly, and some in stages.  So I am asking My faithful to pray for the sick and those people with cancer or chronic pains.  You, My son, have been healed of your sciatica pain and your recent asthma bronchitis, so you know how people are suffering.  But when you are healed, give thanks to Me for any healing in public to witness to My healing power.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the news you have been hearing testimony from whistle blowers about how the Bidens were given millions of dollars for political favors from the Ukraine, Russia, and China.  There have been several sources to collaborate with similar accounts of payments that were laundered through many LLC companies to hide these transactions.  Because of the volumes of information, the Speaker of the House of Representatives is on the verge of calling for a Biden impeachment inquiry to be able to get more power to investigate the Bidens.  Be careful not to ask for a special counsel that the Democrats could choose to stifle such an investigation.  Your IRS, FBI, and Dept. Of Justice have covered up such information, but your people want this properly investigated.  Pray that these treasonous crimes can be brought to justice.”

Jesus said: “My people, be careful with all of the billions of dollars of ammunition, planes, and tanks that you are sending to a corrupt government in the Ukraine.  This is draining your own defenses that you may need to depend on against China and other nations.  Do like Trump suggested in staying out of foreign wars.  The one world people want to use this war to bring America down.  Pray for peace and avoid supporting this war.”

Jesus said: “My son, this is your second trip to Canada within a few weeks.  My angels protected you on your way to Amos, Quebec where Fr. Michel R. dedicated his second monastery.  Now, you will be visiting your friends in Canada to honor St. Anne’s feast, and visit other friends as well.  Pray your St. Michael long form prayer before and after this trip, so My angels will guard your way.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may be aware or not of how the HAARP machine can be used to cause extreme weather conditions.  When you see a high pressure or low pressure system stay in one place for several days, this is a sign of what the HAARP machine can do.  You have tornadoes frequently, but the HAARP machine can enhance the severity of tornadoes and other strong storms as well.  The one world people can use this device to cause problems that they want their own solutions.  These evil ones will be brought to My justice at the proper time.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are in the pre-tribulation time now, and the one world people are making their plans to prepare for the Antichrist’s takeover.  He will declare himself, which will start the tribulation time.  I will be calling My faithful to My refuges before this happens and after the Warning and the six weeks of Conversion.  During the conversion time I will have My angels protect My faithful from any evil influence as you try to convert souls.  The evil ones will use the digital dollar and they will mandate the mark of the beast that you should avoid taking.  They may also bring another pandemic virus, but do not take any flu shot or Covid shot that could lead to your death.  You saw in the news how some medical people want yearly flu and Covid shots to be recommended.  Pray for My angel protection when I will bring you to My refuges before the tribulation starts.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are not blind to all of the planes and ships China keeps sending to harass Taiwan as their threats of a takeover are getting worse.  It is hard to know how much America will honor its military alliances with Taiwan and the other nations that are threatened by China’s military.  China is also trying to takeover the shipping lanes of the South China Sea.  It is better to have peace with military strength, but it is doubtful Biden and the Democrats will fight China because of all of the China bribes to the Bidens.  Pray for peace, but your weak President is prompting China and Russia to try and take land by force.”

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Thursday, July 20, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, I want to draw a parallel between how I brought punishment down on the Egyptians, and how I will bring punishment down on the Masons and the one world people who are running your country.  I brought severe plagues on the Egyptians because the Pharaoh would not let the Jews go and the Egyptians needed to stop putting hard tasks on the Jews as slaves.  I even had My angel of death kill the first born of Egypt.  Now, in America you are being enslaved by the Masons, the communists, and the rich one world people who are ruining your families, your churches, and your government.  By controlling your elections and law enforcement, they are illegally controlling your lives and ruining your country with open borders, and overspending.  You will see how they will take over your money, and they will try to mandate the mark of the beast on you, which you should not take.  Anyone who takes the mark of the beast and worships the Antichrist will be lost in hell according to the Book of Revelation.  Their persecution of My faithful will be so great, I will need to call My faithful remnant to the arks of My refuges where My angels will protect you.  The evil ones are preparing the way for the Antichrist.  You will suffer less than three and one half years of the tribulation after My Warning and the six weeks of Conversion time.  You are seeing some of My punishments in the weather and from the sun for your abortions and sexual abuses, especially of the children.  After the tribulation I will send plagues of fire, scorpions, and other severe trials that will torture the evil ones and eventually kill them and send them to hell with My Comet of Chastisement.  I will protect My faithful at My refuges during these trials.  Once I cleanse the earth of all the evil ones and man’s damage to the earth, I will renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.  You will see My justice on the evil ones, just as I brought My justice against the Egyptians.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you all were fortunate to be able to travel twelve hours one way to Amos, Quebec, Canada.  You had meals in a nice tent and you had a nice ribbon cutting ceremony, and a later dedication Mass. You also had a tour of the rooms and a library.  You had several meals over three days and many good sharing moments with your friends.  Give thanks and praise to Me that Fr. Michel was able to find the funds and the workers to put up such a beautiful monastery.”  N.B. This was a dedication of Fr. Michel’s second monastery.

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard of a suicide and a baby who was smothered to death.  So pray a Divine Mercy Chaplet for these cases, and the motorcycle people who were in a terrible accident.  Many people are tested with sickness and chronic pains which you should pray for them.  During life you need to be ready for some health problems, especially as you grow older.  Trust in My healing prayers that you could get healed in faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, you heard from the whistle blowers who gave testimony about how none of the IRS or Dept. of Justice officials would bring any felony charges against Hunter Biden, even with agreement that crimes were committed when millions of dollars went to the Bidens from Russia, the Ukraine, and China.  They spoke of a two tiered justice system when officials and their families can get away with treasonous crimes, and they do not go to jail.  The Democrats claim Trump is not above the law in their made up crimes, but it is different for the Bidens who really did have real felonies and accepted treasonous donations from your enemies.  Do not be concerned now if nothing is done, because these felons will pay for their crimes at their judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people,  your bank accounts, your food, and your electricity are being threatened by the one world people, the communists, and your Chinese spies.  I love all of My people, and I have been warning you to have three months of food stocked up for a coming famine by the one world people.  But how many people have actually bought food for this time?  If people do not heed My words, some could go hungry.  I will still have mercy on My faithful if you pray to multiply your food in faith.  Be prepared to come to My refuges when you see the digital dollar and the mark of the beast mandated on you.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil one world people are putting their evil plans together as they prepare to bring the Antichrist into full reign over the earth for less than three and one half years.  Have no fear because after My Warning and the six weeks of Conversion, I will call My faithful to My refuges where My angels will protect you and provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have called My refuge builders to set up My refuges as I will be separating the good people from the evil people before I will bring punishment on the earth.  Only My faithful with a cross on their foreheads will be allowed by My angels to enter into My refuges.  Now, all of My believers will have the angels place an invisible cross on their foreheads.  The evil ones, who are not believers, will not be allowed to enter My refuges.  The Antichrist and the demons will  attack all those people who are not protected at a refuge.  Fear not because My refuges will keep the good people safe, but the non-believers could be lost in hell.  To be saved, people need to seek the forgiveness of their sins, and love your Lord in following My Commandments of love.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have given you a message that you will have your reward in My Era of Peace.  You are eighty years old, so you are a good example that you will not die before the coming tribulation.  You will be bi-locating with your wife to give support to all of My refuge people.  My angels will lead you safely through the tribulation.  You will see a great battle of the good people against the evil ones at Armageddon, and this will be My victory over the evil ones.  Trust in My power that is much greater than all of the evil ones put together.  I love My people,  and I will see to your reward in My Era of Peace for enduring this coming tribulation.”